Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
adjustc | M_strings | Function | pure function adjustc(string[,length]) |
atleast | M_strings | Interface | |
atoi | M_strings | Function | |
atol | M_strings | Function | |
aton | M_strings | Interface | |
base | M_strings | Function | logical function base(x,b,y,a) |
base2 | M_strings | Function | Sample program: |
bundle | M_strings | Function | Sample Program: |
c2s | M_strings | Function | |
cc | M_strings | Interface | |
change | M_strings | Subroutine | Sample program: |
chomp | M_strings | Function | Sample program: |
clip | M_strings | Function | Sample program: |
codebase | M_strings | Function | logical function codebase(in_base10,out_base,answer) |
compact | M_strings | Function | Sample Program: |
cpad | M_strings | Interface | |
crop | M_strings | Function | Sample program: |
dble | M_strings | Interface | |
decodebase | M_strings | Function | logical function decodebase(string,basein,out10) |
delim | M_strings | Subroutine | Sample program: |
describe | M_strings | Function | Sample Program: |
dilate | M_strings | Function | Sample program: |
edit_distance | M_strings | Function | The Levenshtein distance function returns how many edits (deletions, insertions, transposition) are required to turn one string into another. |
ends_with | M_strings | Interface | |
expand | M_strings | Function | function expand(line,escape) result(lineout) |
find_field | M_strings | Subroutine | Sample of uses |
fortran_name | M_strings | Function | |
getvals | M_strings | Subroutine | GETVALS(3f) reads a relatively arbitrary number of numeric values from a character variable into a REAL array using list-directed input. |
glob | M_strings | Function | Example program |
indent | M_strings | Function | Sample Program: |
int | M_strings | Interface | |
isalnum | M_strings | Function | Sample Program: |
isalpha | M_strings | Function | elemental function isalpha(onechar) |
isascii | M_strings | Function | Sample program |
isblank | M_strings | Function | Sample program: |
iscntrl | M_strings | Function | Sample program |
isdigit | M_strings | Function | Sample Program: |
isgraph | M_strings | Function | Sample Program: |
islower | M_strings | Function | Sample program |
isNumber | M_strings | Function | As the example shows, you can use an internal READ(3f) along with the IOSTAT= parameter to check (and read) a string as well. |
isprint | M_strings | Function | Sample Program: |
ispunct | M_strings | Function | Sample program: |
isspace | M_strings | Function | Sample program: |
isupper | M_strings | Function | Sample program: |
isxdigit | M_strings | Function | Sample program |
join | M_strings | Function | JOIN(3f) appends the elements of a CHARACTER array into a single CHARACTER variable, with elements 1 to N joined from left to right. By default each element is trimmed of trailing spaces and the default separator is a null string. |
len_white | M_strings | Function | Sample Program: |
lenset | M_strings | Function | |
listout | M_strings | Subroutine | (LICENSE:PD) |
longest_common_substring | M_strings | Function | Sample program |
lower | M_strings | Function | |
lpad | M_strings | Interface | |
matching_delimiter | M_strings | Subroutine | impure elemental subroutine matching_delimiter(str,ipos,imatch) |
matchw | M_strings | Interface | |
merge_str | M_strings | Function | Sample Program: |
modif | M_strings | Subroutine | MODIF(3f) Modifies the line currently pointed at using a directive that acts much like a line editor directive. Primarily used to create interactive utilities such as input history editors for interactive line-mode programs. |
msg | M_strings | Interface | |
nint | M_strings | Interface | |
noesc | M_strings | Function | Sample Program: |
nospace | M_strings | Function | Sample program: |
notabs | M_strings | Subroutine | Sample program: |
p | M_strings_oop | Function | |
pad | M_strings | Function | pad(3f) - [M_strings:LENGTH] return string padded to at least specified length (LICENSE:PD) |
paragraph | M_strings | Function | function paragraph(source_string,length) |
quote | M_strings | Function | function quote(str,mode,clip) result (quoted_str) |
real | M_strings | Interface | |
replace | M_strings | Function | |
reverse | M_strings | Function | Results: |
rotate13 | M_strings | Function | Sample program |
rpad | M_strings | Interface | |
s2c | M_strings | Function | Expected output: |
s2v | M_strings | Function | Sample Program: |
s2vs | M_strings | Function | Sample Program: |
sep | M_strings | Function | Sample program: |
setbits16 | M_strings | Function | |
setbits32 | M_strings | Function | |
setbits64 | M_strings | Function | |
setbits8 | M_strings | Function | |
split | M_strings | Subroutine | Sample program: |
split2020 | M_strings | Interface | |
squeeze | M_strings | Function | Sample Program: |
stretch | M_strings | Function | Sample Program: |
string | M_strings_oop | Interface | |
string_to_value | M_strings | Interface | |
string_to_values | M_strings | Subroutine | |
string_tokens | M_strings | Function | |
strtok | M_strings | Function | function strtok(source_string,itoken,token_start,token_end,delimiters) result(strtok_status) |
substitute | M_strings | Subroutine | Sample Program: |
switch | M_strings | Interface | |
transliterate | M_strings | Function | Sample Program: |
unquote | M_strings | Function | function unquote(quoted_str,esc) result (unquoted_str) |
upper | M_strings | Function | upper(3f) - [M_strings:CASE] changes a string to uppercase (LICENSE:PD) |
upper_quoted | M_strings | Function | upper_quoted(3f) - [M_strings:CASE] elemental function converts string to miniscule skipping strings quoted per Fortran syntax rules (LICENSE:PD) |
v2s | M_strings | Interface | |
value_to_string | M_strings | Subroutine | |
visible | M_strings | Function | Sample Program: |
zpad | M_strings | Interface |