Manual Reference Pages  - btest (3fortran)


BTEST(3) - [BIT:INQUIRY] Tests a bit of an integer value.


result = btest(i,pos)

         elemental logical function btest(i,pos)

integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: i integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: pos


o I is an integer of any kind
o POS is a integer of any kind
o the result is a default logical


BTEST(3) returns logical .true. if the bit at POS in I is set to 1. Position zero is the right-most bit. Bit position increases from right to left up to BITSIZE(I)-1.


o I : The integer containing the bit to be tested
o POS : The position of the bit to query. it must be a valid position for the value I; ie. 0 <= POS <= BIT_SIZE(I).


The result is a logical that has the value .true. if bit position POS of I has the value 1 and the value .false. if bit POS of I has the value 0.

Positions of bits in the sequence are numbered from right to left, with the position of the rightmost bit being zero.


Sample program:

    program demo_btest
    implicit none
    integer :: i, j, pos, a(2,2)
    logical :: bool
    character(len=*),parameter :: g=’(*(g0))’

i = 32768 + 1024 + 64 write(*,’(a,i0,"=>",b32.32,/)’)’Looking at the integer: ’,i

! looking one bit at a time from LOW BIT TO HIGH BIT write(*,g)’from bit 0 to bit ’,bit_size(i),’==>’ do pos=0,bit_size(i)-1 bool = btest(i, pos) write(*,’(l1)’,advance=’no’)bool enddo write(*,*)

! a binary format the hard way. ! Note going from bit_size(i) to zero. write(*,*) write(*,g)’so for ’,i,’ with a bit size of ’,bit_size(i) write(*,’(b32.32)’)i write(*,g)merge(’^’,’_’,[(btest(i,j),j=bit_size(i)-1,0,-1)]) write(*,*) write(*,g)’and for ’,-i,’ with a bit size of ’,bit_size(i) write(*,’(b32.32)’)-i write(*,g)merge(’^’,’_’,[(btest(-i,j),j=bit_size(i)-1,0,-1)])

! elemental: ! a(1,:)=[ 1, 2 ] a(2,:)=[ 3, 4 ] write(*,*) write(*,’(a,/,*(i2,1x,i2,/))’)’given the array a ...’,a ! the second bit of all the values in a write(*,’(a,/,*(l2,1x,l2,/))’)’the value of btest (a, 2)’,btest(a,2) ! bits 1,2,3,4 of the value 2 write(*,’(a,/,*(l2,1x,l2,/))’)’the value of btest (2, a)’,btest(2,a) end program demo_btest


      > Looking at the integer: 33856=>11111111111111110111101111000000
      > 00000000000000001000010001000000
      > 11111111111111110111101111000000
      > 1000010001000000
      > 11111111111111110111101111000000
      > from bit 0 to bit 32==>
      > so for 33856 with a bit size of 32
      > 00000000000000001000010001000000
      > ________________^____^___^______
      > and for -33856 with a bit size of 32
      > 11111111111111110111101111000000
      > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_^^^^_^^^^______
      > given the array a ...
      >  1  3
      >  2  4
      > the value of btest (a, 2)
      >  F  F
      >  F  T
      > the value of btest (2, a)
      >  T  F
      >  F  F


Fortran 95


IAND(3), IBCLR(3), IBITS(3), IBSET(3), IEOR(3), IOR(3), MVBITS(3), NOT(3)

Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost

Nemo Release 3.1 btest (3fortran) February 19, 2025
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