C Library Functions  - M_getopt_long (3)


M_getopt_long(3fm) - [ARGUMENTS:M_getopt_long::INTRO] parse command line options like Sun getopt_long, including the Sun CLIP specification (LICENSE:PD)





    use M_getopt_long, only : getopt_new, getopt
    use M_getopt_long, only : getopt_type, getopt_option_type
    use M_getopt_long, only : getopt_argv


This is modeled on SunOS getopt_long(3), and includes the Sun CLIP specification, which requires matching short and long versions of all options.

Precise getopt functionality is not really desirable. The biggest drawback of getopt is the use of globals. (It was designed a long time ago.). This interface uses OOP with a derived-type data object.


Sample program:

   program demo_M_getopt_long
     use M_getopt_long
     implicit none
     character(len=1) :: c
     integer :: i
     integer :: digit_optind = 0
     type(getopt_type), pointer :: opts

integer :: this_option_optind integer :: option_index character(len=1), parameter :: NIL = char(0)

type(getopt_option_type) :: long_options(6) = (/ & getopt_option_type("add", 1, NULL(), NIL), & getopt_option_type("append", 0, NULL(), NIL), & getopt_option_type("delete", 1, NULL(), NIL), & getopt_option_type("verbose", 0, NULL(), NIL), & getopt_option_type("create", 1, NULL(), ’c’), & getopt_option_type("file", 1, NULL(), NIL) /) character(len=*), parameter :: optstring = "abc:d:012"

call getopt_new(opts,optstring,long_options)

do this_option_optind = merge(opts%index,1,opts%index>0) option_index = 0 c = getopt(opts,option_index) write(*,*)’retval=’,c select case(c) case (GETOPT_STATUS_END) exit case (GETOPT_STATUS_NIL) write(*,’(2A)’,advance=’no’) "option ", trim(long_options(option_index)%name) if (associated(opts%optarg)) & write(*,’(2A)’,advance=’no’) "with arg ", opts%optarg write(*,*) !newline

case (’0’,’1’,’2’) if (digit_optind /= 0 .and. digit_optind /= this_option_optind) & write(*,*) "digits occur in two different argv-elements." digit_optind = this_option_optind write(*,*)"option ",c

case (’a’,’b’) write(*,*)"option ",c

case (’c’,’d’) write(*,*)"option ",c," with value ’",opts%optarg,’"’

case default write(*,*) "?? getopt returned character code ",ichar(c)," ??"

end select

end do

if (opts%index <= opts%argc) then write(*,’(A)’,advance=’no’) "non-option ARGV-elements: " do i=opts%index,opts%argc write(*,’(A,1X)’,advance=’no’) getopt_argv(opts,i) end do write(*,*) ! newline end if

stop end program demo_M_getopt_long


o [[getopt_long_module]] by [[Joe Krahn]].
o slightly modified from original - JSU


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Nemo Release 3.1 M_getopt_long (3) July 22, 2023
Generated by manServer 1.08 from 8816266e-1452-4a8d-b6ec-8f4af86bf01b using man macros.