Manual Reference Pages  - norm2 (3fortran)


NORM2(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Euclidean vector norm


result = norm2(array, [dim])

         real(kind=KIND) function norm2(array, dim)

real(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: array(..) integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: dim


o ARRAY shall be an array of type real.
o DIM shall be a scalar of type integer
o The result is of the same type as ARRAY.


NORM2(3) calculates the Euclidean vector norm (L_2 norm or generalized L norm) of ARRAY along dimension DIM.


o ARRAY : the array of input values for the L_2 norm computations
o DIM : a value in the range from 1 to RANK(ARRAY).


If DIM is absent, a scalar with the square root of the sum of squares of the elements of ARRAY is returned.

Otherwise, an array of rank N-1, where N equals the rank of ARRAY, and a shape similar to that of ARRAY with dimension DIM dropped is returned.

      Case (i):     The result of NORM2 (X) has a value equal to a
                    processor-dependent approximation to the generalized
                    L norm of X, which is the square root of the sum of
                    the squares of the elements of X. If X has size zero,
                    the result has the value zero.

Case (ii): The result of NORM2 (X, DIM=DIM) has a value equal to that of NORM2 (X) if X has rank one. Otherwise, the resulting array is reduced in rank with dimension **dim** removed, and each remaining elment is the result of NORM2(X) for the values along dimension **dim**.

It is recommended that the processor compute the result without undue overflow or underflow.


Sample program:

    program demo_norm2
    implicit none
    integer :: i
    real :: x(2,3) = reshape([ &
       1, 2, 3, &
       4, 5, 6  &

write(*,*) ’input in row-column order’ write(*,*) ’x=’ write(*,’(4x,3f4.0)’)transpose(x) write(*,*) write(*,*) ’norm2(x)=’,norm2(x) write(*,*) ’which is equivalent to’ write(*,*) ’sqrt(sum(x**2))=’,sqrt(sum(x**2)) write(*,*) write(*,*) ’for reference the array squared is’ write(*,*) ’x**2=’ write(*,’(4x,3f4.0)’)transpose(x**2) write(*,*) write(*,*) ’norm2(x,dim=1)=’,norm2(x,dim=1) write(*,*) ’norm2(x,dim=2)=’,norm2(x,dim=2) write(*,*) ’(sqrt(sum(x(:,i)**2)),i=1,3)=’,(sqrt(sum(x(:,i)**2)),i=1,3) write(*,*) ’(sqrt(sum(x(i,:)**2)),i=1,2)=’,(sqrt(sum(x(i,:)**2)),i=1,2)

end program demo_norm2


     >  input in row-column order
     >  x=
     >       1.  2.  3.
     >       4.  5.  6.
     >  norm2(x)=   9.539392
     >  which is equivalent to
     >  sqrt(sum(x**2))=   9.539392
     >  for reference the array squared is
     >  x**2=
     >       1.  4.  9.
     >      16. 25. 36.
     >  norm2(x,dim=1)=   4.123106       5.385165       6.708204
     >  norm2(x,dim=2)=   3.741657       8.774964
     >  (sqrt(sum(x(:,i)**2)),i=1,3)=   4.123106       5.385165       6.708204
     >  (sqrt(sum(x(i,:)**2)),i=1,2)=   3.741657       8.774964


Fortran 2008



fortran-lang intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost

Nemo Release 3.1 norm2 (3fortran) April 28, 2024
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