Manual Reference Pages  - out_of_range (3fortran)


OUT_OF_RANGE(3) - [TYPE:CONVERSION] Whether a numeric value can be converted safely to another type


result = out_of_range (x, mold [, round])

         elemental logical function(x, mold, round)

type(TYPE(kind=**)),intent(in) :: x type(TYPE(kind=**)),intent(in) :: mold logical,intent(in),optional :: round


o X is of type integer or real.
o MOLD is an integer or real scalar.
o ROUND is a logical scalar.
o the result is a default logical.


OUT_OF_RANGE(3) determines whether a value X can be converted safely to a real or integer variable the same type and kind as MOLD.

For example, if INT8 is the KIND name for an 8-bit binary integer type, then for

        logical :: L1, L2
        L1=out_of_range(-128.5, 0_int8)
        L2=out_of_range(-128.5, 0_int8,.true.)

L1 likely will have the value .FALSE. because the value will be truncated to -128.0, which is a representable integer number on a two’s complement machine.

L2 will be .TRUE. because it will be rounded to -129.0, which is not likely to be a representable eight-bit integer.


o X : a scalar to be tested for whether it can be stored in a variable of the type and kind of MOLD
o MOLD : the type and kind of the variable (but not the value) is used to identify the characteristics of the variable type to fit X into.
o ROUND : flag whether to round the value of X before validating it as a value like MOLD.

ROUND can only be present if X is of type real and MOLD is of type integer.


From the standard:

Case (i): If MOLD is of type integer, and ROUND is absent or present with the value false, the result is true if and only if the value of X is an IEEE infinity or NaN, or if the integer with largest magnitude that lies between zero and X inclusive is not representable by objects with the type and kind of MOLD.

Case (ii): If MOLD is of type integer, and ROUND is present with the value true, the result is true if and only if the value of X is an IEEE infinity or NaN, or if the integer nearest X, or the integer of greater magnitude if two integers are equally near to X, is not representable by objects with the type and kind of MOLD.

Case (iii): Otherwise, the result is true if and only if the value of X is an IEEE infinity or NaN that is not supported by objects of the type and kind of MOLD, or if X is a finite number and the result of rounding the value of X (according to the IEEE rounding mode if appropriate) to the extended model for the kind of MOLD has magnitude larger than that of the largest finite number with the same sign as X that is representable by objects with the type and kind of MOLD.


MOLD is required to be a scalar because the only information taken from it is its type and kind. Allowing an array MOLD would require that it be conformable with X. ROUND is scalar because allowing an array rounding mode would have severe performance difficulties on many processors.


Sample program:

    program demo_out_of_range
    use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
    use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
    implicit none
    integer            :: i
    integer(kind=int8) :: i8, j8

! compilers are not required to produce an error on out of range. ! here storing the default integers into 1-byte integers ! incorrectly can have unexpected results do i=127,130 i8=i j8=-i ! OUT_OF_RANGE(3) can let you check if the value will fit write(*,*)i8,j8,’ might have expected’,i,-i, & & out_of_range( i,i8), & & out_of_range(-i,i8) enddo write(*,*) ’RANGE IS ’,-1-huge(0_int8),’TO’,huge(0_int8) ! the real -128.5 is truncated to -128 and is in range write(*,*) out_of_range ( -128.5, 0_int8) ! false

! the real -128.5 is rounded to -129 and is not in range write(*,*) out_of_range ( -128.5, 0_int8, .true.) ! true

end program demo_out_of_range


      >  127 -127  might have expected         127        -127 F F
      > -128 -128  might have expected         128        -128 T F
      > -127  127  might have expected         129        -129 T T
      > -126  126  might have expected         130        -130 T T
      > RANGE IS         -128 TO  127
      > F
      > T




o AIMAG(3) - Imaginary part of complex number
o CMPLX(3) - Convert values to a complex type
o DBLE(3) - Double conversion function
o INT(3) - Truncate towards zero and convert to integer
o NINT(3) - Nearest whole number
o REAL(3) - Convert to real type
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost

Nemo Release 3.1 out_of_range (3fortran) February 19, 2025
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