ends_with(3f) - [M_strings:COMPARE] test if string ends with specified suffix(es) (LICENSE:PD)
pure function ends_with(source_string[,suffix][,ignorecase])
character(len=*),intent(in) :: source_string character(len=*),intent(in) :: suffix(..) logical,intent(in),optional :: ignorecase logical :: ends_with
ends_with(3f) tests if a string ends with any specified suffix. Differs from using index(3f) in that the input file and multiple suffices are trimmed by ends_with(3f),
SOURCE_STRING string to search SUFFIX list of separator strings. May be scalar or an array. Trailing spaces in SUFFIX are ignored. IGNORECASE If .true. case is ignored.
ENDS_WITH returns .TRUE. if one of the suffix match the end of SOURCE_STRING.
Sample program:
program demo_ends_with use M_strings, only : ends_with use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : stdout=>output_unit implicit none character(len=:),allocatable :: line, pattern ! write(*,*)basic usage write(stdout,*)ends_with(prog.a,.a), should be true write(stdout,*)ends_with(prog.a,.o), should be false write(stdout,*)ends_with(prog.a,[.o,.i,.s]) write(stdout,*)ends_with(prog.f90,[.F90,.f90,.f ,.F ]) ! write(*,*)ignored case write(stdout,*)ends_with(prog.F90,[.f90,.f ],ignorecase=.true.) ! write(*,*)trailing whitespace is ignored write(stdout,*)ends_with(prog.pdf,.pdf) write(stdout,*)ends_with(prog.pdf,.pdf ) write(stdout,*)ends_with(prog.pdf ,.pdf ) write(stdout,*)ends_with(prog.pdf ,.pdf ) ! write(*,*)equivalent using index(3f) line= myfile.doc pattern=.doc write(stdout,*)& &index(trim(line),trim(pattern),back=.true.)==len_trim(line)-len_trim(pattern)+1 write(stdout,*)ends_with(line,pattern) end program demo_ends_withResults:
> basic usage > T should be true > F should be false > F > T > ignored case > T > trailing whitespace is ignored > T > T > T > T > equivalent using index(3f) > T > T
John S. Urban
Public Domain
Nemo Release 3.1 | ends_with (3m_strings) | January 10, 2025 |