RANDOM_NUMBER(3) - [MATHEMATICS:RANDOM] Pseudo-random number
call random_number(harvest)
subroutine random_number(harvest)real,intent(out) :: harvest(..)
o HARVEST and the result are default real variables
RANDOM_NUMBER(3) returns a single pseudorandom number or an array of pseudorandom numbers from the uniform distribution over the range 0 <= x < 1.
o HARVEST : Shall be a scalar or an array of type real.
Sample program:
program demo_random_number use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : dp=>real64 implicit none integer, allocatable :: seed(:) integer :: n integer :: first,last integer :: i integer :: rand_int integer,allocatable :: count(:) real(kind=dp) :: rand_val call random_seed(size = n) allocate(seed(n)) call random_seed(get=seed) first=1 last=10 allocate(count(last-first+1)) ! To have a discrete uniform distribution on the integers ! [first, first+1, ..., last-1, last] carve the continuous ! distribution up into last+1-first equal sized chunks, ! mapping each chunk to an integer. ! ! One way is: ! call random_number(rand_val) ! choose one from last-first+1 integers ! rand_int = first + FLOOR((last+1-first)*rand_val) count=0 ! generate a lot of random integers from 1 to 10 and count them. ! with a large number of values you should get about the same ! number of each value do i=1,100000000 call random_number(rand_val) rand_int=first+floor((last+1-first)*rand_val) if(rand_int.ge.first.and.rand_int.le.last)then count(rand_int)=count(rand_int)+1 else write(*,*)rand_int, is out of range endif enddo write(*,(i0,1x,i0))(i,count(i),i=1,size(count)) end program demo_random_numberResults:
> 1 10003588 > 2 10000104 > 3 10000169 > 4 9997996 > 5 9995349 > 6 10001304 > 7 10001909 > 8 9999133 > 9 10000252 > 10 10000196
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
Nemo Release 3.1 | random_number (3fortran) | February 19, 2025 |