Manual Reference Pages  - abs (3fortran)


ABS(3) - [NUMERIC] Absolute value


result = abs(a)

         elemental TYPE(kind=KIND) function abs(a)

TYPE(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: a


o A may be any real, integer, or complex value.
o If A is complex the returned value will be a real with the same kind as A.

Otherwise the returned type and kind is the same as for A.


ABS(3) computes the absolute value of numeric argument A.

In mathematics, the absolute value or modulus of a real number X, denoted |X|, is the magnitude of X without regard to its sign.

The absolute value of a number may be thought of as its distance from zero. So for a complex value the absolute value is a real number with magnitude SQRT(X%RE**2,X%IM**2), as if the real component is the x value and the imaginary value is the y value for the point <x,y>.


o A : The value to compute the absolute value of.


If A is of type integer or real, the value of the result is the absolute value |A| and of the same type and kind as the input argument.

If A is complex with value (X, Y), the result is a real equal to a processor-dependent approximation to

            sqrt(x**2 + y**2)

computed without undue overflow or underflow (that means the computation of the result can overflow the allowed magnitude of the real value returned, and that very small values can produce underflows if they are squared while calculating the returned value, for example).

That is, if you think of non-complex values as being complex values on the x-axis and complex values as being x-y points <x%re,x%im> the result of ABS(3) is the (positive) magnitude of the distance of the value from the origin.


Sample program:

    program demo_abs
    implicit none
    integer,parameter :: dp=kind(0.0d0)

integer :: i = -1 real :: x = -1.0 complex :: z = (-3.0,-4.0) doubleprecision :: rr = -45.78_dp

character(len=*),parameter :: & ! some formats frmt = ’(1x,a15,1x," In: ",g0, T51," Out: ",g0)’, & frmtc = ’(1x,a15,1x," In: (",g0,",",g0,")",T51," Out: ",g0)’, & g = ’(*(g0,1x))’

! basic usage ! any integer, real, or complex type write(*, frmt) ’integer ’, i, abs(i) write(*, frmt) ’real ’, x, abs(x) write(*, frmt) ’doubleprecision ’, rr, abs(rr) write(*, frmtc) ’complex ’, z, abs(z)

! You can take the absolute value of any value whose positive value ! is representable with the same type and kind. write(*, *) ’abs range test : ’, abs(huge(0)), abs(-huge(0)) write(*, *) ’abs range test : ’, abs(huge(0.0)), abs(-huge(0.0)) write(*, *) ’abs range test : ’, abs(tiny(0.0)), abs(-tiny(0.0)) ! A dusty corner is that abs(-huge(0)-1) of an integer would be ! a representable negative value on most machines but result in a ! positive value out of range.

! elemental write(*, g) ’ abs is elemental:’, abs([20, 0, -1, -3, 100])

! COMPLEX input produces REAL output write(*, g)’ complex input produces real output’, & & abs(cmplx(30.0_dp,40.0_dp,kind=dp)) ! dusty corner: "kind=dp" is required or the value returned by ! CMPLX() is a default real instead of double precision

! the returned value for complex input can be thought of as the ! distance from the origin <0,0> write(*, g) ’ distance of (’, z, ’) from zero is’, abs( z ) write(*, g) ’ so beware of overflow with complex values’ !write(*, g) abs(cmplx( huge(0.0), huge(0.0) )) write(*, g) ’ because the biggest default real is’,huge(0.0)

end program demo_abs


        integer          In: -1                     Out: 1
        real             In: -1.000000              Out: 1.000000
        doubleprecision  In: -45.78000000000000     Out: 45.78000000000000
        complex          In: (-3.000000,-4.000000)  Out: 5.000000
        abs range test :   2147483647  2147483647
        abs range test :   3.4028235E+38  3.4028235E+38
        abs range test :   1.1754944E-38  1.1754944E-38
        abs is elemental: 20 0 1 3 100
        complex input produces real output 50.00000000000000
        distance of ( -3.000000 -4.000000 ) from zero is 5.000000
        so beware of overflow with complex values
        because the biggest default real is .3402823E+39





fortran-lang intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost

Nemo Release 3.1 abs (3fortran) April 28, 2024
Generated by manServer 1.08 from 8443fcd9-d61d-4cf2-86f0-3ad5a4a7c4df using man macros.