Manual Reference Pages  - easter (3m_time)


easter(3f) - [M_time:ASTROLOGICAL] calculate date for Easter given a year (LICENSE:MIT)




subroutine easter(year,dat)

    integer, intent(in)   :: year
    integer, intent(out)  :: dat


The Date of Easter (Sunday)

The algorithm is due to J.-M. Oudin (1940) and is reprinted in the Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, ed. P. K. Seidelmann (1992). See Chapter 12, "Calendars", by L. E. Doggett.

The following are dates of Easter from 1980 to 2024:

       1980  April  6        1995  April 16        2010  April  4
       1981  April 19        1996  April  7        2011  April 24
       1982  April 11        1997  March 30        2012  April  8
       1983  April  3        1998  April 12        2013  March 31
       1984  April 22        1999  April  4        2014  April 20
       1985  April  7        2000  April 23        2015  April  5
       1986  March 30        2001  April 15        2016  March 27
       1987  April 19        2002  March 31        2017  April 16
       1988  April  3        2003  April 20        2018  April  1
       1989  March 26        2004  April 11        2019  April 21
       1990  April 15        2005  March 27        2020  April 12
       1991  March 31        2006  April 16        2021  April  4
       1992  April 19        2007  April  8        2022  April 17
       1993  April 11        2008  March 23        2023  April  9
       1994  April  3        2009  April 12        2024  March 31

N.B. The date of Easter for the Eastern Orthodox Church may be different.


year Year for which to calculate day that Easter falls on


dat Date array for noon on Easter for the specified year


Sample program:

    program demo_easter
    use M_time, only : easter, fmtdate
    implicit none
    integer :: year
    integer :: dat(8) ! year,month,day,tz,hour,minute,second,millisecond
      call date_and_time(values=dat)  ! get current year
      call easter(year, dat)
      "Easter day: the %d day of %L in the year of our Lord %Y")
    end program demo_easter

Sample output:

    Easter day: the 16th day of April in the year of our Lord 2017

Nemo Release 3.1 easter (3m_time) August 31, 2024
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