calculator Subroutine

public recursive subroutine calculator(inline, outlin, mssg, slast, ierr)

!!!!! could return string values directly instead of thru message field !!!!! make sure normal output values are not left indeterminate


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: inline
character(len=iclen_calc), intent(out) :: outlin
character(len=iclen_calc), intent(out) :: mssg
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: slast
integer, intent(out) :: ierr

Source Code

recursive subroutine calculator(inline,outlin,mssg,slast,ierr)
!     The goal is to create a procedure easily utilized from other
!     programs that takes a standard Fortran value statement and reduces
!     it down to a value, efficiently and using standard Fortran
!     standards where ever feasible.
!  Version 2.0: 03/13/87
!  Version 3.0: 07/11/2013
!  Version 5.0: 07/16/2013
!  o  adjacent powers are done left to right, not right to left
!  o  code does not prevent - and + beside an other operator.
!  o  no check on whether user input more characters than allowed.
!     no check on whether line expansion ever causes line length to
!     exceed allowable number of characters.
!     number of characters to prevent over-expansion would currently be
!     23 digits per number max*(input number of characters/2+1).
!  o  allowing for ixy_calc arguments in max and min seems too high. if reducing
!     array size helps significantly in costs, do so.
!  o  parentheses are required on a function call.
!  o  square brackets [] are equivalent to parenthesis ().
!  2. need a generic help function to list commands and functions
!  3. allow multiple expressions per line with a semi-colon between them
!     (like the parse functions).
!  4. make a function to fill x and y arrays, or to read values into them
!     from a file; and make some statistical functions that work on the
!     arrays.
!  6. allow user-written functions to be called from funcs_ routine.
!  7. allow for user-defined arrays and array operations.
!  12/07/87 --- put in an implicit real (a-h,o-z) statement in each
!              procedure so that it could quickly be changed to
!              implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) for a vax. be careful of
!              type mismatch between external functions and the
!              real variables.
!              use following xedit commands where periods denote
!              spaces
!              c/implicit real../implicit real*8./ *
! 12/11/87  --- changed ifix calls to int calls as ifix on vax does
!              not allow real*8 in ifix calls
! 12/11/87  --- moving all prints out of column 1 so it is not picked
!              out by vax as carriage control.
! 12/28/87  --- put bn format specifier into a_to_d_ routine because
!              vax assumes zero fill
! 06/23/88  --- making a first cut at allowing string variables.
!               1. string variable names must start with a dollar-sign
!               2. strings can only be up to (iclen_calc) characters long
!               3. they will be returned in the message string to
!                  the calling program
!               4. input strings must be delimited with double quotes.
!                  to place a double quote into the string, put two
!                  double quotes adjacent to each other.
!               5. a flag value for ier to distinguish between string
!                  and numeric output?
!subroutine calculator(inline,outlin,mssg,slast,ierr)

! ident_1="@(#) M_calculator calculator(3f) The procedure CALCULATOR(3f) acts like a calculator"

character(len=*),intent(in)            :: inline
character(len=iclen_calc),intent(out)  :: outlin
character(len=iclen_calc),intent(out)  :: mssg
real(kind=dp),intent(out)              :: slast
integer,intent(out)                    :: ierr
character(len=icbuf_calc)              :: line
character(len=iclen_calc)              :: varnam
character(len=iclen_calc)              :: junout
real(kind=dp),save                     :: rlast=0.0_dp
integer                                :: i10
integer                                :: i20
integer                                :: idum
integer                                :: imax
integer                                :: indx
integer                                :: iplace
integer                                :: istart
integer                                :: nchar2
integer                                :: nchard
   line=inline                                      ! set working string to initial input line
   imax=len(inline)                                 ! determine the length of the input line
   mssg=' '                                         ! set returned message/error/string value string to a blank
   outlin=' '
   BIG: do                                          ! for $A=numeric and A=string
      ierr=1                                           ! set status flag to message mode
      mssge=' '                                        ! set message/error/string value in GLOBAL to a blank
      varnam=' '
      call squeeze_(line,imax,nchard,varnam,nchar2,ierr) ! preprocess the string: remove blanks and process special characters
                                                         ! also remove all quoted strings and replace them with a token
      if(ierr.eq.-1)then                ! if an error occurred during preprocessing of the string, set returned message and quit
         slast=rlast                    ! set returned real value to last good calculated value
         mssg=mssge                     ! place internal message from GLOBAL into message returned to user
      elseif(nchard.eq.0)then  ! if a blank input string was entered report it as an error and quit
         mssg='*calculator* input line was empty'
      elseif(line(1:nchard).eq.'dump')then ! process dump command
         write(*,g)' current value= ',last
         write(*,g)' variable name       variable value     '
            do i10=1,size(keyr_q)
               if(keyr_q(i10).ne.' ')then
                  write(junout,'('' '',2a,g23.16e3)')keyr_q(i10),' ',values_d(i10)
            do i20=1,size(keys_q)
               if(keys_q(i20).ne.' ')then
                  write(junout,'('' '',3a)')keys_q(i20),' ',values(i20)(:values_len(i20))
         mssg='variable listing complete'
      elseif(line(1:nchard).eq.'funcs') then     ! process funcs command
         call help_funcs_()
         mssg='function listing complete'
      else                                                ! this is an input line to process
         call parens_(line,nchard,ierr)                   ! process the command
         if(ierr.eq.0)then                 ! if no errors occurred set output string, store the value as last, store any variable
                                           ! numeric value with no errors, assume nchard is 23 or less
            outlin=line(1:nchard)                         ! set string output value
            last=line(1:nchard)                           ! store last value (for use with question-mark token)
            call a_to_d_(last(1:nchard),rlast,idum)       ! set real number output value
            if('$')then    ! if the statement defines a variable make sure variable name is stored
               call locate(keyr_q,varnam(:nchar2),indx,ierr) ! determine placement of the variable and whether it is new
                  slast=rlast                             ! set returned real value to last good calculated value
                  mssg=mssge                              ! place internal message from GLOBAL into message returned to user
               if(indx.le.0)then                          ! if the variable needs added, add it
                  call insert(keyr_q,varnam(:nchar2),istart)
                  call insert(values_d,0.0d0,istart)
               call a_to_d_(last(1:nchard),values_d(iabs(indx)),ierr)  ! store a defined variable's value
            elseif(                       ! numeric value to string
               line(:)=' '
               imax=len_trim(line)                        ! determine the length of the input line
               cycle BIG
         elseif(ierr.eq.2)then ! returned output is not numeric, but alphanumeric (it is a string)
!!!!!!!  could return string values directly instead of thru message field
!!!!!!!  make sure normal output values are not left indeterminate
            mssg=mssge                                    ! set returned string value to returned string value
            if('$')then    ! if the statement defines a variable make sure variable name is stored
               call locate(keys_q,varnam(:nchar2),indx,ierr) ! determine placement of the variable and whether it is new
                  slast=rlast                             ! set returned real value to last good calculated value
                  mssg=mssge                              ! place internal message from GLOBAL into message returned to user
               if(indx.le.0)then                             ! if the variable needs added, add it
                  call insert(keys_q,varnam(:nchar2),iplace) ! adding the new variable name to the variable name array
                  call insert(values,' '            ,iplace)
                  call insert(values_len,0              ,iplace)
               call replace(values,mssg,iplace)
               call replace(values_len,len_trim(mssg),iplace)
               rlast=dble(values_len(iplace))             ! returned value is length of string when string is returned
            elseif(                       ! string but being stored to numeric variable
                imax=len_trim(line)                       ! determine the length of the input line
                cycle BIG
            else                                          ! a string function with an assignment to it (for example "Hello"
               rlast=len_trim(mssg)                       ! probably should pass message length up from someplace
      exit BIG
   enddo BIG
   slast=rlast                                            ! set returned value to last successfully calculated real value
end subroutine calculator