Manual Reference Pages  - date_and_time (3fortran)


DATE_AND_TIME(3) - [SYSTEM:TIME] Gets current date and time


subroutine date_and_time(date, time, zone, values)

         character(len=8),intent(out),optional :: date
         character(len=10),intent(out),optional :: time
         character(len=5),intent(out),optional :: zone
         integer,intent(out),optional :: values(8)


o DATE, TIME, and ZONE are default character scalar types
o VALUES is a rank-one array of type integer with a decimal exponent range of at least four.


DATE_AND_TIME(3) gets the corresponding date and time information from the real-time system clock.

Unavailable time and date character parameters return blanks.

Unavailable numeric parameters return -HUGE(VALUE).


o DATE : A character string of default kind of the form CCYYMMDD, of length 8 or larger, where
o CCYY is the year in the Gregorian calendar
o MM is the month within the year
o DD is the day within the month.
The characters of this value are all decimal digits.

If there is no date available, DATE is assigned all blanks.

o TIME : A character string of default kind of the form HHMMSS.SSS, of length 10 or larger, where
o HH is the hour of the day,
o MM is the minutes of the hour,
o and SS.SSS is the seconds and milliseconds of the minute.
Except for the decimal point, the characters of this value shall all be decimal digits.

If there is no clock available, TIME is assigned all blanks.

o ZONE : A string of the form (+-)HHMM, of length 5 or larger, representing the difference with respect to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), where
o HH and MM are the time difference with respect to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in hours and minutes, respectively.
The characters of this value following the sign character are all decimal digits.

If this information is not available, ZONE is assigned all blanks.

o VALUES : An array of at least eight elements. If there is no data available for a value it is set to -HUGE(VALUES). Otherwise, it contains:
o VALUES(1) : The year, including the century.
o VALUES(2) : The month of the year
o VALUES(3) : The day of the month
o VALUES(4) : Time difference in minutes between the reported time and UTC time.
o VALUES(5) : The hour of the day, in the range 0 to 23.
o VALUES(6) : The minutes of the hour, in the range 0 to 59
o VALUES(7) : The seconds of the minute, in the range 0 to 60
o VALUES(8) : The milliseconds of the second, in the range 0 to 999.
The date, clock, and time zone information might be available on some images and not others. If the date, clock, or time zone information is available on more than one image, it is processor dependent whether or not those images share the same information.


Sample program:

    program demo_date_and_time
       implicit none
       character(len=8)     :: date
       character(len=10)    :: time
       character(len=5)     :: zone
       integer, dimension(8) :: values

call date_and_time(date, time, zone, values)

! using keyword arguments call date_and_time(DATE=date, TIME=time, ZONE=zone) print ’(*(g0))’,’DATE="’,date,’" TIME="’,time,’" ZONE="’,zone,’"’

call date_and_time(VALUES=values) write (*, ’(i5,a)’) & & values(1), ’ - The year’, & & values(2), ’ - The month’, & & values(3), ’ - The day of the month’, & & values(4), ’ - Time difference with UTC in minutes’, & & values(5), ’ - The hour of the day’, & & values(6), ’ - The minutes of the hour’, & & values(7), ’ - The seconds of the minute’, & & values(8), ’ - The milliseconds of the second’

write (*, ’(a)’) iso_8601() contains function iso_8601() ! return date using ISO-8601 format at a resolution of seconds character(len=8) :: dt character(len=10) :: tm character(len=5) :: zone character(len=25) :: iso_8601 call date_and_time(dt, tm, zone) ISO_8601 = dt(1:4)//’-’//dt(5:6)//’-’//dt(7:8) & & //’T’// & & tm(1:2)//’:’//tm(3:4)//’:’//tm(5:6) & & //zone(1:3)//’:’//zone(4:5) end function iso_8601 end program demo_date_and_time


     > DATE="20240426" TIME="111545.335" ZONE="-0400"
     >  2024 - The year
     >     4 - The month
     >    26 - The day of the month
     >  -240 - Time difference with UTC in minutes
     >    11 - The hour of the day
     >    15 - The minutes of the hour
     >    45 - The seconds of the minute
     >   335 - The milliseconds of the second
     > 2024-04-26T11:15:45-04:00


Fortran 95


These forms are compatible with the representations defined in ISO 8601:2004.

UTC is established by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM, i.e. Bureau International des Poids et Mesures) and the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS).



date and time conversion, formatting and computation
o M_time -
o fortran-datetime -
o datetime-fortran -
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost

Nemo Release 3.1 date_and_time (3fortran) February 19, 2025
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