M_orderpack__indnth Module



public interface indnth


orderloc(3f) - [M_orderpack:FRACTILE] Return INDEX of Nth ordered value of
               array (Quick-Sort-like)


 Function OrderLoc (INVALS, NORD)

   ${TYPE} (kind=${KIND}), Intent (In) :: INVALS(:)
   Integer                             :: orderloc
   Integer, Intent (In)                :: NORD

Where ${TYPE}(kind=${KIND}) may be

   o Real(kind=real32)
   o Real(kind=real64)
   o Integer(kind=int32)


orderloc(3f) returns the index of NORDth value of INVALS, i.e. the
fractile of order NORD/SIZE(INVALS).

That is, the result is the same as sorting the array first and then
returning the value INVALS(NORD).

Internally orderloc(3f) uses a pivoting strategy such as the one
of finding the median based on the quick-sort algorithm, but we skew
the pivot choice to try to bring it to NORD as fast as possible. It
uses two temporary arrays, where it stores the indices of the values
smaller than the pivot (ILOWT), and the indices of values larger than
the pivot that we might still need later on (IHIGT). It iterates
until it can bring the number of values in ILOWT to exactly NORD,
and then finds the maximum of this set.


 INVALS      array to search
 NORD       indicates the Nth ordered value to search for


 orderloc     the index of INVALS() that contains the requested value


Sample program:

program demo_orderloc
! find Nth lowest ordered value in an array without sorting entire array
use M_orderpack, only : orderloc
use M_orderpack, only : medianloc
implicit none
integer,allocatable :: iarr(:)
character(len=*),parameter :: list= '(*(g0:,", "))',sp='(*(g0,1x))'
integer :: i
integer :: indx
   print list, 'ORIGINAL:',iarr
   ! like minloc(3f) and maxloc(3f)
   print sp,'minloc',orderloc(iarr,1),                minloc(iarr)
   print sp,'maxloc',orderloc(iarr,size(iarr)),       maxloc(iarr)
   ! can find median
   call medianloc(iarr,indx)
   print sp,'median',orderloc(iarr,(size(iarr)+1)/2), indx
   ! but more general so can find location of the Nth lowest value ...
   ! sort the hard way, finding location of Nth value one at a time
   do i=1,size(iarr)
      write(*,sp,advance='no') iarr(orderloc(iarr,i))
   print *
end program demo_orderloc


ORIGINAL:, 80, 70, 30, 40, 50, 60, 20, 10, 0, -100
minloc 10 10
maxloc 1 1
median 3 3
-100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Michel Olagnon - Aug. 2000


John Urban, 2022.04.16


  • private function real64_indnth(INVALS, NORD) result(INDNTH)

    !!! CASE DEFAULT !!! write (unit=,fmt=) “Assertion failed” !!! STOP


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    real(kind=real64), intent(in), Dimension (:) :: INVALS
    integer, intent(in) :: NORD

    Return Value integer

  • private function real32_indnth(INVALS, NORD) result(INDNTH)

    !!! CASE DEFAULT !!! write (unit=,fmt=) “Assertion failed” !!! STOP


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    real(kind=real32), intent(in), Dimension (:) :: INVALS
    integer, intent(in) :: NORD

    Return Value integer

  • private function int32_indnth(INVALS, NORD) result(INDNTH)

    !!! CASE DEFAULT !!! write (unit=,fmt=) “Assertion failed” !!! STOP


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    integer(kind=int32), intent(in), Dimension (:) :: INVALS
    integer, intent(in) :: NORD

    Return Value integer