C Library Functions  - dl_slices (3)


dl_slices(3f) - [M_pixel__slices] basic 3-d surface plotting routine




subroutine dl_slices(d,ndx,ndz,nx,nz,a,b,xh,yh,zh,iflag,iax,

                    & xt,nxt,xs,xe,nmx,nnx,mlx,tsx,ndx,smx,
                    & yt,nyt,      nmy,nny,mly,tsy,ndy,smy,
                    & zt,nzt,zs,ze,nmz,nnz,mlz,tsz,ndz,smz,
                    & dm,dx,ic,maxsize)


dl_slices is a simple 3-d surface plotting routine. A 3-d surface is plotted by plotting slices through the volume which are parallel to the x-y plane. The x,y values of the surface at the intersection of the slice plane and the fixed z value are plotted. Hidden lines are suppressed, giving the illusion of a 3 dimensional surface. The height of the plotted surface relative to the y axis value is calibrated to the x and z axes. No perspective is used. Options exist to vary the plotting angle and to plot axes.

The origin of the plot is in the lower-left corner. The x axis runs left to right along the plot bottom. The y axis is plotted as a vertical displacement offset by the z axis value. The z axis appears to point into the screen. This, with the hidden line removal, gives the illusion of depth.

dl_slices contains an internal working storage array dimensioned sufficiently large for most surfaces. However, for very complex surfaces, the working storage buffer length may be exceeded. In this case an error message is written to the terminal and the routine terminated.


d (R): array of y values dimensioned d(ndx,ndz)
  (i): x and z dimensions of d array
nx,nz (i): x and z sizes of surface to plot d array
a (R): angle of x axis from horizontal 0-85 degrees
b (R): angle of z axis from horizontal 0-90 degrees note: origin (1,1) is in lower-left corner
                     x  axis runs left to right on screen
                     y  axis runs up to down on screen
                     z  axis appears to run into the screen but
                        is angled to the right
  (R): length of each axis
iflag (i): option flag (1’s digit) =2: use color array (need all parameters) =1: do not use color array (10’s digit)=0: Plot sides =1: Do not plot sides
iax (i): axis format control < 0 : plot axes, use input scale factors dm and dx = 0 : no axes plotted, optional parameters (xt...dx) not used, scaling computed from input array > 0 : plot axes, use scaling computed from input array only axis parameters xt through smz accessed.
(1’s digit)
  = 1 : Plot actual max/min or input values for Y axis = 2 : Plot smoothed values for Y axis (10’s digit) = 0 : Use default axis type = 1 : Use input DL_AXISB-type axis parameters (nmx, nnx, mlx, tsx, ndx, etc.)
(NOTE: the following optional parameters are used if iax < 0 or mod(iflag,10)=1)
xt (C): title of x axis (width)
nxt (i): number of characters in xt = 0 : no axis plotted > 0 : normal
xs,xe (R): starting and ending values displayed on x axis
(see DL_AXISB for detailed description of axis parameters)
nmx (i): number of minor ticks between major ticks on x axis
nnx (i): highlight length of nnx-th minor tick on x axis
mlx (i): number of major tick marks on x axis
tsx (R): size of title and numbers on x axis < 0 auto exponent scaling (x10 to power) disabled > 0 auto exponent scaling (x10 to power) enabled
ndx (i): number of digits to right of decimal point on x axis
smx (R): major tick length on x axis Y-AXIS
yt (C): title of y axis (depth)
nyt (i): number of characters in yt
                  = 0 : no y axis plotted
                  > 0 : normal
nmy (i): number of minor ticks between major ticks on y axis
nny (i): highlight length of nny-th minor tick on y axis
mly (i): number of major tick marks on y axis
tsy (R): size of title and numbers on y axis
                   < 0 auto exponent scaling (x10 to power) disabled
                   > 0 auto exponent scaling (x10 to power) enabled
ndy (i): number of digits to right of decimal point on y axis
smy (R): major tick length on y axis Z-AXIS
zt (C): title of z axis (height)
nzt (i): number of characters in zt
                  = 0 : no z axis plotted
                  > 0 : normal
zs,ze (R): starting and ending value displayed on z axis
nmz (i): number of minor ticks between major ticks on z axis
nnz (i): highlight length of nnz-th minor tick on z axis
mlz (i): number of major tick marks on z axis
tsz (R): size of title and numbers on z axis
                  < 0 auto exponent scaling (x10 to power) disabled
                  > 0 auto exponent scaling (x10 to power) enabled
ndz (i): number of digits to right of decimal point on z axis
smz (R): major tick length on z axis
(NOTE: the following optional parameters are accessed only if iax < 0 or mod(iflag,10)=1)
dm,dx (R): minimum and maximum values of d array
(NOTE: color array accessed only if mod(iflag,10)=1)
ic (i): color list
                   ic(1):  color for axis lines
                   ic(2):  color for axis numbers
                   ic(3):  color for axis titles
                   ic(4):  color for axis exponents
                   ic(5):  color index for lower plot surface (return)
                   ic(6):  color index for upper plot surface (return)

  optional maximum number of points.


Sample program:

   program demo_dl_slices
   !     WRITTEN BY: DGL, LAST REVISED ON  5-JAN-1994 10:31:18.86
   !                 JSU,                 19-JUL-2005
    use M_pixel
    use M_pixel__writegif_animated, only : write_animated_gif
    use :: M_pixel__slices, only : dl_slices, dl_init, dl_symbol
    implicit none
      integer,parameter  :: ix=35
      integer,parameter  :: iz=45
      real               :: surfdat(ix,iz)              ! array of y values
      integer            :: movie(85+90+90,0:500,0:500) ! array of y values
      real,save          :: tpi=3.141592654
      integer            :: icol(255)
      character(len=80)  :: xt,yt,zt                    ! axis titles
      real :: a,b,dm,dx
      real :: smx,smy,smz
      real :: tsx,tsy,tsz
      real :: xe,xh,xs
      real :: ye,yh,ys
      real :: ze,zh,zs
      integer :: i
      integer :: i10,i20,i40
      integer :: iax
      integer :: iflag
      integer :: iframe
      integer :: ii
      integer :: j
      integer :: mlx,mly,mlz
      integer :: ndx,ndy,ndz
      integer :: nmx,nmy,nmz
      integer :: nnx,nny,nnz
      integer :: nx,nxt
      integer :: nyt
      integer :: nz,nzt
   ! (NOTE: color array accessed only if mod(iflag,10)=1)
   ! icol  (i): color list
   !            icol(1) : color for axis lines
   !            icol(2) : color for axis numbers
   !            icol(3) : color for axis titles
   !            icol(4) : color for axis exponents
   !            icol(5) : color index for lower plot surface (return)
   !            icol(6) : color index for upper plot surface (return)
   !     initialize the color array
         do i=1,255
   !     fill some arrays with data we can plot
         do j=1,ix
          do i=1,iz
         call prefsize(501,501)
         call vinit()
         call dl_init(12.5,12.5,1.5,1.5,1.0)   ! set up plotting surface scale
         call linewidth(3)
         call color(4)
   !     now plot 3-d surface using slices with axis
   ! length of axis in window units
   xh=6.0 ! xh,yh,zh (R): length of each axis
   ! iflag    (i): option flag
   !               (1’s digit) =2: use color array (need all parameters)
   !                           =1: do not use color array
   !               (10’s digit)=0: Plot sides
   !                           =1: Do not plot sides
   iax= 01
   ! SIGN:
   ! iax   (i): axis format control
   !            < 0 : plot axes, use input scale factors dm and dx
   !            = 0 : no axes plotted, optional parameters (xt...dx)
   !                  not used, scaling computed from input array
   !            > 0 : plot axes, use scaling computed from input array
   !                  only axis parameters xt through smz accessed.
   ! DIGITS:
   !  (1’s digit)  = 1 : Plot actual max/min or input values for Y axis
   !               = 2 : Plot smoothed values for Y axis
   !  (10’s digit) = 0 : Use default axis type
   !               = 1 : Use input DL_AXISB-type axis parameters
   !                      (nmx, nnx, mlx, tsx, ndx, etc.)
   ! NOTE: the following optional parameters are used if iax < 0 or
   ! mod(iflag,10)=1
   ! (see DL_AXISB for detailed description of axis parameters)
   ! XAXIS:
         xs=-10.0   ! xs,xe (R): starting and ending values displayed on x axis
         nmx=4      ! (i): number of minor ticks between major ticks on x axis
         nnx=0      ! (i): highlight length of nnx-th minor tick on x axis
         mlx=4      ! (i): number of major tick marks on x axis
         tsx=-0.15  ! (R): size of title and numbers on x axis
                    !      < 0 auto exponent scaling (x10 to power) disabled
                    !      > 0 auto exponent scaling (x10 to power) enabled
         ndx=1      ! (i): number of digits to right of decimal point on x axis
         smx=0.1    ! (R): major tick length on x axis
         xt=’dl_slices X TITLE’ ! (C): title of x axis (width)
         nxt=len_trim(xt)       ! (i): number of characters in xt ;
                                ! nxt = 0 : no axis plotted ; nxt > 0 : normal
   ! YAXIS:
         ys=-10.0               ! ys,ye (R): starting and ending values
                                ! displayed on y axis
         nmy=1      ! (i): number of minor ticks between major ticks on y axis
         nny=0      ! (i): highlight length of nny-th minor tick on y axis
         mly=3      ! (i): number of major tick marks on y axis
         tsy=-0.15  ! (R): size of title and numbers on y axis
                    !      < 0 auto exponent scaling (x10 to power) disabled
                    !      > 0 auto exponent scaling (x10 to power) enabled
         ndy=1      ! ndy   (i): number of digits to right of decimal point
                    !      on y axis
         smy=0.10   ! smy  (R): major tick length on y axis
         yt=’dl_slices Y TITLE’ ! (C): title of y axis (width)
         nyt=len_trim(yt)       ! (i): number of characters in xt ;
                                ! nyt = 0 : no axis plotted ; nyt > 0 : normal
   ! ZAXIS:
         ze=1.0      ! (R): starting and ending value displayed on z axis
         nmz=3       ! (i): number of minor ticks between major ticks on z axis
         nnz=2       ! (i): highlight length of nnz-th minor tick on z axis
         mlz=2       ! (i): number of major tick marks on z axis
         tsz=-0.15   ! (R): size of title and numbers on z axis
                     !      < 0 auto exponent scaling (x10 to power) disabled
                     !      > 0 auto exponent scaling (x10 to power) enabled
         ndz=1       ! (i): number of digits to right of decimal point on z axis
         smz=0.1     ! (R): major tick length on z axis
         zt=’SLICE’         ! (C): title of z axis (width)
         nzt=len_trim(zt)   ! (i): number of characters in xt ;nzt = 0 :
                            !      no axis plotted ; nzt > 0 : normal
   !          (NOTE: the following optional parameters are accessed only if
   !                 iax < 0 or mod(iflag,10)=1)
         dm=-1.0   ! dm,dx (R): minimum and maximum values of SURFDAT array
   ! view angles
   ! A    (R): angle of x axis from horizontal 0-80 degrees
   ! B    (R): angle of z axis from horizontal 5-80 degrees
   !           note: origin (1,1) is in lower-left corner
   !                 x axis runs left to right on screen
   !                 y axis runs up to down on screen
   !                 z axis appears to run into the screen
   !                   but is angled to the right
         do i10=1,85   ! Animate cycling thru angle A
          call color(7)
          call clear()
          call color(0)
          call dl_slices(surfdat,ix,iz,nx,nz,a,b,xh,yh,zh,iflag,iax,  &
        & xt,nxt,  &
        & xs,xe,nmx,nnx,mlx,tsx,ndx,smx,  &
        & yt,nyt,  &
        & nmy,nny,mly,tsy,ndy,smy,  &
        & zt,nzt,  &
        & zs,ze,nmz,nnz,mlz,tsz,ndz,smz,dm,dx,icol)
   !      add a label after master routine call
          call color(1)
          call linewidth(1)
          call dl_symbol(0.0,0.0,0.25,’VAX3DX’,0.0,6,-1)
         do i20=1,90   ! Animate cycling thru angle B
          call color(7)
          call clear()
          call color(0)
          call dl_slices(surfdat,ix,iz,nx,nz,a,b,xh,yh,zh,iflag,iax,  &
        & xt,nxt,  &
        & xs,xe,nmx,nnx,mlx,tsx,ndx,smx,  &
        & yt,nyt,  &
        & nmy,nny,mly,tsy,ndy,smy,  &
        & zt,nzt,  &
        & zs,ze,nmz,nnz,mlz,tsz,ndz,smz,dm,dx,icol)
   do i40=1,90*ii  ! Animate cycling thru angles A and B
      a=real(i40)/ii/2.0 ! should get warning when this exceeds 85
      call color(7)
      call clear()
      call color(0)
      call dl_slices(surfdat,ix,iz,nx,nz,a,b,xh,yh,zh,iflag,iax,  &
    & xt,nxt,  &
    & xs,xe,nmx,nnx,mlx,tsx,ndx,smx,  &
    & yt,nyt,  &
    & nmy,nny,mly,tsy,ndy,smy,  &
    & zt,nzt,  &
    & zs,ze,nmz,nnz,mlz,tsz,ndz,smz,dm,dx,icol)
   call vexit()    ! close up plot package
   call write_animated_gif(’dl_slices.3M_pixel.gif’,movie,p_colormap,delay=5)
   !call execute_system_command(’display dl_slices.3M_pixel.gif’)
   end program demo_dl_slices

Nemo Release 3.1 dl_slices (3) July 22, 2023
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