rpad(3f) - [M_strings:LENGTH] convert to a string and pad on the right
to requested length
function rpad(valuein,length) result(strout)
class*,intent(in) :: valuein(..)
integer,intent(in) :: length
rpad(3f) converts a scalar intrinsic value to a string and then pads
it on the right with spaces to at least the specified length. If the
trimmed input string is longer than the requested length the string
is returned trimmed of leading and trailing spaces.
str The input may be scalar or a vector.
the input value to return as a string, padded on the left to
the specified length if shorter than length. The input may be
any intrinsic scalar which is converted to a cropped string
much as if written with list-directed output.
length The minimum string length to return
strout The input string padded to the requested length
on the right with spaces.
Sample Program:
program demo_rpad
use M_strings, only : rpad
implicit none
write(*,'("[",a,"]")') rpad( 'my string', 20)
write(*,'("[",a,"]")') rpad( 'my string ', 20)
write(*,'("[",a,"]")') rpad( ' my string', 20)
write(*,'("[",a,"]")') rpad( ' my string ', 20)
write(*,'("[",a,"]")') rpad( valuein=42 , length=7)
write(*,'("[",a,"]")') rpad( valuein=1.0/9.0 , length=20)
end program demo_rpad
> [my string ]
> [my string ]
> [my string ]
> [my string ]
> [42 ]
> [0.111111112 ]
John S. Urban
Public Domain
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(*), | intent(in) | :: | valuein | |||
integer, | intent(in), | optional | :: | length |
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(*), | intent(in) | :: | valuein(:) | |||
integer, | intent(in), | optional | :: | length |