Manual Reference Pages  - event_query (3fortran)


EVENT_QUERY(3) - [COLLECTIVE] Query whether a coarray event has occurred


call event_query(event, count [,stat] )



EVENT_QUERY(3) assigns the number of events to COUNT which have been posted to the EVENT variable and not yet been removed by calling EVENT_WAIT. When STAT is present and the invocation was successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation has failed, it is assigned a positive value and COUNT is assigned the value -1.


o EVENT : (intent(in)) Scalar of type event_type, defined in iso_fortran_env; shall not be coindexed.
o COUNT : (intent(out))Scalar integer with at least the precision of default integer.
o STAT : (OPTIONAL) Scalar default-kind integer variable.


Sample program:

    program demo_event_query
    use iso_fortran_env
    implicit none
    type(event_type) :: event_value_has_been_set[*]
    integer :: cnt
       if (this_image() == 1) then
          call event_query(event_value_has_been_set, cnt)
          if (cnt > 0) write(*,*) "Value has been set"
       elseif (this_image() == 2) then
          event post(event_value_has_been_set[1])
    end program demo_event_query


TS 18508


o co_broadcast(3) - Copy a value to all images the current set of images
o co_lbound(3) - Lower codimension bounds of an array
o co_max(3) - Maximal value on the current set of images
o co_min(3) - Minimal value on the current set of images
o co_reduce(3) - Reduction of values on the current set of images
o co_sum(3) - Sum of values on the current set of images
o co_ubound(3) - Upper codimension bounds of an array
o event_query(3) - Query whether a coarray event has occurred
o image_index(3) - Cosubscript to image index conversion
o lcobound(3) - Lower codimension bounds of an array
o num_images(3) - Number of images
o this_image(3) - Cosubscript index of this image
o ucobound(3) - Upper codimension bounds of an array
Fortran intrinsic descriptions

Nemo Release 3.1 event_query (3fortran) February 19, 2025
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