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MATMUL(3) - [TRANSFORMATIONAL] Numeric or logical matrix multiplication


result = matmul(matrix_a,matrix_b)

         function matmul(matrix_a, matrix_b)

type(TYPE1(kind=**)) :: matrix_a(..) type(TYPE2(kind=**)) :: matrix_b(..) type(TYPE(kind=PROMOTED)) :: matmul(..)


o MATRIX_A is a numeric (integer, real, or complex ) or logical array of rank one two.
o MATRIX_B is a numeric (integer, real, or complex ) or logical array of rank one two.
o At least one argument must be rank two.
o the size of the first dimension of MATRIX_B must equal the size of the last dimension of MATRIX_A.
o the type of the result is the same as if an element of each argument had been multiplied as a RHS expression (that is, if the arguments are not of the same type the result follows the same rules of promotion as a simple scalar multiplication of the two types would produce)
o If one argument is logical, both must be logical. For logicals the resulting type is as if the .and. operator has been used on elements from the arrays.
o The shape of the result depends on the shapes of the arguments as described below.


MATMUL(3) performs a matrix multiplication on numeric or logical arguments.


o MATRIX_A : A numeric or logical array with a rank of one or two.
o MATRIX_B : A numeric or logical array with a rank of one or two. The last dimension of MATRIX_A and the first dimension of MATRIX_B must be equal.

Note that MATRIX_A and MATRIX_B may be different numeric types.



If MATRIX_A and MATRIX_B are numeric the result is an array containing the conventional matrix product of MATRIX_A and MATRIX_B.

First, for the numeric expression C=MATMUL(A,B)
o Any vector A(N) is treated as a row vector A(1,N).
o Any vector B(N) is treated as a column vector B(N,1).


The shape of the result can then be determined as the number of rows of the first matrix and the number of columns of the second; but if any argument is of rank one (a vector) the result is also rank one. Conversely when both arguments are of rank two, the result has a rank of two. That is ...
o If MATRIX_A has shape [n,m] and MATRIX_B has shape [m,k], the result has shape [n,k].
o If MATRIX_A has shape [m] and MATRIX_B has shape [m,k], the result has shape [k].
o If MATRIX_A has shape [n,m] and MATRIX_B has shape [m], the result has shape [n].


Then element C(I,J) of the product is obtained by multiplying term-by-term the entries of the ith row of A and the jth column of B, and summing these products. In other words, C(I,J) is the dot product of the ith row of A and the jth column of B.



If MATRIX_A and MATRIX_B are of type logical, the array elements of the result are instead:

      Value_of_Element (i,j) = &
      ANY( (row_i_of_MATRIX_A) .AND. (column_j_of_MATRIX_B) )


Sample program:

    program demo_matmul
    implicit none
    integer :: a(2,3), b(3,2), c(2), d(3), e(2,2), f(3), g(2), v1(4),v2(4)
       a = reshape([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [2, 3])
       b = reshape([10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60], [3, 2])
       c = [1, 2]
       d = [1, 2, 3]
       e = matmul(a, b)
       f = matmul(c,a)
       g = matmul(a,d)

call print_matrix_int(’A is ’,a) call print_matrix_int(’B is ’,b) call print_vector_int(’C is ’,c) call print_vector_int(’D is ’,d) call print_matrix_int(’E is matmul(A,B)’,e) call print_vector_int(’F is matmul(C,A)’,f) call print_vector_int(’G is matmul(A,D)’,g)

! look at argument shapes when one is a vector write(*,’(" > shape")’) ! at least one argument must be of rank two ! so for two vectors at least one must be reshaped v1=[11,22,33,44] v2=[10,20,30,40]

! these return a vector C(1:1) ! treat A(1:n) as A(1:1,1:n) call print_vector_int(’Cd is a vector (not a scalar)’,& & matmul(reshape(v1,[1,size(v1)]),v2)) ! or treat B(1:m) as B(1:m,1:1) call print_vector_int(’cD is a vector too’,& & matmul(v1,reshape(v2,[size(v2),1])))

! or treat A(1:n) as A(1:1,1:n) and B(1:m) as B(1:m,1:1) ! but note this returns a matrix C(1:1,1:1) not a vector! call print_matrix_int(’CD is a matrix’,matmul(& & reshape(v1,[1,size(v1)]), & & reshape(v2,[size(v2),1])))


! CONVENIENCE ROUTINES TO PRINT IN ROW-COLUMN ORDER subroutine print_vector_int(title,arr) character(len=*),intent(in) :: title integer,intent(in) :: arr(:) call print_matrix_int(title,reshape(arr,[1,shape(arr)])) end subroutine print_vector_int

subroutine print_matrix_int(title,arr) !@(#) print small 2d integer arrays in row-column format character(len=*),parameter :: all=’(" > ",*(g0,1x))’ ! a handy format character(len=*),intent(in) :: title integer,intent(in) :: arr(:,:) integer :: i character(len=:),allocatable :: biggest

print all print all, trim(title) biggest=’ ’ ! make buffer to write integer into ! find how many characters to use for integers write(biggest,’(i0)’)ceiling(log10(max(1.0,real(maxval(abs(arr))))))+2 ! use this format to write a row biggest=’(" > [",*(i’//trim(biggest)//’:,","))’ ! print one row of array at a time do i=1,size(arr,dim=1) write(*,fmt=biggest,advance=’no’)arr(i,:) write(*,’(" ]")’) enddo

end subroutine print_matrix_int

end program demo_matmul


        > A is
        > [  1,  3,  5 ]
        > [  2,  4,  6 ]
        > B is
        > [  10,  40 ]
        > [  20,  50 ]
        > [  30,  60 ]
        > C is
        > [  1,  2 ]
        > D is
        > [  1,  2,  3 ]
        > E is matmul(A,B)
        > [  220,  490 ]
        > [  280,  640 ]
        > F is matmul(C,A)
        > [   5,  11,  17 ]
        > G is matmul(A,D)
        > [  22,  28 ]
        > shape
        > Cd is a vector (not a scalar)
        > [  3300 ]
        > cD is a vector too
        > [  3300 ]
        > CD is a matrix
        > [  3300 ]


Fortran 95




o Matrix multiplication : Wikipedia
o The Winograd variant of Strassen’s matrix-matrix multiply algorithm may be of interest for optimizing multiplication of very large matrices. See

        "GEMMW: A portable level 3 BLAS Winograd variant of Strassen’s
        matrix-matrix multiply algorithm",

Douglas, C. C., Heroux, M., Slishman, G., and Smith, R. M., Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 110, No. 1, January 1994, pages 1-10.

The numerical instabilities of Strassen’s method for matrix multiplication requires special processing.

fortran-lang intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost

Nemo Release 3.1 matmul (3fortran) April 28, 2024
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