quote(3f) - [M_strings:QUOTES] add quotes to string as if written with list-directed output (LICENSE:PD)
function quote(str,mode,clip) result (quoted_str)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: str character(len=*),optional,intent(in) :: mode logical,optional,intent(in) :: clip character(len=:),allocatable :: quoted_str
Add quotes to a CHARACTER variable as if it was written using list-directed output. This is particularly useful for processing strings to add to CSV files.
str input string to add quotes to, using the rules of list-directed output (single quotes are replaced by two adjacent quotes) mode alternate quoting methods are supported: DOUBLE default. replace quote with double quotes ESCAPE replace quotes with backslash-quote instead of double quotes
clip default is to trim leading and trailing spaces from the string. If CLIP is .FALSE. spaces are not trimmed
quoted_str The output string, which is based on adding quotes to STR.
Sample program:
program demo_quote use M_strings, only : quote implicit none integer :: i character(len=*),parameter :: f=(*(g0)) character(len=:),allocatable :: str character(len=80),parameter :: data(3)=[character(len=80)::& test string,& quote=",& "word1" "word2"] do i=1,size(data) ! the original string write(*,(a))ORIGINAL //trim(data(i))Results:! the string processed by quote(3f) str=quote(data(i)) write(*,(a))QUOTED //str
! write the string list-directed to compare the results write(*,f,advance=no) LIST DIRECTED ! default is often NONE or APOSTROPHE write(*,*,delim=quote) trim(data(i)) enddo end program demo_quote
> ORIGINAL test string > QUOTED "test string" > LIST DIRECTED "test string" > ORIGINAL quote=" > QUOTED "quote=""" > LIST DIRECTED "quote=""" > ORIGINAL "word1" "word2" > QUOTED """word1"" ""word2""" > LIST DIRECTED """word1"" ""word2"""
John S. Urban
Public Domain
Nemo Release 3.1 | quote (3m_strings) | January 10, 2025 |