M_color.f90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

!!    M_color(3) - [M_color::INTRO] a Fortran module that lets you
!!    convert between common color models (LICENSE:PD)
!!    use M_color, only : &
!!       & hue, &
!!       & closest_color_name, &
!!       & color_name2rgb, &
!!       & rgbmono
!!    Highly accurate color conversions are a tricky business, and color
!!    is a complex topic; but the simplified translations between common
!!    color models found here work quite well for basic conversions.
!!    Typically the only user routine called is HUE(3f). HUE(3f) is
!!    a single routine that interfaces to all the private low-level
!!    color conversion routines to convert a color's components from
!!    one color model to another. HUE(3f) converts between the
!!    following color models:
!!    RGB:  Red, Green, Blue (color TV monitors)
!!    HLS:  Hue, Lightness, Saturation
!!    CMY:  Cyan, Magenta, Yellow (pigment-based printing devices)
!!    HSV:  Hue, Saturation, Value
!!    YIQ:  Broadcast TV color system
!!    In addition to those reversible color model conversions there
!!    are:
!!    CLOSEST_COLOR_NAME(3f):  given RGB values, try to find closest
!!    named color
!!    COLOR_NAME2RGB(3f):  given a standard color name, return RGB color
!!    values in range 0 to 100
!!    RGBMONO(3f):  convert RGB colors to a reasonable grayscale
!!    (non-reversible)
!!    The rest of the library is composed of PRIVATE procedures. Internally
!!    for each color model supported the general idea of the module is that
!!    there are two routines for each color model:
!!    + One converts that model to the RGB model
!!    + The other converts from RGB to that model
!!    This allows conversions between all color models with only 2*N
!!    routines. That is, to go from model A to model B the module
!!    would internally make two calls:
!!        call modelA2rgb(...)
!!        call rgb2modelB(...)
!!    The resulting internal routines are:
!!    HLSRGB:   given hue, lightness, saturation calculate red,
!!    green, and blue components
!!       + RGBVAL ensures a value is in the appropriate range and
!!         quadrant
!!    HVSRGB:   given hue, saturation, value calculate red, green,
!!    and blue components
!!    CMYRGB:   given cyan, magenta, yellow components calculate
!!    red, green, blue components
!!    YIQRGB:   given luma(gray scale), orange-blue chrominance,
!!    and purple-green chrominance components calculate red, green,
!!    and blue components
!!    RGBHVS:   given red, green, blue values calculate hue, value,
!!    and saturation components
!!    RGBHLS:   given red, green, blue values calculate hue,
!!    lightness, and saturation components
!!    RGBCMY:   given red, green, blue values calculate cyan,
!!    magenta, yellow components
!!    RGBYIQ:   given red, green, blue values calculate luma(gray
!!    scale), orange-blue chrominance, and purple-green chrominance
!!    components
!!  Sample program:
!!    program demo_M_color
!!    use M_color, only : hue
!!    use M_color, only : closest_color_name
!!    use M_color, only : color_name2rgb
!!    use M_color, only : rgbmono
!!    implicit none
!!    character(len=100) :: string ! at least 20 characters
!!    character(len=20)  :: name
!!    character(len=20)  :: echoname
!!    real               :: red,green,blue
!!    real               :: gray
!!    integer            :: ierr
!!       ! find the names of colors given RGB values
!!       write(*,*)'Find names given values'
!!       call closest_color_name( 100.0,   0.0,   0.0, string)
!!       write(*,*)trim(string)
!!       call closest_color_name(   0.0, 100.0,   0.0, string)
!!       write(*,*)trim(string)
!!       call closest_color_name(   0.0,   0.0, 100.0, string)
!!       write(*,*)trim(string)
!!       ! list colors known to colorname2rgb(3f) & corresponding RGB values
!!       write(*,*)'given names find RGB values'
!!       ! get the RGB values and English name of the color
!!       call color_name2rgb('RED',red,green,blue,echoname)
!!       ! display the English name and RGB values for the name
!!       write(*,*)echoname,int([red,green,blue])
!!       write(*,*)'Do some conversions between RGB, HLS, and HLS'
!!       write(*,*)'and check them against expected values'
!!       !               NAME        RGB(0-255)            HLS(0-100)
!!       call chk('hls','red',     [100, 0,   0  ], [0,   50,  100])
!!       call chk('hls','orange',  [100, 65,  0  ], [39,  50,  100])
!!       call chk('hls','yellow',  [100, 100, 0  ], [60,  50,  100])
!!       call chk('hls','green',   [0,   100, 0  ], [120, 50,  100])
!!       call chk('hls','cyan',    [0,   100, 100], [180, 50,  100])
!!       call chk('hls','blue',    [0,   0,   100], [240, 50,  100])
!!       call chk('hls','magenta', [100, 0,   100], [300, 50,  100])
!!       call chk('hls','black',   [0,   0,   0  ], [0,   0,   0  ])
!!       call chk('hls','white',   [100, 100, 100], [0,   100, 0  ])
!!       !               NAME        RGB(0-255)           HSV(0-100)
!!       call chk('hsv','red',     [100, 0,   0  ], [0,   100, 100])
!!       call chk('hsv','yellow',  [100, 100, 0  ], [60,  100, 100])
!!       call chk('hsv','green',   [0,   100, 0  ], [120, 100, 100])
!!       call chk('hsv','cyan',    [0,   100, 100], [180, 100, 100])
!!       call chk('hsv','blue',    [0,   0,   100], [240, 100, 100])
!!       call chk('hsv','magenta', [100, 0,   100], [300, 100, 100])
!!       call chk('hsv','white',   [100, 100, 100], [0,   0,   100])
!!       call chk('hsv','black',   [0,   0,   0  ], [0,   0,   0  ])
!!       call chk('hsv','gray50',  [50,  50,  50 ], [0,   0,   50 ])
!!       call chk('hsv','silver',  [75,  75,  75 ], [0,   0,   75 ])
!!       call chk('hsv','red4',    [55,  0,   0  ], [0,   100, 55 ])
!!       call chk('hsv','olive',   [50,  50,  0  ], [60,  100, 50 ])
!!       call chk('hsv','lime',    [0,   100, 0  ], [120, 100, 100])
!!       call chk('hsv','teal',    [0,   50,  50 ], [180, 100, 50 ])
!!       call chk('hsv','navy',    [0,   0,   50 ], [240, 100, 50 ])
!!       call chk('hsv','purple',  [63,  13,  94 ], [277, 87,  94 ])
!!       call chk('hsv','magenta4',[55,  0,   55 ], [300, 100, 55 ])
!!       call chk('hsv','maroon',  [69,  19,  38 ], [338, 73,  69 ])
!!       write(*,*)'Get some grayscale values from RGB color values'
!!       call rgbmono(100.,  0.,  0.,gray,ierr);write(*,*)'red     ',gray
!!       call rgbmono(  0.,100.,  0.,gray,ierr);write(*,*)'green   ',gray
!!       call rgbmono(  0.,  0.,100.,gray,ierr);write(*,*)'blue    ',gray
!!       call rgbmono(100.,100.,  0.,gray,ierr);write(*,*)'Yellow  ',gray
!!       call rgbmono(  0.,100.,100.,gray,ierr);write(*,*)'Cyan    ',gray
!!       call rgbmono(100.,  0.,100.,gray,ierr);write(*,*)'Magenta ',gray
!!       call rgbmono(100.,100.,100.,gray,ierr);write(*,*)'White   ',gray
!!       call rgbmono( 00.,  0.,  0.,gray,ierr);write(*,*)'Black   ',gray
!!       call rgbmono( 50.,  0.,  0.,gray,ierr);write(*,*)'Maroon  ',gray
!!       call rgbmono(100., 50., 50.,gray,ierr);write(*,*)'Pink    ',gray
!!       contains
!!       subroutine chk(modelout,name,rgb,other)
!!       ! given a color convert to MODELOUT and compare to expected values
!!       character(len=*),intent(in)   :: name
!!       integer,intent(in)            :: rgb(3), other(3)
!!       character(len=*),intent(in)   :: modelout
!!       real                          :: val1,val2,val3
!!       integer                       :: status
!!          ! convert RGB values to MODELOUT values
!!          call hue('rgb',REAL(rgb(1)),REAL(rgb(2)),REAL(rgb(3)),&
!!          & modelout,val1,val2,val3,status)
!!          ! left-justify name to 10 characters or more
!!          write(*,'(a,1x)',advance='no') &
!!          & [ character(len=max(10,len_trim(name))) ::' '//trim(name)]
!!          write(*,'(a,1x,3(i3,1x))',advance='no') &
!!          & modelout//' EXPECTED',other
!!          write(*,'(a,1x,3(i3,1x))',advance='no') &
!!          & 'GOT',int([val1+0.5,val2+0.5,val3+0.5])
!!          write(*,'(a,i0)')'STATUS ',status
!!       end subroutine chk
!!    end program demo_M_color
!!    The algorithms are based on chapter 17 of "Fundamentals of
!!    Interactive Computer Graphics"; J. D. Foley and A. Van Dam.
!!    John S. Urban
!!    Public Domain
module M_color
implicit none
! ident_1="@(#) M_color color(3f) convert between common color models"

public hue                  ! converts a color's components from one color model to another
public closest_color_name   ! given RGB values, try to find closest named color
public color_name2rgb       ! given a color name, return rgb color values in range 0 to 100
public rgbmono              ! convert RGB colors to a reasonable grayscale
private hlsrgb              ! convert HLS(hue, lightness, saturation) values to RGB (red, green, blue) components
private hvsrgb              ! given hue, saturation, value calculate red, green, & blue components
private cmyrgb              ! given cyan,magenta, and yellow calculate red,green,blue components
private rgbhls              ! given red,green,blue calculate hue,lightness, and saturation components
private rgbhvs              ! given red, green, blue calculate hue, saturation and value components
private rgbcmy              ! given red,green,blue calculate cyan,magenta, and yellow components
private rgbyiq              ! given RGB calculate luma, orange-blue chrominance, and  purple-green chrominance
private rgbval              ! internal routine to ensure a value is in the appropriate range and quadrant

!!    HUE(3f) - [M_color] converts a color's components from one color
!!    model to another. (LICENSE:PD)
!!     subroutine hue(modei,clr1i,clr2i,clr3i,modeo,clr1o,clr2o,clr3o,status)
!!      character(len=*),intent(in) :: modei
!!      character(len=*),intent(in) :: modeo
!!      real,intent(in)             :: clr1i,clr2i,clr3i
!!      real,intent(out)            :: clr1o,clr2o,clr3o
!!      integer,intent(out)         :: status
!!    HUE(3f) translates from the first model type to the second.
!!    MODEI specifies the color model that applies to the input color
!!    components CLR1I, CLR2I, and CLR3I.
!!    MODEO specifies the color model desired for the output color components
!!    CLR1O, CLR2O, and CLR3O.
!!    At a minimum, this procedure equates the output color values to the
!!    input color values.
!!    Valid values for MODEI and MODEO as well as the corresponding meanings
!!    for CLR1*, CLR2*, and CLR3* are:
!!       | mode  | clr1             | clr2         | clr3
!!       | ----- | ---------------- |--------------|---------------
!!       | 'hls' | hue              | lightness    | saturation
!!       | 'hsl' | hue              | saturation   | lightness
!!       | 'hvs' | hue              | value        | saturation
!!       | 'hsv' | hue              | saturation   | value
!!       | 'rgb' | red              | green        | blue
!!       | 'cmy' | cyan             | magenta      | yellow
!!       | 'yiq' | luma(gray-scale) | orange-blue  | purple-green
!!       |       |                  | chrominance  | chrominance
!!           + lightness, value, saturation, red, green, blue, cyan, magenta,
!!             and yellow range from 0 to 100,
!!           + hue ranges from 0 to 360 degrees,
!!           + y ranges from 0 to 100,
!!           + i ranges from -60 to 60,
!!           + q ranges from -52 to 52
!!    The STATUS variable can signal the following conditions:
!!      -1     modei = modeo, so no substantial conversion was done,
!!       1     one of the input color values was outside the allowable range,
!!       2     modei was invalid
!!       3     modeo was invalid
!!       999   unknown error
!!   Sample program
!!    program demo_hue
!!    use M_color, only : hue
!!    implicit none
!!       !               NAME        RGB(0-255)            HLS(0-100)
!!       call chk('hls','red',     [100, 0,   0  ], [0,   50,  100])
!!       call chk('hls','orange',  [100, 65,  0  ], [39,  50,  100])
!!       call chk('hls','yellow',  [100, 100, 0  ], [60,  50,  100])
!!       call chk('hls','green',   [0,   100, 0  ], [120, 50,  100])
!!       call chk('hls','cyan',    [0,   100, 100], [180, 50,  100])
!!       call chk('hls','blue',    [0,   0,   100], [240, 50,  100])
!!       call chk('hls','magenta', [100, 0,   100], [300, 50,  100])
!!       call chk('hls','black',   [0,   0,   0  ], [0,   0,   0  ])
!!       call chk('hls','white',   [100, 100, 100], [0,   100, 0  ])
!!       !               NAME        RGB(0-255)           HSV(0-100)
!!       call chk('hsv','red',     [100, 0,   0  ], [0,   100, 100])
!!       call chk('hsv','yellow',  [100, 100, 0  ], [60,  100, 100])
!!       call chk('hsv','green',   [0,   100, 0  ], [120, 100, 100])
!!       call chk('hsv','cyan',    [0,   100, 100], [180, 100, 100])
!!       call chk('hsv','blue',    [0,   0,   100], [240, 100, 100])
!!       call chk('hsv','magenta', [100, 0,   100], [300, 100, 100])
!!       call chk('hsv','black',   [0,   0,   0  ], [0,   0,   0  ])
!!       call chk('hsv','white',   [100, 100, 100], [0,   0,   100])
!!       call chk('hsv','gray50',  [50,  50,  50 ], [0,   0,   50 ])
!!       call chk('hsv','silver',  [75,  75,  75 ], [0,   0,   75 ])
!!       call chk('hsv','red4',    [55,  0,   0  ], [0,   100, 55 ])
!!       call chk('hsv','olive',   [50,  50,  0  ], [60,  100, 50 ])
!!       call chk('hsv','lime',    [0,   100, 0  ], [120, 100, 100])
!!       call chk('hsv','teal',    [0,   50,  50 ], [180, 100, 50 ])
!!       call chk('hsv','navy',    [0,   0,   50 ], [240, 100, 50 ])
!!       call chk('hsv','purple',  [63,  13,  94 ], [277, 87,  94 ])
!!       call chk('hsv','magenta4',[55,  0,   55 ], [300, 100, 55 ])
!!       call chk('hsv','maroon',  [69,  19,  38 ], [338, 73,  69 ])
!!    contains
!!    subroutine chk(modelout,name,rgb,other)
!!    ! given a color convert to MODELOUT and compare to expected values
!!    character(len=*),intent(in)   :: name
!!    integer,intent(in)            :: rgb(3), other(3)
!!    character(len=*),intent(in)   :: modelout
!!       real                       :: val1,val2,val3
!!       integer                    :: status
!!       ! convert RGB values to MODELOUT values
!!       call hue('rgb',REAL(rgb(1)),REAL(rgb(2)),REAL(rgb(3)),&
!!       & modelout,val1,val2,val3,status)
!!          ! left-justify name to 10 characters or more
!!          write(*,'(a,1x)',advance='no') &
!!          & [ character(len=max(10,len_trim(name))) ::' '//trim(name)]
!!          write(*,'(a,1x,3(i3,1x))',advance='no') &
!!          & modelout//' EXPECTED',other
!!          write(*,'(a,1x,3(i3,1x))',advance='no') &
!!          & 'GOT',int([val1+0.5,val2+0.5,val3+0.5])
!!          write(*,'(a,i0)')'STATUS ',status
!!    end subroutine chk
!!    end program demo_hue
!!   Results:
!!     red       hls EXPECTED   0  50 100 GOT   0  50 100 STATUS 0
!!     orange    hls EXPECTED  39  50 100 GOT  39  50 100 STATUS 0
!!     yellow    hls EXPECTED  60  50 100 GOT  60  50 100 STATUS 0
!!     green     hls EXPECTED 120  50 100 GOT 120  50 100 STATUS 0
!!     cyan      hls EXPECTED 180  50 100 GOT 180  50 100 STATUS 0
!!     blue      hls EXPECTED 240  50 100 GOT 240  50 100 STATUS 0
!!     magenta   hls EXPECTED 300  50 100 GOT 300  50 100 STATUS 0
!!     black     hls EXPECTED   0   0   0 GOT   0   0   0 STATUS 0
!!     white     hls EXPECTED   0 100   0 GOT   0 100   0 STATUS 0
!!     black     hsv EXPECTED   0   0   0 GOT   0   0   0 STATUS 0
!!     gray50    hsv EXPECTED   0   0  50 GOT   0   0  50 STATUS 0
!!     silver    hsv EXPECTED   0   0  75 GOT   0   0  75 STATUS 0
!!     white     hsv EXPECTED   0   0 100 GOT   0   0 100 STATUS 0
!!     red4      hsv EXPECTED   0 100  55 GOT   0 100  55 STATUS 0
!!     red       hsv EXPECTED   0 100 100 GOT   0 100 100 STATUS 0
!!     olive     hsv EXPECTED  60 100  50 GOT  60 100  50 STATUS 0
!!     yellow    hsv EXPECTED  60 100 100 GOT  60 100 100 STATUS 0
!!     green     hsv EXPECTED 120 100 100 GOT 120 100 100 STATUS 0
!!     lime      hsv EXPECTED 120 100 100 GOT 120 100 100 STATUS 0
!!     teal      hsv EXPECTED 180 100  50 GOT 180 100  50 STATUS 0
!!     cyan      hsv EXPECTED 180 100 100 GOT 180 100 100 STATUS 0
!!     navy      hsv EXPECTED 240 100  50 GOT 240 100  50 STATUS 0
!!     blue      hsv EXPECTED 240 100 100 GOT 240 100 100 STATUS 0
!!     purple    hsv EXPECTED 277  87  94 GOT 277  86  94 STATUS 0
!!     magenta4  hsv EXPECTED 300 100  55 GOT 300 100  55 STATUS 0
!!     magenta   hsv EXPECTED 300 100 100 GOT 300 100 100 STATUS 0
!!     maroon    hsv EXPECTED 338  73  69 GOT 337  72  69 STATUS 0
!!    John S. Urban
!!    Public Domain
subroutine hue(modei,clr1i,clr2i,clr3i,modeo,clr1o,clr2o,clr3o,status)

! ident_2="@(#) M_color hue(3f) convert color components from one color model to another"

character(len=*),intent(in) :: modei
real,intent(in)             :: clr1i,clr2i,clr3i
character(len=*),intent(in) :: modeo
real,intent(out)            :: clr1o,clr2o,clr3o
integer,intent(out)         :: status

character(len=3)            :: input_color_model,output_color_model
real                        :: c1, c2, c3, r, g, b
!-- initialize the status flag.
!-- set the output colors equal to invalid values
!-- ensure that the input character strings are lowercase
!-- check for a trivial instance where the input and output model names are the same
   if(input_color_model  ==  output_color_model) then
!-- check for a transpose of terms, another trivial instance.
   SELECT CASE (input_color_model)
   CASE ('hls','hsl','hvs','hsv')
      if( input_color_model == 'hls' .and. output_color_model == 'hsl'   &
    & .or.input_color_model == 'hsl' .and. output_color_model == 'hls'   &
    & .or.input_color_model == 'hvs' .and. output_color_model == 'hsv'   &
    & .or.input_color_model == 'hsv' .and. output_color_model == 'hvs') then
!-- assign new variables so that the input arguments can't possibly be changed by subsequent procedures.
!-- first, convert input values to rgb values.
   SELECT CASE (input_color_model)
   CASE ('hls'); call hlsrgb(c1,c2,c3,r,g,b,status)
   CASE ('hvs'); call hvsrgb(c1,c2,c3,r,g,b,status)
   CASE ('hsl'); call hlsrgb(c1,c3,c2,r,g,b,status)
   CASE ('hsv'); call hvsrgb(c1,c3,c2,r,g,b,status)
   CASE ('cmy'); call cmyrgb(c1,c2,c3,r,g,b,status)
   CASE ('yiq'); call yiqrgb(c1,c2,c3,r,g,b,status)
   CASE ('rgb'); r=c1;g=c2;b=c3
   CASE DEFAULT ! unknown input model name
   if(status  /=  0 )then
!-- then convert from RGB to the desired output values
   SELECT CASE (output_color_model)
   CASE ('hls'); call rgbhls(r,g,b,clr1o,clr2o,clr3o,status)
   CASE ('hsl'); call rgbhls(r,g,b,clr1o,clr3o,clr2o,status)
   CASE ('hvs'); call rgbhvs(r,g,b,clr1o,clr2o,clr3o,status)
   CASE ('hsv'); call rgbhvs(r,g,b,clr1o,clr3o,clr2o,status)
   CASE ('cmy'); call rgbcmy(r,g,b,clr1o,clr2o,clr3o,status)
   CASE ('rgb'); clr1o=r; clr2o=g; clr3o=b
   CASE ('yiq'); call rgbyiq(r,g,b,clr1o,clr2o,clr3o,status)
   CASE DEFAULT ! unknown output model name
   if(status  /=  0 )then
end subroutine hue
!!    RGBHLS(3fp) - [M_color] Given red, green, and blue color components
!!    calculates the hue, lightness, and saturation for a color (LICENSE:PD)
!!     subroutine rgbhls(r,g,b,h,l,s,status)
!!      ! red component as a value of 0 to 100
!!      real, intent(in)  :: r
!!      ! green component as a value of 0 to 100
!!      real, intent(in)  :: g
!!      ! blue component as a value of 0 to 100
!!      real, intent(in)  :: b
!!      ! hue value in the range of 0 to 360 degrees
!!      real, intent(out) :: h
!!      ! lightness as a percent value from 0 to 100
!!      real, intent(out) :: l
!!      ! saturation as a percent from 0 to 100
!!      real, intent(out) :: s
!!      integer           :: status
!!    RGB values are in the range 0-100; hue is 0-360 degrees;
!!    lightness and saturation have a range of 0-100.
!!      Color   RGB                 HLS
!!      Red     100.0   0.0   0.0     0  50.0 100.0
!!      Yellow  100.0 100.0   0.0    60  50.0 100.0
!!      Green     0.0 100.0   0.0   120  50.0 100.0
!!      Cyan      0.0 100.0 100.0   180  50.0 100.0
!!      Blue      0.0   0.0 100.0   240  50.0 100.0
!!      Magenta 100.0   0.0 100.0   300  50.0 100.0
!!      White   100.0 100.0 100.0 (any) 100.0 (any)
!!      Black     0.0   0.0   0.0 (any)   0.0 (any)
!!      Maroon   50.0   0.0   0.0     0  25.0 100.0
!!      Pink    100.0  50.0  50.0     0  75.0 100.0
!!    AUTHOR
!!           John S. Urban
!!           Public Domain
subroutine rgbhls(r0,g0,b0,h,l,s,status)

! ident_3="@(#) M_color rgbhls(3fp) given red green blue values calculate hue lightness saturation"

!     given  : r, g, b each as a value of 0 to 100
!     desired: h as a value of 0 to 360 degrees.
!     .        l and s each as a value of 0 to 100
real    :: r0,g0,b0
real    :: r,g,b,h,l,s
real    :: clrmax,clrmin,clrdel,clrsum,rr,gg,bb
integer :: status
   if(r0  <  0.0 .or. r0  >  100.0 ) status = 1 !---- passive check for valid range of values.
   if(g0  <  0.0 .or. g0  >  100.0 ) status = 1 !---- passive check for valid range of values.
   if(b0  <  0.0 .or. b0  >  100.0 ) status = 1 !---- passive check for valid range of values.
   if(clrdel /= 0.0 ) then
      if(l <= 0.5) then
      if(r == clrmax) then
      else if(g == clrmax) then
         h=2.0 +rr-bb
      else if(b == clrmax) then
         h=4.0 +gg-rr
      if(h < 0.0 ) then
   if(h  <    0.0 ) h = 0.0   !---- Eliminate any roundoff that exceeds the limits (or hide formula bug!)
   if(h  >  360.0 ) h = 360.0 !---- Eliminate any roundoff that exceeds the limits (or hide formula bug!)
   if(l  <    0.0 ) l=0.0
   if(l  >  100.0 ) l = 100.0
   if(s  <    0.0 ) s=0.0
   if(s  >  100.0 ) s = 100.0
end subroutine rgbhls
!!    RGBHVS(3fp) - [M_color] calculates the hue, value, & saturation
!!    for a color given in red, green, & blue components values.
!!    (LICENSE:PD)
!!     subroutine rgbhvs(r,g,b,h,v,s,status)
!!      ! the red component as a value of 0 to 100.
!!      real, intent(in)  :: r
!!      ! the green component as a value of 0 to 100.
!!      real, intent(in)  :: g
!!      ! the blue component as a value of 0 to 100.
!!      real, intent(in)  :: b
!!      ! the hue value in the range of 0 to 360 degrees
!!      real, intent(out) :: h
!!      ! the "value" as a percent value from 0 to 100.
!!      real, intent(out) :: v
!!      ! the saturation as a percent from 0 to 100.
!!      real, intent(out) :: s
!!      integer           :: status
!!    RGBHVS(3f) calculates the hue, value, & saturation for a color
!!    given in red, green, & blue components values.
!!       Color    Color
!!       name     Hex      (R,G,B)        (H,S,V)
!!       Black    #000000  (0,0,0)        (0º,0%,0%)
!!       White    #FFFFFF  (100,100,100)  (0º,0%,100%)
!!       Red      #FF0000  (100,0,0)      (0º,100%,100%)
!!       Lime     #00FF00  (0,100,0)      (120º,100%,100%)
!!       Blue     #0000FF  (0,0,100)      (240º,100%,100%)
!!       Yellow   #FFFF00  (100,100,0)    (60º,100%,100%)
!!       Cyan     #00FFFF  (0,100,100)    (180º,100%,100%)
!!       Magenta  #FF00FF  (100,0,100)    (300º,100%,100%)
!!       Silver   #C0C0C0  (75,75,75)     (0º,0%,75%)
!!       Gray     #808080  (50,50,50)     (0º,0%,50%)
!!       Maroon   #800000  (50,0,0)       (0º,100%,50%)
!!       Olive    #808000  (50,50,0)      (60º,100%,50%)
!!       Green    #008000  (0,50,0)       (120º,100%,50%)
!!       Purple   #800080  (50,0,50)      (300º,100%,50%)
!!       Teal     #008080  (0,50,50)      (180º,100%,50%)
!!       Navy     #000080  (0,0,50)       (240º,100%,50%)
!!    John S. Urban
!!    Public Domain
subroutine rgbhvs(r0,g0,b0,h,v,s,status)

! ident_4="@(#) M_color rgbhvs(3fp) given red green blue calculate hue saturation value components"

!---- this procedure calculates a hue, saturation, value equivalent for a
!     color given in red, green, & blue components.
!     given  : r, g, b each as a value of 0 to 100.
!     desired: h as a value of 0 to 360 degrees.
!     .        s and v each as a value of 0 to 100.
real,intent(in)  :: r0,g0,b0
real,intent(out) :: h,v,s
integer          :: status
real             :: r,g,b
real             :: clrmax,clrmin,clrdel,rr,gg,bb
   if(r0  <  0.0 .or. r0  >  100.0 ) status = 1 !---- check for valid range of values.
   if(g0  <  0.0 .or. g0  >  100.0 ) status = 1 !---- check for valid range of values.
   if(b0  <  0.0 .or. b0  >  100.0 ) status = 1 !---- check for valid range of values.
   if(clrmax /= 0.0 )then
   if(s /= 0.0 )then
         if(r == clrmax)then
         else if(g == clrmax) then
            h=2.0 +rr-bb
         else if(b == clrmax) then
            h=4.0 +gg-rr
         if(h < 0.0 ) then
   if(h  >  360.0 ) h = 360.0 !---- Eliminate any roundoff that exceeds the limits (or hide formula bug!)
   if(h  <    0.0 ) h =   0.0 !---- Eliminate any roundoff that exceeds the limits (or hide formula bug!)
   if(v  >  100.0 ) v = 100.0 !---- Eliminate any roundoff that exceeds the limits (or hide formula bug!)
   if(v  <    0.0 ) v =   0.0 !---- Eliminate any roundoff that exceeds the limits (or hide formula bug!)
   if(s  >  100.0 ) s = 100.0 !---- Eliminate any roundoff that exceeds the limits (or hide formula bug!)
   if(s  <    0.0 ) s =   0.0 !---- Eliminate any roundoff that exceeds the limits (or hide formula bug!)
end subroutine rgbhvs
!!    cmyrgb(3fp) - [M_color] calculates the cyan, magenta, and yellow
!!    components given the red, green, and blue component values.
!!    (LICENSE:PD)
!!     subroutine cmyrgb(c,m,y,r,g,b,status)
!!      ! cyan component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
!!      real, intent(in)  :: c
!!      ! magenta component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
!!      real, intent(in)  :: m
!!      ! yellow component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
!!      real, intent(in)  :: y
!!      ! red component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
!!      real, intent(out) :: r
!!      ! green component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
!!      real, intent(out) :: g
!!      ! blue component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
!!      real, intent(out) :: b
!!      integer           :: status
!!    CMYRGB(3f) calculates the cyan, magenta, and yellow components
!!    given the red, green, and blue component values.
!!    John S. Urban
!!    Public Domain
subroutine cmyrgb(c,m,y,r,g,b,status)

! ident_5="@(#) M_color cmyrgb(3fp) given cyan magenta yellow calculate red green blue components"

! given  : r, g, b each as a value of 0 to 100
! desired: c, m, y each as a value of 0 to 100
real,intent(in)   :: c,m,y
real,intent(out)  :: r,g,b
integer           :: status
   if(c  <  0.0 .or. c  >  100.0 ) status = 1 !---- passively check for valid range of values.
   if(m  <  0.0 .or. m  >  100.0 ) status = 1 !---- passively check for valid range of values.
   if(y  <  0.0 .or. y  >  100.0 ) status = 1 !---- passively check for valid range of values.
   r= 100.0 - c
   g= 100.0 - m
   b= 100.0 - y
end subroutine cmyrgb
!!    rgbcmy(3fp) - [M_color] calculates the cyan, magenta, and yellow
!!    components given the red, green, and blue component values.
!!    (LICENSE:PD)
!!     subroutine rgbcmy(r,g,b,c,m,y,status)
!!      ! the red component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
!!      real, intent(in)  :: r
!!      ! the green component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
!!      real, intent(in)  :: g
!!      ! the blue component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
!!      real, intent(in)  :: b
!!      ! the cyan component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
!!      real, intent(out) :: c
!!      ! the magenta component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
!!      real, intent(out) :: m
!!      ! the yellow component as a value in the range of 0 to 100
!!      real, intent(out) :: y
!!      integer           :: status
!!    rgbcmy(3fp) calculates the cyan, magenta, and yellow
!!    components given the red, green, and blue component values.
!!  Sample values:
!!       Color
!!       name     (C,M,Y)        (R,G,B)        Hex
!!       Black    (100,100,100)  (0,0,0)        #000000
!!       White    (0,0,0)        (100,100,100)  #FFFFFF
!!       Red      (0,100,100)    (100,0,0)      #FF0000
!!       Green    (100,0,100)    (0,100,0)      #00FF00
!!       Blue     (100,100,0)    (0,0,100)      #0000FF
!!       Yellow   (0,0,100)      (100,100,0)    #FFFF00
!!       Cyan     (100,0,0)      (0,100,100)    #00FFFF
!!       Magenta  (0,100,0)      (100,0,100)    #FF00FF
!!    John S. Urban
!!    Public Domain
subroutine rgbcmy(r,g,b,c,m,y,status)

! ident_6="@(#) M_color rgbcmy(3fp) given red green blue calculate cyan magenta yellow components"

!     given  : r, g, b each as a value of 0 to 100
!     desired: c, m, y each as a value of 0 to 100
real,intent(in)  :: r,g,b
real,intent(out) :: c,m,y
integer          :: status
   if(r  <  0.0 .or. r  >  100.0 ) status = 1 !---- check for valid range of values.
   if(g  <  0.0 .or. g  >  100.0 ) status = 1 !---- check for valid range of values.
   if(b  <  0.0 .or. b  >  100.0 ) status = 1 !---- check for valid range of values.
   c = 100.0 - r
   m = 100.0 - g
   y = 100.0 - b

end subroutine rgbcmy
!!    RGBMONO(3f) - [M_color] converts RGB colors to a reasonable grayscale
!!    intensity
!!    (LICENSE:PD)
!!    subroutine rgbmono(rr,rg,rb,ri,status)
!!     real, intent(in)  :: RR
!!     real, intent(in)  :: RG
!!     real, intent(in)  :: RB
!!     real, intent(out) :: RI
!!     integer           :: status
!!    RGBMONO(3f) converts RGB colors to a reasonable grayscale intensity.
!!    This can be used to produce monochrome images from color images.
!!    Intensity is calculated from the specified Red, Green, Blue intensities
!!    as 0.30*R + 0.59*G + 0.11*B, as in U.S. color television systems,
!!    NTSC encoding. Note that most devices do not have an infinite range
!!    of monochrome intensities available.
!!     RR      red component of the input color in the range 0 to 100
!!     RG      green component of the input color in the range 0 to 100
!!     RB      blue component of the input color in the range 0 to 100
!!     RI      grayscale intensity calculated in the range 0 to 100
!!     status  zero (0) if no error occurred, otherwise result is out
!!             of bounds
!!   Sample:
!!    program demo_rgbmono
!!    use M_color, only : rgbmono
!!    implicit none
!!    real    :: gray
!!    integer :: ierr
!!    call rgbmono(100.0,  0.0,  0.0,gray,ierr); write(*,*)'red     ',gray
!!    call rgbmono(  0.0,100.0,  0.0,gray,ierr); write(*,*)'green   ',gray
!!    call rgbmono(  0.0,  0.0,100.0,gray,ierr); write(*,*)'blue    ',gray
!!    call rgbmono(100.0,100.0,  0.0,gray,ierr); write(*,*)'Yellow  ',gray
!!    call rgbmono(  0.0,100.0,100.0,gray,ierr); write(*,*)'Cyan    ',gray
!!    call rgbmono(100.0,  0.0,100.0,gray,ierr); write(*,*)'Magenta ',gray
!!    call rgbmono(100.0,100.0,100.0,gray,ierr); write(*,*)'White   ',gray
!!    call rgbmono( 00.0,  0.0,  0.0,gray,ierr); write(*,*)'Black   ',gray
!!    call rgbmono( 50.0,  0.0,  0.0,gray,ierr); write(*,*)'Maroon  ',gray
!!    call rgbmono(100.0, 50.0, 50.0,gray,ierr); write(*,*)'Pink    ',gray
!!    end program demo_rgbmono
!!   Results:
!!     red        30.0000019
!!     green      58.9999962
!!     blue       11.0000000
!!     Yellow     89.0000000
!!     Cyan       70.0000000
!!     Magenta    41.0000000
!!     White      100.000000
!!     Black      0.00000000
!!     Maroon     15.0000010
!!     Pink       65.0000000
!!    John S. Urban
!!    Public Domain
subroutine rgbmono(rr,rg,rb,ri,status)

! ident_7="@(#) M_color rgbmono(3f) convert RGB colors to a reasonable grayscale"

! monochrome devices that support intensity can have intensity calculated from the specified Red, Green, Blue
! intensities as 0.30*R + 0.59*G + 0.11*B, as in US color television systems, NTSC encoding.
! Note that most devices do not have an infinite range of monochrome intensities available.

real,intent(in)      :: rr,rg,rb                ! red, green, blue, & intensity range from 0 to 100
real,intent(out)     :: ri
integer,intent(out)  :: status
   if(rr  <  0.0 .or. rr  >  100.0 ) status = 1 !---- passive check for valid range of values.
   if(rg  <  0.0 .or. rg  >  100.0 ) status = 1 !---- passive check for valid range of values.
   if(rb  <  0.0 .or. rb  >  100.0 ) status = 1 !---- passive check for valid range of values.
   ri = 0.30*rr + 0.59*rg + 0.11*rb
end subroutine rgbmono
!!    RGBVAL(3fp) - [M_color] is an internal private function used by
!!    hlsrgb(3fp). (LICENSE:PD)
!!     subroutine rgbval(clr1,clr2,h)
!!      integer, intent(in) :: h ! H is the hue value in degrees
!!      real, intent(in) :: clr1 !
!!      real, intent(in) :: clr2 !
!!    Function RGBVAL(3f) is an internal private function used by
!!    hlsrgb().
!!    John S. Urban
!!    Public Domain
real function rgbval(clr1,clr2,h)

! ident_8="@(#) M_color rgbval(3fp) ensure a value is in the appropriate range and quadrant"

real    :: clr1,clr2
real    :: h
real    :: h2
      if(h2 > 360.0 ) then

      if( h2  <  0.0 ) then

   if(h2 < 60.0 ) then
   else if(h2 < 180.0) then
   else if(h2 < 240.0) then

end function rgbval
!!    HLSRGB(3fp) - [M_color] calculates the red, green, & blue
!!    components for a color given in hue, lightness, & saturation
!!    values. (LICENSE:PD)
!!     subroutine hlsrgb (h,l,s,r,g,b,status)
!!      ! hue value in the range of 0 to 360 degrees
!!      real, intent(in)  :: h
!!      ! lightness as a percent value from 0 to 100.
!!      real, intent(in)  :: l
!!      ! saturation as a percent from 0 to 100.
!!      real, intent(in)  :: s
!!      ! red component as a value of 0 to 100.
!!      real, intent(out) :: r
!!      ! green component as a value of 0 to 100.
!!      real, intent(out) :: g
!!      ! blue component as a value of 0 to 100.
!!      real, intent(out) :: b
!!      integer           :: status
!!    HLSRGB(3f) calculates the red, green, & blue components for a
!!    color given in hue, lightness, & saturation values.
!!    John S. Urban
!!    Public Domain
subroutine hlsrgb(H,L,S,R,G,B,status)

! ident_9="@(#) M_color hlsrgb(3fp) convert HLS(hue lightness saturation) values to RGB components"

!     given  : hue as a value of 0 to 360 degrees.
!     .        lightness and saturation each as a value of 0 to 100.
!     desired: r, g, and b each as a value of 0 to 100.
real,intent(in)   :: H,L,S
real,intent(out)  :: R,G,B
integer           :: status
real              :: hue,lightness,saturation
real              :: clr1,clr2
   if(h  <  0.0 .or. h  > 360.0 ) status = 1 ! passively report on bad input values
   if(l  <  0.0 .or. l  > 100.0 ) status = 1 ! passively report on bad input values
   if(s  <  0.0 .or. s  > 100.0 ) status = 1 ! passively report on bad input values
   hue =           H
   lightness =     L/100.0
   saturation =    S/100.0
   if( saturation  ==  0.0 ) then
      R = lightness
      G = lightness
      B = lightness
   if(lightness  <=  0.50) then
      clr2= lightness*( 1.0 + saturation )
      clr2= lightness + saturation - lightness * saturation
   clr1= 2.0 * lightness - clr2
   R = rgbval(clr1,clr2,hue+120.0)  *100.0
   G = rgbval(clr1,clr2,hue)        *100.0
   B = rgbval(clr1,clr2,hue-120.0)  *100.0
end subroutine hlsrgb
!!    HVSRGB(3fp) - [M_color] calculates the red, green, & blue
!!    components for a color given in hue, value, & saturation values.
!!    (LICENSE:PD)
!!     subroutine hvsrgb(h,v,s,r,g,b,status)
!!      ! H is the hue value in the range of 0 to 360 degrees
!!      real, intent(in)  :: h
!!      ! V is the "value" as a percent value from 0 to 100.
!!      real, intent(in)  :: v
!!      ! S is the saturation as a percent from 0 to 100.
!!      real, intent(in)  :: s
!!      ! R is the red component as a value of 0 to 100.
!!      real, intent(out) :: r
!!      ! G is the green component as a value of 0 to 100.
!!      real, intent(out) :: g
!!      ! B is the blue component as a value of 0 to 100.
!!      real, intent(out) :: b
!!      integer           :: status
!!    HVSRGB(3f) calculates the red, green, & blue components for a
!!    color given in hue, value, & saturation values.
!!    John S. Urban
!!    Public Domain
subroutine hvsrgb(h,v,s,r,g,b,status)

! ident_10="@(#) M_color hvsrgb(3fp) given hue saturation value calculate red green blue components"

!     given  : hue as value of 0 to 360 degrees.
!     .        saturation and value each as a value of 0 to 100.
!     desired: r, g, and b as a value of 0 to 100.
real,intent(in)    :: h,v,s
real,intent(out)   :: r,g,b
integer            :: status
real               :: hue,value,saturation
integer            :: ifloor
real               :: f,p,q,t
   if(h  <  0.0 .or. h  > 360.0 ) status = 1 ! passively report on bad input values
   if(v  <  0.0 .or. v  > 100.0 ) status = 1 ! passively report on bad input values
   if(s  <  0.0 .or. s  > 100.0 ) status = 1 ! passively report on bad input values
   if(saturation == 0.0) then
   if(hue == 360.0) then
   select case (ifloor)
   case (0) ;r=value; g=t; b=p
   case (1) ;r=q; g=value; b=p
   case (2) ;r=p; g=value; b=t
   case (3) ;r=p; g=q; b=value
   case (4) ;r=t; g=p; b=value
   case (5) ;r=value; g=p; b=q
   case default
   end select
end subroutine hvsrgb
!!    YIQRGB(3fp) - [M_color] Convert luma, orange-blue chrominance,
!!    and purple-green chrominance to RGB values. (LICENSE:PD)
!!     subroutine yiqrgb(y,i,q,r,g,b,status)
!!      real,intent(in)  :: y,i,q
!!      real,intent(out) :: r,g,b
!!      integer          :: status
!!    Convert luma, orange-blue chrominance, and purple-green
!!    chrominance to RGB values.
!!    John S. Urban
!!    Public Domain
subroutine yiqrgb(y,i,q,r,g,b,status)

! ident_11="@(#) M_color yiqrgb(3fp) convert luma orange-blue chrominance purple-green chrominance to RGB"

real,intent(in)  :: y,i,q
real,intent(out) :: r,g,b
integer          :: status
!----    i don't believe that this is an exhaustive test of value ranges
!        for yiq.  for example yiq=(100.0,60.0,52.0) when converted to
!        rgb produces values greater than 100!?
      if(i  <  -60.0 .or. i  >   60.0) status = 1
      if(q  <  -53.0 .or. q  >   53.0) status = 1

      r = 1.0 * y + 0.956 * i + 0.621 * q
      g = 1.0 * y - 0.272 * i - 0.647 * q
      b = 1.0 * y - 1.106 * i + 1.703 * q
      !r= 1.0 *y + 0.94826224*i + 0.62401264*q
      !g= 1.0 *y - 0.27606635*i - 0.63981043*q
      !b= 1.0 *y - 1.1054502 *i + 1.7298578 *q
!-- If outside the valid range of values, truncate to allow for reasonable roundoff and then retest.
!   This should pass values essentially 0 or 100, but fail others.
!   The above formula for rgb from yiq can give answers slightly less than 0 and slightly greater than 100.0
!   The truncation should fix this.
!   The retest should then catch the instances such as yiq=(100.0,60.0,52.0) as mentioned earlier.


end subroutine yiqrgb
!!    RGBYIQ(3fp) - [M_color] Convert RGB values to luma, orange-blue
!!    chrominance, and purple-green chrominance. (LICENSE:PD)
!!     subroutine rgbyiq(r,g,b,y,i,q,status)
!!      real,intent(in)  :: r,g,b
!!      real,intent(out) :: y,i,q
!!      integer          :: status
!!    Convert RGB values to luma, orange-blue chrominance, and
!!    purple-green chrominance.
!!    John S. Urban
!!    Public Domain
subroutine rgbyiq(r,g,b,y,i,q,status)

! ident_12="@(#) M_color rgbyiq(3fp) convert RGB to luma orange-blue chrominance purple-green chrominance"

real,intent(in)  :: r,g,b
real,intent(out) :: y,i,q
integer          :: status
   if(r < 0.0 .or. r > 100.0) status=1
   if(g < 0.0 .or. g > 100.0) status=1
   if(b < 0.0 .or. b > 100.0) status=1

   y= 0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b
   i= 0.596 * r - 0.274 * g - 0.322 * b
   q= 0.211 * r - 0.523 * g + 0.312 * b

!-- Eliminate any roundoff that exceeds the limits.
   if(i  <  -59.57 ) i = -59.57
   if(i  >   59.57 ) i =  59.57
   if(q  <  -52.26 ) q = -52.26
   if(q  >   52.26 ) q =  52.26
end subroutine rgbyiq
!!    closest_color_name(3f) - [M_color] returns the closest name for the
!!    given RGB values.
!!    (LICENSE:PD)
!!    subroutine closest_color_name(r,g,b,closestname)
!!     real,intent(in)               :: r,g,b
!!     character(len=20),intent(out) :: closestname
!!    CLOSEST_COLOR_NAME(3f) returns the closest name for the given RGB values.
!!    Most X11 Windows color names are supported.
!!    R   red component, range of 0 to 100
!!    G   green component, range of 0 to 100
!!    B   blue component, range of 0 to 100
!!    CLOSESTNAME   name of color found closest to given RGB value
!!   Sample program
!!    program demo_closest_color_name
!!    use M_color, only : closest_color_name
!!    character(len=100) :: string ! at least 20 characters
!!       string=' '
!!       call closest_color_name(100.0,  0.0,  0.0,string)
!!       write(*,*)trim(string)
!!       call closest_color_name(  0.0,100.0,  0.0,string)
!!       write(*,*)trim(string)
!!       call closest_color_name(  0.0,  0.0,100.0,string)
!!       write(*,*)trim(string)
!!    end program demo_closest_color_name
!!   Results:
!!    red
!!    green
!!    blue
!!    John S. Urban
!!    Public Domain
subroutine closest_color_name(r,g,b,closestname)

! ident_13="@(#) M_color closest_color_name(3f) given RGB values try to find closest named color"

real,intent(in)               :: r,g,b
character(len=*),intent(out) :: closestname
real                          :: rn,gn,bn
real                          :: distance, minimum_distance
character(len=20)             :: echoname
integer                       :: i
character(len=20)             :: string
   INFINITE: do i=1,1000
      call color_name2rgb(string,rn,gn,bn,echoname)       ! get next color
      if(echoname == 'Unknown') exit INFINITE
      distance=sqrt( (r-rn)**2 + (g-gn)**2 + (b-bn)**2 )
      if(distance < minimum_distance)then
   enddo INFINITE
end subroutine closest_color_name
!!    COLOR_NAME2RGB(3f) - [M_color] returns the RGB values in the range 0 to
!!    100 for a given known color name.
!!    (LICENSE:PD)
!!    subroutine color_name2rgb(name,r,g,b,echoname)
!!     character(len=20),intent(in)   :: name
!!     real,intent(out)               :: r,g,b
!!     character(len=20),intent(out)  :: echoname
!!    COLOR_NAME2RGB(3f) returns the RGB values in the range 0 to 100
!!    for a given known color name. Most X11 Windows color names are
!!    supported. If the name is not found ECHONAME is set to "Unknown".
!!    A sample program:
!!     program demo_color_name2rgb
!!     use M_color, only : hue, color_name2rgb
!!     implicit none
!!     !
!!     ! list colors known to colorname2rgb(3f) & corresponding RGB values
!!     !
!!     character(len=20) :: name
!!     character(len=20) :: echoname
!!     real              :: red,green,blue
!!     integer           :: i
!!     TRYALL: do i=1,10000
!!        ! weird little thing where the color names have aliases
!!        ! that are numeric strings
!!        write(name,'(i0)')i
!!        ! get the RGB values and English name of the color
!!        call color_name2rgb(name,red,green,blue,echoname)
!!        ! the last color name is "Unknown" so the loop should exit
!!        if(echoname == 'Unknown')exit TRYALL
!!        ! display the English name and RGB values for the name
!!        write(*,*)echoname,int([red,green,blue])
!!     enddo TRYALL
!!     !write(*,*)'Number of colors found is ',i-1
!!     end program demo_color_name2rgb
!!    John S. Urban
!!    Public Domain
subroutine color_name2rgb(name,r,g,b,echoname)

! ident_14="@(#) M_color color_name2rgb(3f) given a color name return rgb color values in range 0 to 100"

character(len=*),intent(in)            :: name
real,intent(out)                       :: r,g,b
character(len=*),intent(out),optional  :: echoname
character(len=20)                      :: newname
! returns name in ECHONAME; which is usually not useful unless NAME represents an integer string.
! Note that an integer converted to a string can be used to go sequentially thru the names until NEWNAME="Unknown"
! Color names can generally be listed using showrgb(1) in GNU/Linux and Unix environments that support X11 Windows:

! A structure would normally be used for the data; but a large SELECT is easy to maintain.
! a numeric name is an alias for each color to facilitate going thru them sequentially since they are not an array.
   select case(trim(lower(name)))

   case("1",   "snow")                  ;  newname="snow"                  ;  r=255  ;  g=250  ;  b=250
   case("2",   "ghostwhite")            ;  newname="ghostwhite"            ;  r=248  ;  g=248  ;  b=255
   case("3",   "whitesmoke")            ;  newname="whitesmoke"            ;  r=245  ;  g=245  ;  b=245
   case("4",   "gainsboro")             ;  newname="gainsboro"             ;  r=220  ;  g=220  ;  b=220
   case("5",   "floralwhite")           ;  newname="floralwhite"           ;  r=255  ;  g=250  ;  b=240
   case("6",   "oldlace")               ;  newname="oldlace"               ;  r=253  ;  g=245  ;  b=230
   case("7",   "linen")                 ;  newname="linen"                 ;  r=250  ;  g=240  ;  b=230
   case("8",   "antiquewhite")          ;  newname="antiquewhite"          ;  r=250  ;  g=235  ;  b=215
   case("9",   "papayawhip")            ;  newname="papayawhip"            ;  r=255  ;  g=239  ;  b=213
   case("10",  "blanchedalmond")        ;  newname="blanchedalmond"        ;  r=255  ;  g=235  ;  b=205
   case("11",  "bisque")                ;  newname="bisque"                ;  r=255  ;  g=228  ;  b=196
   case("12",  "peachpuff")             ;  newname="peachpuff"             ;  r=255  ;  g=218  ;  b=185
   case("13",  "navajowhite")           ;  newname="navajowhite"           ;  r=255  ;  g=222  ;  b=173
   case("14",  "moccasin")              ;  newname="moccasin"              ;  r=255  ;  g=228  ;  b=181
   case("15",  "cornsilk")              ;  newname="cornsilk"              ;  r=255  ;  g=248  ;  b=220
   case("16",  "ivory")                 ;  newname="ivory"                 ;  r=255  ;  g=255  ;  b=240
   case("17",  "lemonchiffon")          ;  newname="lemonchiffon"          ;  r=255  ;  g=250  ;  b=205
   case("18",  "seashell")              ;  newname="seashell"              ;  r=255  ;  g=245  ;  b=238
   case("19",  "honeydew")              ;  newname="honeydew"              ;  r=240  ;  g=255  ;  b=240
   case("20",  "mintcream")             ;  newname="mintcream"             ;  r=245  ;  g=255  ;  b=250
   case("21",  "azure")                 ;  newname="azure"                 ;  r=240  ;  g=255  ;  b=255
   case("22",  "aliceblue")             ;  newname="aliceblue"             ;  r=240  ;  g=248  ;  b=255
   case("23",  "lavender")              ;  newname="lavender"              ;  r=230  ;  g=230  ;  b=250
   case("24",  "lavenderblush")         ;  newname="lavenderblush"         ;  r=255  ;  g=240  ;  b=245
   case("25",  "mistyrose")             ;  newname="mistyrose"             ;  r=255  ;  g=228  ;  b=225
   case("26",  "white")                 ;  newname="white"                 ;  r=255  ;  g=255  ;  b=255
   case("27",  "black")                 ;  newname="black"                 ;  r=0    ;  g=0    ;  b=0
   case("28",  "darkslategray")         ;  newname="darkslategray"         ;  r=47   ;  g=79   ;  b=79
   case("29",  "dimgray")               ;  newname="dimgray"               ;  r=105  ;  g=105  ;  b=105
   case("30",  "slategray")             ;  newname="slategray"             ;  r=112  ;  g=128  ;  b=144
   case("31",  "lightslategray")        ;  newname="lightslategray"        ;  r=119  ;  g=136  ;  b=153
   case("32",  "gray")                  ;  newname="gray"                  ;  r=190  ;  g=190  ;  b=190
   case("33",  "lightgray")             ;  newname="lightgray"             ;  r=211  ;  g=211  ;  b=211
   case("34",  "midnightblue")          ;  newname="midnightblue"          ;  r=25   ;  g=25   ;  b=112
   case("35",  "navy")                  ;  newname="navy"                  ;  r=0    ;  g=0    ;  b=128
   case("36",  "navyblue")              ;  newname="navyblue"              ;  r=0    ;  g=0    ;  b=128
   case("37",  "cornflowerblue")        ;  newname="cornflowerblue"        ;  r=100  ;  g=149  ;  b=237
   case("38",  "darkslateblue")         ;  newname="darkslateblue"         ;  r=72   ;  g=61   ;  b=139
   case("39",  "slateblue")             ;  newname="slateblue"             ;  r=106  ;  g=90   ;  b=205
   case("40",  "mediumslateblue")       ;  newname="mediumslateblue"       ;  r=123  ;  g=104  ;  b=238
   case("41",  "lightslateblue")        ;  newname="lightslateblue"        ;  r=132  ;  g=112  ;  b=255
   case("42",  "mediumblue")            ;  newname="mediumblue"            ;  r=0    ;  g=0    ;  b=205
   case("43",  "royalblue")             ;  newname="royalblue"             ;  r=65   ;  g=105  ;  b=225
   case("44",  "blue")                  ;  newname="blue"                  ;  r=0    ;  g=0    ;  b=255
   case("45",  "dodgerblue")            ;  newname="dodgerblue"            ;  r=30   ;  g=144  ;  b=255
   case("46",  "deepskyblue")           ;  newname="deepskyblue"           ;  r=0    ;  g=191  ;  b=255
   case("47",  "skyblue")               ;  newname="skyblue"               ;  r=135  ;  g=206  ;  b=235
   case("48",  "lightskyblue")          ;  newname="lightskyblue"          ;  r=135  ;  g=206  ;  b=250
   case("49",  "steelblue")             ;  newname="steelblue"             ;  r=70   ;  g=130  ;  b=180
   case("50",  "lightsteelblue")        ;  newname="lightsteelblue"        ;  r=176  ;  g=196  ;  b=222
   case("51",  "lightblue")             ;  newname="lightblue"             ;  r=173  ;  g=216  ;  b=230
   case("52",  "powderblue")            ;  newname="powderblue"            ;  r=176  ;  g=224  ;  b=230
   case("53",  "paleturquoise")         ;  newname="paleturquoise"         ;  r=175  ;  g=238  ;  b=238
   case("54",  "darkturquoise")         ;  newname="darkturquoise"         ;  r=0    ;  g=206  ;  b=209
   case("55",  "mediumturquoise")       ;  newname="mediumturquoise"       ;  r=72   ;  g=209  ;  b=204
   case("56",  "turquoise")             ;  newname="turquoise"             ;  r=64   ;  g=224  ;  b=208
   case("57",  "cyan")                  ;  newname="cyan"                  ;  r=0    ;  g=255  ;  b=255
   case("58",  "lightcyan")             ;  newname="lightcyan"             ;  r=224  ;  g=255  ;  b=255
   case("59",  "cadetblue")             ;  newname="cadetblue"             ;  r=95   ;  g=158  ;  b=160
   case("60",  "mediumaquamarine")      ;  newname="mediumaquamarine"      ;  r=102  ;  g=205  ;  b=170
   case("61",  "aquamarine")            ;  newname="aquamarine"            ;  r=127  ;  g=255  ;  b=212
   case("62",  "darkgreen")             ;  newname="darkgreen"             ;  r=0    ;  g=100  ;  b=0
   case("63",  "darkolivegreen")        ;  newname="darkolivegreen"        ;  r=85   ;  g=107  ;  b=47
   case("64",  "darkseagreen")          ;  newname="darkseagreen"          ;  r=143  ;  g=188  ;  b=143
   case("65",  "seagreen")              ;  newname="seagreen"              ;  r=46   ;  g=139  ;  b=87
   case("66",  "mediumseagreen")        ;  newname="mediumseagreen"        ;  r=60   ;  g=179  ;  b=113
   case("67",  "lightseagreen")         ;  newname="lightseagreen"         ;  r=32   ;  g=178  ;  b=170
   case("68",  "palegreen")             ;  newname="palegreen"             ;  r=152  ;  g=251  ;  b=152
   case("69",  "springgreen")           ;  newname="springgreen"           ;  r=0    ;  g=255  ;  b=127
   case("70",  "lawngreen")             ;  newname="lawngreen"             ;  r=124  ;  g=252  ;  b=0
   case("71",  "green")                 ;  newname="green"                 ;  r=0    ;  g=255  ;  b=0
   case("72",  "chartreuse")            ;  newname="chartreuse"            ;  r=127  ;  g=255  ;  b=0
   case("73",  "mediumspringgreen")     ;  newname="mediumspringgreen"     ;  r=0    ;  g=250  ;  b=154
   case("74",  "greenyellow")           ;  newname="greenyellow"           ;  r=173  ;  g=255  ;  b=47
   case("75",  "limegreen")             ;  newname="limegreen"             ;  r=50   ;  g=205  ;  b=50
   case("76",  "yellowgreen")           ;  newname="yellowgreen"           ;  r=154  ;  g=205  ;  b=50
   case("77",  "forestgreen")           ;  newname="forestgreen"           ;  r=34   ;  g=139  ;  b=34
   case("78",  "olivedrab")             ;  newname="olivedrab"             ;  r=107  ;  g=142  ;  b=35
   case("79",  "darkkhaki")             ;  newname="darkkhaki"             ;  r=189  ;  g=183  ;  b=107
   case("80",  "khaki")                 ;  newname="khaki"                 ;  r=240  ;  g=230  ;  b=140
   case("81",  "palegoldenrod")         ;  newname="palegoldenrod"         ;  r=238  ;  g=232  ;  b=170
   case("82",  "lightgoldenrodyellow")  ;  newname="lightgoldenrodyellow"  ;  r=250  ;  g=250  ;  b=210
   case("83",  "lightyellow")           ;  newname="lightyellow"           ;  r=255  ;  g=255  ;  b=224
   case("84",  "yellow")                ;  newname="yellow"                ;  r=255  ;  g=255  ;  b=0
   case("85",  "gold")                  ;  newname="gold"                  ;  r=255  ;  g=215  ;  b=0
   case("86",  "lightgoldenrod")        ;  newname="lightgoldenrod"        ;  r=238  ;  g=221  ;  b=130
   case("87",  "goldenrod")             ;  newname="goldenrod"             ;  r=218  ;  g=165  ;  b=32
   case("88",  "darkgoldenrod")         ;  newname="darkgoldenrod"         ;  r=184  ;  g=134  ;  b=11
   case("89",  "rosybrown")             ;  newname="rosybrown"             ;  r=188  ;  g=143  ;  b=143
   case("90",  "indianred")             ;  newname="indianred"             ;  r=205  ;  g=92   ;  b=92
   case("91",  "saddlebrown")           ;  newname="saddlebrown"           ;  r=139  ;  g=69   ;  b=19
   case("92",  "sienna")                ;  newname="sienna"                ;  r=160  ;  g=82   ;  b=45
   case("93",  "peru")                  ;  newname="peru"                  ;  r=205  ;  g=133  ;  b=63
   case("94",  "burlywood")             ;  newname="burlywood"             ;  r=222  ;  g=184  ;  b=135
   case("95",  "beige")                 ;  newname="beige"                 ;  r=245  ;  g=245  ;  b=220
   case("96",  "wheat")                 ;  newname="wheat"                 ;  r=245  ;  g=222  ;  b=179
   case("97",  "sandybrown")            ;  newname="sandybrown"            ;  r=244  ;  g=164  ;  b=96
   case("98",  "tan")                   ;  newname="tan"                   ;  r=210  ;  g=180  ;  b=140
   case("99",  "chocolate")             ;  newname="chocolate"             ;  r=210  ;  g=105  ;  b=30
   case("100", "firebrick")             ;  newname="firebrick"             ;  r=178  ;  g=34   ;  b=34
   case("101", "brown")                 ;  newname="brown"                 ;  r=165  ;  g=42   ;  b=42
   case("102", "darksalmon")            ;  newname="darksalmon"            ;  r=233  ;  g=150  ;  b=122
   case("103", "salmon")                ;  newname="salmon"                ;  r=250  ;  g=128  ;  b=114
   case("104", "lightsalmon")           ;  newname="lightsalmon"           ;  r=255  ;  g=160  ;  b=122
   case("105", "orange")                ;  newname="orange"                ;  r=255  ;  g=165  ;  b=0
   case("106", "darkorange")            ;  newname="darkorange"            ;  r=255  ;  g=140  ;  b=0
   case("107", "coral")                 ;  newname="coral"                 ;  r=255  ;  g=127  ;  b=80
   case("108", "lightcoral")            ;  newname="lightcoral"            ;  r=240  ;  g=128  ;  b=128
   case("109", "tomato")                ;  newname="tomato"                ;  r=255  ;  g=99   ;  b=71
   case("110", "orangered")             ;  newname="orangered"             ;  r=255  ;  g=69   ;  b=0
   case("111", "red")                   ;  newname="red"                   ;  r=255  ;  g=0    ;  b=0
   case("116", "palevioletred")         ;  newname="palevioletred"         ;  r=219  ;  g=112  ;  b=147
   case("117", "maroon")                ;  newname="maroon"                ;  r=176  ;  g=48   ;  b=96
   case("118", "mediumvioletred")       ;  newname="mediumvioletred"       ;  r=199  ;  g=21   ;  b=133
   case("119", "violetred")             ;  newname="violetred"             ;  r=208  ;  g=32   ;  b=144
   case("120", "magenta")               ;  newname="magenta"               ;  r=255  ;  g=0    ;  b=255
   case("121", "violet")                ;  newname="violet"                ;  r=238  ;  g=130  ;  b=238
   case("122", "plum")                  ;  newname="plum"                  ;  r=221  ;  g=160  ;  b=221
   case("123", "orchid")                ;  newname="orchid"                ;  r=218  ;  g=112  ;  b=214
   case("124", "mediumorchid")          ;  newname="mediumorchid"          ;  r=186  ;  g=85   ;  b=211
   case("125", "darkorchid")            ;  newname="darkorchid"            ;  r=153  ;  g=50   ;  b=204
   case("126", "darkviolet")            ;  newname="darkviolet"            ;  r=148  ;  g=0    ;  b=211
   case("127", "blueviolet")            ;  newname="blueviolet"            ;  r=138  ;  g=43   ;  b=226
   case("128", "purple")                ;  newname="purple"                ;  r=160  ;  g=32   ;  b=240
   case("129", "mediumpurple")          ;  newname="mediumpurple"          ;  r=147  ;  g=112  ;  b=219
   case("130", "thistle")               ;  newname="thistle"               ;  r=216  ;  g=191  ;  b=216
   case("131", "snow1")                 ;  newname="snow1"                 ;  r=255  ;  g=250  ;  b=250
   case("132", "snow2")                 ;  newname="snow2"                 ;  r=238  ;  g=233  ;  b=233
   case("133", "snow3")                 ;  newname="snow3"                 ;  r=205  ;  g=201  ;  b=201
   case("134", "snow4")                 ;  newname="snow4"                 ;  r=139  ;  g=137  ;  b=137
   case("135", "seashell1")             ;  newname="seashell1"             ;  r=255  ;  g=245  ;  b=238
   case("136", "seashell2")             ;  newname="seashell2"             ;  r=238  ;  g=229  ;  b=222
   case("137", "seashell3")             ;  newname="seashell3"             ;  r=205  ;  g=197  ;  b=191
   case("138", "seashell4")             ;  newname="seashell4"             ;  r=139  ;  g=134  ;  b=130
   case("139", "antiquewhite1")         ;  newname="antiquewhite1"         ;  r=255  ;  g=239  ;  b=219
   case("140", "antiquewhite2")         ;  newname="antiquewhite2"         ;  r=238  ;  g=223  ;  b=204
   case("141", "antiquewhite3")         ;  newname="antiquewhite3"         ;  r=205  ;  g=192  ;  b=176
   case("142", "antiquewhite4")         ;  newname="antiquewhite4"         ;  r=139  ;  g=131  ;  b=120
   case("143", "bisque1")               ;  newname="bisque1"               ;  r=255  ;  g=228  ;  b=196
   case("144", "bisque2")               ;  newname="bisque2"               ;  r=238  ;  g=213  ;  b=183
   case("145", "bisque3")               ;  newname="bisque3"               ;  r=205  ;  g=183  ;  b=158
   case("146", "bisque4")               ;  newname="bisque4"               ;  r=139  ;  g=125  ;  b=107
   case("147", "peachpuff1")            ;  newname="peachpuff1"            ;  r=255  ;  g=218  ;  b=185
   case("148", "peachpuff2")            ;  newname="peachpuff2"            ;  r=238  ;  g=203  ;  b=173
   case("149", "peachpuff3")            ;  newname="peachpuff3"            ;  r=205  ;  g=175  ;  b=149
   case("150", "peachpuff4")            ;  newname="peachpuff4"            ;  r=139  ;  g=119  ;  b=101
   case("151", "navajowhite1")          ;  newname="navajowhite1"          ;  r=255  ;  g=222  ;  b=173
   case("152", "navajowhite2")          ;  newname="navajowhite2"          ;  r=238  ;  g=207  ;  b=161
   case("153", "navajowhite3")          ;  newname="navajowhite3"          ;  r=205  ;  g=179  ;  b=139
   case("154", "navajowhite4")          ;  newname="navajowhite4"          ;  r=139  ;  g=121  ;  b=94
   case("155", "lemonchiffon1")         ;  newname="lemonchiffon1"         ;  r=255  ;  g=250  ;  b=205
   case("156", "lemonchiffon2")         ;  newname="lemonchiffon2"         ;  r=238  ;  g=233  ;  b=191
   case("157", "lemonchiffon3")         ;  newname="lemonchiffon3"         ;  r=205  ;  g=201  ;  b=165
   case("158", "lemonchiffon4")         ;  newname="lemonchiffon4"         ;  r=139  ;  g=137  ;  b=112
   case("159", "cornsilk1")             ;  newname="cornsilk1"             ;  r=255  ;  g=248  ;  b=220
   case("160", "cornsilk2")             ;  newname="cornsilk2"             ;  r=238  ;  g=232  ;  b=205
   case("161", "cornsilk3")             ;  newname="cornsilk3"             ;  r=205  ;  g=200  ;  b=177
   case("162", "cornsilk4")             ;  newname="cornsilk4"             ;  r=139  ;  g=136  ;  b=120
   case("163", "ivory1")                ;  newname="ivory1"                ;  r=255  ;  g=255  ;  b=240
   case("164", "ivory2")                ;  newname="ivory2"                ;  r=238  ;  g=238  ;  b=224
   case("165", "ivory3")                ;  newname="ivory3"                ;  r=205  ;  g=205  ;  b=193
   case("166", "ivory4")                ;  newname="ivory4"                ;  r=139  ;  g=139  ;  b=131
   case("167", "honeydew1")             ;  newname="honeydew1"             ;  r=240  ;  g=255  ;  b=240
   case("168", "honeydew2")             ;  newname="honeydew2"             ;  r=224  ;  g=238  ;  b=224
   case("169", "honeydew3")             ;  newname="honeydew3"             ;  r=193  ;  g=205  ;  b=193
   case("170", "honeydew4")             ;  newname="honeydew4"             ;  r=131  ;  g=139  ;  b=131
   case("171", "lavenderblush1")        ;  newname="lavenderblush1"        ;  r=255  ;  g=240  ;  b=245
   case("172", "lavenderblush2")        ;  newname="lavenderblush2"        ;  r=238  ;  g=224  ;  b=229
   case("173", "lavenderblush3")        ;  newname="lavenderblush3"        ;  r=205  ;  g=193  ;  b=197
   case("174", "lavenderblush4")        ;  newname="lavenderblush4"        ;  r=139  ;  g=131  ;  b=134
   case("175", "mistyrose1")            ;  newname="mistyrose1"            ;  r=255  ;  g=228  ;  b=225
   case("176", "mistyrose2")            ;  newname="mistyrose2"            ;  r=238  ;  g=213  ;  b=210
   case("177", "mistyrose3")            ;  newname="mistyrose3"            ;  r=205  ;  g=183  ;  b=181
   case("178", "mistyrose4")            ;  newname="mistyrose4"            ;  r=139  ;  g=125  ;  b=123
   case("179", "azure1")                ;  newname="azure1"                ;  r=240  ;  g=255  ;  b=255
   case("180", "azure2")                ;  newname="azure2"                ;  r=224  ;  g=238  ;  b=238
   case("181", "azure3")                ;  newname="azure3"                ;  r=193  ;  g=205  ;  b=205
   case("182", "azure4")                ;  newname="azure4"                ;  r=131  ;  g=139  ;  b=139
   case("183", "slateblue1")            ;  newname="slateblue1"            ;  r=131  ;  g=111  ;  b=255
   case("184", "slateblue2")            ;  newname="slateblue2"            ;  r=122  ;  g=103  ;  b=238
   case("185", "slateblue3")            ;  newname="slateblue3"            ;  r=105  ;  g=89   ;  b=205
   case("186", "slateblue4")            ;  newname="slateblue4"            ;  r=71   ;  g=60   ;  b=139
   case("187", "royalblue1")            ;  newname="royalblue1"            ;  r=72   ;  g=118  ;  b=255
   case("188", "royalblue2")            ;  newname="royalblue2"            ;  r=67   ;  g=110  ;  b=238
   case("189", "royalblue3")            ;  newname="royalblue3"            ;  r=58   ;  g=95   ;  b=205
   case("190", "royalblue4")            ;  newname="royalblue4"            ;  r=39   ;  g=64   ;  b=139
   case("191", "blue1")                 ;  newname="blue1"                 ;  r=0    ;  g=0    ;  b=255
   case("192", "blue2")                 ;  newname="blue2"                 ;  r=0    ;  g=0    ;  b=238
   case("193", "blue3")                 ;  newname="blue3"                 ;  r=0    ;  g=0    ;  b=205
   case("194", "blue4")                 ;  newname="blue4"                 ;  r=0    ;  g=0    ;  b=139
   case("195", "dodgerblue1")           ;  newname="dodgerblue1"           ;  r=30   ;  g=144  ;  b=255
   case("196", "dodgerblue2")           ;  newname="dodgerblue2"           ;  r=28   ;  g=134  ;  b=238
   case("197", "dodgerblue3")           ;  newname="dodgerblue3"           ;  r=24   ;  g=116  ;  b=205
   case("198", "dodgerblue4")           ;  newname="dodgerblue4"           ;  r=16   ;  g=78   ;  b=139
   case("199", "steelblue1")            ;  newname="steelblue1"            ;  r=99   ;  g=184  ;  b=255
   case("200", "steelblue2")            ;  newname="steelblue2"            ;  r=92   ;  g=172  ;  b=238
   case("201", "steelblue3")            ;  newname="steelblue3"            ;  r=79   ;  g=148  ;  b=205
   case("202", "steelblue4")            ;  newname="steelblue4"            ;  r=54   ;  g=100  ;  b=139
   case("203", "deepskyblue1")          ;  newname="deepskyblue1"          ;  r=0    ;  g=191  ;  b=255
   case("204", "deepskyblue2")          ;  newname="deepskyblue2"          ;  r=0    ;  g=178  ;  b=238
   case("205", "deepskyblue3")          ;  newname="deepskyblue3"          ;  r=0    ;  g=154  ;  b=205
   case("206", "deepskyblue4")          ;  newname="deepskyblue4"          ;  r=0    ;  g=104  ;  b=139
   case("207", "skyblue1")              ;  newname="skyblue1"              ;  r=135  ;  g=206  ;  b=255
   case("208", "skyblue2")              ;  newname="skyblue2"              ;  r=126  ;  g=192  ;  b=238
   case("209", "skyblue3")              ;  newname="skyblue3"              ;  r=108  ;  g=166  ;  b=205
   case("210", "skyblue4")              ;  newname="skyblue4"              ;  r=74   ;  g=112  ;  b=139
   case("211", "lightskyblue1")         ;  newname="lightskyblue1"         ;  r=176  ;  g=226  ;  b=255
   case("212", "lightskyblue2")         ;  newname="lightskyblue2"         ;  r=164  ;  g=211  ;  b=238
   case("213", "lightskyblue3")         ;  newname="lightskyblue3"         ;  r=141  ;  g=182  ;  b=205
   case("214", "lightskyblue4")         ;  newname="lightskyblue4"         ;  r=96   ;  g=123  ;  b=139
   case("215", "slategray1")            ;  newname="slategray1"            ;  r=198  ;  g=226  ;  b=255
   case("216", "slategray2")            ;  newname="slategray2"            ;  r=185  ;  g=211  ;  b=238
   case("217", "slategray3")            ;  newname="slategray3"            ;  r=159  ;  g=182  ;  b=205
   case("218", "slategray4")            ;  newname="slategray4"            ;  r=108  ;  g=123  ;  b=139
   case("219", "lightsteelblue1")       ;  newname="lightsteelblue1"       ;  r=202  ;  g=225  ;  b=255
   case("220", "lightsteelblue2")       ;  newname="lightsteelblue2"       ;  r=188  ;  g=210  ;  b=238
   case("221", "lightsteelblue3")       ;  newname="lightsteelblue3"       ;  r=162  ;  g=181  ;  b=205
   case("222", "lightsteelblue4")       ;  newname="lightsteelblue4"       ;  r=110  ;  g=123  ;  b=139
   case("223", "lightblue1")            ;  newname="lightblue1"            ;  r=191  ;  g=239  ;  b=255
   case("224", "lightblue2")            ;  newname="lightblue2"            ;  r=178  ;  g=223  ;  b=238
   case("225", "lightblue3")            ;  newname="lightblue3"            ;  r=154  ;  g=192  ;  b=205
   case("226", "lightblue4")            ;  newname="lightblue4"            ;  r=104  ;  g=131  ;  b=139
   case("227", "lightcyan1")            ;  newname="lightcyan1"            ;  r=224  ;  g=255  ;  b=255
   case("228", "lightcyan2")            ;  newname="lightcyan2"            ;  r=209  ;  g=238  ;  b=238
   case("229", "lightcyan3")            ;  newname="lightcyan3"            ;  r=180  ;  g=205  ;  b=205
   case("230", "lightcyan4")            ;  newname="lightcyan4"            ;  r=122  ;  g=139  ;  b=139
   case("231", "paleturquoise1")        ;  newname="paleturquoise1"        ;  r=187  ;  g=255  ;  b=255
   case("232", "paleturquoise2")        ;  newname="paleturquoise2"        ;  r=174  ;  g=238  ;  b=238
   case("233", "paleturquoise3")        ;  newname="paleturquoise3"        ;  r=150  ;  g=205  ;  b=205
   case("234", "paleturquoise4")        ;  newname="paleturquoise4"        ;  r=102  ;  g=139  ;  b=139
   case("235", "cadetblue1")            ;  newname="cadetblue1"            ;  r=152  ;  g=245  ;  b=255
   case("236", "cadetblue2")            ;  newname="cadetblue2"            ;  r=142  ;  g=229  ;  b=238
   case("237", "cadetblue3")            ;  newname="cadetblue3"            ;  r=122  ;  g=197  ;  b=205
   case("238", "cadetblue4")            ;  newname="cadetblue4"            ;  r=83   ;  g=134  ;  b=139
   case("239", "turquoise1")            ;  newname="turquoise1"            ;  r=0    ;  g=245  ;  b=255
   case("240", "turquoise2")            ;  newname="turquoise2"            ;  r=0    ;  g=229  ;  b=238
   case("241", "turquoise3")            ;  newname="turquoise3"            ;  r=0    ;  g=197  ;  b=205
   case("242", "turquoise4")            ;  newname="turquoise4"            ;  r=0    ;  g=134  ;  b=139
   case("243", "cyan1")                 ;  newname="cyan1"                 ;  r=0    ;  g=255  ;  b=255
   case("244", "cyan2")                 ;  newname="cyan2"                 ;  r=0    ;  g=238  ;  b=238
   case("245", "cyan3")                 ;  newname="cyan3"                 ;  r=0    ;  g=205  ;  b=205
   case("246", "cyan4")                 ;  newname="cyan4"                 ;  r=0    ;  g=139  ;  b=139
   case("247", "darkslategray1")        ;  newname="darkslategray1"        ;  r=151  ;  g=255  ;  b=255
   case("248", "darkslategray2")        ;  newname="darkslategray2"        ;  r=141  ;  g=238  ;  b=238
   case("249", "darkslategray3")        ;  newname="darkslategray3"        ;  r=121  ;  g=205  ;  b=205
   case("250", "darkslategray4")        ;  newname="darkslategray4"        ;  r=82   ;  g=139  ;  b=139
   case("251", "aquamarine1")           ;  newname="aquamarine1"           ;  r=127  ;  g=255  ;  b=212
   case("252", "aquamarine2")           ;  newname="aquamarine2"           ;  r=118  ;  g=238  ;  b=198
   case("253", "aquamarine3")           ;  newname="aquamarine3"           ;  r=102  ;  g=205  ;  b=170
   case("254", "aquamarine4")           ;  newname="aquamarine4"           ;  r=69   ;  g=139  ;  b=116
   case("255", "darkseagreen1")         ;  newname="darkseagreen1"         ;  r=193  ;  g=255  ;  b=193
   case("256", "darkseagreen2")         ;  newname="darkseagreen2"         ;  r=180  ;  g=238  ;  b=180
   case("257", "darkseagreen3")         ;  newname="darkseagreen3"         ;  r=155  ;  g=205  ;  b=155
   case("258", "darkseagreen4")         ;  newname="darkseagreen4"         ;  r=105  ;  g=139  ;  b=105
   case("259", "seagreen1")             ;  newname="seagreen1"             ;  r=84   ;  g=255  ;  b=159
   case("260", "seagreen2")             ;  newname="seagreen2"             ;  r=78   ;  g=238  ;  b=148
   case("261", "seagreen3")             ;  newname="seagreen3"             ;  r=67   ;  g=205  ;  b=128
   case("262", "seagreen4")             ;  newname="seagreen4"             ;  r=46   ;  g=139  ;  b=87
   case("263", "palegreen1")            ;  newname="palegreen1"            ;  r=154  ;  g=255  ;  b=154
   case("264", "palegreen2")            ;  newname="palegreen2"            ;  r=144  ;  g=238  ;  b=144
   case("265", "palegreen3")            ;  newname="palegreen3"            ;  r=124  ;  g=205  ;  b=124
   case("266", "palegreen4")            ;  newname="palegreen4"            ;  r=84   ;  g=139  ;  b=84
   case("267", "springgreen1")          ;  newname="springgreen1"          ;  r=0    ;  g=255  ;  b=127
   case("268", "springgreen2")          ;  newname="springgreen2"          ;  r=0    ;  g=238  ;  b=118
   case("269", "springgreen3")          ;  newname="springgreen3"          ;  r=0    ;  g=205  ;  b=102
   case("270", "springgreen4")          ;  newname="springgreen4"          ;  r=0    ;  g=139  ;  b=69
   case("271", "green1")                ;  newname="green1"                ;  r=0    ;  g=255  ;  b=0
   case("272", "green2")                ;  newname="green2"                ;  r=0    ;  g=238  ;  b=0
   case("273", "green3")                ;  newname="green3"                ;  r=0    ;  g=205  ;  b=0
   case("274", "green4")                ;  newname="green4"                ;  r=0    ;  g=139  ;  b=0
   case("275", "chartreuse1")           ;  newname="chartreuse1"           ;  r=127  ;  g=255  ;  b=0
   case("276", "chartreuse2")           ;  newname="chartreuse2"           ;  r=118  ;  g=238  ;  b=0
   case("277", "chartreuse3")           ;  newname="chartreuse3"           ;  r=102  ;  g=205  ;  b=0
   case("278", "chartreuse4")           ;  newname="chartreuse4"           ;  r=69   ;  g=139  ;  b=0
   case("279", "olivedrab1")            ;  newname="olivedrab1"            ;  r=192  ;  g=255  ;  b=62
   case("280", "olivedrab2")            ;  newname="olivedrab2"            ;  r=179  ;  g=238  ;  b=58
   case("281", "olivedrab3")            ;  newname="olivedrab3"            ;  r=154  ;  g=205  ;  b=50
   case("282", "olivedrab4")            ;  newname="olivedrab4"            ;  r=105  ;  g=139  ;  b=34
   case("283", "darkolivegreen1")       ;  newname="darkolivegreen1"       ;  r=202  ;  g=255  ;  b=112
   case("284", "darkolivegreen2")       ;  newname="darkolivegreen2"       ;  r=188  ;  g=238  ;  b=104
   case("285", "darkolivegreen3")       ;  newname="darkolivegreen3"       ;  r=162  ;  g=205  ;  b=90
   case("286", "darkolivegreen4")       ;  newname="darkolivegreen4"       ;  r=110  ;  g=139  ;  b=61
   case("287", "khaki1")                ;  newname="khaki1"                ;  r=255  ;  g=246  ;  b=143
   case("288", "khaki2")                ;  newname="khaki2"                ;  r=238  ;  g=230  ;  b=133
   case("289", "khaki3")                ;  newname="khaki3"                ;  r=205  ;  g=198  ;  b=115
   case("290", "khaki4")                ;  newname="khaki4"                ;  r=139  ;  g=134  ;  b=78
   case("291", "lightgoldenrod1")       ;  newname="lightgoldenrod1"       ;  r=255  ;  g=236  ;  b=139
   case("292", "lightgoldenrod2")       ;  newname="lightgoldenrod2"       ;  r=238  ;  g=220  ;  b=130
   case("293", "lightgoldenrod3")       ;  newname="lightgoldenrod3"       ;  r=205  ;  g=190  ;  b=112
   case("294", "lightgoldenrod4")       ;  newname="lightgoldenrod4"       ;  r=139  ;  g=129  ;  b=76
   case("295", "lightyellow1")          ;  newname="lightyellow1"          ;  r=255  ;  g=255  ;  b=224
   case("296", "lightyellow2")          ;  newname="lightyellow2"          ;  r=238  ;  g=238  ;  b=209
   case("297", "lightyellow3")          ;  newname="lightyellow3"          ;  r=205  ;  g=205  ;  b=180
   case("298", "lightyellow4")          ;  newname="lightyellow4"          ;  r=139  ;  g=139  ;  b=122
   case("299", "yellow1")               ;  newname="yellow1"               ;  r=255  ;  g=255  ;  b=0
   case("300", "yellow2")               ;  newname="yellow2"               ;  r=238  ;  g=238  ;  b=0
   case("301", "yellow3")               ;  newname="yellow3"               ;  r=205  ;  g=205  ;  b=0
   case("302", "yellow4")               ;  newname="yellow4"               ;  r=139  ;  g=139  ;  b=0
   case("303", "gold1")                 ;  newname="gold1"                 ;  r=255  ;  g=215  ;  b=0
   case("304", "gold2")                 ;  newname="gold2"                 ;  r=238  ;  g=201  ;  b=0
   case("305", "gold3")                 ;  newname="gold3"                 ;  r=205  ;  g=173  ;  b=0
   case("306", "gold4")                 ;  newname="gold4"                 ;  r=139  ;  g=117  ;  b=0
   case("307", "goldenrod1")            ;  newname="goldenrod1"            ;  r=255  ;  g=193  ;  b=37
   case("308", "goldenrod2")            ;  newname="goldenrod2"            ;  r=238  ;  g=180  ;  b=34
   case("309", "goldenrod3")            ;  newname="goldenrod3"            ;  r=205  ;  g=155  ;  b=29
   case("310", "goldenrod4")            ;  newname="goldenrod4"            ;  r=139  ;  g=105  ;  b=20
   case("311", "darkgoldenrod1")        ;  newname="darkgoldenrod1"        ;  r=255  ;  g=185  ;  b=15
   case("312", "darkgoldenrod2")        ;  newname="darkgoldenrod2"        ;  r=238  ;  g=173  ;  b=14
   case("313", "darkgoldenrod3")        ;  newname="darkgoldenrod3"        ;  r=205  ;  g=149  ;  b=12
   case("314", "darkgoldenrod4")        ;  newname="darkgoldenrod4"        ;  r=139  ;  g=101  ;  b=8
   case("315", "rosybrown1")            ;  newname="rosybrown1"            ;  r=255  ;  g=193  ;  b=193
   case("316", "rosybrown2")            ;  newname="rosybrown2"            ;  r=238  ;  g=180  ;  b=180
   case("317", "rosybrown3")            ;  newname="rosybrown3"            ;  r=205  ;  g=155  ;  b=155
   case("318", "rosybrown4")            ;  newname="rosybrown4"            ;  r=139  ;  g=105  ;  b=105
   case("319", "indianred1")            ;  newname="indianred1"            ;  r=255  ;  g=106  ;  b=106
   case("320", "indianred2")            ;  newname="indianred2"            ;  r=238  ;  g=99   ;  b=99
   case("321", "indianred3")            ;  newname="indianred3"            ;  r=205  ;  g=85   ;  b=85
   case("322", "indianred4")            ;  newname="indianred4"            ;  r=139  ;  g=58   ;  b=58
   case("323", "sienna1")               ;  newname="sienna1"               ;  r=255  ;  g=130  ;  b=71
   case("324", "sienna2")               ;  newname="sienna2"               ;  r=238  ;  g=121  ;  b=66
   case("325", "sienna3")               ;  newname="sienna3"               ;  r=205  ;  g=104  ;  b=57
   case("326", "sienna4")               ;  newname="sienna4"               ;  r=139  ;  g=71   ;  b=38
   case("327", "burlywood1")            ;  newname="burlywood1"            ;  r=255  ;  g=211  ;  b=155
   case("328", "burlywood2")            ;  newname="burlywood2"            ;  r=238  ;  g=197  ;  b=145
   case("329", "burlywood3")            ;  newname="burlywood3"            ;  r=205  ;  g=170  ;  b=125
   case("330", "burlywood4")            ;  newname="burlywood4"            ;  r=139  ;  g=115  ;  b=85
   case("331", "wheat1")                ;  newname="wheat1"                ;  r=255  ;  g=231  ;  b=186
   case("332", "wheat2")                ;  newname="wheat2"                ;  r=238  ;  g=216  ;  b=174
   case("333", "wheat3")                ;  newname="wheat3"                ;  r=205  ;  g=186  ;  b=150
   case("334", "wheat4")                ;  newname="wheat4"                ;  r=139  ;  g=126  ;  b=102
   case("335", "tan1")                  ;  newname="tan1"                  ;  r=255  ;  g=165  ;  b=79
   case("336", "tan2")                  ;  newname="tan2"                  ;  r=238  ;  g=154  ;  b=73
   case("337", "tan3")                  ;  newname="tan3"                  ;  r=205  ;  g=133  ;  b=63
   case("338", "tan4")                  ;  newname="tan4"                  ;  r=139  ;  g=90   ;  b=43
   case("339", "chocolate1")            ;  newname="chocolate1"            ;  r=255  ;  g=127  ;  b=36
   case("340", "chocolate2")            ;  newname="chocolate2"            ;  r=238  ;  g=118  ;  b=33
   case("341", "chocolate3")            ;  newname="chocolate3"            ;  r=205  ;  g=102  ;  b=29
   case("342", "chocolate4")            ;  newname="chocolate4"            ;  r=139  ;  g=69   ;  b=19
   case("343", "firebrick1")            ;  newname="firebrick1"            ;  r=255  ;  g=48   ;  b=48
   case("344", "firebrick2")            ;  newname="firebrick2"            ;  r=238  ;  g=44   ;  b=44
   case("345", "firebrick3")            ;  newname="firebrick3"            ;  r=205  ;  g=38   ;  b=38
   case("346", "firebrick4")            ;  newname="firebrick4"            ;  r=139  ;  g=26   ;  b=26
   case("347", "brown1")                ;  newname="brown1"                ;  r=255  ;  g=64   ;  b=64
   case("348", "brown2")                ;  newname="brown2"                ;  r=238  ;  g=59   ;  b=59
   case("349", "brown3")                ;  newname="brown3"                ;  r=205  ;  g=51   ;  b=51
   case("350", "brown4")                ;  newname="brown4"                ;  r=139  ;  g=35   ;  b=35
   case("351", "salmon1")               ;  newname="salmon1"               ;  r=255  ;  g=140  ;  b=105
   case("352", "salmon2")               ;  newname="salmon2"               ;  r=238  ;  g=130  ;  b=98
   case("353", "salmon3")               ;  newname="salmon3"               ;  r=205  ;  g=112  ;  b=84
   case("354", "salmon4")               ;  newname="salmon4"               ;  r=139  ;  g=76   ;  b=57
   case("355", "lightsalmon1")          ;  newname="lightsalmon1"          ;  r=255  ;  g=160  ;  b=122
   case("356", "lightsalmon2")          ;  newname="lightsalmon2"          ;  r=238  ;  g=149  ;  b=114
   case("357", "lightsalmon3")          ;  newname="lightsalmon3"          ;  r=205  ;  g=129  ;  b=98
   case("358", "lightsalmon4")          ;  newname="lightsalmon4"          ;  r=139  ;  g=87   ;  b=66
   case("359", "orange1")               ;  newname="orange1"               ;  r=255  ;  g=165  ;  b=0
   case("360", "orange2")               ;  newname="orange2"               ;  r=238  ;  g=154  ;  b=0
   case("361", "orange3")               ;  newname="orange3"               ;  r=205  ;  g=133  ;  b=0
   case("362", "orange4")               ;  newname="orange4"               ;  r=139  ;  g=90   ;  b=0
   case("363", "darkorange1")           ;  newname="darkorange1"           ;  r=255  ;  g=127  ;  b=0
   case("364", "darkorange2")           ;  newname="darkorange2"           ;  r=238  ;  g=118  ;  b=0
   case("365", "darkorange3")           ;  newname="darkorange3"           ;  r=205  ;  g=102  ;  b=0
   case("366", "darkorange4")           ;  newname="darkorange4"           ;  r=139  ;  g=69   ;  b=0
   case("367", "coral1")                ;  newname="coral1"                ;  r=255  ;  g=114  ;  b=86
   case("368", "coral2")                ;  newname="coral2"                ;  r=238  ;  g=106  ;  b=80
   case("369", "coral3")                ;  newname="coral3"                ;  r=205  ;  g=91   ;  b=69
   case("370", "coral4")                ;  newname="coral4"                ;  r=139  ;  g=62   ;  b=47
   case("371", "tomato1")               ;  newname="tomato1"               ;  r=255  ;  g=99   ;  b=71
   case("372", "tomato2")               ;  newname="tomato2"               ;  r=238  ;  g=92   ;  b=66
   case("373", "tomato3")               ;  newname="tomato3"               ;  r=205  ;  g=79   ;  b=57
   case("374", "tomato4")               ;  newname="tomato4"               ;  r=139  ;  g=54   ;  b=38
   case("375", "orangered1")            ;  newname="orangered1"            ;  r=255  ;  g=69   ;  b=0
   case("376", "orangered2")            ;  newname="orangered2"            ;  r=238  ;  g=64   ;  b=0
   case("377", "orangered3")            ;  newname="orangered3"            ;  r=205  ;  g=55   ;  b=0
   case("378", "orangered4")            ;  newname="orangered4"            ;  r=139  ;  g=37   ;  b=0
   case("379", "red1")                  ;  newname="red1"                  ;  r=255  ;  g=0    ;  b=0
   case("380", "red2")                  ;  newname="red2"                  ;  r=238  ;  g=0    ;  b=0
   case("381", "red3")                  ;  newname="red3"                  ;  r=205  ;  g=0    ;  b=0
   case("382", "red4")                  ;  newname="red4"                  ;  r=139  ;  g=0    ;  b=0
   case("112", "hotpink")               ;  newname="hotpink"               ;  r=255  ;  g=105  ;  b=180
   case("113", "deeppink")              ;  newname="deeppink"              ;  r=255  ;  g=20   ;  b=147
   case("115", "lightpink")             ;  newname="lightpink"             ;  r=255  ;  g=182  ;  b=193
   case("383", "deeppink1")             ;  newname="deeppink1"             ;  r=255  ;  g=20   ;  b=147
   case("384", "deeppink2")             ;  newname="deeppink2"             ;  r=238  ;  g=18   ;  b=137
   case("385", "deeppink3")             ;  newname="deeppink3"             ;  r=205  ;  g=16   ;  b=118
   case("386", "deeppink4")             ;  newname="deeppink4"             ;  r=139  ;  g=10   ;  b=80
   case("387", "hotpink1")              ;  newname="hotpink1"              ;  r=255  ;  g=110  ;  b=180
   case("388", "hotpink2")              ;  newname="hotpink2"              ;  r=238  ;  g=106  ;  b=167
   case("389", "hotpink3")              ;  newname="hotpink3"              ;  r=205  ;  g=96   ;  b=144
   case("390", "hotpink4")              ;  newname="hotpink4"              ;  r=139  ;  g=58   ;  b=98
   case("114", "pink")                  ;  newname="pink"                  ;  r=255  ;  g=192  ;  b=203
   case("391", "pink1")                 ;  newname="pink1"                 ;  r=255  ;  g=181  ;  b=197
   case("392", "pink2")                 ;  newname="pink2"                 ;  r=238  ;  g=169  ;  b=184
   case("393", "pink3")                 ;  newname="pink3"                 ;  r=205  ;  g=145  ;  b=158
   case("394", "pink4")                 ;  newname="pink4"                 ;  r=139  ;  g=99   ;  b=108
   case("395", "lightpink1")            ;  newname="lightpink1"            ;  r=255  ;  g=174  ;  b=185
   case("396", "lightpink2")            ;  newname="lightpink2"            ;  r=238  ;  g=162  ;  b=173
   case("397", "lightpink3")            ;  newname="lightpink3"            ;  r=205  ;  g=140  ;  b=149
   case("398", "lightpink4")            ;  newname="lightpink4"            ;  r=139  ;  g=95   ;  b=101
   case("399", "palevioletred1")        ;  newname="palevioletred1"        ;  r=255  ;  g=130  ;  b=171
   case("400", "palevioletred2")        ;  newname="palevioletred2"        ;  r=238  ;  g=121  ;  b=159
   case("401", "palevioletred3")        ;  newname="palevioletred3"        ;  r=205  ;  g=104  ;  b=137
   case("402", "palevioletred4")        ;  newname="palevioletred4"        ;  r=139  ;  g=71   ;  b=93
   case("403", "maroon1")               ;  newname="maroon1"               ;  r=255  ;  g=52   ;  b=179
   case("404", "maroon2")               ;  newname="maroon2"               ;  r=238  ;  g=48   ;  b=167
   case("405", "maroon3")               ;  newname="maroon3"               ;  r=205  ;  g=41   ;  b=144
   case("406", "maroon4")               ;  newname="maroon4"               ;  r=139  ;  g=28   ;  b=98
   case("407", "violetred1")            ;  newname="violetred1"            ;  r=255  ;  g=62   ;  b=150
   case("408", "violetred2")            ;  newname="violetred2"            ;  r=238  ;  g=58   ;  b=140
   case("409", "violetred3")            ;  newname="violetred3"            ;  r=205  ;  g=50   ;  b=120
   case("410", "violetred4")            ;  newname="violetred4"            ;  r=139  ;  g=34   ;  b=82
   case("411", "magenta1")              ;  newname="magenta1"              ;  r=255  ;  g=0    ;  b=255
   case("412", "magenta2")              ;  newname="magenta2"              ;  r=238  ;  g=0    ;  b=238
   case("413", "magenta3")              ;  newname="magenta3"              ;  r=205  ;  g=0    ;  b=205
   case("414", "magenta4")              ;  newname="magenta4"              ;  r=139  ;  g=0    ;  b=139
   case("415", "orchid1")               ;  newname="orchid1"               ;  r=255  ;  g=131  ;  b=250
   case("416", "orchid2")               ;  newname="orchid2"               ;  r=238  ;  g=122  ;  b=233
   case("417", "orchid3")               ;  newname="orchid3"               ;  r=205  ;  g=105  ;  b=201
   case("418", "orchid4")               ;  newname="orchid4"               ;  r=139  ;  g=71   ;  b=137
   case("419", "plum1")                 ;  newname="plum1"                 ;  r=255  ;  g=187  ;  b=255
   case("420", "plum2")                 ;  newname="plum2"                 ;  r=238  ;  g=174  ;  b=238
   case("421", "plum3")                 ;  newname="plum3"                 ;  r=205  ;  g=150  ;  b=205
   case("422", "plum4")                 ;  newname="plum4"                 ;  r=139  ;  g=102  ;  b=139
   case("423", "mediumorchid1")         ;  newname="mediumorchid1"         ;  r=224  ;  g=102  ;  b=255
   case("424", "mediumorchid2")         ;  newname="mediumorchid2"         ;  r=209  ;  g=95   ;  b=238
   case("425", "mediumorchid3")         ;  newname="mediumorchid3"         ;  r=180  ;  g=82   ;  b=205
   case("426", "mediumorchid4")         ;  newname="mediumorchid4"         ;  r=122  ;  g=55   ;  b=139
   case("427", "darkorchid1")           ;  newname="darkorchid1"           ;  r=191  ;  g=62   ;  b=255
   case("428", "darkorchid2")           ;  newname="darkorchid2"           ;  r=178  ;  g=58   ;  b=238
   case("429", "darkorchid3")           ;  newname="darkorchid3"           ;  r=154  ;  g=50   ;  b=205
   case("430", "darkorchid4")           ;  newname="darkorchid4"           ;  r=104  ;  g=34   ;  b=139
   case("431", "purple1")               ;  newname="purple1"               ;  r=155  ;  g=48   ;  b=255
   case("432", "purple2")               ;  newname="purple2"               ;  r=145  ;  g=44   ;  b=238
   case("433", "purple3")               ;  newname="purple3"               ;  r=125  ;  g=38   ;  b=205
   case("434", "purple4")               ;  newname="purple4"               ;  r=85   ;  g=26   ;  b=139
   case("435", "mediumpurple1")         ;  newname="mediumpurple1"         ;  r=171  ;  g=130  ;  b=255
   case("436", "mediumpurple2")         ;  newname="mediumpurple2"         ;  r=159  ;  g=121  ;  b=238
   case("437", "mediumpurple3")         ;  newname="mediumpurple3"         ;  r=137  ;  g=104  ;  b=205
   case("438", "mediumpurple4")         ;  newname="mediumpurple4"         ;  r=93   ;  g=71   ;  b=139
   case("439", "thistle1")              ;  newname="thistle1"              ;  r=255  ;  g=225  ;  b=255
   case("440", "thistle2")              ;  newname="thistle2"              ;  r=238  ;  g=210  ;  b=238
   case("441", "thistle3")              ;  newname="thistle3"              ;  r=205  ;  g=181  ;  b=205
   case("442", "thistle4")              ;  newname="thistle4"              ;  r=139  ;  g=123  ;  b=139
   case("443", "gray0")                 ;  newname="gray0"                 ;  r=0    ;  g=0    ;  b=0
   case("444", "gray1")                 ;  newname="gray1"                 ;  r=3    ;  g=3    ;  b=3
   case("445", "gray2")                 ;  newname="gray2"                 ;  r=5    ;  g=5    ;  b=5
   case("446", "gray3")                 ;  newname="gray3"                 ;  r=8    ;  g=8    ;  b=8
   case("447", "gray4")                 ;  newname="gray4"                 ;  r=10   ;  g=10   ;  b=10
   case("448", "gray5")                 ;  newname="gray5"                 ;  r=13   ;  g=13   ;  b=13
   case("449", "gray6")                 ;  newname="gray6"                 ;  r=15   ;  g=15   ;  b=15
   case("450", "gray7")                 ;  newname="gray7"                 ;  r=18   ;  g=18   ;  b=18
   case("451", "gray8")                 ;  newname="gray8"                 ;  r=20   ;  g=20   ;  b=20
   case("452", "gray9")                 ;  newname="gray9"                 ;  r=23   ;  g=23   ;  b=23
   case("453", "gray10")                ;  newname="gray10"                ;  r=26   ;  g=26   ;  b=26
   case("454", "gray11")                ;  newname="gray11"                ;  r=28   ;  g=28   ;  b=28
   case("455", "gray12")                ;  newname="gray12"                ;  r=31   ;  g=31   ;  b=31
   case("456", "gray13")                ;  newname="gray13"                ;  r=33   ;  g=33   ;  b=33
   case("457", "gray14")                ;  newname="gray14"                ;  r=36   ;  g=36   ;  b=36
   case("458", "gray15")                ;  newname="gray15"                ;  r=38   ;  g=38   ;  b=38
   case("459", "gray16")                ;  newname="gray16"                ;  r=41   ;  g=41   ;  b=41
   case("460", "gray17")                ;  newname="gray17"                ;  r=43   ;  g=43   ;  b=43
   case("461", "gray18")                ;  newname="gray18"                ;  r=46   ;  g=46   ;  b=46
   case("462", "gray19")                ;  newname="gray19"                ;  r=48   ;  g=48   ;  b=48
   case("463", "gray20")                ;  newname="gray20"                ;  r=51   ;  g=51   ;  b=51
   case("464", "gray21")                ;  newname="gray21"                ;  r=54   ;  g=54   ;  b=54
   case("465", "gray22")                ;  newname="gray22"                ;  r=56   ;  g=56   ;  b=56
   case("466", "gray23")                ;  newname="gray23"                ;  r=59   ;  g=59   ;  b=59
   case("467", "gray24")                ;  newname="gray24"                ;  r=61   ;  g=61   ;  b=61
   case("468", "gray25")                ;  newname="gray25"                ;  r=64   ;  g=64   ;  b=64
   case("469", "gray26")                ;  newname="gray26"                ;  r=66   ;  g=66   ;  b=66
   case("470", "gray27")                ;  newname="gray27"                ;  r=69   ;  g=69   ;  b=69
   case("471", "gray28")                ;  newname="gray28"                ;  r=71   ;  g=71   ;  b=71
   case("472", "gray29")                ;  newname="gray29"                ;  r=74   ;  g=74   ;  b=74
   case("473", "gray30")                ;  newname="gray30"                ;  r=77   ;  g=77   ;  b=77
   case("474", "gray31")                ;  newname="gray31"                ;  r=79   ;  g=79   ;  b=79
   case("475", "gray32")                ;  newname="gray32"                ;  r=82   ;  g=82   ;  b=82
   case("476", "gray33")                ;  newname="gray33"                ;  r=84   ;  g=84   ;  b=84
   case("477", "gray34")                ;  newname="gray34"                ;  r=87   ;  g=87   ;  b=87
   case("478", "gray35")                ;  newname="gray35"                ;  r=89   ;  g=89   ;  b=89
   case("479", "gray36")                ;  newname="gray36"                ;  r=92   ;  g=92   ;  b=92
   case("480", "gray37")                ;  newname="gray37"                ;  r=94   ;  g=94   ;  b=94
   case("481", "gray38")                ;  newname="gray38"                ;  r=97   ;  g=97   ;  b=97
   case("482", "gray39")                ;  newname="gray39"                ;  r=99   ;  g=99   ;  b=99
   case("483", "gray40")                ;  newname="gray40"                ;  r=102  ;  g=102  ;  b=102
   case("484", "gray41")                ;  newname="gray41"                ;  r=105  ;  g=105  ;  b=105
   case("485", "gray42")                ;  newname="gray42"                ;  r=107  ;  g=107  ;  b=107
   case("486", "gray43")                ;  newname="gray43"                ;  r=110  ;  g=110  ;  b=110
   case("487", "gray44")                ;  newname="gray44"                ;  r=112  ;  g=112  ;  b=112
   case("488", "gray45")                ;  newname="gray45"                ;  r=115  ;  g=115  ;  b=115
   case("489", "gray46")                ;  newname="gray46"                ;  r=117  ;  g=117  ;  b=117
   case("490", "gray47")                ;  newname="gray47"                ;  r=120  ;  g=120  ;  b=120
   case("491", "gray48")                ;  newname="gray48"                ;  r=122  ;  g=122  ;  b=122
   case("492", "gray49")                ;  newname="gray49"                ;  r=125  ;  g=125  ;  b=125
   case("493", "gray50")                ;  newname="gray50"                ;  r=127  ;  g=127  ;  b=127
   case("494", "gray51")                ;  newname="gray51"                ;  r=130  ;  g=130  ;  b=130
   case("495", "gray52")                ;  newname="gray52"                ;  r=133  ;  g=133  ;  b=133
   case("496", "gray53")                ;  newname="gray53"                ;  r=135  ;  g=135  ;  b=135
   case("497", "gray54")                ;  newname="gray54"                ;  r=138  ;  g=138  ;  b=138
   case("498", "gray55")                ;  newname="gray55"                ;  r=140  ;  g=140  ;  b=140
   case("499", "gray56")                ;  newname="gray56"                ;  r=143  ;  g=143  ;  b=143
   case("500", "gray57")                ;  newname="gray57"                ;  r=145  ;  g=145  ;  b=145
   case("501", "gray58")                ;  newname="gray58"                ;  r=148  ;  g=148  ;  b=148
   case("502", "gray59")                ;  newname="gray59"                ;  r=150  ;  g=150  ;  b=150
   case("503", "gray60")                ;  newname="gray60"                ;  r=153  ;  g=153  ;  b=153
   case("504", "gray61")                ;  newname="gray61"                ;  r=156  ;  g=156  ;  b=156
   case("505", "gray62")                ;  newname="gray62"                ;  r=158  ;  g=158  ;  b=158
   case("506", "gray63")                ;  newname="gray63"                ;  r=161  ;  g=161  ;  b=161
   case("507", "gray64")                ;  newname="gray64"                ;  r=163  ;  g=163  ;  b=163
   case("508", "gray65")                ;  newname="gray65"                ;  r=166  ;  g=166  ;  b=166
   case("509", "gray66")                ;  newname="gray66"                ;  r=168  ;  g=168  ;  b=168
   case("510", "gray67")                ;  newname="gray67"                ;  r=171  ;  g=171  ;  b=171
   case("511", "gray68")                ;  newname="gray68"                ;  r=173  ;  g=173  ;  b=173
   case("512", "gray69")                ;  newname="gray69"                ;  r=176  ;  g=176  ;  b=176
   case("513", "gray70")                ;  newname="gray70"                ;  r=179  ;  g=179  ;  b=179
   case("514", "gray71")                ;  newname="gray71"                ;  r=181  ;  g=181  ;  b=181
   case("515", "gray72")                ;  newname="gray72"                ;  r=184  ;  g=184  ;  b=184
   case("516", "gray73")                ;  newname="gray73"                ;  r=186  ;  g=186  ;  b=186
   case("517", "gray74")                ;  newname="gray74"                ;  r=189  ;  g=189  ;  b=189
   case("518", "gray75")                ;  newname="gray75"                ;  r=191  ;  g=191  ;  b=191
   case("519", "gray76")                ;  newname="gray76"                ;  r=194  ;  g=194  ;  b=194
   case("520", "gray77")                ;  newname="gray77"                ;  r=196  ;  g=196  ;  b=196
   case("521", "gray78")                ;  newname="gray78"                ;  r=199  ;  g=199  ;  b=199
   case("522", "gray79")                ;  newname="gray79"                ;  r=201  ;  g=201  ;  b=201
   case("523", "gray80")                ;  newname="gray80"                ;  r=204  ;  g=204  ;  b=204
   case("524", "gray81")                ;  newname="gray81"                ;  r=207  ;  g=207  ;  b=207
   case("525", "gray82")                ;  newname="gray82"                ;  r=209  ;  g=209  ;  b=209
   case("526", "gray83")                ;  newname="gray83"                ;  r=212  ;  g=212  ;  b=212
   case("527", "gray84")                ;  newname="gray84"                ;  r=214  ;  g=214  ;  b=214
   case("528", "gray85")                ;  newname="gray85"                ;  r=217  ;  g=217  ;  b=217
   case("529", "gray86")                ;  newname="gray86"                ;  r=219  ;  g=219  ;  b=219
   case("530", "gray87")                ;  newname="gray87"                ;  r=222  ;  g=222  ;  b=222
   case("531", "gray88")                ;  newname="gray88"                ;  r=224  ;  g=224  ;  b=224
   case("532", "gray89")                ;  newname="gray89"                ;  r=227  ;  g=227  ;  b=227
   case("533", "gray90")                ;  newname="gray90"                ;  r=229  ;  g=229  ;  b=229
   case("534", "gray91")                ;  newname="gray91"                ;  r=232  ;  g=232  ;  b=232
   case("535", "gray92")                ;  newname="gray92"                ;  r=235  ;  g=235  ;  b=235
   case("536", "gray93")                ;  newname="gray93"                ;  r=237  ;  g=237  ;  b=237
   case("537", "gray94")                ;  newname="gray94"                ;  r=240  ;  g=240  ;  b=240
   case("538", "gray95")                ;  newname="gray95"                ;  r=242  ;  g=242  ;  b=242
   case("539", "gray96")                ;  newname="gray96"                ;  r=245  ;  g=245  ;  b=245
   case("540", "gray97")                ;  newname="gray97"                ;  r=247  ;  g=247  ;  b=247
   case("541", "gray98")                ;  newname="gray98"                ;  r=250  ;  g=250  ;  b=250
   case("542", "gray99")                ;  newname="gray99"                ;  r=252  ;  g=252  ;  b=252
   case("543", "gray100")               ;  newname="gray100"               ;  r=255  ;  g=255  ;  b=255
   case("544", "darkgray")              ;  newname="darkgray"              ;  r=169  ;  g=169  ;  b=169
   case("545", "darkblue")              ;  newname="darkblue"              ;  r=0    ;  g=0    ;  b=139
   case("546", "darkcyan")              ;  newname="darkcyan"              ;  r=0    ;  g=139  ;  b=139
   case("547", "darkmagenta")           ;  newname="darkmagenta"           ;  r=139  ;  g=0    ;  b=139
   case("548", "darkred")               ;  newname="darkred"               ;  r=139  ;  g=0    ;  b=0
   case("549", "lightgreen")            ;  newname="lightgreen"            ;  r=144  ;  g=238  ;  b=144
   case("550", "silver")                ;  newname="silver"                ;  r=192  ;  g=192  ;  b=192
   case("551", "teal")                  ;  newname="teal"                  ;  r=0    ;  g=128  ;  b=128
   case("552", "olive")                 ;  newname="olive"                 ;  r=128  ;  g=128  ;  b=0
   case("553", "lime")                  ;  newname="lime"                  ;  r=0    ;  g=255  ;  b=0
   case("554", "aqua")                  ;  newname="aqua"                  ;  r=0    ;  g=255  ;  b=255
   case("555", "fuchsia")               ;  newname="fuchsia"               ;  r=255  ;  g=0    ;  b=255

   case default                         ;  newname="Unknown"               ;  r=255  ;  g=255  ;  b=255 ! unknown color name

   end select

   if(present(echoname)) then
      echoname = newname
   r=r/2.55; g=g/2.55; b=b/2.55 ! take values from range of 0 to 255 to 0 to 100
end subroutine color_name2rgb
elemental pure function lower(str) result (string)

! ident_15="@(#) M_strings lower(3f) Changes a string to lowercase over specified range"

character(*), intent(In)     :: str
character(len(str))          :: string
integer                      :: i
   string = str
   do i = 1, len_trim(str) ! step thru each letter in the string
      select case (str(i:i))
      case ('A':'Z')
         string(i:i) = char(iachar(str(i:i))+32) ! change letter to miniscule
      case default
      end select
   end do
end function lower
end module M_color