stuff Subroutine

public subroutine stuff(varnam, value, ioflag)


stuff(3f) - [M_calculator] directly store value into calculator dictionary for efficiency


subroutine stuff(varnam,val,ioflag)

class(*),intent(in)         :: varnam
character(len=*),intent(in) :: val
integer,intent(in),optional :: ioflag


breaking the rule of only accessing the calculator thru calculator(3f):

a direct deposit of a value into the calculator assumed to
be used only by friendly calls, for efficiency and to avoid
problems with recursion if a routine called by the calculator
in substitute_subroutine(3f) wants to store something back into the calculator
variable table

Normally values are stored or defined in the calculator module
M_calculator(3fm) using the calculator(3f) routine or the convenience
routines in the module M_calculator(3fm). For efficiency when
large numbers of values require being stored the stuff(3f) procedure
can be used to store numeric values by name in the calculator

breaking the rule of only accessing the calculator thru calculator(3f):

stuff(3f) is assumed to only be used when needed for efficiency and to
avoid problems with recursion if a routine called by the calculator
in substitute_subroutine(3f) wants to store something back into the
calculator variable table.


varnam  name of calculator variable to define or replace val
numeric value to associate with the name VARNAME. May be
        integer, real, or doubleprecision.
ioflag  optional flag to use with journal logging. This string is
        passed directly to M_framework__journal::journal(3f)
        as the first parameter. The default is to not log the
        definitions to the journal(3f) command if this parameter is
        blank or not present.


Sample program:

program demo_stuff
use M_calculator, only : stuff, dnum0
implicit none
doubleprecision :: value
   call stuff('A',10.0)
   call stuff('PI',3.1415926535897932384626433832795)
end program demo_stuff

Expected result:



John S. Urban


Public Domain


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: varnam
class(*), intent(in) :: value
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ioflag

Source Code

subroutine stuff(varnam,value,ioflag)

! ident_14="@(#) M_calculator stuff(3fp) pass key value and integer|real|doubleprecision value to dictionary(3f) as doubleprecision"

character(len=*),intent(in)           :: varnam        ! variable name to add or replace value of
class(*),intent(in)                   :: value
character(len=*),intent(in),optional  :: ioflag

real(kind=dp)                         :: val8          ! input value to store
character(len=:),allocatable          :: varnam_local  ! some trouble with variable length character strings on some machines
integer                               :: ierr
integer                               :: index
integer                               :: istart
   varnam_local=adjustl(trim(varnam))//' '                      ! remove leading spaces but make sure at least one character long
   if(varnam_local(1:1).eq.'$')then                             ! add new variable to numeric value dictionary at specified location
      mssge='*stuff* numeric variable names must not start with a $'
   call locate(keyr_q,varnam_local,index,ierr)
   if(index.le.0)then   ! add entry to dictionary
      call insert(keyr_q,varnam_local,istart)
      call insert(values_d,0.0d0,istart)

   select type(value)
    type is (integer);         val8=dble(value)
    type is (real);            val8=dble(value)
    type is (doubleprecision); val8=value
   end select
   call replace(values_d,val8,istart)
   if(present(ioflag))then                    ! display values with an assumed variable length of 20 characters so get neat columns
end subroutine stuff