C Library Functions  - inpolygon (3)


inpolygon(3f) - [M_math:geometry] determine whether or not an integer point is in an integer polygon




logical function inpolygon(xin, yin, xconv, yconv, nconv)

     integer,intent(in)  xin, yin
     integer,intent(in)  nconv
     integer,intent(in)  xconv(nconv), yconv(nconv)


Given a closed polygon find if a point lies inside the polygon. Intended for integer values, like pixel images.


xin the X coordinate of the point to be checked
yin the Y coordinate of the point to be checked
xconv contains the X coords of the polygon
yconv contains the Y coords of the polygon
nconv the number of points in the polygon


INPOLYGON returns .true if the point lies inside the polygon, otherwise it returns .false.


Sample program

Draw a polygon and an envelope of the polygon and then calculate random points in the region and determine if they fall inside the polygon, within the accuracy of integer values.

   program demo_inpolygon
   use M_draw
   use M_math,     only : envelope        ! Find vertices (in clockwise order) of a polygon enclosing the points
   use M_math,     only : inpolygon       ! find if a point is inside a polygonal path
   use M_math,     only : polyarea        ! compute the area bounded by a closed polygonal curve
   implicit none
   integer,parameter :: n=6
   !  3--------------4
   !   \           /
   !     \       /
   !       \   /
   !         X 2,5
   !       /  \
   !     /      \
   !   /          \
   !  1--------------6
   integer,parameter    :: x(n)=[-5, 0,-5, 5, 0, 5]
   integer,parameter    :: y(n)=[-5, 0, 5, 5, 0,-5]
   real              :: xy(2,n)
   integer           :: vertex(n)
   integer           :: nvert
   integer           :: i
   integer           :: idum
   call vinit(’ ’)
   call page(-10.0,10.0,-10.0,10.0)
   call color(D_BLACK) ! set current color to black
   call clear()        ! clear to current color
   call polyfill(.true.)
   call color(D_BLUE)  ! we want to draw polygon in this color
   call poly2(n,xy)    ! draw filled polygon using points given
   idum=getkey()       ! pause for some input
   call color(D_CYAN)
   call polyhatch(.true.)
   call envelope(real(x), real(y), n, vertex, nvert)   ! calculate envelope

call poly2(nvert,xy(:,vertex(1:nvert))) ! draw hatched envelope idum=getkey() ! pause for some input call polyhatch(.false.) call linewidth(50) call color(D_WHITE) call poly2(n,xy) ! draw line along original points idum=getkey() ! pause for some input call random_seed() do i=1,70 call pickrandom() enddo idum=getkey() ! pause for some input call vexit() ! wrap up and exit graphics mode write(*,*)’polyarea=’,polyarea(real(x),real(y)) write(*,*)’polyarea=’,polyarea( xy(1,vertex(1:nvert)), xy(2,vertex(1:nvert))) contains subroutine pickrandom() ! randomly pick a point in the plot area and color it according to whether it is inside ! the original polygon real :: pointx, pointy integer :: l, m call random_number(pointx) call random_number(pointy) pointx=int(pointx*20.0-10.0) pointy=int(pointy*20.0-10.0) !call locpt(pointx,pointy,x,y,n,l,m) if(inpolygon(int(pointx),int(pointy),x,y,n))then call color(D_GREEN) else call color(D_RED) endif call circle(pointx,pointy,0.2) end subroutine pickrandom end program demo_inpolygon

Nemo Release 3.1 inpolygon (3) July 22, 2023
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