C Library Functions  - strgar2 (3)


strgar2(3f) - [M_calculator] read a string into a real array USING CALCULATOR, allowing quoted strings in arguments, (LICENSE:PD)


See Also


subroutine strgar2(line,ivals,vals,ifound,delims,ierr)

    character(len=*), intent=(in) :: line
    integer, intent=(in) :: ivals
    real, intent=(out) :: vals(ivals)
    integer, intent=(out) :: ifound
    character(len=*), intent=(in) :: delims
    integer, intent=(out) :: ierr


STRGAR2() returns an array of real values from a string containing numeric and string expressions.
o STRGAR2() parses the string at the specified delimiters and calls the calculator routine CALCULATOR(3f) to evaluate the expressions.
o It counts the number of values found.
o Once the maximum allowable number of values have been found STRGAR2() returns, ignoring the rest of the line.
o If an error occurs the error flag returns the column number where the expression that failed begins.
o If the string is ’*’, the value -99999.0 is returned.
line LINE is a string of numeric expressions. Each expression can be up to (iclen_calc=512) characters long. The syntax of an expression is as described in the main document of the Calculator Library. (Assuming the delimiters include a space character) an example would be:
                      ’A=10 100 300E2/42.6  sin(3.1416/5)’

ivals IVALS is the maximum number of values to return.
  VALS is an array filled with the numeric values calculated from the expressions in LINE.
ifound IFOUND is the number of values successfully returned in VALS
delims DELIMS is a character(s) to use as an expression delimiter. It is commonly set to a space (’ ’). If more than one character is specified, the space must not be last.
ierr IERR returns 0 if no error occurred. If an error did occur, it returns the column number the expression started at that could not be evaluated.


o User-supplied routines: All programs that call the calculator routine can supply their own substitute_subroutine(3f) and substitute_C(3f) procedures. See the example program for samples.


Sample program:

    program demo_strgar2
    use M_calculator, only : strgar2
    implicit none
    integer             :: ios
    integer             :: i
    integer             :: ifound
    integer             :: ierr
    real                :: vals(1000)
    character(len=4096) :: line

write(*,’(80("-"))’) call strgar2(’10;2/3;sin(4.314)’,4,vals,ifound,’ ;’,ierr) write(*,*)’should find three values in 10;2/3;sin(4.314)’ write(*,*)’ifound=’,ifound write(*,*)’values are’,(vals(i),i=1,ifound)

write(*,’(80("-"))’) write(*,*)’should find three values in 10;2/3;sin(4.314)’ write(*,*)’ifound=’,ifound call strgar2(’10;2/3;sin(4.314) ’,3,vals,ifound,’ ;’,ierr) write(*,*)’ifound=’,ifound write(*,*)’values are’,(vals(i),i=1,ifound)

write(*,’(80("-"))’) write(*,*)’should stop at two values in 10;2/3;sin(4.314)’ call strgar2(’10;2/3;sin(4.314)’,2,vals,ifound,’ ;’,ierr) write(*,*)’ifound=’,ifound write(*,*)’values are’,(vals(i),i=1,ifound)

write(*,’(80("-"))’) write(*,*)’should stop at one values in 10;2/3;sin(4.314)’ call strgar2(’10;2/3;sin(4.314)’,1,vals,ifound,’ ;’,ierr) write(*,*)’ifound=’,ifound write(*,*)’values are’,(vals(i),i=1,ifound)

write(*,’(80("-"))’) write(*,*)’should find three values in 10;2/3;sin(4.314) ; ; ; ;; ’ call strgar2(’10;2/3;sin(4.314) ; ; ; ;; ’,1000,vals,ifound,’ ;’,ierr) write(*,*)’ifound=’,ifound write(*,*)’values are’,(vals(i),i=1,ifound)

write(*,’(80("-"))’) write(*,*)’should find an error in values in 10;20/3O;sin(4.314) ; ; ; ;; ’ call strgar2(’10;20/3O;sin(4.314) ; ; ; ;; ’,1000,vals,ifound,’ ;’,ierr) write(*,*)’ifound=’,ifound,’ error=’,ierr write(*,*)’values are’,(vals(i),i=1,ifound)

write(*,’(80("-"))’) write(*,*)’Enter strings delimited by spaces or semicolons’ do read(*,’(a)’,iostat=ios)line if(ios.ne.0)then stop endif call strgar2(line,1000,vals,ifound,’ ;’,ierr) write(*,*)’ifound=’,ifound write(*,*)’values are’,(vals(i),i=1,ifound) enddo end program demo_strgar2


To parse a list of numbers instead of expressions see STRGAR(). If there is only one expression see RNUM0(), EXPRESSION(), CALCULATOR(3f)


John S. Urban


Public Domain

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