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M_time man(3) pages

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M_time::INTRO::OOPSM_time__oop OOP interface for M_time(3fm) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time::INTROM_time Fortran module for manipulating and presenting time and date values as defined in ISO 8601:1988 (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:ASTROLOGICALeaster calculate date for Easter given a year (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:ASTROLOGICALmoon_fullness return percentage of moon phase from new to full (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:ASTROLOGICALphase_of_moon return name for phase of moon for given date (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:C_INTERFACEsystem_sleep call C sleep(3c) or usleep(3c) procedure (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:DATE_PRINTINGbox_month create specified month in a character array (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:DATE_PRINTINGfmtdate given DAT date-time array return date as string using specified format (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:DATE_PRINTINGfmtdate_usage display macros recognized by fmtdate(3f) and now(3f) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:DATE_PRINTINGlocale allow for selecting languages to represent month and weekday names (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:DATE_PRINTINGnow return string representing current time given one of many formats to present with (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:DAY_OF_WEEKdow given a date-time array DAT return the day of the week (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:DURATIONdays2sec convert string of form [[-]dd-]hh:mm:ss.nn to seconds (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:DURATIONsec2days convert seconds to string of form dd-hh:mm:ss (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:JULIANd2j given DAT date-time array returns Julian Date (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:JULIANdate_to_julian converts DAT date-time array to Julian Date (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:JULIANj2d given a JED (Julian Ephemeris Date) returns a date-time array DAT. (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:JULIANjulian_to_date converts a JED(Julian Ephemeris Date) to a DAT date-time array. (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:MONTH_NAMEmo2d given month name return DAT date-time array for beginning of that month in specified year (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:MONTH_NAMEmo2v given month name return month number (1-12) of that month (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:MONTH_NAMEv2mo returns the month name of a Common month number (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:ORDINAL_DAYd2o converts DAT date-time array to Ordinal day (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:ORDINAL_DAYo2d converts Ordinal day to DAT date-time array (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:ORDINAL_DAYordinal_seconds seconds since beginning of year (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:ORDINAL_DAYordinal_to_date when given a valid year and day of the year returns the DAT array for the date (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:READING_DATESguessdate reads in a date, in various formats (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:UNIX_EPOCHd2u given DAT date-time array returns Unix Epoch Time (UET starts at 0000 on 1 Jan. 1970, UTC) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:UNIX_EPOCHdate_to_unix converts DAT date-time array to Unix Epoch Time (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:UNIX_EPOCHu2d given Unix Epoch Time returns DAT date-time array (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:UNIX_EPOCHunix_to_date converts Unix Epoch Time to DAT date-time array (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:WEEK_OF_YEARd2w calculate iso-8601 Week, both numerically and as a string of the form "yyyy-Wmm-d" given a DAT date-time array (LICENSE:MIT)
M_time:WEEK_OF_YEARw2d calculate DAT date-time array from iso-8601 numeric Week values or from string "yyyy-Www-d" (LICENSE:MIT)