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 intro_blas1Introduction to vector-vector linear algebra (matrix) (LICENSE:PD) subprograms
ARGUMENTS::INTROARGUMENTS collection of command line argument parsers
ARGUMENTS::M_CLI2::INTROM_CLI2 command line argument parsing using a prototype command (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS::M_CLI::INTROM_CLI command line argument parsing using a prototype command and NAMELIST (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS::M_args::INTROM_args - define a NAMELIST in a module template to provide command line argument parsing (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_CLI2get_args return keyword values when parsing command line arguments (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_CLI2get_args_fixed_length return keyword values for fixed-length string when parsing command line (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_CLI2get_args_fixed_size return keyword values for fixed-size array when parsing command line arguments (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_CLI2get_subcommand special-case routine for handling subcommands on a command line (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_CLI2set_args command line argument parsing (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_CLI2set_mode turn on optional modes (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_CLI2set_usage allow setting a short description for keywords for the --usage switch (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_CLI2specified return true if keyword was present on command line (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_CLIcheck_commandline check status from READ of NAMELIST group and process pre-defined options
ARGUMENTS:M_CLIcommandline command line argument parsing (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_CLIprint_dictionary print internal dictionary created by calls to commandline(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_CLIspecified return true if keyword was present on command line (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_argsget_command_arguments_stack return a character array containing all the command line arguments (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_argsget_command_arguments_string return all command arguments as an allocated string (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_argsget_namelist NAMELIST-based command line argument parsing (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_argslongest_command_argument length of longest argument on command line (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_argsprint_dictionary print internal dictionary created by calls to get_namelist(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_getopt::INTROM_getopt parse command line arguments. similar to those in standard C library. (LICENSE:GPL)
ARGUMENTS:M_getopt_long::INTROM_getopt_long parse command line options like Sun getopt_long, including the Sun CLIP specification (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenM_kracken parse command line options of Fortran programs using Unix-like syntax (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackendget given keyword fetch doubleprecision value from command argument (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackendgets given keyword fetch doubleprecision array from command arguments (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackendissect convenient call to parse() - define defaults, then process (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackeniget given keyword fetch integer value from command argument (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenigets given keyword fetch integer array from command arguments (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenkracken crack command line options on Fortran programs, using "-KEYWORD VALUE" syntax (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenlget given keyword fetch logical value from command arguments (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenlgets given keyword fetch logical array from command argument (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenparse parse user command and store tokens into Language Dictionary (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenretrev get keyword value as a string from a command's argument list processed by kracken(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenrget given keyword fetch real value from command argument (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenrgets given keyword fetch real array from command arguments (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackensetprompts set explicit prompts for keywords in interactive mode (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackensget given keyword fetch string value and length from command arguments (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackensgets given keyword fetch string value parsed on whitespace into an array (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenshow dump dictionary entries (LICENSE:PD)
ARGUMENTS:M_krackenstore add or replace value for specified name in dictionary(if allow='add' add name if needed) (LICENSE:PD)
ARRAY:CONSTRUCTIONmerge Merge variables
ARRAY:CONSTRUCTIONpack Pack an array into an array of rank one
ARRAY:CONSTRUCTIONspread Add a dimension and replicate data
ARRAY:CONSTRUCTIONunpack Scatter the elements of a vector into an array using a mask
ARRAY:INQUIRYallocated Allocation status of an allocatable entity
ARRAY:INQUIRYis_contiguous Test if object is contiguous
ARRAY:INQUIRYlbound Lower dimension bounds of an array
ARRAY:INQUIRYrank Rank of a data object
ARRAY:INQUIRYshape Determine the shape of an array or scalar
ARRAY:INQUIRYsize Determine the size of an array or extent of one dimension
ARRAY:INQUIRYubound Upper dimension bounds of an array
ARRAY:LOCATIONfindloc Location of first element of ARRAY identified by MASK along dimension DIM matching a target value
ARRAY:LOCATIONmaxloc Location of the maximum value within an array
ARRAY:LOCATIONminloc Location of the minimum value within an array
ARRAY:MANIPULATIONtranspose Transpose an array of rank two
ARRAY:REDUCTIONall Determines if all the values are true
ARRAY:REDUCTIONany Determines if any of the values in the logical array are .true.
ARRAY:REDUCTIONcount Count true values in an array
ARRAY:REDUCTIONmaxval Determines the maximum value in an array or row
ARRAY:REDUCTIONminval Minimum value of an array
ARRAY:REDUCTIONparity Array reduction by .NEQV. operation
ARRAY:REDUCTIONproduct Product of array elements
ARRAY:REDUCTIONsum Sum the elements of an array
ARRAY:RESHAPEreshape Function to reshape an array
ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATIONatomic_and Atomic bitwise AND operation
ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATIONatomic_fetch_and Atomic bitwise AND operation with prior fetch
ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATIONatomic_fetch_or Atomic bitwise OR operation with prior fetch
ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATIONatomic_fetch_xor Atomic bitwise XOR operation with prior fetch
ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATIONatomic_or Atomic bitwise OR operation
ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATIONatomic_xor Atomic bitwise OR operation
ATOMICatomic_add Atomic ADD operation
ATOMICatomic_cas Atomic compare and swap
ATOMICatomic_define Setting a variable atomically
ATOMICatomic_fetch_add Atomic ADD operation with prior fetch
ATOMICatomic_ref Obtaining the value of a variable atomically
BIT:COMPAREbge Bitwise greater than or equal to
BIT:COMPAREbgt Bitwise greater than
BIT:COMPAREble Bitwise less than or equal to
BIT:COMPAREblt Bitwise less than
BIT:COPYdshiftl Combined left shift of the bits of two integers
BIT:COPYdshiftr Combined right shift of the bits of two integers
BIT:COPYibits Extraction of a subset of bits
BIT:COPYmerge_bits Merge bits using a mask
BIT:COPYmvbits Reproduce bit patterns found in one integer in another
BIT:COUNTleadz Number of leading zero bits of an integer
BIT:COUNTpopcnt Number of bits set
BIT:COUNTpoppar Parity of the number of bits set
BIT:COUNTtrailz Number of trailing zero bits of an integer
BIT:INQUIRYbit_size Bit size inquiry function
BIT:INQUIRYbtest Tests a bit of an integer value.
BIT:INQUIRYstorage_size Storage size in bits
BIT:LOGICALiall Bitwise and of array elements
BIT:LOGICALiand Bitwise logical AND
BIT:LOGICALiany Bitwise OR of array elements
BIT:LOGICALieor Bitwise exclusive OR
BIT:LOGICALior Bitwise logical inclusive OR
BIT:LOGICALiparity Bitwise exclusive OR of array elements
BIT:LOGICALnot Logical negation; flips all bits in an integer
BIT:SETibclr Clear a bit
BIT:SETibset Set a bit to one in an integer value
BIT:SETmaskl Generates a left justified mask
BIT:SETmaskr Generates a right-justified mask
BIT:SHIFTishft Logical shift of bits in an integer
BIT:SHIFTishftc Shift rightmost bits circularly, AKA. a logical shift
BIT:SHIFTshifta Right shift with fill
BIT:SHIFTshiftl Shift bits left
BIT:SHIFTshiftr Shift bits right
BLAS:AUX_BLASicamax Return index of maximum "absolute value" in CX.
BLAS:AUX_BLASisamax Return index of maximum absolute value in SX.
BLAS:AUX_BLASlsame compare two letters ignoring case
BLAS:AUX_BLASxerbla error handler routine for the BLAS/LAPACK routines
BLAS:AUX_BLASxerbla_array call XERBLA(3f) with an array of characters instead of a string
BLAS:COMPLEX16_BLAS_LEVEL1zaxpy ZY := ZY+ZA*ZX complex constant times a complex vector plus a complex vector.
BLAS:COMPLEX16_BLAS_LEVEL1zrotg constructs a plane rotation
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL1caxpy CY:=CY+CA*CX (constant times a vector plus a vector)
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL1ccopy CY:=CX (copies elements of a vector x to a vector y)
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL1cdotc CDOTC := SUM CONJUGATE(CX) * CY (conjugated vector dot product)
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL1cdotu CDOTU := SUM CX * CY (unconjugated vector dot product)
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL1cscal scales a vector by a constant. CX:=CA*CX (complex multiplier)
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL1csrot Applies a real Given's rotation to complex vectors.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL1csscal CSSCAL scales a complex vector by a real constant. CX:=SA*CX (real multiplier).
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL1cswap Interchange vectors CX and CY.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL2cgbmv CY := alpha*A*CX + beta*CY; ==> A is a rectangular band matrix).
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL2cgemv CY := alpha*A*CX + beta*CY; ==> A a rectangular matrix.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL2cgerc A := A + alpha*CX*CONJUGATE-TRANSPOSE(CY); ==> A is a rectangular matrix.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL2cgeru A := A + alpha*CX*TRANSPOSE(CY); ==> A is a rectangular matrix.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL2chbmv CY := alpha*A*CX + beta*CY; ==> A a (square) hermitian band matrix.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL2chemv CY := alpha*A*CX + beta*CY; ==> A a (square) hermitian matrix.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL2cher A := A + alpha*CX*CONJUGATE-TRANSPOSE(CX); ==> A a (square) hermitian matrix. (performs the hermitian rank 1 operation)
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL2cher2 A := A + alpha*CX*CONJUGATE-TRANSPOSE(CY)n + CONJUGATE(alpha)*CY*CONJUGATE-TRANSPOSE(CX); ==> n A a (square) hermitian matrix. (performs the hermitian rank 2 operation)
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL2chpmv CY := alpha*A*CX + beta*CY, A a (square) hermitian packed matrix.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL2chpr performs the hermitian rank 1 operation A := A + alpha*CX*CONJUGATE-TRANSPOSE(CX), a a (square) hermitian packed.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL2chpr2 performs the hermitian rank 2 operation A := A + alpha*CX*CONJUGATE-TRANSPOSE(CY)n + CONJUGATE(ALPHA)*CY*CONJUGATE-TRANSPOSE(CX), n A a (square) hermitian packed matrix.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL2ctbmv CX := A*CX, A is a triangular band matrix.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL2ctbsv CX := INVERSE(A)*CX, where A is a triangular band matrix.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL2ctpmv CX := A*CX, A is a packed triangular band matrix.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL2ctpsv CX := INVERSE(A)*CX, where A is a packed triangular band matrix.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL2ctrmv CX := A*CX, A is a triangular matrix.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL2ctrsv CX := INVERSE(A)*CX, where A is a triangular matrix.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL3cgemm C:=alpha*A*B+beta*C; ==> A, B, C rectangular.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL3chemm C:=alpha*A*TRANSPOSE(A)+beta*C; ==> A hermitian, B, C rectangular.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL3cher2k C:=alpha*A*TRANSPOSE(B)+alpha*B*TRANSPOSE(A)+beta*C; ==> C hermitian. (performs one of the hermitian rank 2k operations)
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL3cherk performs one of the hermitian rank k operations C:=alpha*A*TRANSPOSE(A)+beta*C, C hermitian.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL3csymm C:=alpha*A*B+beta*C, A symmetric, B, C rectangular.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL3csyr2k C:=alpha*A*TRANSPOSE(B)+alpha*B*TRANSPOSE(A)+beta*C, C symmetric.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL3csyrk C:=alpha*A*TRANSPOSE(A)+beta*C, C symmetric.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL3ctrmm B:=A*B or B:=B*A, A triangular, B rectangular.
BLAS:COMPLEX_BLAS_LEVEL3ctrsm B:=INVERSE(A)*C or B:=C*INVERSE(A), B, C rectangular, A triangular.
BLAS:DOUBLE_BLAS_LEVEL1dasum takes the sum of the absolute values.
BLAS:DOUBLE_BLAS_LEVEL1daxpy constant times a vector plus a vector.
BLAS:DOUBLE_BLAS_LEVEL1dcabs1 DCABS1 computes |Re(.)| + |Im(.)| of a double complex number
BLAS:DOUBLE_BLAS_LEVEL1dcopy copies elements of a vector, x, to a vector, y.
BLAS:DOUBLE_BLAS_LEVEL1ddot forms the dot product of two vectors.
BLAS:DOUBLE_BLAS_LEVEL1dscal scales a vector by a constant.
BLAS:DOUBLE_BLAS_LEVEL1dswap interchanges two vectors.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL1crotg Generate a hermitian Given's rotation.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL1dnrm2 returns the euclidean norm of a vector via the function name
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL1drot DROT applies a plane rotation.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL1drotg constructs a plane rotation
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL1drotm Apply the Modified Givens Transformation, H, to the 2 by N matrix
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL1sasum SASUM:=sum of absolute values of SX.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL1saxpy SY:=SY+SA*SX (constant times a vector plus a vector)
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL1scnrm2 SCNRM2:= square root of sum of magnitudes of entries of CX.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL1sdot SDOT := SUM SX * SY (vector dot product)
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL1sdsdot Compute the inner product of two vectors with extended precision accumulation. SDSDOT := SUM SX * SY (accumulated double precision, returned single)
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL1snrm2 SNRM2 := square root of sum of SX(I)**2
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL1srot Apply Given's rotation.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL1srotg Generate Given's rotation.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL1srotm Apply a modified Given's rotation.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL1srotmg Generate a modified Given's rotation.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL1sswap Interchange vectors SX and SY.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL2sgbmv SY:=alpha*A*SX+beta*SY, A a band matrix.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL2sgemv SY:=alpha*A*SX+beta*SY, A a rectangular matrix.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL2sger A:=A+alpha*SX*TRANSPOSE(SY), rank 1 update, A a rectangular matrix.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL2ssbmv SY:=alpha*A*SX+beta*SY, A a symmetric band matrix.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL2sspmv SY:=alpha*A*SX+beta*SY, A a packed symmetric matrix.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL2sspr A:=A+alpha*SX*TRANSPOSE(SX), A a packed symmetric matrix.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL2sspr2 A:=A+alpha*SX*TRANSPOSE(SY)+alpha*SY*TRANSPOSE(SX), A packed symmetric.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL2ssymv SY:=alpha*A*SX+beta*SY, A a symmetric matrix.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL2ssyr A:=A+alpha*SX*TRANSPOSE(SX), A a symmetric matrix.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL2stbmv SX:=A*SX, A a triangular band matrix.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL2stbsv SX:=INVERSE(A)*SX, A a triangular band matrix.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL2stpmv SX:=A*SX, A a packed symmetric matrix.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL2stpsv SX:=INVERSE(A)*SX, A a packed symmetric matrix.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL2strmv SX:=A*SX, A a triangular matrix.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL2strsv SX:=INVERSE(A)*SX, A a triangular matrix.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL3sgemm C:=alpha*A*B+beta*C, A, B, C rectangular.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL3ssymm C:=alpha*A*B+beta*C, A symmetric, B, C rectangular.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL3ssyr2k C:=alpha*A*TRANSPOSE(B)+alpha*B*TRANSPOSE(A)+beta*C, C symmetric.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL3ssyrk C:=alpha*A*TRANSPOSE(A)+beta*C, C symmetric.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL3strmm B:=A*B or B:=B*A, A triangular, B rectangular.
BLAS:SINGLE_BLAS_LEVEL3strsm B:=INVERSE(A)*C or B:=C*INVERSE(A), B, C rectangular, A triangular.
CHARACTER:COMPARElge ASCII Lexical greater than or equal
CHARACTER:COMPARElgt ASCII Lexical greater than
CHARACTER:COMPARElle ASCII Lexical less than or equal
CHARACTER:COMPAREllt ASCII Lexical less than
CHARACTER:CONVERSIONachar Returns a character in a specified position in the ASCII collating sequence
CHARACTER:CONVERSIONiachar Return integer ASCII code of a character
CHARACTER:CONVERSIONichar Character-to-integer code conversion function
CHARACTER:INQUIRYnew_line Newline character
CHARACTER:SEARCHindex Position of a substring within a string
CHARACTER:SEARCHscan Scan a string for the presence of a set of characters
CHARACTER:SEARCHverify Position of a character in a string of characters that does not appear in a given set of characters.
CHARACTER:WHITESPACEadjustl Left-justified a string
CHARACTER:WHITESPACEadjustr Right-justify a string
CHARACTER:WHITESPACElen_trim Character length without trailing blank characters
CHARACTER:WHITESPACEtrim Remove trailing blank characters from a string
CHARACTERchar Generate a character from a code value
CHARACTERlen Length of a character entity
CHARACTERrepeat Repeated string concatenation
COLLECTIVEco_broadcast Copy a value to all images the current set of images
COLLECTIVEco_lbound Lower codimension bounds of an array
COLLECTIVEco_max Maximal value on the current set of images
COLLECTIVEco_min Minimal value on the current set of images
COLLECTIVEco_reduce Reduction of values on the current set of images
COLLECTIVEco_sum Sum of values on the current set of images
COLLECTIVEco_ubound Upper codimension bounds of an array
COLLECTIVEevent_query Query whether a coarray event has occurred
COLLECTIVEimage_index Cosubscript to image index conversion
COLLECTIVElcobound Lower codimension bounds of an array
COLLECTIVEnum_images Number of images
COLLECTIVEthis_image Cosubscript index of this image
COLLECTIVEucobound Upper codimension bounds of an array
COMPILER:INQUIRYcompiler_options Options passed to the compiler
COMPILER:INQUIRYcompiler_version Compiler version string
ISO_C_BINDINGc_associated Status of a C pointer
ISO_C_BINDINGc_f_pointer Convert C into Fortran pointer
ISO_C_BINDINGc_f_procpointer Convert C into Fortran procedure pointer
ISO_C_BINDINGc_funloc Obtain the C address of a procedure
ISO_C_BINDINGc_loc Obtain the C address of an object
ISO_C_BINDINGc_sizeof Size in bytes of an expression
KIND:INQUIRYkind Query kind of an entity
KINDselected_char_kind Select character kind such as "Unicode"
KINDselected_int_kind Choose integer kind
KINDselected_real_kind Choose real kind
MATHEMATICS:RANDOMrandom_init Initializes the state of the pseudorandom number generator
MATHEMATICS:RANDOMrandom_number Pseudo-random number
MATHEMATICS:RANDOMrandom_seed Initialize a pseudo-random number sequence
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRICacos Arccosine (inverse cosine) function
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRICacosh Inverse hyperbolic cosine function
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRICasinh Inverse hyperbolic sine function
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRICatan Arctangent AKA inverse tangent function
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRICatan2 Arctangent (inverse tangent) function
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRICatanh Inverse hyperbolic tangent function
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRICcosh Hyperbolic cosine function
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRICsinh Hyperbolic sine function
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRICtanh Hyperbolic tangent function
MATHEMATICSbessel_j0 Bessel function of the first kind of order 0
MATHEMATICSbessel_j1 Bessel function of the first kind of order 1
MATHEMATICSbessel_jn Bessel function of the first kind
MATHEMATICSbessel_y0 Bessel function of the second kind of order 0
MATHEMATICSbessel_y1 Bessel function of the second kind of order 1
MATHEMATICSbessel_yn Bessel function of the second kind
MATHEMATICSerf Error function
MATHEMATICSerfc Complementary error function
MATHEMATICSerfc_scaled Scaled complementary error function
MATHEMATICSexp Base-e exponential function
MATHEMATICSgamma Gamma function, which yields factorials for positive whole numbers
MATHEMATICShypot Returns the Euclidean distance - the distance between a point and the origin.
MATHEMATICSlog Natural logarithm
MATHEMATICSlog10 Base 10 or common logarithm
MATHEMATICSlog_gamma Logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma function
MATHEMATICSnorm2 Euclidean vector norm
MATHEMATICSsqrt Square-root function
MEMORYmove_alloc Move allocation from one object to another
MODEL_COMPONENTSexponent Exponent of floating-point number
MODEL_COMPONENTSfraction Fractional part of the model representation
MODEL_COMPONENTSnearest Nearest representable number
MODEL_COMPONENTSrrspacing Reciprocal of the relative spacing of a numeric type
MODEL_COMPONENTSscale Scale a real value by a whole power of the radix
MODEL_COMPONENTSset_exponent real value with specified exponent
MODEL_COMPONENTSspacing Smallest distance between two numbers of a given type
M_Compare_Float_Numbers::INTROM_Compare_Float_Numbers perform relational comparisons on real numbers (LICENSE:GPL)
M_LAelementcopy copy elements from IN to OUT regardless of rank until hit end of one of them
M_LAlinspace return a vector of linearly spaced values
M_LAmat_magic create an N x N magic square array, N>2
M_LAwgedi computes the determinant and inverse of a matrix using the factors computed by WGECO(3f) or WGEFA(3f).
M_MATCHM_match Basic Regular Expressions (LICENSE:PD)
M_MATCHamatch look for pattern matching regular expression; returns its location (LICENSE:PD)
M_MATCHerror print message and stop program execution (LICENSE:PD)
M_MATCHgetpat convert str into pattern (LICENSE:PD)
M_MATCHmakpat make pattern from arg(from), terminate on delim (LICENSE:PD)
M_MATCHmatch find match to a basic regular expression anywhere on input string (LICENSE:PD)
M_anything::INTROM_anything procedures that use polymorphism to allow arguments of different types generically (LICENSE:MIT)
M_anythinganyinteger_to_string convert integer of any kind to a string (LICENSE:MIT)
M_anythinganyscalar_to_double convert integer or real parameter of any kind to doubleprecision (LICENSE:MIT)
M_anythinganyscalar_to_int64 convert intrinsic scalar types to integer(kind=int64) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_anythinganyscalar_to_real convert integer or real parameter of any kind to real (LICENSE:MIT)
M_anythinganyscalar_to_real128 convert integer or real parameter of any kind to real128 (LICENSE:MIT)
M_anythinganyscalar_to_string converts up to twenty standard scalar type values to a string (LICENSE:MIT)
M_anythinganything_to_bytes convert standard types to bytes (character(len=1):: array(:)) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_anythingbytes_to_anything convert bytes(character)len=1):: array(:)) to standard types (LICENSE:MIT)
M_anythingempty set an allocatable array to zero (LICENSE:MIT)
M_anythingget_type return array of strings containing type names of arguments (LICENSE:MIT)
M_attr::INTROM_attr control text attributes on terminals (LICENSE:MIT)
M_attralert print messages using a standard format including time and program name (LICENSE:MIT)
M_attrattr substitute escape sequences for HTML-like syntax in strings (LICENSE:MIT)
M_attrattr_mode select processing mode for output from attr(3f) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_attrattr_update update internal dictionary given keyword and value (LICENSE:MIT)
M_bessel::INTRObes calculate Bessel functions J(X), Y(X), I(X), K(X) for doubleprecision arguments and integer orders
M_besselbesi compute the I Bessel function for a given argument and order
M_besselbesj compute the J Bessel function for a given argument and order
M_besselbesj0 calculates the Bessel function J(X) of order zero.
M_besselbesj1 calculates the Bessel function J(X) of order one.
M_besselbesk compute the K Bessel function for a given argument and order
M_besselbesy compute the Y Bessel function for a given argument and order
M_besselbesy0 calculates the Bessel function Y(X) of order zero.
M_big_integerM_big_integer define new data type BIG_INTEGER and operators
M_calcomp::INTROM_calcomp emulate old Calcomp graphics library (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicaxis draw linear axis with numeric scale and axis label (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicfactor rescale entire plot (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicline plot a polyline with optional rescaling (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicnewpen select new pen color and move to origin (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicnframe start new frame (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicnumber plots a floating-point number (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicplot move with pen up or down or start new origin or terminate plotting (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicplots initialize the CALCOMP package (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicscale calculate scaling factors for producing XY plots with LINE(3f) and AXIS(3f) routines (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicsymbol draw text string or marker (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicwhere return current position and current plot-scaling factor (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:basicwidth select pen width (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:generalcircl draws an arc or spiral (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:generaldashl draws a polyline with dashed lines (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:generaldashp draw from current position to new point with dashed line (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:generalelips draw an elliptical arc (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:generalfit draws a semi-hyperbolic curve through three points (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:generalgrid draws a linear grid (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:generalpoly draw an equilateral polygon (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:generalrect draw a rectangle (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:scientificcntour draw a contour plot (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:scientificcurvx plots a function of X over a given range (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:scientificcurvy plots a function of Y over a given range (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:scientificfline plot a polyline with optional fit (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:scientificlgaxs draw logarithmic axis (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:scientificlglin draw polyline in log-log or semi-log mode (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:scientificpolar plot radial values versus angular variables (as polar coordinates) (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:scientificscalg determine scale factors for a logarithmic scale (LICENSE:PD)
M_calcomp:scientificsmoot draw a polyline using modified spline-fitting technique (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculator::INTROM_calculator module of routines for parsing expressions and returning values (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorM_calculator_programmer_notes Programmer notes for module M_calculator (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorcalculator parse calculator expression and return numeric or string values (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatordnum0 return double precision value from string expression using calculator(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorexpression return value from a string expression processing messages to simplify call to CALCULATOR(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorgetvalue given numeric variable name return doubleprecision value directly from calculator dictionary for efficiency (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorigetvalue given numeric variable name return integer value directly from calculator dictionary for efficiency (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorinum0 return integer value from calculator expression (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorrgetvalue given numeric variable name return real value directly from calculator dictionary for efficiency (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorrnum0 returns real number from string expression using CALCULATOR(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorsnum0 resolve a calculator expression into a string(return blank on errors) (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorstrgar2 read a string into a real array USING CALCULATOR, allowing quoted strings in arguments, (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorstrgarr read a string into an array using CALCULATOR(3f) calculator (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorstuff directly store value into calculator dictionary for efficiency (LICENSE:PD)
M_calculatorstuffa directly store a string into calculator variable name table (LICENSE:PD)
M_colorclosest_color_name returns the closest name for the given RGB values. (LICENSE:PD)
M_colorcolor_name2rgb returns the RGB values in the range 0 to 100 for a given known color name. (LICENSE:PD)
M_colorhue converts a color's components from one color model to another. (LICENSE:PD)
M_colorrgbmono converts RGB colors to a reasonable grayscale intensity (LICENSE:PD)
M_constants:INTROM_constants Useful constants
M_contourplotcontourlines calculate contour lines from ungridded data f(x, y) and call user-supplied routine with results
M_csvM_csv Comma-separated values
M_csvcsv prints up to 20 standard scalar types to a string in CSV style (LICENSE:PD)
M_csvcsv_write prints intrinsic type to a file assigned to LUN CSV_LUN (LICENSE:PD)
M_datapac:ANALYSISfourie perform a Fourier analysis of a data set
M_datapac:ANALYSISnorout Performs a normal outlier analysis on the data in the input vector X.
M_datapac:ANALYSISruns perform a runs test
M_datapac:ANALYSIStail performs a symmetric distribution tail length analysis
M_datapac:ANALYSIStime perform a time series analysis (autocorrelation plot, a test for white noise, a "pilot" spectrum, and 4 other estimated spectra based on differing bandwidth)
M_datapac:ANALYSISweib perform a Weibull distribution analysis (Weibull PPCC analysis)
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONbincdf compute the binomial cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONcaucdf compute the Cauchy cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONchscdf compute the chi-square cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONdexcdf compute the double exponential cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONev1cdf compute the extreme value type 1 (Gumbel) cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONev2cdf compute the extreme value type 2 (Frechet) cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONexpcdf compute the exponential cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONfcdf compute the F cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONgamcdf compute the gamma cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONgeocdf compute the geometric cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONhfncdf compute the half-normal cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONlamcdf compute the Tukey-Lambda cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONlgncdf compute the lognormal cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONlogcdf compute the logistic cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONnbcdf compute the negative binomial cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONnorcdf compute the normal cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONparcdf compute the Pareto cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONpoicdf compute the Poisson cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONtcdf computes the cumulative distribution function value for student's t distribution with integer degrees of freedom NU.
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONunicdf trivially compute the Uniform cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTIONweicdf compute the Weibull cumulative distribution function
M_datapac:GENERIC_LINE_PLOTplot yields a one-page printer plot of Y(I) versus X(I)
M_datapac:GENERIC_LINE_PLOTplot10 generate a line printer plot with special plot characters
M_datapac:GENERIC_LINE_PLOTplot6 generate a line printer plot
M_datapac:GENERIC_LINE_PLOTplot7 generate a line printer plot with special plot characters
M_datapac:GENERIC_LINE_PLOTplot8 generate a line printer plot with special plot characters
M_datapac:GENERIC_LINE_PLOTplot9 generate a line printer plot with special plot characters
M_datapac:GENERIC_LINE_PLOTplotc generate a line printer plot with special plot characters
M_datapac:GENERIC_LINE_PLOTplotco generate a line printer autocorrelation plot
M_datapac:GENERIC_LINE_PLOTplotct generate a line printer plot for the terminal (71 characters wide)
M_datapac:GENERIC_LINE_PLOTplots generate a line printer plot of Y vs X
M_datapac:GENERIC_LINE_PLOTplotsc generate a line printer plot with special plot characters
M_datapac:GENERIC_LINE_PLOTplotst generate a line printer plot of Y vs X for the terminal (71 characters wide)
M_datapac:GENERIC_LINE_PLOTplott generate a line printer plot of Y vs X for the terminal (71 characters wide)
M_datapac:GENERIC_LINE_PLOTplotu generate a line printer 4-plot
M_datapac:GENERIC_LINE_PLOTplotx generate a line printer run sequence plot
M_datapac:GENERIC_LINE_PLOTpltsct generate a line printer plot with special plot characters for the terminal (71 characters wide)
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTcauplt generate a Cauchy probability plot
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTchsplt generate a Chi-square probability plot
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTdexplt generate a double exponential probability plot
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTev1plt generate a extreme value type 1 (Gumbel) probability plot
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTev2plt generate a extreme value type 2 (Frechet) probability plot
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTexpplt generate a exponential probability plot
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTgamplt generate a gamma probability plot
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTgeoplt generate a geometric probability plot
M_datapac:LINE_PLOThfnplt generate a half-normal probability plot
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTlamplt generate a Tukey-Lambda probability plot
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTlgnplt generates a lognormal probability plot
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTlogplt generate a logistic probability plot
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTnorplt generate a normal probability plot
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTparplt generate a Pareto probability plot
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTplotsp generate a line printer spectrum plot
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTplotxt generate a line printer run sequence plot for the terminal (71 characters wide)
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTplotxx generate a line printer lag plot
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTpltxxt generate a line printer lag plot for the terminal (71 characters wide)
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTpoiplt generate a Poisson probability plot (line printer graph)
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTtplt generates a Student's T probability plot (with integer degrees of freedom parameter value NU).
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTuniplt generate a Uniform probability plot (line printer graph)
M_datapac:LINE_PLOTweiplt generate a Weibull probability plot (line printer graph)
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTbinppf compute the binomial percent point function
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTcauppf compute the Cauchy percent point function
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTchsppf compute the chi-square percent point function
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTdexppf compute the double exponential percent point function
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTev1ppf compute the extreme value type 1 (Gumbel) percent point function
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTev2ppf compute the extreme value type 2 (Frechet) percent point function
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTexpppf compute the exponential percent point function
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTgamppf compute the gamma percent point function
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTgeoppf compute the geometric percent point function
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINThfnppf compute the half-normal percent point function
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTlamppf compute the Tukey-Lambda percent point function
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTlgnppf compute the lognormal percent point function
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTlogppf compute the logistic percent point function
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTnbppf compute the negative binomial percent point function
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTnorppf compute the normal percent point function
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTparppf compute the Pareto percent point function
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTpoippf compute the Poisson percent point function
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTsampp compute the sample 100P percent point (i.e., percentile)
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTtppf computes the percent point function value for the student's T distribution
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTunippf compute the Uniform percent point function
M_datapac:PERCENT_POINTweippf compute the Weibull percent point function
M_datapac:PROBABILITY_DENSITYcaupdf compute the Cauchy probability density function
M_datapac:PROBABILITY_DENSITYdexpdf compute the double exponential probability density function
M_datapac:PROBABILITY_DENSITYexppdf compute the exponential probability density function
M_datapac:PROBABILITY_DENSITYlampdf compute the Tukey-Lambda probability density function
M_datapac:PROBABILITY_DENSITYlogpdf compute the logistic probability density function
M_datapac:PROBABILITY_DENSITYnorpdf compute the normal probability density function
M_datapac:PROBABILITY_DENSITYunipdf trivially compute the Uniform probability density function
M_datapac:RANDOMbetran generate beta random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMbinran generate binomial random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMcauran generate Cauchy random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMchsran generate chi-square random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMdexran generate double exponential random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMev1ran generate extreme value type 1 (Gumbel) random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMev2ran generate extreme value type 2 (Frechet) random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMexpran generate exponential random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMfran generate F random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMgamran generate gamma random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMgeoran generate geometric random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMhfnran generate half-normal random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMlamran generate Tukey-Lambda random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMlgnran generate lognormal random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMlogran generate logistic random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMnbran generate negative binomial random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMnorran generate normal random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMparran generate Pareto random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMpoiran generate Poisson random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMranper generates a random permutation
M_datapac:RANDOMtran a random sample of size n from the Student's t distribution with integer degrees of freedom parameter NU.
M_datapac:RANDOMuniran generate Uniform random numbers
M_datapac:RANDOMweiran generate Weibull random numbers
M_datapac:SORTrank rank a vector of sample observations
M_datapac:SORTsort sort a vector of sample observations, also return the positions in the original vector
M_datapac:SORTsortc sort a vector of sample observations and "carry" a second vector
M_datapac:SORTsortp sorts and ranks a numeric vector X
M_datapac:SPARSITYcausf compute the Cauchy sparsity function
M_datapac:SPARSITYdexsf compute the double exponential sparsity function
M_datapac:SPARSITYexpsf compute the exponential sparsity function
M_datapac:SPARSITYlamsf compute the Tukey-Lambda sparsity function
M_datapac:SPARSITYlogsf compute the logistic sparsity function
M_datapac:SPARSITYnorsf compute the normal sparsity function
M_datapac:SPARSITYunisf compute the Uniform sparsity function
M_datapac:STATISTICSautoco compute the sample autocorrelation coefficient
M_datapac:STATISTICScorr compute the sample correlation coefficient
M_datapac:STATISTICScount compute the number of observations between a minimum and a maximum value
M_datapac:STATISTICSdemod perform a complex demodulation
M_datapac:STATISTICSdiscr2 bin the elements of a vector (output vector contains class midpoints)
M_datapac:STATISTICSdiscr3 bin the elements of a vector (output vector contains 1's, 2's, 3's, and so on)
M_datapac:STATISTICSdiscre bin the elements of a vector (like DISCR2, but allows specification of min and max class limits)
M_datapac:STATISTICSextrem determine whether a type 1 or type 2 extreme value distribution better fits a given data set
M_datapac:STATISTICSfreq compute the sample frequency and cumulative sample frequency of a vector
M_datapac:STATISTICShist generates histograms based on two different class widths
M_datapac:STATISTICSloc print the sample mean, midrange, midmean, and median
M_datapac:STATISTICSmean compute the sample mean of a data vector
M_datapac:STATISTICSmedian compute the median of a data vector
M_datapac:STATISTICSmidm compute the midmean of a data vector
M_datapac:STATISTICSmidr compute the midrange of a data vector
M_datapac:STATISTICSmin compute the minimum of a data vector
M_datapac:STATISTICSpropor compute the sample proportion
M_datapac:STATISTICSrange compute the sample range
M_datapac:STATISTICSrelsd compute the relative standard deviation of a vector of observations
M_datapac:STATISTICSscale compute the sample range, sample standard deviation, sample relative standard deviation, and sample variance
M_datapac:STATISTICSsd compute the standard deviation of a vector of observations
M_datapac:STATISTICSspcorr compute the sample Spearman rank correlation coefficient between two vectors of observations
M_datapac:STATISTICSstmom3 compute the third central moment (i.e., the skewness) of a vector of observations
M_datapac:STATISTICSstmom4 compute the fourth central moment (i.e., the kurtosis) of a vector of observations
M_datapac:STATISTICStol compute normal and distribution-free tolerance limits
M_datapac:STATISTICStrim computes the sample trimmed mean of the data in the input vector X.
M_datapac:STATISTICSunimed generates the N order statistic medians from the uniform (rectangular) distribution on the unit interval (0, 1).
M_datapac:STATISTICSvar compute the sample variance of a vector of observations
M_datapac:STATISTICSwind compute the sample Winsorized mean of a vector of observations
M_datapac:VECTOR_OPERATIONScode code the elements of a vector (1 for the minimum, 2 for the next larger value, and so on)
M_datapac:VECTOR_OPERATIONcopy copy the elements of one vector into another vector
M_datapac:VECTOR_OPERATIONdefine set all elements of a vector equal to a specified constant
M_datapac:VECTOR_OPERATIONdelete delete all elements of a vector within some specified interval
M_datapac:VECTOR_OPERATIONdot compute a dot product of two vectors
M_datapac:VECTOR_OPERATIONmax MAX compute the maximum of a data vector
M_datapac:VECTOR_OPERATIONmove move selected elements of one vector into another vector
M_datapac:VECTOR_OPERATIONreplac replace all observations in a vector within a given interval with a user-specified constant
M_datapac:VECTOR_OPERATIONretain retain all observations in a vector within a user-specified interval
M_datapac:VECTOR_OPERATIONsubse1 extract the elements of a vector which fall into a user-specified subset (one subset variable)
M_datapac:VECTOR_OPERATIONsubse2 extract the elements of a vector which fall into a user-specified subset (two subset variables)
M_datapac:VECTOR_OPERATIONsubset extract the elements of a vector which fall into a user-specified subset (one subset variable)
M_displayM_display module for pretty-printing matrices
M_displaydisp pretty-print a matrix
M_displaydisp_get return default settings in a structure of DISP(3f) settings
M_displaydisp_set set default options for disp(3f)
M_displaydisp_set_factory set DISP(3f) output back to original defaults
M_displaytostring change numbers to a string
M_displaytostring_set set modes for TOSTRING(3f)
M_displaytostring_set_factory set TOSTRING(3f) output back to original defaults
M_draw::INTROM_draw The M_draw graphics library (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:ARCSarc Draw an arc in world units. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:ARCScircle Draw a circle. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:ARCScircleprecision Set number of line segments used to approximate a circle (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:ARCSsector Draw a sector. Note: sectors are polygons. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:ASPECTgetaspect Returns the ratio height over width of the display device. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:ASPECTgetdisplaysize Returns width and height of device in device units (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:ASPECTgetfactors Returns width over min(width of device, height of device) and height over min(width of device, height of device). (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:ATTRIBUTE_STACKpopattributes Restore attributes to what they were at last pushattributes(). (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:ATTRIBUTE_STACKpushattributes Save the current attributes on the attribute stack. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:CLIPPINGclipping Turn clipping on or off (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:COLORclear Clears screen to current color (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:COLORcolor Set current color (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:COLORmapcolor set a color index using RGB values (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:CURVEcurve Draw a curve. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:CURVEcurvebasis Define a basis matrix for a curve. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:CURVEcurven Draw n-3 overlapping curve segments. Note: n must be at least 4. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:CURVEcurveprecision Define number of line segments used to draw a curve. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:CURVErcurve Draw a rational curve. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DEVICEgetdepth Return number of bit planes (color planes) (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DEVICEpopdev pop device from stack created by pushdev. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DEVICEpushdev push current device onto a stack (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DEVICEvexit Reset window/terminal and exit graphics mode. Must be last routine called. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DEVICEvgetdev Get name of current device (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DEVICEvinit Initialise device (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DEVICEvnewdev Reinitialize to use new device without changing (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DEVICEvoutput Redirect output from *next* vinit to file (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DOUBLE_BUFFERINGbackbuffer Draw in the backbuffer. Returns -1 if the device is not up to it. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DOUBLE_BUFFERINGfrontbuffer Draw in the front buffer. This will always work. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DOUBLE_BUFFERINGswapbuffers Swap the front and back buffers. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DRAWdraw Draw from current graphics position to (x, y, z) (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DRAWdraw2 Draw from current graphics position to given point (x, y) (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DRAWrdraw Relative draw (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DRAWrdraw2 Relative draw from current position to given point (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DRAWrsdraw2 Relative draw in screen units (-1.0 to 1.0). (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:DRAWsdraw2 Draw in screen coordinates (-1.0 to 1.0). (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:FLUSHINGvflush Call device flush or syncronisation routine (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:FLUSHINGvsetflush Set global flushing status (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:INTERACTIVEcheckkey Returns zero if no key is pressed or ASCII ordinal (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:INTERACTIVEgetkey Return ASCII ordinal of next key typed (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:INTERACTIVEgetstring Read in a string, echoing it in current font (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:INTERACTIVElocator Find out where cursor is (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:INTERACTIVEslocator Find out where cursor is in screen coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:LINESTYLEdashcode set dash pattern length (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:LINESTYLElinestyle set the line dash pattern (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:LINESTYLElinewidth set line width in rasters (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:MATRIX_STACKpopmatrix Reinstall the last matrix pushed (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:MATRIX_STACKpushmatrix Save the current transformation matrix on the matrix stack. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:MOVEmove Move current graphics position to (x, y, z) (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:MOVEmove2 Move graphics position to point (x, y) (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:MOVErmove Relative move (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:MOVErmove2 Relative move in world units. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:MOVErsmove2 Relative move in screen units (-1.0 to 1.0). (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:MOVEsmove2 Move current graphics position in screen coordinates (-1.0 to 1.0). (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:OBJECTcallobj Draw object number n. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:OBJECTcloseobj Close the current object. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:OBJECTdelobj Delete the object number n. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:OBJECTgenobj Returns a unique object identifier. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:OBJECTgetopenobj Return the number of the current object. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:OBJECTisobj Returns .FALSE. if there is an object of number n. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:OBJECTloadobj Load the object in the file filename as object number n. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:OBJECTmakeobj Commence the object number n. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:OBJECTsaveobj Save object number n into file filename. Does NOT save objects called inside object n. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:PATCHpatch Draws a patch in the current basis, according to the geometry matrices gx, gy, and gz. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:PATCHpatchbasis Define the t and u basis matrices of a patch. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:PATCHpatchcurves Set the number of curves making up a patch. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:PATCHpatchprecision Set minimum number of line segments making up curves in a patch. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:PATCHrpatch Draws a rational patch in the current basis, according to the geometry matrices gx, gy, gz, and gw. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POINTpoint Draw a point at x, y, z (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POINTpoint2 Draw a point at x, y. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONSbackface Turns on culling of backfacing polygons. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONSbackfacedir Sets backfacing direction to clockwise or anti-clockwise (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONSclosepoly Terminates a polygon opened by makepoly(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONShatchang Set the angle of the hatch lines. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONShatchpitch Set the distance between hatch lines. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONSmakepoly opens polygon constructed by a series of move-draws and closed by closepoly (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONSpoly Construct a polygon from an array of points (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONSpoly2 Construct an (x, y) polygon from an array of points (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONSpolyfill Set the polygon fill flag (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONSpolyhatch Set the polygon hatch flag (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POLYGONSrect Draw a rectangle given two corners (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POSITIONgetgp Gets the current graphics position (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POSITIONgetgp2 Gets the current graphics position in world coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POSITIONgetgpt Gets the current transformed graphics position in world coords. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:POSITIONsgetgp2 Gets the current screen graphics position in screen coords (-1 to 1) (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:PROJECTIONortho Define x, y, z clipping planes. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:PROJECTIONortho2 define the area of the virtual world coordinates to map to the viewport (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:PROJECTIONperspective Specify perspective viewing pyramid (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:PROJECTIONwindow Specify a perspective viewing pyramid (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTbottomjustify bottom justify text (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTboxfit resize the SOFTWARE text size so it fits in a box (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTboxtext stretch and draw the SOFTWARE string s so that it fits in the imaginary box (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTcentertext Turns centertext mode on or off for SOFTWARE fonts. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTdrawchar Draw the character c and update current position. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTdrawstr Draw the text in string at the current position. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTfixedwidth Turns fixedwidth mode on or off for SOFTWARE fonts. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTfont Set the current font by name (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTgetcharsize Get the width and height of a character. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTgetfontdec Return size of maximum font descender (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTgetfontsize Get maximum width and height of a character in a font. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTleftjustify left justify text (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTnumchars Return number of characters in the current SOFTWARE font. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTrightjustify right justify text (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTstrlength return length of string (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTtextang Set the SOFTWARE text angle. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTtextjustify general text justification (C only) (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTtextsize Set text size of a character in the current SOFTWARE font in world units. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTtextslant Defines the obliqueness of the fonts. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTtextweight Defines the weight of the fonts. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTtopjustify top justify text (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTxcentertext set text centering mode on in X direction (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TEXTycentertext center text in the Y direction (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TRANSFORMATIONrotate Set up a rotation in axis axis where axis is one of 'x', 'y', or 'z'. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TRANSFORMATIONscale Set up scaling factors in x, y, and z axis. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:TRANSFORMATIONtranslate Set up a translation. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:VIEWPORTexpandviewport use the entire device viewport (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:VIEWPORTgetviewport Returns limits of current viewport in screen coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:VIEWPORTlookat Specify the viewer's position (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:VIEWPORTpolarview Specify the viewer's position in polar coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:VIEWPORTpopviewport Retrieve last viewport (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:VIEWPORTpushviewport Save current viewport (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:VIEWPORTunexpandviewport undo expandviewport(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:VIEWPORTup Specify the world up. (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:VIEWPORTviewport Specify which part of screen to draw in (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:WINDOW_SETUPprefposition Specify preferred position of window (LICENSE:PD)
M_draw:WINDOW_SETUPprefsize Specify preferred width and height of window in physical units (LICENSE:PD)
M_drawinvokeobj invoke object with specified transformations (LICENSE:PD)
M_drawpage set window into largest viewport available (LICENSE:PD)
M_drawpop call popviewport(), popmatrix(), popattributes() (LICENSE:PD)
M_drawprint call DRAWSTR(3f) with up to nine arbitrary intrinsic scalar values
M_drawpush call pushviewport(), pushmatrix(), pushattributes() (LICENSE:PD)
M_drawplus:locatorrdbox - reads two points and outline defined box and return points (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawplus:locatorrdpnt reads coordinates of point locator clicked at (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawplusM_drawplus Additional routines using the M_DRAW graphics library (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawplusarrowhead Draw arrow head (for text boxes and line markers) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawpluscall_draw Given a string representing a M_draw procedure and parameters call the routine (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawplusdraw_interpret call interpreter for testing M_draw(3fm) routines (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawplusellipse draws an ellipse or elliptical arc. (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawpluspolyline2 - draw an unclosed polyline in the XY plane (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawplusseefont display font sample pages (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawplusspirograph draw a hypotrochoid (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawplusuarc create circular arc, leaving CP at end of arc (LICENSE:MIT)
M_drawplusuconic general conic sections (LICENSE:MIT)
M_factor::INTROM_factor module for least common multiple, greatest common divisor, and prime factors
M_factorgreatest_common_divisor calculate greatest common divisor of two integers or vector m(:), matrix m(:, :) or cuboid m(:, :, :) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_factori_is_prime Determine if a number is prime using Sieve of Erasthosthenes (LICENSE:???)
M_factorleast_common_multiple Least common multiple of two integers or vector m(:), matrix m(:, :) or cuboid m(:, :, :) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_factorprime_factors decompose a number into its prime factors
M_framework__approxaccdig compare two numbers only up to a specified number of digits (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__approxalmost return true or false if two numbers agree up to specified number of digits (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__approxdp_accdig compare two numbers only up to a specified number of digits (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__approxin_margin check if two reals are approximately equal using a relative margin
M_framework__approxsignificant round val to specified number of significant digits
M_framework__helphelp_command uses a specially formatted text array to provide a HELP interface (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__journal::INTROM_framework__journal write program messages to stdout and/or a log file (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__journaljournal provides public message routine, no paging or graphic mode change (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__msgassert print filename, linenumber, and message to stderr and stop program (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__msgfmt convert any intrinsic to a string using specified format (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__msgpdec write out string with ASCII decimal equivalent vertically under it (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__msgstderr write message to stderr (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__msgstr converts up to twenty standard scalar type values to a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__msgwrt write multiple scalar values to any number of files (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__utilityfstop call stop with both a number and a message (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verify::INTROM_framework__verify unit test framework (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verify::INTROM_framework__verify a collection of Fortran routines for supporting code development by providing error processing, debugging procedures and unit testing. (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verifyunit_test report if logical expression is true or false, optionally call command and/or stop program. (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verifyunit_test_end end test of procedure started by unit_test_start(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verifyunit_test_expected report if two scalar values of like type and kind are equal. (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verifyunit_test_mode set testing modes (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verifyunit_test_msg converts up to twenty standard scalar values to a message for unit testing (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verifyunit_test_start reset counters and start a new test block (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verifyunit_test_stop report tally of all checks and stop program (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verifyunit_test_system return status from system command (LICENSE:PD)
M_generic_list::INTROM_generic_list A Generic Linked List Implementation in Fortran 95 (LICENSE:MIT)
M_generic_listlist_free Free the entire list and all data, beginning at SELF (LICENSE:MIT)
M_generic_listlist_get Return the DATA stored in the node SELF (LICENSE:MIT)
M_generic_listlist_init Initialize a head node SELF and optionally store the provided DATA. (LICENSE:MIT)
M_generic_listlist_insert Insert a list node after SELF containing DATA (optional) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_generic_listlist_next Return the next node after SELF (LICENSE:MIT)
M_generic_listlist_put Store the encoded DATA in list node SELF (LICENSE:MIT)
M_geographygeographical_distance Compute the distance between two points over the Earth's surface. (LICENSE:GPL3)
M_getkeysystem_getkey read single character from keyboard in hot (raw I/O) mode (LICENSE:PD)
M_graphgraph Draw an XY graph
M_graphgraph_init initialize the longlib graphics plot routine graph(3f)
M_hashkeys:bucket_hashdjb2_hash djb2 string hash (algorithm by Daniel J. Bernstein) (LICENSE:PD)
M_hashkeys:bucket_hashsdbm_hash sdbm string hash (LICENSE:PD)
M_hashkeysb3hs_hash_key_jenkins hash key algorithm by Bob Jenkins (LICENSE:PD)
M_hashkeyscrc32_hash CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) (LICENSE:PD)
M_hashkeysluhn_checksum Luhn checksum algorithm applied to a string of numeric values
M_helphelp_command uses a specially formatted text array to provide a HELP interface (LICENSE:PD)
M_historyredo Fortran-based Input History Editor (LICENSE:MIT)
M_html::INTROM_html a module of routines to help write output as HTML documents (LICENSE:PD)
M_htmlh_array print a numeric array as an HTML table (LICENSE:PD)
M_htmlh_close close an HTML file (LICENSE:PD)
M_htmlh_open open an HTML file (LICENSE:PD)
M_hybridstrgar3 fetch a value from language dictionary but process via calculator too
M_io::INTROM_io Fortran I/O module (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:FILENAMEfilename_generator generate a filename containing a number (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:PATHNAMESbasename return last component from filename (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:PATHNAMESdirname strip last component from filename (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:PATHNAMESjoinpath join parts of a pathname together (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:PATHNAMESsplitpath split a Unix pathname into components (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYget_env a function returning the value of an environment variable (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYget_tmp Return the name of the scratch directory (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYgetname get name of the current executable (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYis_hidden_file determine if a pathname points to a hidden file, which is defined as a file basename starting with a period. (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYnotopen Find a FUN/LUN (Fortran-unit-number) that is not in use (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYnumber_of_lines read an open sequential file to get number of lines (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYprint_inquire Do INQUIRE on file by name/number and print results (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYscratch Return the name of a scratch file (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYseparator try to determine pathname directory separator character (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYuniq append a number to the end of filename to make a unique name if name exists (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:READfilebyte read a file into a character array (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:READfileread read a file into a string array (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:READget_next_char read from a file one character at a time (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:READgetline read a line from specified LUN into allocatable string up to line length limit (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:READrd ask for string from standard input with user-definable prompt (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:READread_line read a line from specified LUN into allocatable string up to line length limit cleaning up input line (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:READread_table read file containing a table of numeric values (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:SCANNAMESlookfor look for a filename in a number of directories specified by an environment variable (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:SCANNAMESwhich given a command name find the pathname by searching the directories in the environment variable $PATH (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:WRITEfilewrite A simple write of a CHARACTER array to a file (LICENSE:PD)
M_iofileclose A simple close of a sequential file (LICENSE:PD)
M_iofiledelete A simple close of an open file with STATUS='DELETE' (LICENSE:PD)
M_iofileopen A simple open of a sequential file (LICENSE:PD)
M_journal::INTROM_journal write program messages to stdout and/or a log file (LICENSE:PD)
M_journaljournal provides public message routine, no paging or graphic mode change (LICENSE:PD)
M_list::INTROM_list maintain simple lists (LICENSE:PD)
M_list::dictionary::OOPSclr clear basic dictionary (LICENSE:PD)
M_list::dictionary::OOPSdel delete entry by key name from a basic dictionary (LICENSE:PD)
M_list::dictionary::OOPSget get value of key-value pair in a dictionary given key (LICENSE:PD)
M_list::dictionary::OOPSifdef return whether name is present in dictionary or not (LICENSE:PD)
M_list::dictionary::OOPSset add or replace a key-value pair in a dictionary (LICENSE:PD)
M_listinsert insert entry into a string array at specified position (LICENSE:PD)
M_listlocate finds the index where a string is found or should be in a sorted array (LICENSE:PD)
M_listremove remove entry from an allocatable array at specified position (LICENSE:PD)
M_listreplace replace entry in a string array at specified position (LICENSE:PD)
M_logiccond process input files with embedded if/else/elseif/endif commands (LICENSE:PD)
M_luaM_lua Fortran interface to the LUA language (LICENSE:MIT)
M_math::INTROM_math module collecting various general math-related procedures
M_math:fitjulfit linear least squares curve fits, destroys input arrays
M_math:fitlinearint interpolates a curve defined by X(i), Y(i) using linear interpolation at given XI(j) values
M_math:fitlowess procedures for locally weighted regression
M_math:fitsplift fits a spline to the n data points given in x and y and also returns first and second derivatives
M_math:fitsplint interpolates and twice differentiates a cubic spline
M_math:geometryciter determine various geometric properties of a circle segment given radius and area of the segment.
M_math:geometryclosest find the data point that is closest to the target point
M_math:geometryenvelope Find vertices (in clockwise order) of a polygon enclosing the points (x(i), y(i), i=1, ..., n.
M_math:geometryhypot Euclidean distance function
M_math:geometryinpolygon determine whether or not an integer point is in an integer polygon
M_math:geometrylocpt find if a point is inside a polygonal path
M_math:geometrypoly_intercept intersection of a straight line and polygonal path
M_math:geometrypolyarea compute the area bounded by a simple closed polygonal curve
M_math:geometrypolyarea_shoelace compute area bounded by a simple closed polygon using the shoelace algorithm
M_math:integralqhfg compute integral values for given general table of argument, function, and derivative values.
M_math:statisticsbds Basic Statistical Measures
M_math:statisticsextremum Finds the minimum and maximum value in a REAL array.
M_math:statisticsskekur1 variant on calculating skewness and kurtosis of an array
M_math:statisticsskekurx Compute unbiased estimator of the population SKEWNESS and KURTOSIS
M_math:statisticsstddev given a real vector and the vector average calculate the standard deviation
M_mathbound constrain a value to a range
M_mathgcsgau1 solve a system of simultaneous linear equations (LICENSE:PD)
M_mathgcsgau2 solve a system of simultaneous linear equations (LICENSE:PD)
M_mathglstsq least squares fit to a polynomial expression (LICENSE:PD)
M_mathin test if a value occurs in an expected range
M_mathinvert_2x2 directly invert 2x2 matrix
M_mathinvert_3x3 directly invert 3x3 matrix
M_mathinvert_4x4 directly invert 4x4 matrix
M_mathju_polfit Fit discrete data in a least squares sense by polynomials in one variable.
M_mathmagic_square create an N x N magic square array, N>2
M_mathncr Calculate the number of unique combinations of r objects out of n.
M_mathqhsg Compute integral values for given table of argument, function, 1st derivative, and 2nd derivative values.
M_mathqtfg Compute integral values for given general table of argument and function values.
M_mathquadratic calculate the roots of a quadratic formula even if they are complex
M_mathscale1 find new range xMINP XMAXP divisible into approximately N linear intervals of size DIST
M_mathscale3 find nice log range
M_mathtrapezoidal_integral trapezoidal integration
M_matrix::INTROM_matrix The Los Alamos-inspired Linear Algebra Fortran Facility (LALA) LICENSE(MIT)
M_matrixget_from_lala return data from lala(3f) to calling program LICENSE(MIT)
M_matrixifin_lala test if variable name exists in lala() LICENSE(MIT)
M_matrixlala initialize and/or pass commands to matrix laboratory interpreter LICENSE(MIT)
M_matrixput_into_lala return data from lala(3f) to calling program LICENSE(MIT)
M_messagesblocks write large block letters (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagesjunbad print an eye-catching image of a skull. (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagesjunbat print an eye-catching image of a bat. (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagesjunbuster call journal(3f) to print eye-catching ASCII graphic (ghostbuster) (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagesjundragon fill in a character array with a message (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagesjunroach print an eye-catching image of a roach. (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagesjunsun print an eye-catching image of a smiling sun. (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagesjuntrolls print an eye-catching bulletin (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagespercent_done non-advancing status counter displays percentage done on terminal displays (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagessigns write out string in large block letters (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagestabgraph write out a row of numbers and a text-based scaled graph (LICENSE:PD)
M_msgfmt convert any intrinsic to a string using specified format (LICENSE:PD)
M_msgstderr write message to stderr (LICENSE:PD)
M_msgstr converts up to twenty standard scalar type values to a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_msgwrt write multiple scalar values to any number of files (LICENSE:PD)
M_orderpack::INTROM_orderpackGeneral and Specialized Ranking and Sorting Routines
M_orderpack:FRACTILEorderloc Return INDEX of Nth ordered value of array (Quick-Sort-like)
M_orderpack:FRACTILEorderval Return VALUE of Nth ordered element of array (Quick-Sort-like)
M_orderpack:FRACTILEorderval_special Return VALUE of Nth ordered element of array (InsertSort-like)
M_orderpack:MEDIANmedian Calculates median VALUE. If number of elements is even, returns average of the two "medians".
M_orderpack:MEDIANmedianloc Returns median value's INDEX.
M_orderpack:MEDIANmedianval Returns median VALUE.
M_orderpack:MULTIPLICITYoccurrences Give the multiplicity for each array value (number of times that it appears in the array)
M_orderpack:PERMUTATIONperturb generate a random permutation of an array leaving elements close to initial locations
M_orderpack:RANK:PARTIAL:UNIQUEprank_unique partially ranks an array removing duplicates
M_orderpack:RANK:PARTIALprank partially ranks an array (Quick-Sort-like)
M_orderpack:RANK:PARTIALprank_basic partially ranks an array (Quick-Sort)
M_orderpack:RANK:PARTIALprank_decreasing partially ranks an array in DECREASING order.
M_orderpack:RANK:PARTIALprank_special partially ranks an array in ASCENDING order (Insertion Sort)
M_orderpack:RANK:UNIQUErank_decreasing ranks an array in decreasing order, with duplicate entries assigned the same rank(Merge-Sort)
M_orderpack:RANK:UNIQUErank_unique ranks an array, with removal of duplicate entries (Merge-Sort)
M_orderpack:RANKrank produces an INDEX that sorts an input array (optimized merge-sort)
M_orderpack:RANKrank_basic create an INDEX that defines the order of array sorted in ascending order (basic merge-sort)
M_orderpack:SORT:PARTIALpsort partially sorts an array (Insertion Sort, generally for small or nearly sorted arrays)
M_orderpack:SORTsort Sorts array into ascending order (Quick-sort)
M_orderpack:SORTsort_special Sorts array into ascending order (Insertion sort, generally for small or nearly sorted arrays)
M_orderpack:UNIQUEunique removes duplicates from an array otherwise retaining original order (i.e. it is "stable")
M_overload::INTROM_overload overloads of standard operators and intrinsic procedures (LICENSE:PD)
M_overload::LOGICALoz returns One if expression is TRUE, else returns Zero. (LICENSE:PD)
M_overload::LOGICALzo returns Zero if expression is FALSE, else returns One. (LICENSE:PD)
M_pathpath OOP interface for a GNU Linux or Unix pathname (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel::INTROM_pixel module for drawing into a pixel array with 2D vector operations (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:ARCSarc draw an arc using current line width and color (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:ARCScircle draw a circle using current line width and color (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:ARCScircleprecision set number of line segments used to approximate a circle (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:COLORclosest_color_name returns the closest name for the given RGB values. (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:COLORcolor set current color index (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:COLORcolor_name2rgb returns the RGB values in the range 0 to 100 for a given known color name. (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:COLORhue converts color components from one color model to another (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:COLORmapcolor set a color index using RGB values (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWdraw2 draw from current position to given point (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWline draw line between two points (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWmove2 change current position (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWpoint2 Draw a point at x, y (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWpolyline2 - draw an unclosed polyline in the XY plane (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWrdraw2 draw from current position to given point (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWrmove2 relative move (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:POLYGONSclosepoly Terminates a polygon opened by makepoly(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:POLYGONSmakepoly opens polygon constructed by a series of move-draws and closed by closepoly (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:POLYGONSpoly2 construct a polygon from an array of points (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:POLYGONrect draw rectangle given two corners (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:PRINTprint_ansi print small pixel array as colored text on terminals and terminal emulators that obey ANSI escape sequences (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:PRINTprint_ascii print small pixel array as ASCII text (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:PRINTprint_p3 print pixel array as a ppm p3 file (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:PRINTprint_p6 print pixel array as a ppm file (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:PRINTprint_ppm print pixel array as a ppm file (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTcentertext set text centering mode for drawstr(3f) and drawc(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTdrawchar Draw a character at the current position (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTdrawstr Draw the text string at the current position (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTfont select font style by name (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXThershey draw text string as Hershey software vector fonts (LICENSE:PD
M_pixel:TEXTjustfy return lengths used to justify a string when calling hershey (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTstrlength return length of string (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTtextang set text angle (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTtextsize set text size in world units (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTxcentertext set text centering mode on for drawstr(3f) and drawc(3f) in X direction (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTycentertext set text centering mode on for drawstr(3f) and drawc(3f) in Y direction (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TRIGONOMETRYd2r convert degrees to radians (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TRIGONOMETRYpolar_to_cartesian convert polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelclear clear background to current color or specified color index (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelgetdisplaysize Returns the width and height of the device in pixels (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelgetgp2 Gets the current graphics position in world coords. (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelgetviewport return viewport in screen pixel coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixellinewidth set linewidth (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelortho2 define the area of the virtual world coordinates to map to the viewport (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelpage define the area of the virtual world coordinates to map to the viewport (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelpixel set pixel to current color (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelpixel_slice simplified call of DL_SLICES(3f) to make a plot of a 3-d surface (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelprefsize specify size of pixel array (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelstate print graphics state of M_pixel graphics module (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelvexit exit pixel graphics mode (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelviewport Specify which part of the screen to draw in. (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelvinit initialize pixel graphics module (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel__slicesdl_slices basic 3-d surface plotting routine
M_process::INTROM_process Fortran Module for calling process-related C functions from Fortran (LICENSE:PD)
M_processprocess_close close a process being written to or read from (LICENSE:PD)
M_processprocess_open_read open a process for reading using POSIX interface (LICENSE:PD)
M_processprocess_open_write open a process for writing using a POSIX interface (LICENSE:PD)
M_processprocess_readall read all lines from process into single string (LICENSE:PD)
M_processprocess_readline read a line of output from a system command as a character variable (LICENSE:PD)
M_processprocess_writeline write to a process using a POSIX interface (LICENSE:PD)
M_random::INTROM_random Routines for generating random numbers and strings
M_random:MERSENNE TWISTERmtprng_init Initialize the Mersenne Twister random number generator with "seed" (LICENSE:CUSTOM OPEN)
M_random:MERSENNE TWISTERmtprng_init_by_array Initialize the Mersenne Twister random number generator with "seed" array (LICENSE:CUSTOM OPEN)
M_random:MERSENNE TWISTERmtprng_rand Obtain the next 32-bit integer in the pseudo-random sequence (LICENSE:CUSTOM OPEN)
M_random:MERSENNE TWISTERmtprng_rand64 Obtain the next 64-bit integer in the pseudo-random sequence (LICENSE:CUSTOM OPEN)
M_random:MERSENNE TWISTERmtprng_rand_range Obtain a pseudo-random integer in the range [lo, hi] (LICENSE:CUSTOM OPEN)
M_random:MERSENNE TWISTERmtprng_rand_real1 Obtain a pseudo-random real number in the range [0.0, 1.0] (LICENSE:CUSTOM OPEN)
M_random:MERSENNE TWISTERmtprng_rand_real2 Obtain a pseudo-random real number in the range [0, <1) (LICENSE:CUSTOM OPEN)
M_random:MERSENNE TWISTERmtprng_rand_real3 Obtain a pseudo-random real number in the range (0< XXX <1) (LICENSE:CUSTOM OPEN)
M_randominit_random_seed seed random_number(3f) with single value like srand(3c) usage (LICENSE:MIT)
M_randominit_random_seed_by_dat seed random_number(3f) with values from date_and_time(3f) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_randominit_random_seed_by_system_clock seed random_number(3f) with system clock value (LICENSE:MIT)
M_randomrandom_hex create a string representing a random hexadecimal value of specified length (LICENSE:MIT)
M_randomrandom_int return an integer between low and high value inclusive (LICENSE:MIT)
M_randomrandom_kiss64 A 64-bit KISS random number generator by George Margaglia.
M_randomrandom_string create random string composed of provided characters of specified length (LICENSE:MIT)
M_randomscramble generate an integer array of specified size populated with a random permutation of 1 to size(array) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_readline::INTROM_readline Calling readline(3c) from Fortran (LICENSE:PD)
M_readlinesystem_readline Call readline(3c) from Fortran (LICENSE:PD)
M_regexM_regex Fortran interface to POSIX 1003.2 regular expression library using ISO_C_BINDING.
M_regexregcomp Compile a regular expression into a regex object
M_regexregerror maps a non-zero errcode from either regcomp(3f) or regexec(3f) to a human-readable, printable message.
M_regexregexec Execute a compiled regex against a string
M_regexregfree Release storage used by the internal form of the RE (Regular Expression)
M_regexregmatch return selected substring defined by the MATCHES(2, :) array
M_regexregsub perform regex substitutions
M_setset set scalars from an array (LICENSE:PD)
M_setset set scalars from an array (LICENSE:PD)
M_sets::INTROM_sets functions reminiscent of Matlab set functions
M_setsintersect return intersect values in array A
M_setsismember return ismember values in array A
M_setssetdiff return setdiff values in array A
M_setssetxor return setxor values in array A
M_setsunion return union values in array A
M_setsunique return unique values in array A
M_slicesdl_init initialize the longlib graphics plot package (LICENSE:PD)
M_slicesdl_slices plot data in 3-D overlay form (LICENSE:PD)
M_slicesdl_symbol routine to plot characters and symbols (LICENSE:PD)
M_sort::INTROM_sort Fortran module containing sorting algorithms for arrays of standard scalar types (LICENSE:PD)
M_sort:sort:heapsortsort_heap indexed sort of an array (LICENSE:PD)
M_sort:sort:quicksortsort_quick_compact recursive quicksort of an array (LICENSE: CC BY 3.0)
M_sort:sort:quicksortsort_quick_rx indexed hybrid quicksort of an array (LICENSE:PD)
M_sort:sort:shellsortsort_shell Generic subroutine sorts the array X using Shell's Method (LICENSE:PD)
M_sort:sort:treesorttree_insert sort a number of integers by building a tree, sorted in infix order (LICENSE:MIT)
M_sortswap elemental subroutine swaps two standard type variables of like type (LICENSE:PD)
M_sortswap_any subroutine swaps two variables of like type (LICENSE:PD)
M_sorttree_print print a sorted integer tree generated by tree_insert(3f) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_sortunique return array with adjacent duplicate values removed (LICENSE:PD)
M_sqliteM_sqlite Fortran interface to SQLite3 API
M_sqlitesqlite3_begin Start a transaction on the given database
M_sqlitesqlite3_close Close a database file
M_sqlitesqlite3_column_props Convenience routine to set the properties of a column
M_sqlitesqlite3_column_query Convenience routine to query a column or a function of that column
M_sqlitesqlite3_commit Commits a transaction on the given database
M_sqlitesqlite3_create_table Create a new table
M_sqlitesqlite3_delete_table Delete a table
M_sqlitesqlite3_do Run a single SQL command
M_sqlitesqlite3_errmsg Return the last error message
M_sqlitesqlite3_error Return the last error code
M_sqlitesqlite3_finalize Finalize the prepared SQL statement
M_sqlitesqlite3_get_column Convenience routine to get the value of a column
M_sqlitesqlite3_get_table Call sqlite3_exec() and return the result in an array of strings
M_sqlitesqlite3_insert Insert a complete row into the given table
M_sqlitesqlite3_libversion obtain string describing library version
M_sqlitesqlite3_libversion_number obtain library version number
M_sqlitesqlite3_next_row Gets the next row of data from a selection
M_sqlitesqlite3_open Open a database file
M_sqlitesqlite3_prepare Reset the prepared SQL statement so that it can be used again
M_sqlitesqlite3_prepare_select Prepare a selection of data from the database
M_sqlitesqlite3_query_table Retrieve the column names and types from a table
M_sqlitesqlite3_reset Reset the prepared SQL statement so that it can be used again
M_sqlitesqlite3_rollback Rolls back any changes to the database since the last commit
M_sqlitesqlite3_set_column Convenience routines to set the value of a column
M_sqlitesqlite3_sourceid obtain string describing library version
M_sqlitesqlite3_step Run the prepared SQL statement
M_steam67condl67 return thermal conductivity given P, T
M_steam67condv67 compute thermal conductivity of water at pressure P and temperature T
M_steam67cpl67 CPL67 calculates specific isobaric head capacity of water at pressure P and temperature T
M_steam67cpv67 calculates specific isobaric heat capacity and specific volume of water at pressure P and temperature T
M_steam67crflo67 critical flow and degrees superheat of wet/superheated steam at PRES, ENTH
M_steam67critvs67 function critvs67(press, enth, gamma)
M_steam67crvel67 critical flow velocity and isentropic exponent of wet/superheated steam
M_steam67hcl67 calculate specific enthalpy and entropy of water at pressure P and temp T
M_steam67hcsl67 calculate specific enthalpy/volume and entropy of liquid(P, T)
M_steam67hcslv267 calculate specific enthalpy, specific volume, and entropy of the liquid at P and T
M_steam67hcslvl67 calculate V, S, specific enthalpy for liquid given (P, T)
M_steam67hisiss67 calculate specific enthalpy, temperature, specific volume, and steam quality of water at P and S.
M_steam67hsl67 calculate specific enthalpy of the saturated liquid at temperature T
M_steam67hss67 specific enthalpy = HSS67(P, T, s, v)
M_steam67hssicl67 compute specific enthalpy and temperature of water at pressure P and entropy S
M_steam67hsv67 specific enthalpy, temperature, specific entropy, and specific volume of saturated vapor at pressure P.
M_steam67pls67 saturation pressure of the saturated liquid at entropy SS.
M_steam67prliq67 compute the Prandtl number of the liquid at pressure P and temperature T in regsion 1
M_steam67prstm67 compute the Prandtl number of the liquid at pressure P and temperature T. in Region 2
M_steam67psl167 calculate saturation pressure of the saturated liquid at temperature T.
M_steam67psl67 calculate saturation pressure of the saturated liquid at temperature T
M_steam67psv167 calculate saturation pressure in psia of the saturated liquid at entropy SS.
M_steam67psv267 calculate saturation pressure in psia of the saturated liquid at entropy SS.
M_steam67psv67 calculate saturation pressure of the saturated liquid at entropy SS in psia
M_steam67sisiss67 calculate specific entropy, temperature, specific volume, and steam quality of the liquid at pressure P and enthalpy H.
M_steam67sssicl67 calculate specific entropy and temperature of the liquid at pressure P and enthalpy H.
M_steam67sssiss67 calculate specific entropy, temperature, specific volume, and steam quality of the liquid at pressure P and enthalpy H.
M_steam67steamv67 print version information to unit and return version string
M_steam67vcl67 compute the specific volume of the liquid at pressure P and temperature T
M_steam67vsl67 calculate specific volume on the liquid side of the saturation line
M_steam67zsrh67 calculate remaining variables at extremities of isentropic process given inlet, exit P, inlet enthalpy in compressed liquid region.
M_strings::INTRO::OOPSM_strings__oop OOP Fortran string module
M_strings::INTROM_strings Fortran string module
M_strings:ARRAYbundle return up to twenty strings of arbitrary length as an array (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:ARRAYc2s convert C string pointer to Fortran character string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:ARRAYs2c convert character variable to array of characters with last element set to null (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:ARRAYswitch converts between CHARACTER scalar and array of single characters (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:BASEbase convert whole number string in base [2-36] to string in alternate base [2-36] (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:BASEbase2 convert whole number to string in base 2 (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:BASEcodebase convert whole number in base 10 to string in base [2-36] (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:BASEdecodebase convert whole number string in base [2-36] to base 10 number (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:CASElower changes a string to lowercase over specified range (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:CASEupper changes a string to uppercase (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:CASEupper_quoted elemental function converts string to uppercase skipping strings quoted per Fortran syntax rules (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREends_with test if string ends with specified suffix(es) (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREfortran_name test if string meets criteria for being a fortran name
M_strings:COMPAREglob compare given string for match to a pattern which may contain globbing wildcard characters (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREisalnum test membership in subsets of ASCII set (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREisalpha returns .true. if character is a letter and .false. otherwise (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREisascii returns .true. if the character is in the range char(0) to char(256) (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREisblank returns .true. if character is a blank character (space or horizontal tab). (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREiscntrl returns .true. if character is a delete character or ordinary control character (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREisdigit returns .true. if character is a digit (0, 1, ..., 9) and .false. otherwise (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREisgraph returns .true. if character is a printable character except a space is considered non-printable (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREislower returns .true. if character is a miniscule letter (a-z) (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREisprint returns .true. if character is an ASCII printable character (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREispunct returns .true. if character is a printable punctuation character (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREisspace returns .true. if character is a null, space, tab, carriage return, new line, vertical tab, or formfeed (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREisupper returns .true. if character is an uppercase letter (A-Z) (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPAREisxdigit returns .true. if character is a hexadecimal digit (0-9, a-f, or A-F). (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:COMPARElongest_common_substring function that returns the longest common substring of two strings.
M_strings:DESCRIBEdescribe returns a string describing the name of a single character (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:DESCRIBEedit_distance returns a naive edit distance using the Levenshtein distance algorithm (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:EDITINGchange change old string to new string with a directive like a line editor (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:EDITINGjoin append CHARACTER variable array into a single CHARACTER variable with specified separator (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:EDITINGmodif emulate the MODIFY command from the line editor XEDIT (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:EDITINGreplace function replaces one substring for another in string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:EDITINGreverse Return a string reversed (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:EDITINGsqueeze delete adjacent duplicate occurrences of a character from a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:EDITINGsubstitute subroutine globally substitutes one substring for another in string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:EDITINGtransliterate replace characters from old set with new set (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:ENCODEpercent_encode percent-encode strings and character arrays (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:ENCODErotate13 apply trivial ROT13 encryption to a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:LENGTHcpad convert to a cropped string and then centers the string to specified length (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:LENGTHlen_white get length of string trimmed of whitespace. (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:LENGTHlenset return string trimmed or padded to specified length (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:LENGTHlpad convert to a cropped string and then blank-pad on the left to requested length (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:LENGTHmerge_str pads strings to same length and then calls MERGE(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:LENGTHpad return string padded to at least specified length (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:LENGTHrpad convert to a string and pad on the right to requested length (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:LENGTHstretch return string padded to at least specified length (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:LENGTHzpad pad a string on the left with zeros to specified length (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:NONALPHAdilate expand tab characters (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:NONALPHAexpand expand C-like escape sequences (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:NONALPHAnoesc convert non-printable characters to a space (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:NONALPHAnotabs expand tab characters (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:NONALPHAvisible expand a string to control and meta-control representations (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:NUMERIClistout expand a list of numbers where negative numbers denote range ends (1 -10 means 1 thru 10) (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:QUOTESmatching_delimiter find position of matching delimiter (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:QUOTESquote add quotes to string as if written with list-directed input (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:QUOTESunquote remove quotes from string as if read with list-directed input (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TOKENSchomp Tokenize a string, consuming it one token per call (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TOKENSdelim parse a string and store tokens into an array (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TOKENSfind_field parse a string into tokens (LICENSE:MIT)
M_strings:TOKENSparagraph break a long line into a paragraph (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TOKENSsep function to parse string into an array using specified delimiters (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TOKENSsplit parse string into an array using specified delimiters (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TOKENSsplit2020 parse a string into tokens using proposed f2023 method (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TOKENSstrtok Tokenize a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TYPEaton function returns argument as a numeric value from a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TYPEdble overloads DBLE(3f) so it can handle character arguments (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TYPEgetvals read arbitrary number of REAL values from a character variable up to size of VALUES() array (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TYPEint overloads INT(3f) so it can handle character arguments (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TYPEisnumber determine if a string represents a number (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TYPEmsg converts any standard scalar type to a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TYPEnint overloads NINT(3f) so it can handle character arguments (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TYPEreal overloads REAL(3f) so it can handle character arguments (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TYPEs2v function returns doubleprecision numeric value from a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TYPEs2vs given a string representing numbers return a numeric array (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TYPEstring_to_value subroutine returns numeric value from string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TYPEstring_to_values read a string representing numbers into a numeric array (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TYPEv2s return numeric string from a numeric value (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:TYPEvalue_to_string return numeric string from a numeric value (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:WHITESPACEadjustc center text (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:WHITESPACEclip trim leading and trailing blanks from a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:WHITESPACEcompact converts contiguous whitespace to a single character (or nothing) (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:WHITESPACEcrop trim leading and trailing blanks and control characters from a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:WHITESPACEindent count number of leading spaces in a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_strings:WHITESPACEnospace remove all whitespace from input string (LICENSE:PD)
M_system::INTROM_system Fortran interface to C system interface (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:C_INTERFACEsystem_sleep call C sleep(3c) or usleep(3c) procedure (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:ENVIRONMENTset_environment_variable call setenv(3c) to set environment variable (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:ENVIRONMENTsystem_clearenv clear environment by calling clearenv(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:ENVIRONMENTsystem_getenv get environment variable from Fortran by calling get_environment_variable(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:ENVIRONMENTsystem_initenv initialize environment table pointer and size so table can be read by readenv(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:ENVIRONMENTsystem_putenv set environment variable from Fortran by calling putenv(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:ENVIRONMENTsystem_readenv step thru and read environment table (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:ENVIRONMENTsystem_unsetenv delete an environment variable by calling unsetenv(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:ERROR_PROCESSINGsystem_errno C error return value (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:ERROR_PROCESSINGsystem_perror print error message for last C error on stderr (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:FILE_SYSTEMsystem_chown change file owner and group (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:FILE_SYSTEMsystem_link link one file to another file relative to two directory file descriptors (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:FILE_SYSTEMsystem_mkdir call mkdir(3c) to create a new directory (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:FILE_SYSTEMsystem_mkfifo make a FIFO special file relative to directory file descriptor (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:FILE_SYSTEMsystem_realpath call realpath(3c) to resolve a pathname (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:FILE_SYSTEMsystem_rmdir call rmdir(3c) to remove empty directories (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:FILE_SYSTEMsystem_setumask set the file mode creation umask (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:FILE_SYSTEMsystem_unlink remove a directory entry relative to directory file descriptor (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:FILE_SYSTEMsystem_utime set file access and modification times (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:PSEUDORANDOMsystem_rand call pseudo-random number generator rand(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:PSEUDORANDOMsystem_srand set seed for pseudo-random number generator system_rand(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_getegid get the effective group ID (GID) of current process from Fortran by calling getegid(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_geteuid get effective UID of current process from Fortran by calling geteuid(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_getgid get the real group ID (GID) of current process from Fortran by calling getgid(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_getgrgid get groupd name associated with a GID (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_gethostname get name of current host (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_getlogin get login name (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_getpid get PID (process ID) of current process from Fortran by calling getpid(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_getppid get parent process ID (PPID) of current process from Fortran by calling getppid(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_getpwuid get login name associated with a UID (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_getsid get the process group ID of a session leader (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_getuid get real UID of current process from Fortran by calling getuid(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERYsystem_setsid create session and set the process group ID of a session leader (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEfileglob Read output of an ls(1) command from Fortran (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_access checks accessibility or existence of a pathname (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_closedir close a directory stream by calling closedir(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_getcwd call getcwd(3c) to get the pathname of the current working directory (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_getumask get current umask (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_isblk checks if argument is a block device (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_ischr checks if argument is a character device (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_isdir checks if argument is a directory path (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_isfifo checks if argument is a fifo - named pipe (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_islnk checks if argument is a link (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_isreg checks if argument is a regular file (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_issock checks if argument is a socket (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_opendir open directory stream by calling opendir(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_perm get file type and permission as a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_readdir read a directory using readdir(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_rewinddir call rewinddir(3c) to rewind directory stream (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:QUERY_FILEsystem_stat Get file status information (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:SIGNALSsystem_kill send a signal to a process or a group of processes (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:SIGNALSsystem_signal install a signal handler (LICENSE:PD)
M_system:SYSTEM_COMMANDsystem_system call execute_command_line (LICENSE:PD)
M_systemsystem_cpu_time get processor time by calling times(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
M_systemsystem_dir return filenames in a directory matching specified wildcard string (LICENSE:PD)
M_systemsystem_dir return filenames in a directory matching specified wildcard string (LICENSE:PD)
M_systemsystem_stat_print print the principal info obtained for a pathname from system_stat(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_systemsystem_uname call a C wrapper that calls uname(3c) to get current system information from Fortran (LICENSE:PD)
M_system_FILE_SYSTEMsystem_chdir call chdir(3c) from Fortran to change working directory (LICENSE:PD)
M_system_FILE_SYSTEMsystem_chmod call chmod(3c) to change permission mode of a file relative to directory file descriptor (LICENSE:PD)
M_system_FILE_SYSTEMsystem_remove call remove(3c) to remove file (LICENSE:PD)
M_system_FILE_SYSTEMsystem_rename call rename(3c) to rename a system file (LICENSE:PD)
M_time::INTRO::OOPSM_time__oop OOP interface for M_time(3fm) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time::INTROM_time Fortran module for manipulating and presenting time and date values as defined in ISO 8601:1988 (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:ASTROLOGICALeaster calculate date for Easter given a year (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:ASTROLOGICALmoon_fullness return percentage of moon phase from new to full (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:ASTROLOGICALphase_of_moon return name for phase of moon for given date (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:C_INTERFACEsystem_sleep call C sleep(3c) or usleep(3c) procedure (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:DATE_PRINTINGbox_month create specified month in a character array (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:DATE_PRINTINGfmtdate given DAT date-time array return date as string using specified format (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:DATE_PRINTINGfmtdate_usage display macros recognized by fmtdate(3f) and now(3f) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:DATE_PRINTINGnow return string representing current time given format (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:DAY_OF_WEEKdow given a date-time array DAT return the day of the week (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:DURATIONdays2sec convert string of form [[-]dd-]hh:mm:ss.nn to seconds (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:DURATIONsec2days convert seconds to string of form dd-hh:mm:ss (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:JULIANd2j given DAT date-time array returns Julian Date (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:JULIANdate_to_julian converts DAT date-time array to Julian Date (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:JULIANj2d given a JED (Julian Ephemeris Date) returns a date-time array DAT. (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:JULIANjulian_to_date converts a JED(Julian Ephemeris Date) to a DAT date-time array. (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:MONTH_NAMEmo2d given month name return DAT date-time array for beginning of that month in specified year (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:MONTH_NAMEmo2v given month name return month number (1-12) of that month (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:MONTH_NAMEv2mo returns the month name of a Common month number (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:ORDINAL_DAYd2o converts DAT date-time array to Ordinal day (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:ORDINAL_DAYo2d converts Ordinal day to DAT date-time array (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:ORDINAL_DAYordinal_seconds seconds since beginning of year (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:ORDINAL_DAYordinal_to_date when given a valid year and day of the year returns the DAT array for the date (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:READING_DATESguessdate reads in a date, in various formats (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:UNIX_EPOCHd2u given DAT date-time array returns Unix Epoch Time (UET starts at 0000 on 1 Jan. 1970, UTC) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:UNIX_EPOCHdate_to_unix converts DAT date-time array to Unix Epoch Time (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:UNIX_EPOCHu2d given Unix Epoch Time returns DAT date-time array (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:UNIX_EPOCHunix_to_date converts Unix Epoch Time to DAT date-time array (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:WEEK_OF_YEARd2w calculate iso-8601 Week-numbering year date yyyy-Www-d given DAT date-time array (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:WEEK_OF_YEARw2d calculate DAT date-time array from iso-8601 Week-numbering year date yyyy-Www-d (LICENSE:MIT)
M_units::INTROM_units convert between various physical units (LICENSE:MIT)
M_units:LENGTHfeet_to_meters converts a measurement in feet to meters (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:LENGTHmeters_to_feet converts a measurement in meters to feet (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:MASSpounds_to_kilograms - converts a measurement in pounds-mass to kilograms. (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:SYMBOLSatomnum2symbol return element symbol given atomic number (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:SYMBOLSsymbol2atomnum return atomic number given element symbol name (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TEMPERATUREc2f convert Celsius to Fahrenheit (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TEMPERATUREf2c convert Fahrenheit to Celsius (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYacosd calculate arccosine of value in degrees (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYasind calculate arcsine of value in degrees (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYatan2d calculate arctangent of the complex number X + i Y (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYatand calculate arctangent of value in degrees (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYcartesian_to_polar convert Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYcartesian_to_spherical convert Cartesian coordinates to ISO polar coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYcosd calculate cosine of value in degrees (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYd2r convert degrees to radians (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYnorm_angle_deg Return input angle given in degrees as angle between 0 and 360 (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYnorm_angle_rad Return input angle given in radians as angle between 0 and 2pi (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYpolar_to_cartesian convert polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYr2d convert radians to degrees (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYsind calculate sine of value in degrees (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYspherical_to_cartesian convert ISO polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_units:TRIGONOMETRYtand calculate tangent of value in degrees (LICENSE:PD)
M_unitsinf return an inf (Infinity) (LICENSE:PD)
M_unitsis_even determine if integer is even (LICENSE:PD)
M_unitsis_nan determine if integer is a Nan (Not a Number) value (LICENSE:PD)
M_unitsnan return a NaN (Not a number) (LICENSE:PD)
M_uuid::INTROM_uuid a module of UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) procedures (LICENSE:BSD-4-Clause)
M_uuidgenerate_uuid generate a UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) string per RFC 4122 (LICENSE:BSD-4-Clause)
M_verify::INTROM_verify a collection of Fortran routines for supporting code development by providing error processing, debugging procedures and unit testing. (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyaccdig compare two real numbers only up to a specified number of digits (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyalmost return true or false if two numbers agree up to specified number of digits (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyassert print filename, linenumber, and message to stderr and stop program (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifydp_accdig compare two numbers only up to a specified number of digits (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyfstop call stop with both a number and a message (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyin_margin check if two reals are approximately equal using a relative margin
M_verifypdec write out string with ASCII decimal equivalent vertically under it (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifysignificant round val to specified number of significant digits
M_verifyunit_check if logical expression is false, call command "goodbad NAME bad" and stop program by default (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyunit_check_bad call command "goodbad NAME bad" and stop program (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyunit_check_done call command "goodbad NAME good" or "goodbad NAME bad" depending on whether failures were found (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyunit_check_good call command "goodbad NAME good" (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyunit_check_msg converts up to nine standard scalar values to a message for unit testing (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyunit_check_start call command "goodbad NAME start" and optionally set options (LICENSE:PD)
M_verifyunit_check_stop call command "goodbad NAME good" or goodbad NAME bad" depending on whether failures were found (LICENSE:PD)
M_xtermM_xterm send escape sequences to an xterm(1) window that control VT102 emulator attributes (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xtermxterm_clear clear xterm(1) screen using escape sequences (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xtermxterm_colors set xterm(1) colors (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xtermxterm_font set xterm(1) font (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xtermxterm_geometry set xterm(1) size using escape sequences (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xtermxterm_get_colors query xterm(1) colors (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xtermxterm_get_font obtain xterm(1) font name (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xtermxterm_get_geometry obtain xterm(1) screen size in character units (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xtermxterm_get_iconstate obtain xterm(1) icon state using escape sequences (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xtermxterm_get_pencolor query xterm(1) color by number (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xtermxterm_get_position obtain xterm(1) screen position (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xtermxterm_keywords sent hints to X11 Window manager and select modes (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xtermxterm_labels set xterm(1) X11 WIndow labels using escape sequences (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xtermxterm_occupancy try to move xterm(1) to specified virtual display (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xtermxterm_pencolor set xterm(1) color by number using escape sequences (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xtermxterm_position set xterm(1) window position using escape sequences (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xtermxterm_width set xterm(1) width to 80 or 132 characters (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xtermxterm_xrdb write current xterm(1) window attributes as X11 Windows resources (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplot:bannerillusion draw a banner page with short labels at the compass points (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_axis draw XY axis for XY plot routines (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_clear clear graphics area and ensure in graphics mode (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_drawplot draw an xy plot (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_get_plot_area initialize plot page and set up common page-related values (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_getdatarange get plot window extremes, set plot window extremes for dual axis (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_hcopy generate copy of the current plot for XY plot routines (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_id render the id(1) command for XY plots (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_init initialize command language and graphics mode to set up starting interpretation (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_init_globals call xy_init_labels(3f) an xy_init_markers(3f) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_jupage a good try at allowing mixing of PLT commands and M_plot commands (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_juparea parse parea command (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_jut allow user to place text on screen (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_marks draw examples of dash codes, pen styles and screen markers for XY plots (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_page_aspect Get aspect ratio from ASPECT command and call xy_aspct (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_set_plot_area initialize plot page and set up common page-related values (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_set_xmin set value for xmin/xmax/ymin/... command (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_setdash allow user to display|alter|retrieve dash codes by style number (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_setfill set background, middleground, and foreground colors for plot (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_setmark set or display marker geometries (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_storage if on a storage tube, clear the screen to unclutter it (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_sz change the size of the display surface (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_title allow user to add extra title lines by number (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_toggle special version of toggle(3f) to integrate calculator and language libraries (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_z Interactive ZOOM mode (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotplot_zmode Interactive ZOOM mode (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_arrow Add xy_arrow from T text box to specified point (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_aspct Store plot window size in global variables and call plot_page() (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_bans draw banner lines from PLT ban command (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_con_x scale an axis value to the overall window/viewport (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_con_y scale an axis value to the overall window/viewport (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_convert do linear conversion for XY plot routines (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_fxed select whether a string is fixed-space or not (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_getdat place data from specified file and curve into xy_arrayQ xy_array (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_getmark get marker geometries (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_getrel return values to convert one set of units to another (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_getxy_jufont check and set font and store it so can query it (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_idbox Draw ID legend box specified with LEGEND command (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_idbox0 draw legend lines (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_ifdrawn xy_ifdrawn() is used to see if first page drawn or not (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_iflou set global flag for Leading Edge trimming (see LE command) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_iftext Add user-specified text strings to plot (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_init_default initialize XY plot routines (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_init_graphics Initialize PLT graphics environment (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_init_labels data defining all unit code labels (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_init_markers part of plot_axes(3f), used to define default geometric markers (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_jucp plot string line at current position (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_jucp2 plot string line at current position (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_jucurv find extrema for group of curves and set legend label defaults (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_judraw draw curves to plot scales using plot_ values (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_jufont check and set font and store it so can query it (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_jugetwn query current window ( appropriate for 2-d only) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_jumapc map colors using HUE command (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_juprint print string LINE at position x, y with embedded directives (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_juprints simple print of string l at position x, y (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_juput write current memory-resident curves in global variables(q) onto pseudo file (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_jurang return nice max and min values for the axis, and nice axis grid spacings (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_jutitl add title lines to plot (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_jutitlx draw plot titling information (titles and legend block) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_laxis draw linear axis and logarithmic axis for PLT (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_listout3 copy rcurve_in to rcurve_out expanding negative curve numbers to ranges (1 -10 means 1 thru 10) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_loadtl load title xy_array (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_noclose flag whether to keep current device open while switching to alternate device (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_obj12345 create or close M_plot object 12345 (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_pause conditionally pause until graphic or text-window response (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_pickpnt interactively draw a line to current left scale and store the curve or return point (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_printban plot horizontal banner string at specified location (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_printbanv plot vertical banner string (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_rasters set line width (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_resetpens reset pens (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_retrv2 a special version of RETREV() that integrates the Calculator and Language library for XY plots (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_set_bigger change title line size (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_setcnv set up conversion table for xy_con_x and xy_con_y functions (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_setlbl decide axis label strings (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_setsize use values to set size and border on output device (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_slide slide value (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_tidybox draw legend lines inside box specified on call (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_tidybox1 draw legend lines in box with legend box autosized and positioned by edge number (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_tidybox2 draw legend lines inside box specified on call (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_units given unit code return string label optionally converted to uppercase (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_ustrlen get software string length including trailing whitespace (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_ustrlen2 get software string length up to specified character (LICENSE:MIT)
M_xyplotxy_zoom given current four numbers defining a box; alter them by indicated selections of an old and new box (LICENSE:MIT)
NCURSESM_fixedform convert a text block into a TUI (screen interface) (LICENSE:PD)
NUMERIC MODELdigits Significant digits in the numeric model
NUMERIC MODELepsilon Epsilon function
NUMERIC MODELhuge Largest number of a type and kind
NUMERIC MODELmaxexponent Maximum exponent of a real kind
NUMERIC MODELminexponent Minimum exponent of a real kind
NUMERIC MODELprecision Decimal precision of a real kind
NUMERIC MODELradix Base of a numeric model
NUMERIC MODELrange Decimal exponent range of a numeric kind
NUMERIC MODELtiny Smallest positive number of a real kind
NUMERICabs Absolute value
NUMERICaint Truncate toward zero to a whole number
NUMERICanint Real nearest whole number
NUMERICceiling Integer ceiling function
NUMERICconjg Complex conjugate of a complex value
NUMERICdim Positive difference of X - Y
NUMERICdprod Double precision real product
NUMERICfloor Function to return largest integral value not greater than argument
NUMERICmax Maximum value of an argument list
NUMERICmin Minimum value of an argument list
NUMERICmod Remainder function
NUMERICmodulo Modulo function
NUMERICsign Sign copying function
STATE:INQUIRYassociated Association status of a pointer or pointer/target pair
STATE:INQUIRYextends_type_of Determine if the dynamic type of A is an extension of the dynamic type of MOLD.
STATE:INQUIRYis_iostat_end Test for end-of-file value
STATE:INQUIRYis_iostat_eor Test for end-of-record value
STATE:INQUIRYpresent Determine whether an optional dummy argument is specified
STATE:INQUIRYsame_type_as Query dynamic types for equality
SYSTEM:COMMAND LINEcommand_argument_count Get number of command line arguments
SYSTEM:COMMAND LINEget_command Get the entire command line invocation
SYSTEM:COMMAND LINEget_command_argument Get command line arguments
SYSTEM:ENVIRONMENTget_environment_variable Get value of an environment variable
SYSTEM:PROCESSESexecute_command_line Execute a shell command
SYSTEM:TIMEcpu_time Return CPU processor time used in seconds
SYSTEM:TIMEdate_and_time Gets current date time
SYSTEM:TIMEsystem_clock Query system clock
TRANSFORMATIONALcshift Circular shift elements of an array
TRANSFORMATIONALdot_product Dot product of two vectors
TRANSFORMATIONALeoshift End-off shift of elements of an array
TRANSFORMATIONALmatmul Numeric or logical matrix multiplication
TRANSFORMATIONALnull Function that returns a disassociated pointer
TRANSFORMATIONALreduce General reduction of an array
TYPE:LOGICALlogical Conversion between kinds of logical values
TYPE:MOLDtransfer Transfer bit patterns
TYPE:NUMERICaimag Imaginary part of complex number
TYPE:NUMERICcmplx Conversion to a complex type
TYPE:NUMERICdble Converstion to double precision real
TYPE:NUMERICint Truncate towards zero and convert to integer
TYPE:NUMERICnint Nearest whole number
TYPE:NUMERICout_of_range Whether a numeric value can be converted safely to another type
TYPE:NUMERICreal Convert to real type