split(3f) - [M_strings:TOKENS] parse string into an array using
specified delimiters
subroutine split(input_line,array,delimiters,order,nulls)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: input_line
character(len=:),allocatable,intent(out) :: array(:)
character(len=*),optional,intent(in) :: delimiters
character(len=*),optional,intent(in) :: order
character(len=*),optional,intent(in) :: nulls
SPLIT(3f) parses a string using specified delimiter characters and
store tokens into an allocatable array
INPUT_LINE Input string to tokenize
ARRAY Output array of tokens
DELIMITERS List of delimiter characters.
The default delimiters are the "whitespace" characters
(space, tab,new line, vertical tab, formfeed, carriage
return, and null). You may specify an alternate set of
delimiter characters.
Multi-character delimiters are not supported (Each
character in the DELIMITERS list is considered to be
a delimiter).
Quoting of delimiter characters is not supported.
By default ARRAY contains the tokens having parsed
the INPUT_LINE from left to right. If ORDER='RIGHT'
or ORDER='REVERSE' the parsing goes from right to left.
(This can be accomplished with array syntax in modern
Fortran, but was more useful pre-fortran90).
NULLS=IGNORE|RETURN|IGNOREEND Treatment of null fields.
By default adjacent delimiters in the input string
do not create an empty string in the output array. if
NULLS='return' adjacent delimiters create an empty element
in the output ARRAY. If NULLS='ignoreend' then only
trailing delimiters at the right of the string are ignored.
Sample program:
program demo_split
use M_strings, only: split
implicit none
integer :: i
character(len=*),parameter :: line=&
' aBcdef ghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz 1:|:2 333|333 a B cc '
character(len=:),allocatable :: array(:) ! output array of tokens
write(*,*)'INPUT LINE:['//line//']'
write(*,*)'typical call:'
call split(line,array)
write(*,'(i0," ==> ",a)')(i,trim(array(i)),i=1,size(array))
write(*,*)'custom list of delimiters (colon and vertical line):'
call split(line,array,delimiters=':|',&
& order='sequential',nulls='ignore')
write(*,'(i0," ==> ",a)')(i,trim(array(i)),i=1,size(array))
write(*,*) 'custom list of delimiters, &
&reverse array order and count null fields:'
call split(line,array,delimiters=':|',&
write(*,'(i0," ==> ",a)')(i,trim(array(i)),i=1,size(array))
write(*,*)'INPUT LINE:['//line//']'
write(*,*) 'default delimiters and reverse array order &
&and return null fields:'
call split(line,array,delimiters='',order='reverse',nulls='return')
write(*,'(i0," ==> ",a)')(i,trim(array(i)),i=1,size(array))
end program demo_split
INPUT LINE:[ aBcdef ghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz 1:|:2 333| 333 a B cc ] ================================================================= typical call: 1 ==> aBcdef 2 ==> ghijklmnop 3 ==> qrstuvwxyz 4 ==> 1:|:2 5 ==> 333|333 6 ==> a 7 ==> B 8 ==> cc SIZE: 8
custom list of delimiters (colon and vertical line): 1 ==> aBcdef ghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz 1 2 ==> 2 333 3 ==> 333 a B cc SIZE: 3
custom list of delimiters, reverse array order and return null fields: 1 ==> 333 a B cc 2 ==> 2 333 3 ==> 4 ==> 5 ==> aBcdef ghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz 1 SIZE: 5
INPUT LINE:[ aBcdef ghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz 1:|:2 333| 333 a B cc ] default delimiters and reverse array order and count null fields: 1 ==> 2 ==> 3 ==> 4 ==> cc 5 ==> B 6 ==> a 7 ==> 333|333 8 ==> 9 ==> 10 ==> 11 ==> 12 ==> 1:|:2 13 ==> 14 ==> qrstuvwxyz 15 ==> ghijklmnop 16 ==> 17 ==> 18 ==> aBcdef 19 ==> 20 ==> SIZE: 20
John S. Urban
Public Domain
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
character(len=*), | intent(in) | :: | input_line | |||
character(len=:), | intent(out), | allocatable | :: | array(:) | ||
character(len=*), | intent(in), | optional | :: | delimiters | ||
character(len=*), | intent(in), | optional | :: | order | ||
character(len=*), | intent(in), | optional | :: | nulls |
subroutine split(input_line,array,delimiters,order,nulls)
! ident_8="@(#) M_strings split(3f) parse string on delimiter characters and store tokens into an allocatable array"
! John S. Urban
intrinsic index, min, present, len
! given a line of structure " par1 par2 par3 ... parn " store each par(n) into a separate variable in array.
! o by default adjacent delimiters in the input string do not create an empty string in the output array
! o no quoting of delimiters is supported
character(len=*),intent(in) :: input_line ! input string to tokenize
character(len=*),optional,intent(in) :: delimiters ! list of delimiter characters
character(len=*),optional,intent(in) :: order ! order of output array sequential|[reverse|right]
character(len=*),optional,intent(in) :: nulls ! return strings composed of delimiters or not ignore|return|ignoreend
character(len=:),allocatable,intent(out) :: array(:) ! output array of tokens
integer :: n ! max number of strings INPUT_LINE could split into if all delimiter
integer,allocatable :: ibegin(:) ! positions in input string where tokens start
integer,allocatable :: iterm(:) ! positions in input string where tokens end
character(len=:),allocatable :: dlim ! string containing delimiter characters
character(len=:),allocatable :: ordr ! string containing order keyword
character(len=:),allocatable :: nlls ! string containing nulls keyword
integer :: ii,iiii ! loop parameters used to control print order
integer :: icount ! number of tokens found
integer :: lgth ! length of input string with trailing spaces trimmed
integer :: i10,i20,i30 ! loop counters
integer :: icol ! pointer into input string as it is being parsed
integer :: idlim ! number of delimiter characters
integer :: ifound ! where next delimiter character is found in remaining input string data
integer :: inotnull ! count strings not composed of delimiters
integer :: ireturn ! number of tokens returned
integer :: imax ! length of longest token
! decide on value for optional DELIMITERS parameter
if (present(delimiters)) then ! optional delimiter list was present
if(delimiters /= '')then ! if DELIMITERS was specified and not null use it
else ! DELIMITERS was specified on call as empty string
dlim=' '//char(9)//char(10)//char(11)//char(12)//char(13)//char(0) ! use default delimiter when not specified
else ! no delimiter value was specified
dlim=' '//char(9)//char(10)//char(11)//char(12)//char(13)//char(0) ! use default delimiter when not specified
idlim=len(dlim) ! dlim a lot of blanks on some machines if dlim is a big string
if(present(order))then; ordr=lower(adjustl(order)); else; ordr='sequential'; endif ! decide on value for optional ORDER parameter
if(present(nulls))then; nlls=lower(adjustl(nulls)); else; nlls='ignore' ; endif ! optional parameter
n=len(input_line)+1 ! max number of strings INPUT_LINE could split into if all delimiter
if(allocated(ibegin))deallocate(ibegin) !x! intel compiler says allocated already ?
if(allocated(iterm))deallocate(iterm) !x! intel compiler says allocated already ?
allocate(ibegin(n)) ! allocate enough space to hold starting location of tokens if string all tokens
allocate(iterm(n)) ! allocate enough space to hold ending location of tokens if string all tokens
lgth=len(input_line) ! lgth is the column position of the last non-blank character
icount=0 ! how many tokens found
inotnull=0 ! how many tokens found not composed of delimiters
imax=0 ! length of longest token found
if(lgth > 0)then ! there is at least one non-delimiter in INPUT_LINE if get here
icol=1 ! initialize pointer into input line
INFINITE: do i30=1,lgth,1 ! store into each array element
ibegin(i30)=icol ! assume start new token on the character
if(index(dlim(1:idlim),input_line(icol:icol)) == 0)then ! if current character is not a delimiter
iterm(i30)=lgth ! initially assume no more tokens
do i10=1,idlim ! search for next delimiter
IF(ifound > 0)then
icol=iterm(i30)+2 ! next place to look as found end of this token
inotnull=inotnull+1 ! increment count of number of tokens not composed of delimiters
else ! character is a delimiter for a null string
iterm(i30)=icol-1 ! record assumed end of string. Will be less than beginning
icol=icol+1 ! advance pointer into input string
icount=i30 ! increment count of number of tokens found
if(icol > lgth)then ! no text left
select case (trim(adjustl(nlls)))
case ('ignore','','ignoreend')
case default
end select
allocate(character(len=imax) :: array(ireturn)) ! allocate the array to return
!allocate(array(ireturn)) ! allocate the array to return
select case (trim(adjustl(ordr))) ! decide which order to store tokens
case ('reverse','right') ; ii=ireturn ; iiii=-1 ! last to first
case default ; ii=1 ; iiii=1 ! first to last
end select
do i20=1,icount ! fill the array with the tokens that were found
if(iterm(i20) < ibegin(i20))then
select case (trim(adjustl(nlls)))
case ('ignore','','ignoreend')
case default
array(ii)=' '
end select
end subroutine split