test_hue Subroutine

public subroutine test_hue()




Source Code


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real, public :: b
real, public :: c
real, public :: g
real, public :: i
real, public :: m
real, public :: q
real, public :: r
integer, public :: status
real, public :: y


subroutine check_name(modelout, name, rgb, other)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: modelout
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer, intent(in) :: rgb(3)
integer, intent(in) :: other(3)

Source Code

subroutine test_hue()
real              :: c, m, y
real              :: r, g, b
real              ::    i, q
integer           :: status
call unit_check_start('hue')
   call hue('cmy',100.0,  0.0,  0.0,'rgb',r,g,b,status)
   call unit_check('hue',all([r.eq.  0.0,g.eq.100.0,b.eq.100.0 ]),'cyan cmy 100 0 0 to rgb',r,g,b)

   call hue('cmy',  0.0,100.0,  0.0,'rgb',r,g,b,status)
   call unit_check('hue',all([r.eq.100.0,g.eq.  0.0,b.eq.100.0 ]),'magenta cmy to rgb')

   call hue('cmy',  0.0,  0.0,100.0,'rgb',r,g,b,status)
   call unit_check('hue',all([r.eq.100.0,g.eq.100.0,b.eq.  0.0 ]),'yellow cmy to rgb')

   call hue('rgb',100.0,  0.0,100.0,'cmy',c,m,y,status)
   call unit_check('hue',all([c.eq.  0.0,m.eq.100.0,y.eq.  0.0 ]),'magenta rgb to cmy')

   call hue('rgb',  0.0,100.0,100.0,'cmy',c,m,y,status)
   call unit_check('hue',all([c.eq.100.0,m.eq.  0.0,y.eq.  0.0 ]),'cyan rgb to cmy')

   call hue('rgb',100.0,100.0,  0.0,'cmy',c,m,y,status)
   call unit_check('hue',all([c.eq.  0.0,m.eq.  0.0,y.eq.100.0 ]),'yellow rgb to cmy')

   call hue('rgb',100.0,  0.0,  100.0,'yiq',y,i,q,status)
   call unit_check('hue',all(abs([y-41.2999992,i-27.43087,q-52.2599983]).lt.0.10),'rgb to yiq',y,i,q,'for green')

   call hue('rgb',  0.0,100.0,  0.0,'yiq',y,i,q,status)
   call unit_check('hue',all(abs([ y-58.70147,i-(-27.43087),q-(-52.29881) ]).lt.0.10),'rgb to yiq',y,i,q,'for magenta')

   call hue('yiq',41.29853,27.43087,52.29881 ,'rgb',r,g,b,status)
   call unit_check('hue',all(abs([r-100.0,  g-0.0,b-100.0]).lt.0.01),msg='yiq to rgb for green')

   call hue('yiq',58.70147,-27.43087,-52.29881,'rgb',r,g,b,status)
   call unit_check('hue',all(abs([r-0.0,g-100.0, b-0.0]).lt.0.01),msg='yiq to rgb for magenta')

   !                      NAME        RGB(0-255)            HLS(0-100)
   call check_name('hls', 'red',      [ 100,  0,    0   ], [ 0,    50,   100 ])
   call check_name('hls', 'orange',   [ 100,  65,   0   ], [ 39,   50,   100 ])
   call check_name('hls', 'yellow',   [ 100,  100,  0   ], [ 60,   50,   100 ])
   call check_name('hls', 'green',    [ 0,    100,  0   ], [ 120,  50,   100 ])
   call check_name('hls', 'cyan',     [ 0,    100,  100 ], [ 180,  50,   100 ])
   call check_name('hls', 'blue',     [ 0,    0,    100 ], [ 240,  50,   100 ])
   call check_name('hls', 'magenta',  [ 100,  0,    100 ], [ 300,  50,   100 ])
   call check_name('hls', 'black',    [ 0,    0,    0   ], [ 0,    0,    0   ])
   call check_name('hls', 'white',    [ 100,  100,  100 ], [ 0,    100,  0   ])
   call check_name('hsv', 'black',    [ 0,    0,    0   ], [ 0,    0,    0   ])
   !                      NAME        RGB(0-255)            HSV(0-100)
   call check_name('hsv', 'gray50',   [ 50,   50,   50  ], [ 0,    0,    50  ])
   call check_name('hsv', 'silver',   [ 75,   75,   75  ], [ 0,    0,    75  ])
   call check_name('hsv', 'white',    [ 100,  100,  100 ], [ 0,    0,    100 ])
   call check_name('hsv', 'red4',     [ 55,   0,    0   ], [ 0,    100,  55  ])
   call check_name('hsv', 'red',      [ 100,  0,    0   ], [ 0,    100,  100 ])
   call check_name('hsv', 'olive',    [ 50,   50,   0   ], [ 60,   100,  50  ])
   call check_name('hsv', 'yellow',   [ 100,  100,  0   ], [ 60,   100,  100 ])
   call check_name('hsv', 'green',    [ 0,    100,  0   ], [ 120,  100,  100 ])
   call check_name('hsv', 'lime',     [ 0,    100,  0   ], [ 120,  100,  100 ])
   call check_name('hsv', 'teal',     [ 0,    50,   50  ], [ 180,  100,  50  ])
   call check_name('hsv', 'cyan',     [ 0,    100,  100 ], [ 180,  100,  100 ])
   call check_name('hsv', 'navy',     [ 0,    0,    50  ], [ 240,  100,  50  ])
   call check_name('hsv', 'blue',     [ 0,    0,    100 ], [ 240,  100,  100 ])
   call check_name('hsv', 'purple',   [ 63,   13,   94  ], [ 277,  87,   94  ])
   call check_name('hsv', 'magenta4', [ 55,   0,    55  ], [ 300,  100,  55  ])
   call check_name('hsv', 'magenta',  [ 100,  0,    100 ], [ 300,  100,  100 ])
   call check_name('hsv', 'maroon',   [ 69,   19,   38  ], [ 338,  73,   69  ])

call unit_check_done('hue')

subroutine check_name(modelout,name,rgb,other)

! given a color convert to MODELOUT and compare to expected values

character(len=*),intent(in)   :: name
integer,intent(in)            :: rgb(3), other(3)
character(len=*),intent(in)   :: modelout
   real                       :: r,g,b
   real                       :: val1,val2,val3
   integer                    :: status

   ! convert RGB values to MODELOUT values
   call hue('rgb',r,g,b,modelout,val1,val2,val3,status)
      write(*,*)'EXPECTED '//modelout//' ====>',other
      write(*,*)'RETURNED '//modelout//' ====>',int([val1+0.5,val2+0.5,val3+0.5])
      write(*,*)'STATUS ==========>',status
   call unit_check('hue', status.eq.0.and.all(abs(int([val1+0.5,val2+0.5,val3+0.5])-other).lt.2 ),'convert from rgb to '//modelout)

end subroutine check_name
end subroutine test_hue