setup Subroutine

subroutine setup()



Source Code

subroutine setup()
help_text=[ CHARACTER(LEN=128) :: &
'       qsort(1f) - [FUNIX] sort a file',&
'       (LICENSE:PD)                   ',&
'                                      ',&
'SYNOPSIS                              ',&
'   qsort INPUT_FILE(S) [ --help][ --version]',&
'                                            ',&
'DESCRIPTION                                 ',&
'   Sort lines in a file by reading into memory and sorting',&
'   alphabetically. Case and non-alphanumeric characters are ignored.',&
'                                                                    ',&
'   This is a simple use of the M_sort(3f) module and reads the files',&
'   into memory, which could cause a machine to run out of memory if ',&
'   input files are large.                                           ',&
'                                                                    ',&
'OPTIONS                                                             ',&
'       INPUT_FILE(s)  input file(s)                                 ',&
'       --help         display help text and exit                    ',&
'       --version      display version information and exit          ',&
'                                                                    ',&
'AUTHOR                                                              ',&
'   John S. Urban                                                    ',&
'                                                                    ',&
'LICENSE                                                             ',&
'   Public Domain                                                    ',&
version_text=[ CHARACTER(LEN=128) :: &
'PRODUCT:        GPF (General Purpose Fortran) utilities and examples',&
'PROGRAM:        qsort(1f)                                           ',&
'DESCRIPTION:    sort lines in a file                                ',&
'VERSION:        1.0, 2021-01-10                                     ',&
'AUTHOR:         John S. Urban                                       ',&
'HOME PAGE:      ',&
end subroutine setup