demo_expression Program


Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: ierr
integer :: ilen
character(len=iclen_calc) :: outlin0
doubleprecision :: outval

Source Code

program demo_expression
use M_calculator,      only : iclen_calc
use M_calculator, only : expression
implicit none
character(len=iclen_calc) ::  outlin0
doubleprecision :: outval
integer :: ierr, ilen
   call expression('A=3.4**5    ',outval,outlin0,ierr,ilen)
   write(*,*)'value of expression is ',outval
   write(*,*)'string representation of value is ',trim(outlin0)
   write(*,*)'error flag value is ',ierr
   write(*,*)'length of expression is ',ilen
end program demo_expression