unique.f90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

program unique ! this is a utility program. It is typically built using ccall(1).
use M_CLI2,                       only : set_args, lget, sgets, iget, unnamed
use M_uuid,                       only : generate_uuid
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : stdin=>input_unit, stdout=>output_unit, stderr=>error_unit
implicit none
integer :: version
integer :: repeat
integer :: i,j
character(len=10),allocatable :: methods(:)
character(len=:),allocatable  :: prefix
character(len=:),allocatable  :: help_text(:)
character(len=:),allocatable  :: version_text(:)

   ! define arguments, default values and crack command line
   call setup()
   call set_args('--method:m "4" --urn:U F --repeat:r 1',help_text,version_text)
   methods=[character(len=10) :: sgets('method'),unnamed]        ! get value of command line argument -method or unnamed strings
   repeat=iget('repeat')                                         ! get value of command line argument -repeat
   prefix=merge('urn:uuid:','         ',lget('urn'))             ! get value of command line argument -urn

   do i=1,size(methods)
      select case(methods(i))
      case(   '0','nil');    version=0
      case(   '1','time');   version=1
      case('','4','random'); version=4
      case default;          version=4
         write(stderr,'(*(g0,1x))')'*unique* unknown method',methods
         stop 1
      do j=1,repeat

subroutine setup()

! @(#)help_usage(3f): sets help information

version_text=[ CHARACTER(LEN=128) :: &
'@(#)PRODUCT:        GPF (General Purpose Fortran) utilities and examples>',&
'@(#)PROGRAM:        unique(1)>                                           ',&
'@(#)DESCRIPTION:    output a UUID (Universally Unique ID)>               ',&
'@(#)VERSION:        1.0, 20180427>                                       ',&
'@(#)AUTHOR:         John S. Urban>                                       ',&
'@(#)HOME PAGE:      http://www.urbanjost.altervista.org/index.html>      ',&
'@(#)COMPILED:       Tue, Feb 9th, 2021 9:19:16 PM>                       ',&
help_text=[ CHARACTER(LEN=128) :: &
'    unique(1f) - [FUNIX] generate a UUID (Universally Unique ID) string',&
'                  per RFC 4122                                         ',&
'    (LICENSE:PD)                                                       ',&
'                                                                       ',&
'SYNOPSIS                                                               ',&
'    unique [[ --method] NAME][ -urn][ -repeat N]]|[ --help|--version]  ',&
'                                                                       ',&
'DESCRIPTION                                                            ',&
'   unique(3f) generates UUID strings according to the RFC 4122         ',&
'   standard.                                                           ',&
'                                                                       ',&
'   A universally unique identifier (UUID) is a 128-bit number used to  ',&
'   identify information in computer systems. When generated according  ',&
'   to standard methods UUIDs are for practical purposes unique.        ',&
'                                                                       ',&
'   Standard methods 0,1, and 4 are supported as described in RFC 4122. ',&
'                                                                       ',&
'   UUID strings are particularly useful as keys for relational database',&
'   entries, and for building unique temporary file names (especially in',&
'   cross-mounted filesystems that more than one OS is utilizing).      ',&
'                                                                       ',&
'OPTIONS                                                                ',&
'    --method NAME  Select the UUID version type. Supported methods are ',&
'                   nil|0, random|4, time|1.                            ',&
'                                                                       ',&
'                   0. Nil UUID (ie. ''''00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'''')',&
'                   1. time-based UUID                                            ',&
'                   2. Not implemented                                            ',&
'                   3. Not implemented                                            ',&
'                   4. pseudo-RNG(Random Number Generator) based                  ',&
'                   5. Not implemented                                            ',&
'                                                                                 ',&
'    --urn       RFC 4122 defines a Uniform Resource Name (URN)                   ',&
'                namespace for UUIDs. IE., the output is                          ',&
'                prefixed with "urn:uuid:".                                       ',&
'                                                                                 ',&
'    --repeat N  Number of UUID strings to generate                               ',&
'                                                                                 ',&
'    --help      display this help and exit                                       ',&
'                                                                                 ',&
'    --version   output version information and exit                              ',&
'                                                                                 ',&
'EXAMPLES                                                                         ',&
'  Sample commands                                                                ',&
'                                                                                 ',&
'   unique                                                                        ',&
'   4bb8051e-4af3-11e8-6603-4254ffee9a14                                          ',&
'                                                                                 ',&
'   unique -urn                                                                   ',&
'   urn:uuid:e9fd7cab-69f2-4cd6-4b5e-d54b9fbf617a                                 ',&
'                                                                                 ',&
'   unique -method time -repeat 4                                                 ',&
'   f2a2faf0-833a-11e9-7373-5eb4cfd7e237                                          ',&
'   f2a2faf0-833a-11e9-7373-afbb9f7b9100                                          ',&
'   f2a2faf0-833a-11e9-7373-cde3ffff3681                                          ',&
'   f2a2faf0-833a-11e9-7373-271cfbfd42bc                                          ',&
'                                                                                 ',&
'AUTHOR                                                                           ',&
'   John S. Urban                                                                 ',&
'LICENSE                                                                          ',&
'   Public Domain                                                                 ',&
end subroutine setup
end program unique