
man(3) pages for Fortran Intrinsics

grouping page description
ARRAY:CONSTRUCTIONmerge Merge variables
ARRAY:CONSTRUCTIONpack Pack an array into an array of ra...
ARRAY:CONSTRUCTIONspread Add a dimension and replicate data
ARRAY:CONSTRUCTIONunpack Scatter the elements of a vector ...
ARRAY:INQUIRYallocated Allocation status of an allocatable en...
ARRAY:INQUIRYis_contiguous Test if object is contiguous
ARRAY:INQUIRYlbound Lower dimension bounds of an array
ARRAY:INQUIRYrank Rank of a data object
ARRAY:INQUIRYshape Determine the shape of an array or scalar
ARRAY:INQUIRYsize Determine the size of an array or exte...
ARRAY:INQUIRYubound Upper dimension bounds of an array
ARRAY:LOCATIONfindloc Location of first element of ARRAY id...
ARRAY:LOCATIONmaxloc Location of the maximum value within ...
ARRAY:LOCATIONminloc Location of the minimum value within ...
ARRAY:MANIPULATIONtranspose Transpose an array of rank two
ARRAY:REDUCTIONall Determines if all the values are true
ARRAY:REDUCTIONany Determines if any of the values in t...
ARRAY:REDUCTIONcount Count true values in an array
ARRAY:REDUCTIONmaxval Determines the maximum value in an a...
ARRAY:REDUCTIONminval Minimum value of an array
ARRAY:REDUCTIONparity Array reduction by .NEQV. operation
ARRAY:REDUCTIONproduct Product of array elements
ARRAY:REDUCTIONsum Sum the elements of an array
ARRAY:RESHAPEreshape Function to reshape an array
ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATIONatomic_and Atomic bitwise AND operation
ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATIONatomic_fetch_and Atomic bitwise AND op...
ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATIONatomic_fetch_or Atomic bitwise OR oper...
ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATIONatomic_fetch_xor Atomic bitwise XOR op...
ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATIONatomic_or Atomic bitwise OR operation
ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATIONatomic_xor Atomic bitwise OR operation
ATOMICatomic_add Atomic ADD operation
ATOMICatomic_cas Atomic compare and swap
ATOMICatomic_define Setting a variable atomically
ATOMICatomic_fetch_add Atomic ADD operation with prior fetch
ATOMICatomic_ref Obtaining the value of a variable atomically
BIT:COMPAREbge Bitwise greater than or equal to
BIT:COMPAREbgt Bitwise greater than
BIT:COMPAREble Bitwise less than or equal to
BIT:COMPAREblt Bitwise less than
BIT:COPYdshiftl Combined left shift of the bits of two inte...
BIT:COPYdshiftr Combined right shift of the bits of two int...
BIT:COPYibits Extraction of a subset of bits
BIT:COPYmerge_bits Merge bits using a mask
BIT:COPYmvbits Reproduce bit patterns found in one integer...
BIT:COUNTleadz Number of leading zero bits of an integer
BIT:COUNTpopcnt Number of bits set
BIT:COUNTpoppar Parity of the number of bits set
BIT:COUNTtrailz Number of trailing zero bits of an integer
BIT:INQUIRYbit_size Bit size inquiry function
BIT:INQUIRYbtest Tests a bit of an integer value.
BIT:INQUIRYstorage_size Storage size in bits
BIT:LOGICALiall Bitwise and of array elements
BIT:LOGICALiand Bitwise logical AND
BIT:LOGICALiany Bitwise OR of array elements
BIT:LOGICALieor Bitwise exclusive OR
BIT:LOGICALior Bitwise logical inclusive OR
BIT:LOGICALiparity Bitwise exclusive OR of array elements
BIT:LOGICALnot Logical negation; flips all bits in an i...
BIT:SETibclr Clear a bit
BIT:SETibset Set a bit to one in an integer value
BIT:SETmaskl Generates a left justified mask
BIT:SETmaskr Generates a right-justified mask
BIT:SHIFTishft Logical shift of bits in an integer
BIT:SHIFTishftc Shift rightmost bits circularly, AKA. a lo...
BIT:SHIFTshifta Right shift with fill
BIT:SHIFTshiftl Shift bits left
BIT:SHIFTshiftr Shift bits right
CHARACTER:COMPARElge ASCII Lexical greater than or equal
CHARACTER:COMPARElgt ASCII Lexical greater than
CHARACTER:COMPARElle ASCII Lexical less than or equal
CHARACTER:COMPAREllt ASCII Lexical less than
CHARACTER:CONVERSIONachar Returns a character in a specif...
CHARACTER:CONVERSIONiachar Return integer ASCII code of a ...
CHARACTER:CONVERSIONichar Character-to-integer code conve...
CHARACTER:INQUIRYnew_line Newline character
CHARACTER:SEARCHindex Position of a substring within a st...
CHARACTER:SEARCHscan Scan a string for the presence of a...
CHARACTER:SEARCHverify Position of a character in a string...
CHARACTER:WHITESPACEadjustl Left-justified a string
CHARACTER:WHITESPACEadjustr Right-justify a string
CHARACTER:WHITESPACElen_trim Character length without traili...
CHARACTER:WHITESPACEtrim Remove trailing blank character...
CHARACTERchar Generate a character from a code value
CHARACTERlen Length of a character entity
CHARACTERrepeat Repeated string concatenation
COLLECTIVEco_broadcast Copy a value to all images the current...
COLLECTIVEco_lbound Lower codimension bounds of an array
COLLECTIVEco_max Maximal value on the current set of images
COLLECTIVEco_min Minimal value on the current set of images
COLLECTIVEco_reduce Reduction of values on the current set of...
COLLECTIVEco_sum Sum of values on the current set of images
COLLECTIVEco_ubound Upper codimension bounds of an array
COLLECTIVEevent_query Query whether a coarray event has occurred
COLLECTIVEimage_index Cosubscript to image index conversion
COLLECTIVElcobound Lower codimension bounds of an array
COLLECTIVEnum_images Number of images
COLLECTIVEthis_image Cosubscript index of this image
COLLECTIVEucobound Upper codimension bounds of an array
COMPILER:INQUIRYcompiler_options Options passed to the compiler
COMPILER:INQUIRYcompiler_version Compiler version string
ISO_C_BINDINGc_associated Status of a C pointer
ISO_C_BINDINGc_f_pointer Convert C into Fortran pointer
ISO_C_BINDINGc_f_procpointer Convert C into Fortran procedure...
ISO_C_BINDINGc_funloc Obtain the C address of a procedure
ISO_C_BINDINGc_loc Obtain the C address of an object
ISO_C_BINDINGc_sizeof Size in bytes of an expression
KIND:INQUIRYkind Query kind of an entity
KINDselected_char_kind Select character kind such as "Unicode"
KINDselected_int_kind Choose integer kind
KINDselected_real_kind Choose real kind
MATHEMATICS:RANDOMrandom_init Initializes the state of the ps...
MATHEMATICS:RANDOMrandom_init Initializes the state of the p...
MATHEMATICS:RANDOMrandom_number Pseudo-random number
MATHEMATICS:RANDOMrandom_seed Initialize a pseudo-random numb...
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRICacos Arccosine (inverse cosine)...
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRICacosh Inverse hyperbolic cosine ...
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRICasinh Inverse hyperbolic sine fu...
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRICatan Arctangent AKA inverse tan...
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRICatan2 Arctangent (inverse tangen...
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRICatanh Inverse hyperbolic tangent...
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRICcosh Hyperbolic cosine function
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRICsinh Hyperbolic sine function
MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRICtanh Hyperbolic tangent function
MATHEMATICSbessel_j0 Bessel function of the first kind of ord...
MATHEMATICSbessel_j1 Bessel function of the first kind of ord...
MATHEMATICSbessel_jn Bessel function of the first kind
MATHEMATICSbessel_y0 Bessel function of the second kind of or...
MATHEMATICSbessel_y1 Bessel function of the second kind of or...
MATHEMATICSbessel_yn Bessel function of the second kind
MATHEMATICSerf Error function
MATHEMATICSerfc Complementary error function
MATHEMATICSerfc_scaled Scaled complementary error function
MATHEMATICSexp Base-e exponential function
MATHEMATICSgamma Gamma function, which yields factorials ...
MATHEMATICShypot Returns the Euclidean distance - the dis...
MATHEMATICSlog Natural logarithm
MATHEMATICSlog10 Base 10 or common logarithm
MATHEMATICSlog_gamma Logarithm of the absolute value of the G...
MATHEMATICSnorm2 Euclidean vector norm
MATHEMATICSsqrt Square-root function
MEMORYmove_alloc Move allocation from one object to another
MODEL_COMPONENTSexponent Exponent of floating-point number
MODEL_COMPONENTSfraction Fractional part of the model repres...
MODEL_COMPONENTSnearest Nearest representable number
MODEL_COMPONENTSrrspacing Reciprocal of the relative spacing ...
MODEL_COMPONENTSscale Scale a real value by a whole power...
MODEL_COMPONENTSset_exponent real value with specified exponent
MODEL_COMPONENTSspacing Smallest distance between two numbe...
NUMERIC MODELdigits Significant digits in the numeric model
NUMERIC MODELepsilon Epsilon function
NUMERIC MODELhuge Largest number of a type and kind
NUMERIC MODELmaxexponent Maximum exponent of a real kind
NUMERIC MODELminexponent Minimum exponent of a real kind
NUMERIC MODELprecision Decimal precision of a real kind
NUMERIC MODELradix Base of a numeric model
NUMERIC MODELrange Decimal exponent range of a numeric kind
NUMERIC MODELtiny Smallest positive number of a real kind
NUMERICabs Absolute value
NUMERICaint Truncate toward zero to a whole number
NUMERICanint Real nearest whole number
NUMERICceiling Integer ceiling function
NUMERICconjg Complex conjugate of a complex value
NUMERICdim Positive difference of X - Y
NUMERICdprod Double precision real product
NUMERICfloor Function to return largest integral value no...
NUMERICmax Maximum value of an argument list
NUMERICmin Minimum value of an argument list
NUMERICmod Remainder function
NUMERICmodulo Modulo function
NUMERICsign Sign copying function
STATE:INQUIRYassociated Association status of a pointer or po...
STATE:INQUIRYextends_type_of Determine if the dynamic type of...
STATE:INQUIRYis_iostat_end Test for end-of-file value
STATE:INQUIRYis_iostat_eor Test for end-of-record value
STATE:INQUIRYpresent Determine whether an optional dummy ar...
STATE:INQUIRYsame_type_as Query dynamic types for equality
SYSTEM:COMMAND LINEcommand_argument_count Get number of comma...
SYSTEM:COMMAND LINEget_command Get the entire command line in...
SYSTEM:COMMAND LINEget_command_argument Get command line argu...
SYSTEM:ENVIRONMENTget_environment_variable Get value of an en...
SYSTEM:PROCESSESexecute_command_line Execute a shell command
SYSTEM:TIMEcpu_time Return CPU processor time used in seconds
SYSTEM:TIMEdate_and_time Gets current date time
SYSTEM:TIMEsystem_clock Query system clock
TRANSFORMATIONALcshift Circular shift elements of an array
TRANSFORMATIONALdot_product Dot product of two vectors
TRANSFORMATIONALeoshift End-off shift of elements of an array
TRANSFORMATIONALmatmul Numeric or logical matrix multiplic...
TRANSFORMATIONALnull Function that returns a disassociat...
TRANSFORMATIONALreduce General reduction of an array
TYPE:LOGICALlogical Conversion between kinds of logical values
TYPE:MOLDtransfer Transfer bit patterns
TYPE:NUMERICaimag Imaginary part of complex number
TYPE:NUMERICcmplx Conversion to a complex type
TYPE:NUMERICdble Converstion to double precision real
TYPE:NUMERICint Truncate towards zero and convert to in...
TYPE:NUMERICnint Nearest whole number
TYPE:NUMERICout_of_range Whether a numeric value can be conve...
TYPE:NUMERICreal Convert to real type