nospace(3f) - [M_strings:WHITESPACE] remove all whitespace from
input string
function nospace(str) - remove all whitespace from input string
character(len=*),intent(in) :: str
character(len=:),allocatable :: nospace
nospace(3f) removes space, tab, carriage return, new line, vertical
tab, formfeed and null characters (called "whitespace"). The output
is returned trimmed.
Sample program:
program demo_nospace
use M_strings, only: nospace
implicit none
character(len=:),allocatable :: s
s=' This is a test '
write(*,*) 'original input string is ....',s
write(*,*) 'processed output string is ...',nospace(s)
if(nospace(s) == 'Thisisatest')then
write(*,*)'nospace test passed'
write(*,*)'nospace test error'
end program demo_nospace
Expected output
original input string is .... This is a test
processed output string is ...Thisisatest
nospace test passed
John S. Urban
Public Domain
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
character(len=*), | intent(in) | :: | line |
function nospace(line)
! ident_35="@(#) M_strings nospace(3f) remove all whitespace from input string"
character(len=*),intent(in) :: line ! remove whitespace from this string and return it
character(len=:),allocatable :: nospace ! returned string
integer :: ipos ! position to place next output character at
integer :: i ! counter to increment from beginning to end of input string
allocate(nospace,mold=line) ! initially make output line length of input line
nospace(:len_trim(nospace))=' '
do i=1,len_trim(line) ! increment from first to last character of the input line
if ( isspace( line(i:i) ) ) cycle ! if a blank is encountered skip it
ipos=ipos+1 ! increment count of non-blank characters found
nospace(ipos:ipos)=line(i:i) ! store non-blank character in output
nospace=trim(nospace) ! blank out unpacked part of line
end function nospace