grouping | page | description |
ARRAY:CONSTRUCTION | merge | Merge variables |
ARRAY:CONSTRUCTION | pack | Pack an array into an array of ra... |
ARRAY:CONSTRUCTION | spread | Add a dimension and replicate data |
ARRAY:CONSTRUCTION | unpack | Scatter the elements of a vector ... |
ARRAY:INQUIRY | allocated | Allocation status of an allocatable en... |
ARRAY:INQUIRY | is_contiguous | Test if object is contiguous |
ARRAY:INQUIRY | lbound | Lower dimension bounds of an array |
ARRAY:INQUIRY | rank | Rank of a data object |
ARRAY:INQUIRY | shape | Determine the shape of an array or scalar |
ARRAY:INQUIRY | size | Determine the size of an array or exte... |
ARRAY:INQUIRY | ubound | Upper dimension bounds of an array |
ARRAY:LOCATION | findloc | Location of first element of ARRAY id... |
ARRAY:LOCATION | maxloc | Location of the maximum value within ... |
ARRAY:LOCATION | minloc | Location of the minimum value within ... |
ARRAY:MANIPULATION | transpose | Transpose an array of rank two |
ARRAY:REDUCTION | all | Determines if all the values are true |
ARRAY:REDUCTION | any | Determines if any of the values in t... |
ARRAY:REDUCTION | count | Count true values in an array |
ARRAY:REDUCTION | maxval | Determines the maximum value in an a... |
ARRAY:REDUCTION | minval | Minimum value of all the elements of... |
ARRAY:REDUCTION | parity | Array reduction by .NEQV. operation |
ARRAY:REDUCTION | product | Product of array elements |
ARRAY:REDUCTION | sum | Sum the elements of an array |
ARRAY:RESHAPE | reshape | Function to reshape an array |
ARRAY:TRANSFORMATIONAL | cshift | Circular shift elements of an... |
ARRAY:TRANSFORMATIONAL | dot_product | Dot product of two vectors |
ARRAY:TRANSFORMATIONAL | eoshift | End-off shift of elements of ... |
ARRAY:TRANSFORMATIONAL | matmul | Numeric or logical matrix mul... |
ARRAY:TRANSFORMATIONAL | reduce | General reduction of an array |
ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATION | atomic_and | Atomic bitwise AND operation |
ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATION | atomic_fetch_and | Atomic bitwise AND op... |
ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATION | atomic_fetch_or | Atomic bitwise OR oper... |
ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATION | atomic_fetch_xor | Atomic bitwise XOR op... |
ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATION | atomic_or | Atomic bitwise OR operation |
ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATION | atomic_xor | Atomic bitwise OR operation |
ATOMIC | atomic_add | Atomic ADD operation |
ATOMIC | atomic_cas | Atomic compare and swap |
ATOMIC | atomic_define | Setting a variable atomically |
ATOMIC | atomic_fetch_add | Atomic ADD operation with prior fetch |
ATOMIC | atomic_ref | Obtaining the value of a variable atomically |
BIT:COMPARE | bge | Bitwise greater than or equal to |
BIT:COMPARE | bgt | Bitwise greater than |
BIT:COMPARE | ble | Bitwise less than or equal to |
BIT:COMPARE | blt | Bitwise less than |
BIT:COPY | dshiftl | Combined left shift of the bits of two inte... |
BIT:COPY | dshiftr | Combined right shift of the bits of two int... |
BIT:COPY | ibits | Extraction of a subset of bits |
BIT:COPY | merge_bits | Merge bits using a mask |
BIT:COPY | mvbits | Reproduce bit patterns found in one integer... |
BIT:COUNT | leadz | Number of leading zero bits of an integer |
BIT:COUNT | popcnt | Number of bits set |
BIT:COUNT | poppar | Parity of the number of bits set |
BIT:COUNT | trailz | Number of trailing zero bits of an integer |
BIT:INQUIRY | bit_size | Bit size inquiry function |
BIT:INQUIRY | btest | Tests a bit of an integer value. |
BIT:INQUIRY | storage_size | Storage size in bits |
BIT:LOGICAL | iall | Bitwise and of array elements |
BIT:LOGICAL | iand | Bitwise logical AND |
BIT:LOGICAL | iany | Bitwise OR of array elements |
BIT:LOGICAL | ieor | Bitwise exclusive OR |
BIT:LOGICAL | ior | Bitwise logical inclusive OR |
BIT:LOGICAL | iparity | Bitwise exclusive OR of array elements |
BIT:LOGICAL | not | Logical negation; flips all bits in an i... |
BIT:SET | ibclr | Clear a bit |
BIT:SET | ibset | Set a bit to one in an integer value |
BIT:SET | maskl | Generates a left justified mask |
BIT:SET | maskr | Generates a right-justified mask |
BIT:SHIFT | ishft | Logical shift of bits in an integer |
BIT:SHIFT | ishftc | Shift rightmost bits circularly, AKA. a lo... |
BIT:SHIFT | shifta | Right shift with fill |
BIT:SHIFT | shiftl | Shift bits left |
BIT:SHIFT | shiftr | Shift bits right |
CHARACTER:COMPARE | lge | ASCII Lexical greater than or equal |
CHARACTER:COMPARE | lgt | ASCII Lexical greater than |
CHARACTER:COMPARE | lle | ASCII Lexical less than or equal |
CHARACTER:COMPARE | llt | ASCII Lexical less than |
CHARACTER:CONVERSION | achar | Returns a character in a specif... |
CHARACTER:CONVERSION | char | Generate a character from a cod... |
CHARACTER:CONVERSION | iachar | Return integer ASCII code of a ... |
CHARACTER:CONVERSION | ichar | Character-to-integer code conve... |
CHARACTER:INQUIRY | new_line | Newline character |
CHARACTER:PARSE | tokenize | Parse a string into tokens. |
CHARACTER:SEARCH | index | Position of a substring within a st... |
CHARACTER:SEARCH | scan | Scan a string for the presence of a... |
CHARACTER:SEARCH | verify | Position of a character in a string... |
CHARACTER:SPLIT | split | Parse a string into tokens, one at a... |
CHARACTER:WHITESPACE | adjustl | Left-justified a string |
CHARACTER:WHITESPACE | adjustr | Right-justify a string |
CHARACTER:WHITESPACE | len_trim | Character length without traili... |
CHARACTER:WHITESPACE | trim | Remove trailing blank character... |
CHARACTER | len | Length of a character entity |
CHARACTER | repeat | Repeated string concatenation |
COLLECTIVE | co_broadcast | Copy a value to all images the current... |
COLLECTIVE | co_lbound | Lower codimension bounds of an array |
COLLECTIVE | co_max | Maximal value on the current set of images |
COLLECTIVE | co_min | Minimal value on the current set of images |
COLLECTIVE | co_reduce | Reduction of values on the current set of... |
COLLECTIVE | co_sum | Sum of values on the current set of images |
COLLECTIVE | co_ubound | Upper codimension bounds of an array |
COLLECTIVE | event_query | Query whether a coarray event has occurred |
COLLECTIVE | image_index | Cosubscript to image index conversion |
COLLECTIVE | lcobound | Lower codimension bounds of an array |
COLLECTIVE | num_images | Number of images |
COLLECTIVE | this_image | Cosubscript index of this image |
COLLECTIVE | ucobound | Upper codimension bounds of an array |
COMPILER:INQUIRY | compiler_options | Options passed to the compiler |
COMPILER:INQUIRY | compiler_version | Compiler version string |
ISO_C_BINDING | c_associated | Status of a C pointer |
ISO_C_BINDING | c_f_pointer | Convert C into Fortran pointer |
ISO_C_BINDING | c_f_procpointer | Convert C into Fortran procedure... |
ISO_C_BINDING | c_funloc | Obtain the C address of a procedure |
ISO_C_BINDING | c_loc | Obtain the C address of an object |
ISO_C_BINDING | c_sizeof | Size in bytes of an expression |
KIND:INQUIRY | kind | Query kind of an entity |
KIND | selected_char_kind | Select character kind such as "Unicode" |
KIND | selected_int_kind | Choose integer kind |
KIND | selected_real_kind | Choose real kind |
MATHEMATICS:RANDOM | random_init | Initializes the state of the ps... |
MATHEMATICS:RANDOM | random_number | Pseudo-random number |
MATHEMATICS:RANDOM | random_seed | Initialize a pseudo-random numb... |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | acos | Arccosine (inverse cosine)... |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | acosd | Arccosine (inverse cosine)... |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | acosh | Inverse hyperbolic cosine ... |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | acospi | Circular Arccosine (invers... |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | asin | Arcsine function |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | asind | Arcsine function in degrees |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | asinh | Inverse hyperbolic sine fu... |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | asinpi | Circular arc sine function |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | atan | Arctangent AKA inverse tan... |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | atan2 | Arctangent (inverse tangen... |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | atan2d | Arc tangent function in de... |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | atan2pi | Circular Arc tangent (inve... |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | atand | Arc tangent AKA inverse ta... |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | atanh | Inverse hyperbolic tangent... |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | atanpi | Circular Arctangent AKA in... |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | cos | Cosine function |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | cosd | Degree cosine function |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | cosh | Hyperbolic cosine function |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | cospi | Circular Cosine function |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | sind | Degree sine function |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | sinh | Hyperbolic sine function |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | sinpi | Circular sine function |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | tan | Tangent function |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | tand | Degree Tangent function |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | tanh | Hyperbolic tangent function |
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC | tanpi | Circular tangent function |
MATHEMATICS | bessel_j0 | Bessel function of the first kind of ord... |
MATHEMATICS | bessel_j1 | Bessel function of the first kind of ord... |
MATHEMATICS | bessel_jn | Bessel function of the first kind |
MATHEMATICS | bessel_y0 | Bessel function of the second kind of or... |
MATHEMATICS | bessel_y1 | Bessel function of the second kind of or... |
MATHEMATICS | bessel_yn | Bessel function of the second kind |
MATHEMATICS | erf | Error function |
MATHEMATICS | erfc | Complementary error function |
MATHEMATICS | erfc_scaled | Scaled complementary error function |
MATHEMATICS | exp | Base-e exponential function |
MATHEMATICS | gamma | Gamma function, which yields factorials ... |
MATHEMATICS | hypot | Returns the Euclidean distance - the dis... |
MATHEMATICS | log | Natural logarithm |
MATHEMATICS | log10 | Base 10 or common logarithm |
MATHEMATICS | log_gamma | Logarithm of the absolute value of the G... |
MATHEMATICS | norm2 | Euclidean vector norm |
MATHEMATICS | sqrt | Square-root function |
MEMORY | move_alloc | Move allocation from one object to another |
MODEL:COMPONENTS | exponent | Exponent of floating-point number |
MODEL:COMPONENTS | fraction | Fractional part of the model repres... |
MODEL:COMPONENTS | nearest | Nearest representable number |
MODEL:COMPONENTS | scale | Scale a real value by a whole power... |
MODEL:COMPONENTS | set_exponent | real value with specified exponent |
MODEL:NUMERIC | digits | Significant digits in the numeric model |
MODEL:NUMERIC | epsilon | Epsilon function |
MODEL:NUMERIC | huge | Largest number of a type and kind |
MODEL:NUMERIC | maxexponent | Maximum exponent of a real kind |
MODEL:NUMERIC | minexponent | Minimum exponent of a real kind |
MODEL:NUMERIC | precision | Decimal precision of a real kind |
MODEL:NUMERIC | radix | Base of a numeric model |
MODEL:NUMERIC | range | Decimal exponent range of a numeric kind |
MODEL:NUMERIC | tiny | Smallest positive number of a real kind |
MODEL_COMPONENTS | rrspacing | Reciprocal of the relative spacing ... |
MODEL_COMPONENTS | spacing | Smallest distance between two numbe... |
NUMERIC | abs | Absolute value |
NUMERIC | aint | Truncate toward zero to a whole number |
NUMERIC | anint | Real nearest whole number |
NUMERIC | ceiling | returns the least integer greater than or eq... |
NUMERIC | conjg | Complex conjugate of a complex value |
NUMERIC | dim | Positive difference of X - Y |
NUMERIC | dprod | Double precision real product |
NUMERIC | floor | Function to return largest integral value no... |
NUMERIC | max | Maximum value of an argument list |
NUMERIC | min | Minimum value of an argument list |
NUMERIC | mod | Remainder function |
NUMERIC | modulo | Modulo function |
NUMERIC | sign | Sign copying function |
STATE:INQUIRY | associated | Association status of a pointer or po... |
STATE:INQUIRY | extends_type_of | Determine if the dynamic type of... |
STATE:INQUIRY | is_iostat_end | Test for end-of-file value |
STATE:INQUIRY | is_iostat_eor | Test for end-of-record value |
STATE:INQUIRY | present | Determine whether an optional dummy ar... |
STATE:INQUIRY | same_type_as | Query dynamic types for equality |
SYSTEM:COMMAND LINE | command_argument_count | Get number of comma... |
SYSTEM:COMMAND LINE | get_command | Get the entire command line in... |
SYSTEM:COMMAND LINE | get_command_argument | Get command line argu... |
SYSTEM:ENVIRONMENT | get_environment_variable | Retrieve the value... |
SYSTEM:PROCESSES | execute_command_line | Execute a shell command |
SYSTEM:TIME | cpu_time | Return CPU processor time used in seconds |
SYSTEM:TIME | date_and_time | Gets current date time |
SYSTEM:TIME | system_clock | Query system clock |
TRANSFORMATIONAL | null | Function that returns a disassociat... |
TYPE:CONVERSION | aimag | Imaginary part of complex number |
TYPE:CONVERSION | cmplx | Conversion to a complex type |
TYPE:CONVERSION | dble | Converstion to double precision real |
TYPE:CONVERSION | int | Truncate towards zero and convert to... |
TYPE:CONVERSION | nint | Nearest whole number |
TYPE:CONVERSION | out_of_range | Whether a numeric value can be co... |
TYPE:CONVERSION | real | Convert to real type |
TYPE:LOGICAL | logical | Conversion between kinds of logical values |
TYPE:MOLD | transfer | Transfer bit patterns |