Manual Reference Pages  - null (3fortran)


NULL(3) - [TRANSFORMATIONAL] Function that returns a disassociated pointer


ptr => null( [mold] )

         function null(mold)

type(TYPE(kind=**)),pointer,optional :: mold


o MOLD is a pointer of any association status and of any type.
o The result is a disassociated pointer or an unallocated allocatable entity.


NULL(3) returns a disassociated pointer.

If MOLD is present, a disassociated pointer of the same type is returned, otherwise the type is determined by context.

In Fortran 95, MOLD is optional. Please note that Fortran 2003 includes cases where it is required.


o MOLD : a pointer of any association status and of any type.


A disassociated pointer or an unallocated allocatable entity.


Sample program:

    !program demo_null
    module showit
    implicit none
    character(len=*),parameter :: g=’(*(g0,1x))’
    public gen
    ! a generic interface that only differs in the
    ! type of the pointer the second argument is
    interface gen
     module procedure s1
     module procedure s2
    end interface


subroutine s1 (j, pi) integer j integer, pointer :: pi if(associated(pi))then write(*,g)’Two integers in S1:,’,j,’and’,pi else write(*,g)’One integer in S1:,’,j endif end subroutine s1

subroutine s2 (k, pr) integer k real, pointer :: pr if(associated(pr))then write(*,g)’integer and real in S2:,’,k,’and’,pr else write(*,g)’One integer in S2:,’,k endif end subroutine s2

end module showit

program demo_null use showit, only : gen

real,target :: x = 200.0 integer,target :: i = 100

real, pointer :: real_ptr integer, pointer :: integer_ptr

! so how do we call S1() or S2() with a disassociated pointer?

! the answer is the null() function with a mold value

! since s1() and s2() both have a first integer ! argument the NULL() pointer must be associated ! to a real or integer type via the mold option ! so the following can distinguish whether s1(1) ! or s2() is called, even though the pointers are ! not associated or defined

call gen (1, null (real_ptr) ) ! invokes s2 call gen (2, null (integer_ptr) ) ! invokes s1 real_ptr => x integer_ptr => i call gen (3, real_ptr ) ! invokes s2 call gen (4, integer_ptr ) ! invokes s1

end program demo_null


      > One integer in S2:, 1
      > One integer in S1:, 2
      > integer and real in S2:, 3 and 200.000000
      > Two integers in S1:, 4 and 100


Fortran 95



Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost

Nemo Release 3.1 null (3fortran) February 19, 2025
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