demo_redo.f90 Source File

Source Code

        program demo_redo
        use M_history, only : redo
        implicit none
        character(len=1024) ::  line
        integer             :: ios
        integer             :: cstat
        character(len=256)  :: sstat
        write(*,'(a)')                                             &
        & 'REDO(3f) COMMAND INPUT EDITOR',                         &
        & 'enter "r" or "r r_command" on the input line to go',    &
        & 'into history edit mode. Once in history edit mode you', &
        & 'may enter "?" to get some help. Enter "quit" to exit',  &
        & 'the program.'
           write(*,'(a)',advance='no')'>->'    ! write prompt
           read(*,'(a)',iostat=ios) line       ! read new input line
           ! if "r", edit and return a line from the history editor
           call redo(line) ! store into history if not "r".
           if(line == 'quit')stop ! exit program if user enters "quit"
           ! now call user code to process new line of data
           ! As an example, call the system shell
           call execute_command_line(trim(line),cmdstat=cstat,cmdmsg=sstat)
        end program demo_redo