isalnum Function

public elemental function isalnum(ch) result(res)


isascii,isblank,isxdigit(3f) - [M_strings:COMPARE] test membership in
subsets of ASCII set


Where "FUNCNAME" is one of the function names in the group, the
functions are defined by

 elemental function FUNCNAME(onechar)
 character,intent(in) :: onechar
 logical              :: FUNC_NAME


   These elemental functions test if a character belongs to various
   subsets of the ASCII character set.

   isalnum    returns .true. if character is a letter (a-z,A-Z)
              or digit (0-9)
   isalpha    returns .true. if character is a letter and
              .false. otherwise
   isascii    returns .true. if character is in the range char(0)
              to char(127)
   isblank    returns .true. if character is a blank (space or
              horizontal tab).
   iscntrl    returns .true. if character is a delete character or
              ordinary control character (0x7F or 0x00-0x1F).
   isdigit    returns .true. if character is a digit (0,1,...,9)
              and .false. otherwise
   isgraph    returns .true. if character is a printable ASCII
              character excluding space
   islower    returns .true. if character is a miniscule letter (a-z)
   isprint    returns .true. if character is a printable ASCII character
   ispunct    returns .true. if character is a printable punctuation
              character (isgraph(c) && !isalnum(c)).
   isspace    returns .true. if character is a null, space, tab,
              carriage return, new line, vertical tab, or formfeed
   isupper    returns .true. if character is an uppercase letter (A-Z)
   isxdigit   returns .true. if character is a hexadecimal digit
              (0-9, a-f, or A-F).


Sample Program:

program demo_isdigit

 use M_strings, only : isdigit, isspace, switch
 implicit none
 character(len=10),allocatable :: string(:)
 integer                       :: i
    & '1 2 3 4 5 ' ,&
    & 'letters   ' ,&
    & '1234567890' ,&
    & 'both 8787 ' ]
    ! if string is nothing but digits and whitespace return .true.
    do i=1,size(string)
       write(*,'(a)',advance='no')'For string['//string(i)//']'
       write(*,*) &
       all(isdigit(switch(string(i))) .or. &
       & isspace(switch(string(i))))

 end program demo_isdigit

Expected output:

For string[1 2 3 4 5 ] T
For string[letters   ] F
For string[1234567890] T
For string[both 8787 ] F


John S. Urban


Public Domain


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character, intent(in) :: ch

Return Value logical


Source Code

Source Code

elemental function isalnum(ch) result(res)

! ident_78="@(#) M_strings isalnum(3f) returns true if character is a letter (a-z A-Z) or digit(0-9)"

character,intent(in)       :: ch
logical                    :: res
   select case(ch)
   case default
   end select
end function isalnum