demo_regcomp.f90 Source File

Source Code

     program demo_regcomp
     use M_regex, only: regex_type, regcomp, regexec, regfree
     use M_regex, only: regmatch
     implicit none
     type(regex_type)             :: regex
     integer                      :: matches(2,1)
     character(len=:),allocatable :: input_line
     character(len=:),allocatable :: output_line
     character(len=:),allocatable :: expression
     logical                      :: match
     integer                      :: ipass
     integer                      :: istart
        expression= "[-0-9.*/+]+"                              ! define extended regular expression
        input_line= "30*0 250*1 5 AND 6 7:and some text8 999"  ! define an input line to search for the expression
        call regcomp(regex,expression,'x')                     ! compile the regex
        ipass=1                                                ! initialize pass counter
        INFINITE: do                     ! find match, then look again in remainder of line till all matches found
           match=regexec(regex,input_line,matches)        ! look for a match in (remaining) string
           if(.not.match)exit INFINITE                    ! if no match found exit
           output_line=regmatch(1,input_line,matches)     ! use bounds in MATCHES to select the matching substring
           write(*,'(8x,*(a))') 'match="',output_line,'"' ! show match
           istart=matches(2,1)+1                          ! find beginning of remainder of string
           if( INFINITE     ! reached end of string
           input_line=input_line(istart:)                 ! reduce string by any previous match
           ipass=ipass+1                                  ! increment count of passes made
        enddo INFINITE                                    ! free memory used for compiled regular expression
        call regfree(regex)
     end program demo_regcomp