GAMMA(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Gamma function, which yields factorials for positive whole numbers
result = gamma(x)
elemental real(kind=**) function gamma( x)type(real,kind=**),intent(in) :: x
o X is a real value of any available KIND o returns a real value with the same kind as X.
GAMMA(X) computes Gamma of X. For positive whole number values of N the Gamma function can be used to calculate factorials, as (N-1)! == GAMMA(REAL(N)). That is
n! == gamma(real(n+1))$$ \GAMMA(x) = \int_0**\infty t**{x-1}{\mathrm{e}}**{-T}\,{\mathrm{d}}t $$
o X : Shall be of type real and neither zero nor a negative integer.
The return value is of type real of the same kind as x. The result has a value equal to a processor-dependent approximation to the gamma function of X.
Sample program:
program demo_gamma use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : wp=>real64, int64 implicit none real :: x, xa(4) integer :: i, jResults:! basic usage x = gamma(1.0) write(*,*)gamma(1.0)=,x
! elemental xa=gamma([1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0]) write(*,*)xa write(*,*)
! gamma() is related to the factorial function do i = 1, 171 ! check value is not too big for default integer type if (factorial(i) <= huge(0)) then write(*,*) i, nint(factorial(i)), integer elseif (factorial(i) <= huge(0_int64)) then write(*,*) i, nint(factorial(i),kind=int64),integer(kind=int64) else write(*,*) i, factorial(i) , user factorial function write(*,*) i, product([(real(j, kind=wp), j=1, i)]), product write(*,*) i, gamma(real(i + 1, kind=wp)), gamma directly endif enddo
contains function factorial(i) result(f) ! GAMMA(X) computes Gamma of X. For positive whole number values of N the ! Gamma function can be used to calculate factorials, as (N-1)! == ! GAMMA(REAL(N)). That is ! ! n! == gamma(real(n+1)) ! integer, intent(in) :: i real(kind=wp) :: f if (i <= 0) then write(*,(*(g0))) <ERROR> gamma(3) function value , i, <= 0 stop <STOP> bad value in gamma function endif f = anint(gamma(real(i + 1,kind=wp))) end function factorial
end program demo_gamma
> gamma(1.0)= 1.00000000 > 1.00000000 1.00000000 2.00000000 6.00000000 > > 1 1 integer > 2 2 integer > 3 6 integer > 4 24 integer > 5 120 integer > 6 720 integer > 7 5040 integer > 8 40320 integer > 9 362880 integer > 10 3628800 integer > 11 39916800 integer > 12 479001600 integer > 13 6227020800 integer(kind=int64) > 14 87178291200 integer(kind=int64) > 15 1307674368000 integer(kind=int64) > 16 20922789888000 integer(kind=int64) > 17 355687428096000 integer(kind=int64) > 18 6402373705728001 integer(kind=int64) > 19 121645100408832000 integer(kind=int64) > 20 2432902008176640000 integer(kind=int64) > 21 5.1090942171709440E+019 user factorial function > 21 5.1090942171709440E+019 product > 21 5.1090942171709440E+019 gamma directly > : > : > : > 170 7.2574156153079990E+306 user factorial function > 170 7.2574156153079940E+306 product > 170 7.2574156153079990E+306 gamma directly > 171 Infinity user factorial function > 171 Infinity product > 171 Infinity gamma directly
Fortran 2008
Logarithm of the Gamma function: LOG_GAMMA(3)
Wikipedia: Gamma_function
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
Nemo Release 3.1 | gamma (3fortran) | February 19, 2025 |