demo_color_name2rgb Program



Source Code


Type Attributes Name Initial
real :: blue
character(len=20) :: echoname
real :: green
integer :: i
character(len=20) :: name
real :: red

Source Code

      program demo_color_name2rgb
      use M_color, only : hue, color_name2rgb
      implicit none
      ! list colors known to colorname2rgb(3f) & corresponding RGB values
      character(len=20) :: name
      character(len=20) :: echoname
      real              :: red,green,blue
      integer           :: i
      TRYALL: do i=1,10000
         ! weird little thing where the color names have aliases
         ! that are numeric strings
         ! get the RGB values and English name of the color
         call color_name2rgb(name,red,green,blue,echoname)
         ! the last color name is "Unknown" so the loop should exit
         if(echoname == 'Unknown')exit TRYALL
         ! display the English name and RGB values for the name
      enddo TRYALL
      !write(*,*)'Number of colors found is ',i-1
      end program demo_color_name2rgb