Manual Reference Pages  - ieor (3fortran)


IEOR(3) - [BIT:LOGICAL] Bitwise exclusive OR


result = ieor(i, j)

         elemental integer(kind=**) function ieor(i,j)

integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: i integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: j


o I, J and the result must be of the same integer kind.
o An exception is that one of I and J may be a BOZ literal constant


IEOR(3) returns a bitwise exclusive-OR of I and J.

An exclusive OR or "exclusive disjunction" is a logical operation that is true if and only if its arguments differ. In this case a one-bit and a zero-bit substitute for true and false.

This is often represented with the notation "XOR", for "eXclusive OR".

An alternate way to view the process is that the result has the value obtained by combining I and J bit-by-bit according to the following table:

      >  I | J |IEOR (I, J)
      >  --#---#-----------
      >  1 | 1 |  0
      >  1 | 0 |  1
      >  0 | 1 |  1
      >  0 | 0 |  0


o I : the first of the two values to XOR
o J : the second of the two values to XOR
If either I or J is a boz-literal-constant, it is first converted as if by the intrinsic function INT to type integer with the kind type parameter of the other.


If a bit is different at the same location in I and J the corresponding bit in the result is 1, otherwise it is 0.


Sample program:

    program demo_ieor
    use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env,  only : int8, int16, int32, int64
    implicit none
    integer(kind=int16) :: i,j
      ! basic usage
       print *,ieor (16, 1), ’ ==> ieor(16,1) has the value 17’

! it is easier to see using binary representation i=int(b’0000000000111111’,kind=int16) j=int(b’0000001111110000’,kind=int16) write(*,’(a,b16.16,1x,i0)’)’i= ’,i, i write(*,’(a,b16.16,1x,i0)’)’j= ’,j, j write(*,’(a,b16.16,1x,i0)’)’result=’,ieor(i,j), ieor(i,j)

! elemental print *,’arguments may be arrays. If both are arrays they ’ print *,’must have the same shape. ’ print *,ieor(i=[7,4096,9], j=2)

! both may be arrays if of the same size

end program demo_ieor


     >           17  ==> ieor(16,1) has the value 17
     > i=     0000000000111111 63
     > j=     0000001111110000 1008
     > result=0000001111001111 975
     >  arguments may be arrays. If both are arrays they
     >  must have the same shape.
     >            5        4098          11


Fortran 95


BTEST(3), IAND(3), IBCLR(3), IBITS(3), IBSET(3), IEOR(3), IOR(3), MVBITS(3), NOT(3)

Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost

Nemo Release 3.1 ieor (3fortran) February 19, 2025
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