demo_regexec.f90 Source File

Source Code

     program demo_regexec
     ! read regular expression from command line and look for it in lines read from stdin.
     use M_regex, only: regex_type, regcomp, regexec, regfree
     implicit none
     integer                      :: command_argument_length
     character(len=:),allocatable :: command_argument
     character(len=1024)          :: input_line
     type(regex_type)             :: regex
     logical                      :: match
     integer                      :: ios
        call get_command_argument(number=1,length=command_argument_length)
        allocate(character(len=command_argument_length) :: command_argument)
        call get_command_argument(1, command_argument)
        call regcomp(regex,command_argument,'xn') ! compile up regular expression
        INFINITE: do
           if( INFINITE
           match=regexec(regex,input_line) ! look for a match in (remaining) string
           if(.not.match)cycle INFINITE    ! if no match found go for next line
           write(*,'(a)') trim(input_line) ! show line with match
        enddo INFINITE
        call regfree(regex)                ! free memory used for compiled regular expression
     end program demo_regexec