grouping | page | description |
M_strings::INTRO::OOPS | M_strings__oop | OOP Fortran string module |
M_strings::INTRO | M_strings | Fortran string module |
M_strings:ARRAY | bundle | return up to twenty strings of arbitrary length as an array (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:ARRAY | c2s | convert C string pointer to Fortran character string (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:ARRAY | s2c | convert character variable to array of characters with last element set to null (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:ARRAY | switch | converts between CHARACTER scalar and array of single characters (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:BASE | base | convert whole number string in base [2-36] to string in alternate base [2-36] (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:BASE | base2 | convert whole number to string in base 2 (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:BASE | codebase | convert whole number in base 10 to string in base [2-36] (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:BASE | decodebase | convert whole number string in base [2-36] to base 10 number (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:CASE | lower | changes a string to lowercase over specified range (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:CASE | lower_quoted | elemental function converts string to lowercase skipping strings quoted per Fortran syntax rules (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:CASE | upper | changes a string to uppercase (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:CASE | upper_quoted | elemental function converts string to uppercase skipping strings quoted per Fortran syntax rules (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:COMPARE | ends_with | test if string ends with specified suffix(es) (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:COMPARE | fortran_name | test if string meets criteria for being a fortran name (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:COMPARE | glob | compare given string for match to a pattern which may contain globbing wildcard characters (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:COMPARE | isalnum | test membership in subsets of ASCII set (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:COMPARE | isalpha | returns .true. if character is a letter and .false. otherwise (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:COMPARE | isascii | returns .true. if the character is in the range char(0) to char(256) (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:COMPARE | isblank | returns .true. if character is a blank character (space or horizontal tab). (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:COMPARE | iscntrl | returns .true. if character is a delete character or ordinary control character (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:COMPARE | isdigit | returns .true. if character is a digit (0, 1, ..., 9) and .false. otherwise (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:COMPARE | isgraph | returns .true. if character is a printable character except a space is considered non-printable (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:COMPARE | islower | returns .true. if character is a miniscule letter (a-z) (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:COMPARE | isprint | returns .true. if character is an ASCII printable character (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:COMPARE | ispunct | returns .true. if character is a printable punctuation character (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:COMPARE | isspace | returns .true. if character is a null, space, tab, carriage return, new line, vertical tab, or formfeed (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:COMPARE | isupper | returns .true. if character is an uppercase letter (A-Z) (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:COMPARE | isxdigit | returns .true. if character is a hexadecimal digit (0-9, a-f, or A-F). (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:COMPARE | longest_common_substring | function that returns the longest common substring of two strings. |
M_strings:DESCRIBE | describe | returns a string describing the name of a single character (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:DESCRIBE | edit_distance | returns a naive edit distance using the Levenshtein distance algorithm (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:EDITING | change | change old string to new string with a directive like a line editor (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:EDITING | join | append CHARACTER variable array into a single CHARACTER variable with specified separator (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:EDITING | modif | emulate the MODIFY command from the line editor XEDIT (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:EDITING | replace | function replaces one substring for another in string (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:EDITING | reverse | Return a string reversed (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:EDITING | squeeze | delete adjacent duplicate occurrences of a character from a string (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:EDITING | substitute | subroutine globally substitutes one substring for another in string (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:EDITING | transliterate | replace characters from old set with new set (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:ENCODE | decode_base64 | decode data from base64 encoding as defined in RFC-4648 (LICENSE:MIT) |
M_strings:ENCODE | encode_base64 | encode data using base64 encoding as defined in RFC-4648 (LICENSE:MIT) |
M_strings:ENCODE | percent_decode | percent-decode strings and character arrays (LICENSE:ISC) |
M_strings:ENCODE | percent_encode | percent-encode strings and character arrays (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:ENCODE | rotate13 | apply trivial ROT13 encryption to a string (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:LENGTH | cpad | convert to a cropped string and then centers the string to specified length (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:LENGTH | len_white | get length of string trimmed of whitespace. (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:LENGTH | lenset | return string trimmed or padded to specified length (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:LENGTH | lpad | convert to a cropped string and then blank-pad on the left to requested length (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:LENGTH | merge_str | pads strings to same length and then calls MERGE(3f) (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:LENGTH | pad | return string padded to at least specified length (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:LENGTH | rpad | convert to a string and pad on the right to requested length (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:LENGTH | stretch | return string padded to at least specified length (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:LENGTH | zpad | pad a string on the left with zeros to specified length (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:NONALPHA | dilate | function to expand tab characters (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:NONALPHA | expand | expand C-like escape sequences (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:NONALPHA | noesc | convert non-printable characters to a space (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:NONALPHA | notabs | expand tab characters (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:NONALPHA | visible | expand a string to control and meta-control representations (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:NUMERIC | listout | expand a list of numbers where negative numbers denote range ends (1 -10 means 1 thru 10) (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:QUOTES | matching_delimiter | find position of matching delimiter (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:QUOTES | quote | add quotes to string as if written with list-directed output (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:QUOTES | unquote | remove quotes from string as if read with list-directed input (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TOKENS | chomp | Tokenize a string, consuming it one token per call (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TOKENS | delim | parse a string and store tokens into an array (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TOKENS | find_field | parse a string into tokens (LICENSE:MIT) |
M_strings:TOKENS | paragraph | break a long line into a paragraph (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TOKENS | sep | function to parse string into an array using specified delimiters (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TOKENS | slice | parse string into an array using specified delimiters (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TOKENS | split | parse string into an array using specified delimiters (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TOKENS | split2020 | parse a string into tokens using proposed f2023 method (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TOKENS | strtok | Tokenize a string (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TYPE | atoi | function returns a 32-bit integer value from a string (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TYPE | atol | function returns a 64-bit integer value from a string (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TYPE | aton | function returns argument as a numeric value from a string (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TYPE | dble | overloads DBLE(3f) so it can handle character arguments (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TYPE | fmt | convert any intrinsic to a string using specified format (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TYPE | getvals | read arbitrary number of REAL values from a character variable up to size of VALUES() array (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TYPE | int | overloads INT(3f) so it can handle character arguments (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TYPE | isnumber | determine if a string represents a number (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TYPE | nint | overloads NINT(3f) so it can handle character arguments (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TYPE | real | overloads REAL(3f) so it can handle character arguments (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TYPE | s2v | function returns doubleprecision numeric value from a string (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TYPE | s2vs | given a string representing numbers return a numeric array (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TYPE | str | converts multiple values to a (CSV) string (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TYPE | string_to_value | subroutine returns numeric value from string (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TYPE | string_to_values | read a string representing numbers into a numeric array (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TYPE | v2s | return numeric string from a numeric value (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:TYPE | value_to_string | return numeric string from a numeric value (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:WHITESPACE | adjustc | center text (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:WHITESPACE | clip | trim leading and trailing blanks or set of characters from a string (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:WHITESPACE | compact | converts contiguous whitespace to a single character (or nothing) (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:WHITESPACE | crop | trim leading and trailing blanks and control characters from a string (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:WHITESPACE | indent | count number of leading spaces in a string (LICENSE:PD) |
M_strings:WHITESPACE | nospace | remove all whitespace from input string (LICENSE:PD) |