switch(3f) - [M_strings:ARRAY] converts between CHARACTER scalar and array of single characters (LICENSE:PD)
pure function switch(array) result (string)
character(len=1),intent(in) :: array(:) character(len=SIZE(array)) :: stringpure function switch(string) result (array)or
character(len=*),intent(in) :: string character(len=1) :: array(len(string))
SWITCH(3f): generic function that switches CHARACTER string to an array of single characters or an array of single characters to a CHARACTER string. Useful in passing strings to C. New Fortran features may supersede these routines.
Sample program:
program demo_switch use M_strings, only : switch, isalpha, islower, nospace character(len=*),parameter :: & & dashes=----------------------------------- character(len=*),parameter :: string=This is a string character(len=1024) :: lineExpected output! First, examples of standard Fortran features ! returns array [F,T,T,T,T,T] write(*,*)[A,=,=,=,=,=] == = ! this would return T write(*,*)all([=,=,=,=,=,=] == =) ! this would return F write(*,*)all([A,=,=,=,=,=] == =)
! so to test if the string DASHES is all dashes ! using SWITCH(3f) is if(all(switch(dashes) == -))then write(*,*)DASHES is all dashes endif
! so to test is a string is all letters ! isalpha(3f) returns .true. only if character is a letter ! false because dashes are not a letter write(*,*) all(isalpha(switch(dashes))) ! false because of spaces write(*,*) all(isalpha(switch(string))) ! true because removed whitespace write(*,*) all(isalpha(switch(nospace(string))))
! to see if a string is all uppercase ! show the string write(*,*) string ! converted to character array write(*,(1x,*("[",a,"]":))) switch(string) write(*,(*(l3))) islower(switch(string))
! we need a string that is all letters line=nospace(string) write(*,*)LINE=,trim(line) ! all true except first character write(*,*) islower(switch(nospace(string))) ! should be false write(*,*) all(islower(switch(nospace(string)))) ! should be true write(*,*) all(islower(switch(nospace(string(2:)))))
end program demo_switch
> F T T T T T > T > F > DASHES is all dashes > F > F > T > This is a string > [T][h][i][s][ ][i][s][ ][a][ ][s][t][r][i][n][g] > F T T T F T T F T F T T T T T T > LINE=Thisisastring > F T T T T T T T T T T T T > F > T
John S. Urban
Public Domain
Nemo Release 3.1 | switch (3m_strings) | January 10, 2025 |