sep Function

public function sep(input_line, delimiters, nulls, order)


sep(3f) - [M_strings:TOKENS] function to parse string into an array using
specified delimiters


function sep(input_line,delimiters,nulls)

 character(len=*),intent(in)              :: input_line
 character(len=*),optional,intent(in)     :: delimiters
 character(len=*),optional,intent(in)     :: nulls
 character(len=:),allocatable             :: sep(:)


 sep(3f) parses a string using specified delimiter characters and
 store tokens into an allocatable array


INPUT_LINE  Input string to tokenize

DELIMITERS  List of delimiter characters.
            The default delimiters are the "whitespace" characters
            (space, tab,new line, vertical tab, formfeed, carriage
            return, and null). You may specify an alternate set of
            delimiter characters.

            Multi-character delimiters are not supported (Each
            character in the DELIMITERS list is considered to be
            a delimiter).

            Quoting of delimiter characters is not supported.

NULLS=IGNORE|RETURN|IGNOREEND  Treatment of null fields.
            By default adjacent delimiters in the input string
            do not create an empty string in the output array. if
            NULLS='return' adjacent delimiters create an empty element
            in the output ARRAY. If NULLS='ignoreend' then only
            trailing delimiters at the right of the string are ignored.
ORDER='ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING'  by default the tokens are returned from
                                last to first; order='ASCENDING' returns
                                them from first to last (left to right).


SEP       Output array of tokens


Sample program:

program demo_sep
use M_strings, only: sep
character(len=*),parameter :: fo='(/,a,*(/,"[",g0,"]":,","))'
character(len=*),parameter :: line=&
'  aBcdef   ghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz  1:|:2     333|333 a B cc    '
   write(*,'(a)') 'INPUT LINE:['//LINE//']'
   write(*,fo) 'typical call:',sep(line)
   write(*,fo) 'delimiters ":|":',sep(line,':|')
   write(*,fo) 'count null fields ":|":',sep(line,':|','return')
end program demo_sep


INPUT LINE:[  aBcdef   ghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz  1:|:2     333|333 a B cc    ]

typical call:
[cc        ],
[B         ],
[a         ],
[333|333   ],
[1:|:2     ],
[aBcdef    ]

delimiters ":|":
[333 a B cc                         ],
[2     333                          ],
[  aBcdef   ghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz  1]

count null fields ":|":
[333 a B cc                         ],
[2     333                          ],
[                                   ],
[                                   ],
[  aBcdef   ghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz  1]


John S. Urban


Public Domain


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: input_line
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: delimiters
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: nulls
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: order

Return Value character(len=:), allocatable, (:)


Source Code


Source Code

function sep(input_line,delimiters,nulls,order)

! ident_7="@(#) M_strings sep(3f) parse string on delimiter characters and store tokens into an allocatable array"

!  John S. Urban
intrinsic index, min, present, len
!  given a line of structure " par1 par2 par3 ... parn " store each par(n) into a separate variable in array.
!    o by default adjacent delimiters in the input string do not create an empty string in the output array
!    o no quoting of delimiters is supported
character(len=*),intent(in)              :: input_line  ! input string to tokenize
character(len=*),optional,intent(in)     :: delimiters  ! list of delimiter characters
character(len=*),optional,intent(in)     :: nulls       ! return strings composed of delimiters or not ignore|return|ignoreend
character(len=*),optional,intent(in)     :: order       ! return strings composed of delimiters or not ignore|return|ignoreend

character(len=:),allocatable             :: sep(:)      ! output array of tokens
integer                                  :: isize
   call split(input_line,sep,delimiters,'right',nulls)
   select case(order)
    if(isize > 1)then
   end select
end function sep