C Library Functions  - M_xterm (3)


M_xterm(3fm) - [M_xterm] send escape sequences to an xterm(1) window that control VT102 emulator attributes (LICENSE:MIT)


See Also


use M_xterm, only : xterm_font use M_xterm, only : xterm_colors, xterm_pencolor use M_xterm, only : xterm_geometry, xterm_width, xterm_position use M_xterm, only : xterm_clear, xterm_keywords, xterm_labels

use M_xterm, only : xterm_get_geometry, xterm_get_font, xterm_get_position use M_xterm, only : xterm_get_iconstate, xterm_get_colors, xterm_get_pencolor use M_xterm, only : xterm_xrdb, xterm_occupancy


The xterm(1) terminal emulator emulates an extended VT102 terminal on X11 Windows platforms. This means a number of strings beginning with an escape character can be used to clear the screen, toggle between 80 and 132 column mode, position the cursor, and perform other command sequences that allow screen-based utilities to operate.

Since basic terminal control libraries such as ncurses(3c) already exist for basic terminal screen formatting, The M_xterm(3fm) module specifically supports the xterm(1) extensions that control the X11 window attributes such as window size, font, and colors:

     xterm_colors(type,color)     set xterm colors
     xterm_font(fontname)         set xterm fonts
     xterm_geometry(rows,cols)    set terminal size
     xterm_position(right,downs)  set terminal position
     xterm_width(iwidth)          set width to 80 or 132 characters
     xterm_clear()                clear screen
     xterm_keywords(keyword)      X11 Window Manager hints (lower,raise,
                                  maximize,restore,...) and modes
     xterm_labels(keyword)        X11 Window Manager label hints

An additional set of routines sends escape sequences to stdout that query the current state of the xterm(1). Then, with the terminal set to raw mode, they read back the response. In this implementation that means the command may not work in a basic pipe or have I/O redirected on some systems.

      xterm_get_iconstate         Query whether window is iconified
      xterm_get_geometry          Get size as number of rows and columns
                                  or characters.
      xterm_get_position          Get position of upper left corner of
                                  window relative to upper left corner
                                  of display in pixels
      xterm_get_font              Get name of current font
      xterm_get_colors            Get colors of various terminal window
      xterm_get_pencolor          Get description of a terminal color number
      xterm_xrdb                  Write out current terminal settings as X11
                                  Windows resources
      xterm_occupancy             Move window to specified virtual display
                                  where supported.

For all these routines to work with some xterm versions, you may have to set the following X11 resources in your ~.Xresources file **before** starting the xterm(1) window. You may also use the xrdb(1) command. For example

      xrdb --merge <<\end_of_file
      XTerm*VT100.allowWindowOps: true
      XTerm*VT100.allowTitleOps: true
      XTerm*VT100.allowFontOps: true

For a running xterm(1), you may use the "VT Fonts" menu to enable "Window Ops","Title Ops","Font Ops", and "Color Ops" if they are no enabled. If the "VT Fonts" menu is not visible in the upper left corner of the xterm(1) display, ctrl-Mouse3 in the main terminal display will make the menu visible.

An example program that can easily be called from scripts and shell aliases called setxt(1) is included in the GPF (General Purpose Fortran) distribution that this module is a part of.


Sample usage:

    program demo_M_xterm
    use M_xterm, only : xterm_colors, xterm_font
    use M_xterm, only : xterm_geometry, xterm_width, xterm_position
    use M_xterm, only : xterm_clear, xterm_keywords, xterm_labels
    call xterm_colors(’background’,’black’)
    call xterm_colors(’foreground’,’white’)
    call xterm_colors(’cursor’,’red’)
    call xterm_colors(’mouse_foreground’,’red’)
    call xterm_colors(’mouse_background’,’white’)
    call xterm_font(’5’)
    call xterm_geometry(cols=132,rows=36)
    call xterm_position(right=100,down=200)
    call xterm_keywords(’raise’)
    end program demo_M_xterm


xlsfonts(1x), clear(1), ncurses(3c), stty (1), tabs (1), terminfo(5), tput (1), tset (1), tty (1)


John S. Urban



Nemo Release 3.1 M_xterm (3) July 22, 2023
Generated by manServer 1.08 from e9ea6880-7651-4af6-9806-4868551788de using man macros.