C Library Functions  - contourlines (3)


contourlines(3f) - [M_contourplot] calculate contour lines from ungridded data f(x,y) and call user-supplied routine with results




SUBROUTINE ContourLines(x,y,z,ismopt,iexp,jexp,clist,epsilon,ierr,cntcrv)

      real,intent(in),dimension(:) :: x
      real,intent(in),dimension(:) :: y
      real,intent(in),dimension(:) :: z
      integer,intent(in)           :: ismopt
      integer,intent(in)           :: iexp
      integer,intent(in)           :: jexp
      real,intent(in),dimension(:) :: clist
      real,intent(out)             :: epsilon
      integer,intent(out)          :: ierr
      external cntcrv


contourlines(3f) is a general algorithm for the construction of contour plots. It computes contour lines of constant z for the function z = f(x,y).

From the original COSMIC description:

The graphical presentation of experimentally or theoretically generated data sets frequently involves the construction of contour plots. A general computer algorithm has been developed for the construction of contour plots. The algorithm provides for efficient and accurate contouring with a modular approach which allows flexibility in modifying the algorithm for special applications. The algorithm accepts as input data values at a set of points irregularly distributed over a plane. The algorithm is based on an interpolation scheme in which the points in the plane are connected by straight line segments to form a set of triangles. In general, the data is smoothed using a least-squares-error fit of the data to a bivariate polynomial. To construct the contours, interpolation along the edges of the triangles is performed, using the bivariable polynomial if data smoothing was performed. Once the contour points have been located, the contour may be drawn.


This is a public domain routine from PDAS (Public Domain Aeronautical Software) converted to modules; which was derived from COSMIC Program Number ARC-11441; which originated at NASA Ames Research Center, circa 1981.


From the original PDAS description:

There are many additional algorithms available for computation of contour lines. There are several in the Transactions for Mathematical Software and elsewhere. This routine was deemed worthy of inclusion in the NASA COSMIC collection, but I cannot swear to its status among contour generators.


x input list of x values
y input list of y values
z input list of z values
ismopt smoothing option flag (0=no/off, 1=yes/on)
  i and j exponent value for smoothing If smoothing is used, these values are used to define a polynomial used for a least-squares fit of the data.
clist list of constant contour values
  error function (normalized value) returned to caller if ismopt is non-zero
ierr return error flag
0. for normal return
1. for invalid value for number of values in x,y,z
2. for number of ismopt coefficients greater than ’maxcof’ or number of values in x,y,z



   ! program demo_contourlines and user routine
   program TestCase
   use M_ContourPlot, only : contourlines
   implicit none
   integer,parameter    :: NPTS=121
   real,parameter,dimension(8):: c = &
         [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0]
   real                 :: eps
   integer              :: errCode
   integer,parameter    :: DBG=2
   integer              :: ierr
   !integer              :: iexp=0, jexp=0, ism=0
   integer              :: iexp=2, jexp=3, ism=1
   integer              :: i,j,k
   real,dimension(NPTS) :: x,y,z
   external             :: my_CntCrv
      do j=0,10
         do i=0,10
         end do
      end do
      z=(x-0.5)**2 + (y-0.5)**2
      ! write out the input values for inspection
      open(unit=dbg, file=’test.log’, status=’replace’, &
         & iostat=errCode, action=’write’, position=’rewind’)
      write(DBG,’(I4,3F12.6)’) (k,x(k),y(k),z(k),k=1,npts)
      call ContourLines(x,y,z, ism,iexp,jexp, c, eps,ierr,my_CntCrv)
   ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
   subroutine my_CntCrv(x,y,n,z)
   ! User-supplied routine used to plot or process the contour lines
   implicit none
   integer,intent(in)          :: n
   real,intent(in),dimension(n):: x,y
   real,intent(in)             :: z
   integer,save                :: gnu=0
   integer                     :: k
   integer                     :: errCode
         ! on first call, set up output file
         open(unit=gnu, file=’test1.gnu’, status=’replace’, &
           & iostat=errCode, action=’write’, position=’rewind’)
         write(*,*) "File test1.gnu added to your directory"
      ! write a contour line out to a file followed by a blank line
      write(gnu,’("# level ",g0)’) z
      write(gnu,’(2f12.5)’) (x(k),y(k),k=1,n)
      write(gnu,’(a)’) " "
   end subroutine my_CntCrv
   ! end program demo_contourlines and user routine

#!/bin/sh # Example execution of gnuplot(1) to plot the output file gnuplot <<\EOF plot ’test1.gnu’ with lines pause mouse "click mouse to exit ..." quit


Nemo Release 3.1 contourlines (3) July 22, 2023
Generated by manServer 1.08 from fe3f64c3-8eab-4e1c-a2fb-e0f3aae4b977 using man macros.