M_orderpack__valnth.f90 Source File


Source Code

Module M_orderpack__valnth
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64, real32, real64, real128
implicit none
integer,parameter :: f_char=selected_char_kind("DEFAULT")
public :: valnth
!!    orderval(3f) - [M_orderpack:FRACTILE] Return VALUE of Nth ordered
!!                   element of array (Quick-Sort-like)
!!     Function OrderVal (INVALS, NORD)
!!      ${TYPE} (Kind=${KIND}), Intent (In) :: INVALS(:)
!!      ${TYPE} (Kind=${KIND})              :: orderval
!!      Integer, Intent (In)                :: NORD
!!    Where ${TYPE}(kind=${KIND}) may be
!!       o Real(kind=real32)
!!       o Real(kind=real64)
!!       o Integer(kind=int32)
!!   ORDERVAL(3f) returns the NORDth (ascending order) value of INVALS,
!!   i.e. the fractile of order NORD/SIZE(INVALS).
!!   Internally, this subroutine simply calls ORDERLOC(3f).
!!   This routine uses a pivoting strategy such as the one of finding the
!!   median based on the Quick-Sort algorithm, but we skew the pivot choice
!!   to try to bring it to NORD as fast as possible. It uses two temporary
!!   arrays, where it stores the indices of the values smaller than the
!!   pivot (ILOWT), and the indices of values larger than the pivot that we
!!   might still need later on (IHIGT). It iterates until it can bring the
!!   number of values in ILOWT to exactly NORD, and then finds the maximum
!!   of this set.
!!     INVALS    array to search
!!     NORD     Nth lowest value to find
!!     orderval   Nth lowest value
!!   Sample program:
!!    program demo_orderval
!!    !  Return value of Nth lowest value of array
!!    use M_orderpack, only : orderval
!!    implicit none
!!    character(len=*),parameter :: list= '(*(g0:,", "))'
!!    character(len=*),parameter :: sp='(*(g0,1x))'
!!    real,parameter ::  INVALS(*)=[1.1,20.20,3.3,10.10,5.5,4.4,2.2]
!!    integer :: i
!!    integer :: imiddle
!!       write(*,list) 'ORIGINAL:',INVALS
!!       ! can return the same values as intrinsics minval(3f) and maxval(3f)
!!       print sp, 'minval',orderval(INVALS,1),          minval(INVALS)
!!       print sp, 'maxval',orderval(INVALS,size(INVALS)), maxval(INVALS)
!!       ! but more generally it can return the Nth lowest value.
!!       print sp,'nord=',4, ' fractile=',orderval(INVALS,4)
!!       ! so a value at the middle would be
!!       imiddle=(size(INVALS)+1)/2
!!       print sp,'median',orderval(INVALS,imiddle)
!!       ! sorting the hard way
!!       do i=1,size(INVALS)
!!          write(*,list)i,orderval(INVALS,i)
!!       enddo
!!    end program demo_orderval
!!   Results:
!!    ORIGINAL:, 1.1000, 20.200, 3.300, 10.100, 5.500, 4.400, 2.200
!!    minval 1.100 1.100
!!    maxval 20.200 20.200
!!    nord= 4  fractile= 4.400
!!    median 4.400
!!    1, 1.100
!!    2, 2.200
!!    3, 3.300
!!    4, 4.400
!!    5, 5.500
!!    6, 10.100
!!    7, 20.200
!!    Michel Olagnon - Aug. 2000
!!    John Urban, 2022.04.16
!!    CC0-1.0
interface valnth
  module procedure real64_valnth, real32_valnth, int32_valnth !, f_char_valnth
end interface valnth
Function real64_valnth (INVALS, NORD) Result (valnth)
! __________________________________________________________
Real (Kind=real64), Dimension (:), Intent (In) :: INVALS
Real (Kind=real64) :: valnth
Integer, Intent (In) :: NORD
! __________________________________________________________
Real (Kind=real64), Dimension (SIZE(INVALS)) :: XLOWT, XHIGT
Real (Kind=real64) :: XPIV, XPIV0, XWRK, XWRK1, XWRK2, XWRK3, XMIN, XMAX
Integer :: JLM2, JLM1, JHM2, JHM1, INTH
      INTH = MAX (MIN (NORD, NDON), 1)
!    First loop is used to fill-in XLOWT, XHIGT at the same time
      If (NDON < 2) Then
         If (INTH == 1) VALNTH = INVALS (1)
      End If
!  One chooses a pivot, best estimate possible to put fractile near
!  mid-point of the set of low values.
      If (INVALS(2) < INVALS(1)) Then
         XLOWT (1) = INVALS(2)
         XHIGT (1) = INVALS(1)
         XLOWT (1) = INVALS(1)
         XHIGT (1) = INVALS(2)
      End If
      If (NDON < 3) Then
         If (INTH == 1) VALNTH = XLOWT (1)
         If (INTH == 2) VALNTH = XHIGT (1)
      End If
      If (INVALS(3) < XHIGT(1)) Then
         XHIGT (2) = XHIGT (1)
         If (INVALS(3) < XLOWT(1)) Then
            XHIGT (1) = XLOWT (1)
            XLOWT (1) = INVALS(3)
            XHIGT (1) = INVALS(3)
         End If
         XHIGT (2) = INVALS(3)
      End If
      If (NDON < 4) Then
         If (INTH == 1) Then
             VALNTH = XLOWT (1)
             VALNTH = XHIGT (INTH - 1)
         End If
      End If
      If (INVALS(NDON) < XHIGT(1)) Then
         XHIGT (3) = XHIGT (2)
         XHIGT (2) = XHIGT (1)
         If (INVALS(NDON) < XLOWT(1)) Then
            XHIGT (1) = XLOWT (1)
            XLOWT (1) = INVALS(NDON)
            XHIGT (1) = INVALS(NDON)
         End If
         XHIGT (3) = INVALS(NDON)
      End If
      If (NDON < 5) Then
         If (INTH == 1) Then
             VALNTH = XLOWT (1)
             VALNTH = XHIGT (INTH - 1)
         End If
      End If

      JLOW = 1
      JHIG = 3
      If (XPIV >= XHIGT(1)) Then
         XPIV = XLOWT(1) + REAL(2*INTH)/REAL(NDON+INTH) * &
         If (XPIV >= XHIGT(1)) &
             XPIV = XLOWT(1) + REAL (2*INTH) / REAL (NDON+INTH) * &
      End If
      XPIV0 = XPIV
!  One puts values > pivot in the end and those <= pivot
!  at the beginning. This is split in 2 cases, so that
!  we can skip the loop test a number of times.
!  As we are also filling in the work arrays at the same time
!  we stop filling in the XHIGT array as soon as we have more
!  than enough values in XLOWT.
      If (INVALS(NDON) > XPIV) Then
         ICRS = 3
            ICRS = ICRS + 1
            If (INVALS(ICRS) > XPIV) Then
               If (ICRS >= NDON) Exit
               JHIG = JHIG + 1
               XHIGT (JHIG) = INVALS(ICRS)
               JLOW = JLOW + 1
               XLOWT (JLOW) = INVALS(ICRS)
               If (JLOW >= INTH) Exit
            End If
         End Do
!  One restricts further processing because it is no use
!  to store more high values
         If (ICRS < NDON-1) Then
               ICRS = ICRS + 1
               If (INVALS(ICRS) <= XPIV) Then
                  JLOW = JLOW + 1
                  XLOWT (JLOW) = INVALS(ICRS)
               Else If (ICRS >= NDON) Then
               End If
            End Do
         End If
!  Same as above, but this is not as easy to optimize, so the
!  DO-loop is kept
         Do ICRS = 4, NDON - 1
            If (INVALS(ICRS) > XPIV) Then
               JHIG = JHIG + 1
               XHIGT (JHIG) = INVALS(ICRS)
               JLOW = JLOW + 1
               XLOWT (JLOW) = INVALS(ICRS)
               If (JLOW >= INTH) Exit
            End If
         End Do
         If (ICRS < NDON-1) Then
               ICRS = ICRS + 1
               If (INVALS(ICRS) <= XPIV) Then
                  If (ICRS >= NDON) Exit
                  JLOW = JLOW + 1
                  XLOWT (JLOW) = INVALS(ICRS)
               End If
            End Do
         End If
      End If
      JLM2 = 0
      JLM1 = 0
      JHM2 = 0
      JHM1 = 0
         If (JLM2 == JLOW .And. JHM2 == JHIG) Then
!   We are oscillating. Perturbate by bringing JLOW closer by one
!   to INTH
             If (INTH > JLOW) Then
                XMIN = XHIGT(1)
                IHIG = 1
                Do ICRS = 2, JHIG
                   If (XHIGT(ICRS) < XMIN) Then
                      XMIN = XHIGT(ICRS)
                      IHIG = ICRS
                   End If
                End Do
                JLOW = JLOW + 1
                XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (IHIG)
                XHIGT (IHIG) = XHIGT (JHIG)
                JHIG = JHIG - 1

                XMAX = XLOWT (JLOW)
                JLOW = JLOW - 1
                Do ICRS = 1, JLOW
                   If (XLOWT(ICRS) > XMAX) Then
                      XWRK = XMAX
                      XMAX = XLOWT(ICRS)
                      XLOWT (ICRS) = XWRK
                   End If
                End Do
             End If
         End If
         JLM2 = JLM1
         JLM1 = JLOW
         JHM2 = JHM1
         JHM1 = JHIG
!   We try to bring the number of values in the low values set
!   closer to INTH.
         Select Case (INTH-JLOW)
         Case (2:)
!   Not enough values in low part, at least 2 are missing
            INTH = INTH - JLOW
            JLOW = 0
            Select Case (JHIG)
!!!!!           CASE DEFAULT
!!!!!              write (unit=*,fmt=*) "Assertion failed"
!!!!!              STOP
!   We make a special case when we have so few values in
!   the high values set that it is bad performance to choose a pivot
!   and apply the general algorithm.
            Case (2)
               If (XHIGT(1) <= XHIGT(2)) Then
                  JLOW = JLOW + 1
                  XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (1)
                  JLOW = JLOW + 1
                  XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (2)
                  JLOW = JLOW + 1
                  XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (2)
                  JLOW = JLOW + 1
                  XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (1)
               End If
            Case (3)
               XWRK1 = XHIGT (1)
               XWRK2 = XHIGT (2)
               XWRK3 = XHIGT (3)
               If (XWRK2 < XWRK1) Then
                  XHIGT (1) = XWRK2
                  XHIGT (2) = XWRK1
                  XWRK2 = XWRK1
               End If
               If (XWRK2 > XWRK3) Then
                  XHIGT (3) = XWRK2
                  XHIGT (2) = XWRK3
                  XWRK2 = XWRK3
                  If (XWRK2 < XHIGT(1)) Then
                     XHIGT (2) = XHIGT (1)
                     XHIGT (1) = XWRK2
                  End If
               End If
               JHIG = 0
               Do ICRS = JLOW + 1, INTH
                  JHIG = JHIG + 1
                  XLOWT (ICRS) = XHIGT (JHIG)
               End Do
               JLOW = INTH
            Case (4:)
               XPIV0 = XPIV
               IFIN = JHIG
!  One chooses a pivot from the 2 first values and the last one.
!  This should ensure sufficient renewal between iterations to
!  avoid worst case behavior effects.
               XWRK1 = XHIGT (1)
               XWRK2 = XHIGT (2)
               XWRK3 = XHIGT (IFIN)
               If (XWRK2 < XWRK1) Then
                  XHIGT (1) = XWRK2
                  XHIGT (2) = XWRK1
                  XWRK2 = XWRK1
               End If
               If (XWRK2 > XWRK3) Then
                  XHIGT (IFIN) = XWRK2
                  XHIGT (2) = XWRK3
                  XWRK2 = XWRK3
                  If (XWRK2 < XHIGT(1)) Then
                     XHIGT (2) = XHIGT (1)
                     XHIGT (1) = XWRK2
                  End If
               End If
               XWRK1 = XHIGT (1)
               JLOW = JLOW + 1
               XLOWT (JLOW) = XWRK1
               XPIV = XWRK1 + 0.5 * (XHIGT(IFIN)-XWRK1)
!  One takes values <= pivot to XLOWT
!  Again, 2 parts, one where we take care of the remaining
!  high values because we might still need them, and the
!  other when we know that we will have more than enough
!  low values in the end.
               JHIG = 0
               Do ICRS = 2, IFIN
                  If (XHIGT(ICRS) <= XPIV) Then
                     JLOW = JLOW + 1
                     XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (ICRS)
                     If (JLOW >= INTH) Exit
                     JHIG = JHIG + 1
                     XHIGT (JHIG) = XHIGT (ICRS)
                  End If
               End Do
               Do ICRS = ICRS + 1, IFIN
                  If (XHIGT(ICRS) <= XPIV) Then
                     JLOW = JLOW + 1
                     XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (ICRS)
                  End If
               End Do
            End Select
         Case (1)
!  Only 1 value is missing in low part
            XMIN = XHIGT(1)
            IHIG = 1
            Do ICRS = 2, JHIG
               If (XHIGT(ICRS) < XMIN) Then
                  XMIN = XHIGT(ICRS)
                  IHIG = ICRS
               End If
            End Do
            VALNTH = XHIGT (IHIG)
         Case (0)
!  Low part is exactly what we want
         Case (-5:-1)
!  Only few values too many in low part
            XHIGT (1) = XLOWT (1)
            ILOW = 1 + INTH - JLOW
            Do ICRS = 2, INTH
               XWRK = XLOWT (ICRS)
               Do IDCR = ICRS - 1, MAX (1, ILOW), - 1
                  If (XWRK < XHIGT(IDCR)) Then
                     XHIGT (IDCR+1) = XHIGT (IDCR)
                  End If
               End Do
               XHIGT (IDCR+1) = XWRK
               ILOW = ILOW + 1
            End Do
            XWRK1 = XHIGT(INTH)
            ILOW = 2*INTH - JLOW
            Do ICRS = INTH + 1, JLOW
               If (XLOWT (ICRS) < XWRK1) Then
                  XWRK = XLOWT (ICRS)
                  Do IDCR = INTH - 1, MAX (1, ILOW), - 1
                     If (XWRK >= XHIGT(IDCR)) Exit
                     XHIGT (IDCR+1) = XHIGT (IDCR)
                  End Do
                  XHIGT (IDCR+1) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                  XWRK1 = XHIGT(INTH)
               End If
               ILOW = ILOW + 1
            End Do
            VALNTH = XHIGT(INTH)
         Case (:-6)
! last case: too many values in low part

            IMIL = (JLOW+1) / 2
            IFIN = JLOW
!  One chooses a pivot from 1st, last, and middle values
            If (XLOWT(IMIL) < XLOWT(1)) Then
               XWRK = XLOWT (1)
               XLOWT (1) = XLOWT (IMIL)
               XLOWT (IMIL) = XWRK
            End If
            If (XLOWT(IMIL) > XLOWT(IFIN)) Then
               XWRK = XLOWT (IFIN)
               XLOWT (IFIN) = XLOWT (IMIL)
               XLOWT (IMIL) = XWRK
               If (XLOWT(IMIL) < XLOWT(1)) Then
                  XWRK = XLOWT (1)
                  XLOWT (1) = XLOWT (IMIL)
                  XLOWT (IMIL) = XWRK
               End If
            End If
            If (IFIN <= 3) Exit
            XPIV = XLOWT(1) + REAL(INTH)/REAL(JLOW+INTH) * &

!  One takes values > XPIV to XHIGT
            JHIG = 0
            JLOW = 0
            If (XLOWT(IFIN) > XPIV) Then
               ICRS = 0
                  ICRS = ICRS + 1
                  If (XLOWT(ICRS) > XPIV) Then
                     JHIG = JHIG + 1
                     XHIGT (JHIG) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                     If (ICRS >= IFIN) Exit
                     JLOW = JLOW + 1
                     XLOWT (JLOW) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                     If (JLOW >= INTH) Exit
                  End If
               End Do
               If (ICRS < IFIN) Then
                     ICRS = ICRS + 1
                     If (XLOWT(ICRS) <= XPIV) Then
                        JLOW = JLOW + 1
                        XLOWT (JLOW) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                        If (ICRS >= IFIN) Exit
                     End If
                  End Do
               End If
               Do ICRS = 1, IFIN
                  If (XLOWT(ICRS) > XPIV) Then
                     JHIG = JHIG + 1
                     XHIGT (JHIG) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                     JLOW = JLOW + 1
                     XLOWT (JLOW) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                     If (JLOW >= INTH) Exit
                  End If
               End Do
               Do ICRS = ICRS + 1, IFIN
                  If (XLOWT(ICRS) <= XPIV) Then
                     JLOW = JLOW + 1
                     XLOWT (JLOW) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                  End If
               End Do
            End If
         End Select
      End Do
!  Now, we only need to find maximum of the 1:INTH set
End Function real64_valnth
Function real32_valnth (INVALS, NORD) Result (valnth)
! __________________________________________________________
Real (Kind=real32), Dimension (:), Intent (In) :: INVALS
Real (Kind=real32) :: valnth
Integer, Intent (In) :: NORD
! __________________________________________________________
Real (Kind=real32), Dimension (SIZE(INVALS)) :: XLOWT, XHIGT
Real (Kind=real32) :: XPIV, XPIV0, XWRK, XWRK1, XWRK2, XWRK3, XMIN, XMAX
Integer :: JLM2, JLM1, JHM2, JHM1, INTH
      INTH = MAX (MIN (NORD, NDON), 1)
!    First loop is used to fill-in XLOWT, XHIGT at the same time
      If (NDON < 2) Then
         If (INTH == 1) VALNTH = INVALS (1)
      End If
!  One chooses a pivot, best estimate possible to put fractile near
!  mid-point of the set of low values.
      If (INVALS(2) < INVALS(1)) Then
         XLOWT (1) = INVALS(2)
         XHIGT (1) = INVALS(1)
         XLOWT (1) = INVALS(1)
         XHIGT (1) = INVALS(2)
      End If
      If (NDON < 3) Then
         If (INTH == 1) VALNTH = XLOWT (1)
         If (INTH == 2) VALNTH = XHIGT (1)
      End If
      If (INVALS(3) < XHIGT(1)) Then
         XHIGT (2) = XHIGT (1)
         If (INVALS(3) < XLOWT(1)) Then
            XHIGT (1) = XLOWT (1)
            XLOWT (1) = INVALS(3)
            XHIGT (1) = INVALS(3)
         End If
         XHIGT (2) = INVALS(3)
      End If
      If (NDON < 4) Then
         If (INTH == 1) Then
             VALNTH = XLOWT (1)
             VALNTH = XHIGT (INTH - 1)
         End If
      End If
      If (INVALS(NDON) < XHIGT(1)) Then
         XHIGT (3) = XHIGT (2)
         XHIGT (2) = XHIGT (1)
         If (INVALS(NDON) < XLOWT(1)) Then
            XHIGT (1) = XLOWT (1)
            XLOWT (1) = INVALS(NDON)
            XHIGT (1) = INVALS(NDON)
         End If
         XHIGT (3) = INVALS(NDON)
      End If
      If (NDON < 5) Then
         If (INTH == 1) Then
             VALNTH = XLOWT (1)
             VALNTH = XHIGT (INTH - 1)
         End If
      End If

      JLOW = 1
      JHIG = 3
      If (XPIV >= XHIGT(1)) Then
         XPIV = XLOWT(1) + REAL(2*INTH)/REAL(NDON+INTH) * &
         If (XPIV >= XHIGT(1)) &
             XPIV = XLOWT(1) + REAL (2*INTH) / REAL (NDON+INTH) * &
      End If
      XPIV0 = XPIV
!  One puts values > pivot in the end and those <= pivot
!  at the beginning. This is split in 2 cases, so that
!  we can skip the loop test a number of times.
!  As we are also filling in the work arrays at the same time
!  we stop filling in the XHIGT array as soon as we have more
!  than enough values in XLOWT.
      If (INVALS(NDON) > XPIV) Then
         ICRS = 3
            ICRS = ICRS + 1
            If (INVALS(ICRS) > XPIV) Then
               If (ICRS >= NDON) Exit
               JHIG = JHIG + 1
               XHIGT (JHIG) = INVALS(ICRS)
               JLOW = JLOW + 1
               XLOWT (JLOW) = INVALS(ICRS)
               If (JLOW >= INTH) Exit
            End If
         End Do
!  One restricts further processing because it is no use
!  to store more high values
         If (ICRS < NDON-1) Then
               ICRS = ICRS + 1
               If (INVALS(ICRS) <= XPIV) Then
                  JLOW = JLOW + 1
                  XLOWT (JLOW) = INVALS(ICRS)
               Else If (ICRS >= NDON) Then
               End If
            End Do
         End If
!  Same as above, but this is not as easy to optimize, so the
!  DO-loop is kept
         Do ICRS = 4, NDON - 1
            If (INVALS(ICRS) > XPIV) Then
               JHIG = JHIG + 1
               XHIGT (JHIG) = INVALS(ICRS)
               JLOW = JLOW + 1
               XLOWT (JLOW) = INVALS(ICRS)
               If (JLOW >= INTH) Exit
            End If
         End Do
         If (ICRS < NDON-1) Then
               ICRS = ICRS + 1
               If (INVALS(ICRS) <= XPIV) Then
                  If (ICRS >= NDON) Exit
                  JLOW = JLOW + 1
                  XLOWT (JLOW) = INVALS(ICRS)
               End If
            End Do
         End If
      End If
      JLM2 = 0
      JLM1 = 0
      JHM2 = 0
      JHM1 = 0
         If (JLM2 == JLOW .And. JHM2 == JHIG) Then
!   We are oscillating. Perturbate by bringing JLOW closer by one
!   to INTH
             If (INTH > JLOW) Then
                XMIN = XHIGT(1)
                IHIG = 1
                Do ICRS = 2, JHIG
                   If (XHIGT(ICRS) < XMIN) Then
                      XMIN = XHIGT(ICRS)
                      IHIG = ICRS
                   End If
                End Do
                JLOW = JLOW + 1
                XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (IHIG)
                XHIGT (IHIG) = XHIGT (JHIG)
                JHIG = JHIG - 1

                XMAX = XLOWT (JLOW)
                JLOW = JLOW - 1
                Do ICRS = 1, JLOW
                   If (XLOWT(ICRS) > XMAX) Then
                      XWRK = XMAX
                      XMAX = XLOWT(ICRS)
                      XLOWT (ICRS) = XWRK
                   End If
                End Do
             End If
         End If
         JLM2 = JLM1
         JLM1 = JLOW
         JHM2 = JHM1
         JHM1 = JHIG
!   We try to bring the number of values in the low values set
!   closer to INTH.
         Select Case (INTH-JLOW)
         Case (2:)
!   Not enough values in low part, at least 2 are missing
            INTH = INTH - JLOW
            JLOW = 0
            Select Case (JHIG)
!!!!!           CASE DEFAULT
!!!!!              write (unit=*,fmt=*) "Assertion failed"
!!!!!              STOP
!   We make a special case when we have so few values in
!   the high values set that it is bad performance to choose a pivot
!   and apply the general algorithm.
            Case (2)
               If (XHIGT(1) <= XHIGT(2)) Then
                  JLOW = JLOW + 1
                  XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (1)
                  JLOW = JLOW + 1
                  XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (2)
                  JLOW = JLOW + 1
                  XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (2)
                  JLOW = JLOW + 1
                  XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (1)
               End If
            Case (3)
               XWRK1 = XHIGT (1)
               XWRK2 = XHIGT (2)
               XWRK3 = XHIGT (3)
               If (XWRK2 < XWRK1) Then
                  XHIGT (1) = XWRK2
                  XHIGT (2) = XWRK1
                  XWRK2 = XWRK1
               End If
               If (XWRK2 > XWRK3) Then
                  XHIGT (3) = XWRK2
                  XHIGT (2) = XWRK3
                  XWRK2 = XWRK3
                  If (XWRK2 < XHIGT(1)) Then
                     XHIGT (2) = XHIGT (1)
                     XHIGT (1) = XWRK2
                  End If
               End If
               JHIG = 0
               Do ICRS = JLOW + 1, INTH
                  JHIG = JHIG + 1
                  XLOWT (ICRS) = XHIGT (JHIG)
               End Do
               JLOW = INTH
            Case (4:)
               XPIV0 = XPIV
               IFIN = JHIG
!  One chooses a pivot from the 2 first values and the last one.
!  This should ensure sufficient renewal between iterations to
!  avoid worst case behavior effects.
               XWRK1 = XHIGT (1)
               XWRK2 = XHIGT (2)
               XWRK3 = XHIGT (IFIN)
               If (XWRK2 < XWRK1) Then
                  XHIGT (1) = XWRK2
                  XHIGT (2) = XWRK1
                  XWRK2 = XWRK1
               End If
               If (XWRK2 > XWRK3) Then
                  XHIGT (IFIN) = XWRK2
                  XHIGT (2) = XWRK3
                  XWRK2 = XWRK3
                  If (XWRK2 < XHIGT(1)) Then
                     XHIGT (2) = XHIGT (1)
                     XHIGT (1) = XWRK2
                  End If
               End If
               XWRK1 = XHIGT (1)
               JLOW = JLOW + 1
               XLOWT (JLOW) = XWRK1
               XPIV = XWRK1 + 0.5 * (XHIGT(IFIN)-XWRK1)
!  One takes values <= pivot to XLOWT
!  Again, 2 parts, one where we take care of the remaining
!  high values because we might still need them, and the
!  other when we know that we will have more than enough
!  low values in the end.
               JHIG = 0
               Do ICRS = 2, IFIN
                  If (XHIGT(ICRS) <= XPIV) Then
                     JLOW = JLOW + 1
                     XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (ICRS)
                     If (JLOW >= INTH) Exit
                     JHIG = JHIG + 1
                     XHIGT (JHIG) = XHIGT (ICRS)
                  End If
               End Do
               Do ICRS = ICRS + 1, IFIN
                  If (XHIGT(ICRS) <= XPIV) Then
                     JLOW = JLOW + 1
                     XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (ICRS)
                  End If
               End Do
            End Select
         Case (1)
!  Only 1 value is missing in low part
            XMIN = XHIGT(1)
            IHIG = 1
            Do ICRS = 2, JHIG
               If (XHIGT(ICRS) < XMIN) Then
                  XMIN = XHIGT(ICRS)
                  IHIG = ICRS
               End If
            End Do
            VALNTH = XHIGT (IHIG)
         Case (0)
!  Low part is exactly what we want
         Case (-5:-1)
!  Only few values too many in low part
            XHIGT (1) = XLOWT (1)
            ILOW = 1 + INTH - JLOW
            Do ICRS = 2, INTH
               XWRK = XLOWT (ICRS)
               Do IDCR = ICRS - 1, MAX (1, ILOW), - 1
                  If (XWRK < XHIGT(IDCR)) Then
                     XHIGT (IDCR+1) = XHIGT (IDCR)
                  End If
               End Do
               XHIGT (IDCR+1) = XWRK
               ILOW = ILOW + 1
            End Do
            XWRK1 = XHIGT(INTH)
            ILOW = 2*INTH - JLOW
            Do ICRS = INTH + 1, JLOW
               If (XLOWT (ICRS) < XWRK1) Then
                  XWRK = XLOWT (ICRS)
                  Do IDCR = INTH - 1, MAX (1, ILOW), - 1
                     If (XWRK >= XHIGT(IDCR)) Exit
                     XHIGT (IDCR+1) = XHIGT (IDCR)
                  End Do
                  XHIGT (IDCR+1) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                  XWRK1 = XHIGT(INTH)
               End If
               ILOW = ILOW + 1
            End Do
            VALNTH = XHIGT(INTH)
         Case (:-6)
! last case: too many values in low part

            IMIL = (JLOW+1) / 2
            IFIN = JLOW
!  One chooses a pivot from 1st, last, and middle values
            If (XLOWT(IMIL) < XLOWT(1)) Then
               XWRK = XLOWT (1)
               XLOWT (1) = XLOWT (IMIL)
               XLOWT (IMIL) = XWRK
            End If
            If (XLOWT(IMIL) > XLOWT(IFIN)) Then
               XWRK = XLOWT (IFIN)
               XLOWT (IFIN) = XLOWT (IMIL)
               XLOWT (IMIL) = XWRK
               If (XLOWT(IMIL) < XLOWT(1)) Then
                  XWRK = XLOWT (1)
                  XLOWT (1) = XLOWT (IMIL)
                  XLOWT (IMIL) = XWRK
               End If
            End If
            If (IFIN <= 3) Exit
            XPIV = XLOWT(1) + REAL(INTH)/REAL(JLOW+INTH) * &

!  One takes values > XPIV to XHIGT
            JHIG = 0
            JLOW = 0
            If (XLOWT(IFIN) > XPIV) Then
               ICRS = 0
                  ICRS = ICRS + 1
                  If (XLOWT(ICRS) > XPIV) Then
                     JHIG = JHIG + 1
                     XHIGT (JHIG) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                     If (ICRS >= IFIN) Exit
                     JLOW = JLOW + 1
                     XLOWT (JLOW) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                     If (JLOW >= INTH) Exit
                  End If
               End Do
               If (ICRS < IFIN) Then
                     ICRS = ICRS + 1
                     If (XLOWT(ICRS) <= XPIV) Then
                        JLOW = JLOW + 1
                        XLOWT (JLOW) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                        If (ICRS >= IFIN) Exit
                     End If
                  End Do
               End If
               Do ICRS = 1, IFIN
                  If (XLOWT(ICRS) > XPIV) Then
                     JHIG = JHIG + 1
                     XHIGT (JHIG) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                     JLOW = JLOW + 1
                     XLOWT (JLOW) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                     If (JLOW >= INTH) Exit
                  End If
               End Do
               Do ICRS = ICRS + 1, IFIN
                  If (XLOWT(ICRS) <= XPIV) Then
                     JLOW = JLOW + 1
                     XLOWT (JLOW) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                  End If
               End Do
            End If
         End Select
      End Do
!  Now, we only need to find maximum of the 1:INTH set
End Function real32_valnth
Function int32_valnth (INVALS, NORD) Result (valnth)
! __________________________________________________________
Integer (Kind=int32), Dimension (:), Intent (In) :: INVALS
Integer (Kind=int32) :: valnth
Integer, Intent (In) :: NORD
! __________________________________________________________
Integer (Kind=int32), Dimension (SIZE(INVALS)) :: XLOWT, XHIGT
Integer (Kind=int32) :: XPIV, XPIV0, XWRK, XWRK1, XWRK2, XWRK3, XMIN, XMAX
Integer :: JLM2, JLM1, JHM2, JHM1, INTH
      INTH = MAX (MIN (NORD, NDON), 1)
!    First loop is used to fill-in XLOWT, XHIGT at the same time
      If (NDON < 2) Then
         If (INTH == 1) VALNTH = INVALS (1)
      End If
!  One chooses a pivot, best estimate possible to put fractile near
!  mid-point of the set of low values.
      If (INVALS(2) < INVALS(1)) Then
         XLOWT (1) = INVALS(2)
         XHIGT (1) = INVALS(1)
         XLOWT (1) = INVALS(1)
         XHIGT (1) = INVALS(2)
      End If
      If (NDON < 3) Then
         If (INTH == 1) VALNTH = XLOWT (1)
         If (INTH == 2) VALNTH = XHIGT (1)
      End If
      If (INVALS(3) < XHIGT(1)) Then
         XHIGT (2) = XHIGT (1)
         If (INVALS(3) < XLOWT(1)) Then
            XHIGT (1) = XLOWT (1)
            XLOWT (1) = INVALS(3)
            XHIGT (1) = INVALS(3)
         End If
         XHIGT (2) = INVALS(3)
      End If
      If (NDON < 4) Then
         If (INTH == 1) Then
             VALNTH = XLOWT (1)
             VALNTH = XHIGT (INTH - 1)
         End If
      End If
      If (INVALS(NDON) < XHIGT(1)) Then
         XHIGT (3) = XHIGT (2)
         XHIGT (2) = XHIGT (1)
         If (INVALS(NDON) < XLOWT(1)) Then
            XHIGT (1) = XLOWT (1)
            XLOWT (1) = INVALS(NDON)
            XHIGT (1) = INVALS(NDON)
         End If
         XHIGT (3) = INVALS(NDON)
      End If
      If (NDON < 5) Then
         If (INTH == 1) Then
             VALNTH = XLOWT (1)
             VALNTH = XHIGT (INTH - 1)
         End If
      End If

      JLOW = 1
      JHIG = 3
      If (XPIV >= XHIGT(1)) Then
         XPIV = XLOWT(1) + REAL(2*INTH)/REAL(NDON+INTH) * &
         If (XPIV >= XHIGT(1)) &
             XPIV = XLOWT(1) + REAL (2*INTH) / REAL (NDON+INTH) * &
      End If
      XPIV0 = XPIV
!  One puts values > pivot in the end and those <= pivot
!  at the beginning. This is split in 2 cases, so that
!  we can skip the loop test a number of times.
!  As we are also filling in the work arrays at the same time
!  we stop filling in the XHIGT array as soon as we have more
!  than enough values in XLOWT.
      If (INVALS(NDON) > XPIV) Then
         ICRS = 3
            ICRS = ICRS + 1
            If (INVALS(ICRS) > XPIV) Then
               If (ICRS >= NDON) Exit
               JHIG = JHIG + 1
               XHIGT (JHIG) = INVALS(ICRS)
               JLOW = JLOW + 1
               XLOWT (JLOW) = INVALS(ICRS)
               If (JLOW >= INTH) Exit
            End If
         End Do
!  One restricts further processing because it is no use
!  to store more high values
         If (ICRS < NDON-1) Then
               ICRS = ICRS + 1
               If (INVALS(ICRS) <= XPIV) Then
                  JLOW = JLOW + 1
                  XLOWT (JLOW) = INVALS(ICRS)
               Else If (ICRS >= NDON) Then
               End If
            End Do
         End If
!  Same as above, but this is not as easy to optimize, so the
!  DO-loop is kept
         Do ICRS = 4, NDON - 1
            If (INVALS(ICRS) > XPIV) Then
               JHIG = JHIG + 1
               XHIGT (JHIG) = INVALS(ICRS)
               JLOW = JLOW + 1
               XLOWT (JLOW) = INVALS(ICRS)
               If (JLOW >= INTH) Exit
            End If
         End Do
         If (ICRS < NDON-1) Then
               ICRS = ICRS + 1
               If (INVALS(ICRS) <= XPIV) Then
                  If (ICRS >= NDON) Exit
                  JLOW = JLOW + 1
                  XLOWT (JLOW) = INVALS(ICRS)
               End If
            End Do
         End If
      End If
      JLM2 = 0
      JLM1 = 0
      JHM2 = 0
      JHM1 = 0
         If (JLM2 == JLOW .And. JHM2 == JHIG) Then
!   We are oscillating. Perturbate by bringing JLOW closer by one
!   to INTH
             If (INTH > JLOW) Then
                XMIN = XHIGT(1)
                IHIG = 1
                Do ICRS = 2, JHIG
                   If (XHIGT(ICRS) < XMIN) Then
                      XMIN = XHIGT(ICRS)
                      IHIG = ICRS
                   End If
                End Do
                JLOW = JLOW + 1
                XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (IHIG)
                XHIGT (IHIG) = XHIGT (JHIG)
                JHIG = JHIG - 1

                XMAX = XLOWT (JLOW)
                JLOW = JLOW - 1
                Do ICRS = 1, JLOW
                   If (XLOWT(ICRS) > XMAX) Then
                      XWRK = XMAX
                      XMAX = XLOWT(ICRS)
                      XLOWT (ICRS) = XWRK
                   End If
                End Do
             End If
         End If
         JLM2 = JLM1
         JLM1 = JLOW
         JHM2 = JHM1
         JHM1 = JHIG
!   We try to bring the number of values in the low values set
!   closer to INTH.
         Select Case (INTH-JLOW)
         Case (2:)
!   Not enough values in low part, at least 2 are missing
            INTH = INTH - JLOW
            JLOW = 0
            Select Case (JHIG)
!!!!!           CASE DEFAULT
!!!!!              write (unit=*,fmt=*) "Assertion failed"
!!!!!              STOP
!   We make a special case when we have so few values in
!   the high values set that it is bad performance to choose a pivot
!   and apply the general algorithm.
            Case (2)
               If (XHIGT(1) <= XHIGT(2)) Then
                  JLOW = JLOW + 1
                  XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (1)
                  JLOW = JLOW + 1
                  XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (2)
                  JLOW = JLOW + 1
                  XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (2)
                  JLOW = JLOW + 1
                  XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (1)
               End If
            Case (3)
               XWRK1 = XHIGT (1)
               XWRK2 = XHIGT (2)
               XWRK3 = XHIGT (3)
               If (XWRK2 < XWRK1) Then
                  XHIGT (1) = XWRK2
                  XHIGT (2) = XWRK1
                  XWRK2 = XWRK1
               End If
               If (XWRK2 > XWRK3) Then
                  XHIGT (3) = XWRK2
                  XHIGT (2) = XWRK3
                  XWRK2 = XWRK3
                  If (XWRK2 < XHIGT(1)) Then
                     XHIGT (2) = XHIGT (1)
                     XHIGT (1) = XWRK2
                  End If
               End If
               JHIG = 0
               Do ICRS = JLOW + 1, INTH
                  JHIG = JHIG + 1
                  XLOWT (ICRS) = XHIGT (JHIG)
               End Do
               JLOW = INTH
            Case (4:)
               XPIV0 = XPIV
               IFIN = JHIG
!  One chooses a pivot from the 2 first values and the last one.
!  This should ensure sufficient renewal between iterations to
!  avoid worst case behavior effects.
               XWRK1 = XHIGT (1)
               XWRK2 = XHIGT (2)
               XWRK3 = XHIGT (IFIN)
               If (XWRK2 < XWRK1) Then
                  XHIGT (1) = XWRK2
                  XHIGT (2) = XWRK1
                  XWRK2 = XWRK1
               End If
               If (XWRK2 > XWRK3) Then
                  XHIGT (IFIN) = XWRK2
                  XHIGT (2) = XWRK3
                  XWRK2 = XWRK3
                  If (XWRK2 < XHIGT(1)) Then
                     XHIGT (2) = XHIGT (1)
                     XHIGT (1) = XWRK2
                  End If
               End If
               XWRK1 = XHIGT (1)
               JLOW = JLOW + 1
               XLOWT (JLOW) = XWRK1
               XPIV = XWRK1 + 0.5 * (XHIGT(IFIN)-XWRK1)
!  One takes values <= pivot to XLOWT
!  Again, 2 parts, one where we take care of the remaining
!  high values because we might still need them, and the
!  other when we know that we will have more than enough
!  low values in the end.
               JHIG = 0
               Do ICRS = 2, IFIN
                  If (XHIGT(ICRS) <= XPIV) Then
                     JLOW = JLOW + 1
                     XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (ICRS)
                     If (JLOW >= INTH) Exit
                     JHIG = JHIG + 1
                     XHIGT (JHIG) = XHIGT (ICRS)
                  End If
               End Do
               Do ICRS = ICRS + 1, IFIN
                  If (XHIGT(ICRS) <= XPIV) Then
                     JLOW = JLOW + 1
                     XLOWT (JLOW) = XHIGT (ICRS)
                  End If
               End Do
            End Select
         Case (1)
!  Only 1 value is missing in low part
            XMIN = XHIGT(1)
            IHIG = 1
            Do ICRS = 2, JHIG
               If (XHIGT(ICRS) < XMIN) Then
                  XMIN = XHIGT(ICRS)
                  IHIG = ICRS
               End If
            End Do
            VALNTH = XHIGT (IHIG)
         Case (0)
!  Low part is exactly what we want
         Case (-5:-1)
!  Only few values too many in low part
            XHIGT (1) = XLOWT (1)
            ILOW = 1 + INTH - JLOW
            Do ICRS = 2, INTH
               XWRK = XLOWT (ICRS)
               Do IDCR = ICRS - 1, MAX (1, ILOW), - 1
                  If (XWRK < XHIGT(IDCR)) Then
                     XHIGT (IDCR+1) = XHIGT (IDCR)
                  End If
               End Do
               XHIGT (IDCR+1) = XWRK
               ILOW = ILOW + 1
            End Do
            XWRK1 = XHIGT(INTH)
            ILOW = 2*INTH - JLOW
            Do ICRS = INTH + 1, JLOW
               If (XLOWT (ICRS) < XWRK1) Then
                  XWRK = XLOWT (ICRS)
                  Do IDCR = INTH - 1, MAX (1, ILOW), - 1
                     If (XWRK >= XHIGT(IDCR)) Exit
                     XHIGT (IDCR+1) = XHIGT (IDCR)
                  End Do
                  XHIGT (IDCR+1) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                  XWRK1 = XHIGT(INTH)
               End If
               ILOW = ILOW + 1
            End Do
            VALNTH = XHIGT(INTH)
         Case (:-6)
! last case: too many values in low part

            IMIL = (JLOW+1) / 2
            IFIN = JLOW
!  One chooses a pivot from 1st, last, and middle values
            If (XLOWT(IMIL) < XLOWT(1)) Then
               XWRK = XLOWT (1)
               XLOWT (1) = XLOWT (IMIL)
               XLOWT (IMIL) = XWRK
            End If
            If (XLOWT(IMIL) > XLOWT(IFIN)) Then
               XWRK = XLOWT (IFIN)
               XLOWT (IFIN) = XLOWT (IMIL)
               XLOWT (IMIL) = XWRK
               If (XLOWT(IMIL) < XLOWT(1)) Then
                  XWRK = XLOWT (1)
                  XLOWT (1) = XLOWT (IMIL)
                  XLOWT (IMIL) = XWRK
               End If
            End If
            If (IFIN <= 3) Exit
            XPIV = XLOWT(1) + REAL(INTH)/REAL(JLOW+INTH) * &

!  One takes values > XPIV to XHIGT
            JHIG = 0
            JLOW = 0
            If (XLOWT(IFIN) > XPIV) Then
               ICRS = 0
                  ICRS = ICRS + 1
                  If (XLOWT(ICRS) > XPIV) Then
                     JHIG = JHIG + 1
                     XHIGT (JHIG) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                     If (ICRS >= IFIN) Exit
                     JLOW = JLOW + 1
                     XLOWT (JLOW) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                     If (JLOW >= INTH) Exit
                  End If
               End Do
               If (ICRS < IFIN) Then
                     ICRS = ICRS + 1
                     If (XLOWT(ICRS) <= XPIV) Then
                        JLOW = JLOW + 1
                        XLOWT (JLOW) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                        If (ICRS >= IFIN) Exit
                     End If
                  End Do
               End If
               Do ICRS = 1, IFIN
                  If (XLOWT(ICRS) > XPIV) Then
                     JHIG = JHIG + 1
                     XHIGT (JHIG) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                     JLOW = JLOW + 1
                     XLOWT (JLOW) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                     If (JLOW >= INTH) Exit
                  End If
               End Do
               Do ICRS = ICRS + 1, IFIN
                  If (XLOWT(ICRS) <= XPIV) Then
                     JLOW = JLOW + 1
                     XLOWT (JLOW) = XLOWT (ICRS)
                  End If
               End Do
            End If
         End Select
      End Do
!  Now, we only need to find maximum of the 1:INTH set
End Function int32_valnth
end module M_orderpack__valnth