s2c(3f) - [M_strings:ARRAY] convert character variable to array of characters with last element set to null (LICENSE:PD)
pure function s2c(string) RESULT (array) character(len=*),intent=(in) :: string character(len=1),allocatable :: s2c(:)
Given a character variable convert it to an array of single-character character variables with the last element set to a null character. This is generally used to pass character variables to C procedures.
character(len=3),allocatable :: array(:)
integer :: i ! put one character into each 3-character element of array array = [(string(i:i),i=1,len(string))] ! write array with ASCII Decimal Equivalent below it except show ! unprintable characters like NULL as "XXX" write(*,g) merge(XXX,array,iachar(array(:)(1:1)) < 32) write(*,g) iachar(array(:)(1:1)) Sample Program:
program demo_s2c use M_strings, only : s2c implicit none character(len=*),parameter :: string="single string" character(len=*),parameter :: g= (1x,*("[",g3.3,"]":)) character(len=3),allocatable :: array(:) write(*,*)INPUT STRING ,trim(string) ! put one character into each 3-character element of array array=s2c(string) ! write array with ASCII Decimal Equivalent below it except show ! unprintable characters like NULL as "XXX" write(*,g) merge(XXX,array,iachar(array(:)(1:1)) < 32) write(*,g) iachar(array(:)(1:1)) end program demo_s2cExpected output:
INPUT STRING single string [s ][i ][n ][g ][l ][e ][ ][s ][t ][r ][i ][n ][g ][XXX] [115][105][110][103][108][101][ 32][115][116][114][105][110][103][ 0]
John S. Urban
Public Domain
Nemo Release 3.1 | s2c (3m_strings) | January 10, 2025 |