adjustc Function

public pure function adjustc(string, length)


adjustc(3f) - [M_strings:WHITESPACE] center text


pure function adjustc(string[,length])

character(len=*),intent(in)  :: string
integer,intent(in),optional  :: length
character(len=:),allocatable :: adjustc


 Centers input text in a string of the length specified. Returns a
 string of length LENGTH if LENGTH is present. Otherwise returns a
 string of the length of the input string.


 string  input string to trim and center
 length  line length to center text in, optional.


 adjustc  centered output string


Sample Program:

program demo_adjustc
use M_strings, only : adjustc
!  using length of the input string
   write(*,'(a)')       '================================'
   write(*,'(a)')adjustc('centered string                 ')
   write(*,'(a)')adjustc('                 centered string')
   write(*,'(a)')adjustc('  centered string               ')
!  using explicit output string length
   write(*,'(a)')adjustc('this is a centered string',50)
end program demo_adjustc

Expected output

        centered string
        centered string
        centered string
            this is a centered string


John S. Urban


Public Domain


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string

PROCEDURE adjustc(3f) DESCRIPTION center text using implicit or explicit length

VERSION 2.0, 20160711

AUTHOR John S. Urban

integer, intent(in), optional :: length

Return Value character(len=:), allocatable


Source Code

Source Code

pure function adjustc(string,length)

! ident_34="@(#) M_strings adjustc(3f) center text"

!! PROCEDURE   adjustc(3f)
!! DESCRIPTION center text using implicit or explicit length
!!##VERSION     2.0, 20160711
!! AUTHOR      John S. Urban
character(len=*),intent(in)  :: string         ! input string to trim and center
integer,intent(in),optional  :: length         ! line length to center text in
character(len=:),allocatable :: adjustc        ! output string
integer                      :: inlen
integer                      :: ileft          ! left edge of string if it is centered
   if(present(length))then                     ! optional length
      inlen=length                             ! length will be requested length
      if(inlen <= 0)then                       ! bad input length
         inlen=len(string)                     ! could not use input value, fall back to length of input string
   else                                        ! output length was not explicitly specified, use input string length
   allocate(character(len=inlen):: adjustc)    ! create output at requested length
   adjustc(1:inlen)=' '                        ! initialize output string to all blanks
   ileft =(inlen-len_trim(adjustl(string)))/2  ! find starting point to start input string to center it
   if(ileft > 0)then                          ! if string will fit centered in output
      adjustc(ileft+1:inlen)=adjustl(string)   ! center the input text in the output string
   else                                        ! input string will not fit centered in output string
      adjustc(1:inlen)=adjustl(string)         ! copy as much of input to output as can
end function adjustc