C Library Functions  - lowess (3)


lowess(3f) - [M_math:fit] procedures for locally weighted regression


See Also


Calling Sequence:

    subroutine lowess(x, y, n, f, nsteps, delta, ys, rw, res)
    real,intent(in)    :: x(n)
    real,intent(in)    :: y(n)
    integer,intent(in) :: n
    real,intent(in)    :: f
    integer,intent(in) :: nsteps
    real,intent(in)    :: delta

real,intent(out) :: ys(n) real,intent(out) :: rw(n) real,intent(out) :: rw(res)


Lowess is a data analysis technique for producing a "smooth" set of values from a time series which has been contaminated with noise, or from a scatter plot with a "noisy" relationship between the two variables. In a time series context, the technique is an improvement over least squares smoothing when the data is not equally spaced (as least squares smoothing assumes).


LOWESS stands for "locally weighted regression". LOWESS computes the smooth of a scatterplot of Y against X using robust locally weighted regression. Fitted values, YS, are computed at each of the values of the horizontal axis in X.

For lowess smoothing, the analyst can vary the size of the smoothing window. This size is given as the fraction (0 to 1) of the data that the window should cover. The default window size is .2 (which states that the smoothing window has a total width of 20% of the horizontal axis variable). The LOWESS fraction (F) controls the smoothness of the curve. For example, if it is 1.0, then the LOWESS curve is a single straight line. In general, the smaller the fraction, the more that LOWESS curve follows individual data points. To obtain a smoother LOWESS curve, increase the value of the LOWESS FRACTION.

This package consists of two FORTRAN procedures for smoothing scatterplots by robust locally weighted regression, or lowess. The principal routine is LOWESS which computes the smoothed values using the method described in "The Elements of Graphing Data", by William S. Cleveland (Wadsworth, 555 Morego Street, Monterey, California 93940).

LOWESS calls a support routine, LOWEST, the code for which is included. LOWESS also calls a routine SORT, which the user must provide.

To reduce the computations, LOWESS requires that the arrays X and Y, which are the horizontal and vertical coordinates, respectively, of the scatterplot, be such that X is sorted from smallest to largest. The user must therefore use another sort routine which will sort X and Y according to X.

To summarize the scatterplot, YS, the fitted values, should be plotted against X. No graphics routines are available in the package and must be supplied by the user.

The FORTRAN code for the routines LOWESS and LOWEST has been generated from higher level RATFOR programs (B. W. Kernighan, ‘‘RATFOR: A Preprocessor for a Rational Fortran,’’ Software Practice and Experience, Vol. 5 (1975).



X = Input; abscissas of the points on the scatterplot; the values in X must be ordered from smallest to largest.
Y = Input; ordinates of the points on the scatterplot.
N = Input; dimension of X,Y,YS,RW, and RES.
F = Input; specifies the amount of smoothing; F is the fraction of points used to compute each fitted value; as F increases the smoothed values become smoother; choosing F in the range .2 to [char46]8 usually results in a good fit; if you have no idea which value to use, try F = .5.
  Input; the number of iterations in the robust fit; if NSTEPS = 0, the nonrobust fit is returned; setting NSTEPS equal to 2 should serve most purposes.
  input; nonnegative parameter which may be used to save computations; if N is less than 100, set DELTA equal to 0.0; if N is greater than 100 you should find out how DELTA works by reading the additional instructions section.
YS = Output; fitted values; YS(I) is the fitted value at X(I); to summarize the scatterplot, YS(I) should be plotted against X(I).
RW = Output; robustness weights; RW(I) is the weight given to the point (X(I),Y(I)); if NSTEPS = 0, RW is not used.
RES = Output; residuals; RES(I) = Y(I)-YS(I).


DELTA can be used to save computations. Very roughly the algorithm is this: on the initial fit and on each of the NSTEPS iterations locally weighted regression fitted values are computed at points in X which are spaced, roughly, DELTA apart; then the fitted values at the remaining points are computed using linear interpolation. The first locally weighted regression (LWR) computation is carried out at X(1) and the last is carried out at X(N). Suppose the LWR computation is carried out at X(I). If X(I+1) is greater than or equal to X(I)+DELTA, the next LWR computation is carried out at X(I+1). If X(I+1) is less than X(I)+DELTA, the next LWR computation is carried out at the largest X(J) which is greater than or equal to X(I) but is not greater than X(I)+DELTA. Then the fitted values for X(K) between X(I) and X(J), if there are any, are computed by linear interpolation of the fitted values at X(I) and X(J). If N is less than 100 then DELTA can be set to 0.0 since the computation time will not be too great. For larger N it is typically not necessary to carry out the LWR computation for all points, so that much computation time can be saved by taking DELTA to be greater than 0.0. If DELTA = Range (X)/k then, if the values in X were uniformly scattered over the range, the full LWR computation would be carried out at approximately k points. Taking k to be 50 often works well.


The fitted values are computed by using the nearest neighbor routine and robust locally weighted regression of degree 1 with the tricube weight function. A few additional features have been added. Suppose r is FN truncated to an integer. Let h be the distance to the r-th nearest neighbor from X(I). All points within h of X(I) are used. Thus if the r-th nearest neighbor is exactly the same distance as other points, more than r points can possibly be used for the smooth at X(I). There are two cases where robust locally weighted regression of degree 0 is actually used at X(I). One case occurs when h is 0.0. The second case occurs when the weighted standard error of the X(I) with respect to the weights w(j) is less than .001 times the range of the X(I), where w(j) is the weight assigned to the j-th point of X (the tricube weight times the robustness weight) divided by the sum of all of the weights. Finally, if the w(j) are all zero for the smooth at X(I), the fitted value is taken to be Y(I).




Calling sequence



LOWEST is a support routine for LOWESS and ordinarily will not be called by the user. The fitted value, YS, is computed at the value, XS, of the horizontal axis. Robustness weights, RW, can be employed in computing the fit.


Argument description

         X =       Input; abscissas of the points on the
                   scatterplot; the values in X must be ordered
                   from smallest to largest.
         Y =       Input; ordinates of the points on the
         N =       Input; dimension of X,Y,W, and RW.
         XS =      Input; value of the horizontal axis at which the
                   smooth is computed.
         YS =      Output; fitted value at XS.
         NLEFT =   Input; index of the first point which should be
                   considered in computing the fitted value.
         NRIGHT =  Input; index of the last point which should be
                   considered in computing the fitted value.
         W =       Output; W(I) is the weight for Y(I) used in the
                   expression for YS, which is the sum from
                   I = NLEFT to NRIGHT of W(I)*Y(I); W(I) is
                   defined only at locations NLEFT to NRIGHT.
         USERW =   Input; logical variable; if USERW is .TRUE., a
                   robust fit is carried out using the weights in
                   RW; if USERW is .FALSE., the values in RW are
                   not used.
         RW =      Input; robustness weights.
         OK =      Output; logical variable; if the weights for the
                   smooth are all 0.0, the fitted value, YS, is not
                   computed and OK is set equal to .FALSE.; if the
                   fitted value is computed OK is set equal to


The smooth at XS is computed using (robust) locally weighted regression of degree 1. The tricube weight function is used with h equal to the maximum of XS-X(NLEFT) and X(NRIGHT)-XS. Two cases where the program reverts to locally weighted regression of degree 0 are described in the documentation for LOWESS.


o lowest
o sort_shell ! user-supplied SORT


Example program:

      program demo_lowess
      use M_math, only : lowess
      !  test driver for lowess
      !  for expected output, see introduction
      real x(20), y(20), ys(20), rw(20), res(20)
      data x /1,2,3,4,5,10*6,8,10,12,14,50/
      data y /18,2,15,6,10,4,16,11,7,3,14,17,20,12,9,13,1,8,5,19/
      call lowess(x,y,20,.25,0,0.,ys,rw,res)
      write(*,*) ys
      call lowess(x,y,20,.25,0,3.,ys,rw,res)
      write(*,*) ys
      call lowess(x,y,20,.25,2,0.,ys,rw,res)
      write(*,*) ys
      end program demo_lowess

The following are data and output from LOWESS that can be used to check your implementation of the routines. The notation (10)v means 10 values of v.

X values: 1 2 3 4 5 (10)6 8 10 12 14 50

Y values: 18 2 15 6 10 4 16 11 7 3 14 17 20 12 9 13 1 8 5 19

YS values with F = .25, NSTEPS = 0, DELTA = 0.0 13.659 11.145 8.701 9.722 10.000 (10)11.300 13.000 6.440 5.596 5.456 18.998

YS values with F = .25, NSTEPS = 0 , DELTA = 3.0 13.659 12.347 11.034 9.722 10.511 (10)11.300 13.000 6.440 5.596 5.456 18.998

YS values with F = .25, NSTEPS = 2, DELTA = 0.0 14.811 12.115 8.984 9.676 10.000 (10)11.346 13.000 6.734 5.744 5.415 18.998


This routine is functionally based on the "netlib" routine lowess from netlib/go/lowess.f .

"Graphical Methods for Data Analysis", Chambers, Cleveland, Kleiner, and Tukey. Wadsworth, 1983.


Time Series Analysis


A multivariate version is available by "send dloess from a" from the NETLIB server.


Bill Cleveland

    research!alice!wsc Mon Dec 30 16:55 EST 1985
    W. S. Cleveland
    ATT Bell Laboratories
    Murray Hill NJ 07974

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