isnumber(3f) - [M_strings:TYPE] determine if a string represents a number (LICENSE:PD)
function isnumber(str,msg)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: str character(len=:),intent(out),allocatable,optional :: msg
ISNUMBER(3f) returns a value greater than zero if the string represents a number, and a number less than or equal to zero if it is a bad number. Blank characters are ignored.
str the string to evaluate as to whether it represents a numeric value or not msg An optional message describing the string
values less than 1 represent an error
isnumber the following values are returned
1 for an integer [-+]NNNNN 2 for a whole number [-+]NNNNN. 3 for a real value [-+]NNNNN.MMMM 4 for a exponential value [-+]NNNNN.MMMM[-+]LLLL [-+]NNNNN.MMMM[ed][-+]LLLL
As the example shows, you can use an internal READ(3f) along with the IOSTAT= parameter to check (and read) a string as well.
program demo_isnumber use M_strings, only : isnumber implicit none character(len=256) :: line real :: value integer :: ios1, ios2 integer :: answer character(len=256) :: message character(len=:),allocatable :: description write(*,*)Begin entering values, one per line do read(*,(a),iostat=ios1)line ! ! try string as number using list-directed input line= read(line,*,iostat=ios2,iomsg=message) value if(ios2 == 0)then write(*,*)VALUE=,value elseif( is_iostat_end(ios1) ) then stop end of file else write(*,*)ERROR:,ios2,trim(message) endif ! ! try string using isnumber(3f) answer=isnumber(line,msg=description) if(answer > 0)then write(*,*) & & for ,trim(line), ,answer,:,description else write(*,*) & & ERROR for ,trim(line), ,answer,:,description endif ! enddo end program demo_isnumberExample run
> Begin entering values > ERROR: -1 End of file > ERROR for -1 :null string >10 > VALUE= 10.0000000 > for 10 1 :integer >20 > VALUE= 20.0000000 > for 20 1 :integer >20. > VALUE= 20.0000000 > for 20. 2 :whole number >30.1 > VALUE= 30.1000004 > for 30.1 3 :real number >3e1 > VALUE= 30.0000000 > for 3e1 4 :value with exponent >1-2 > VALUE= 9.99999978E-03 > for 1-2 4 :value with exponent >100.22d-4 > VALUE= 1.00220004E-02 > for 100.22d-4 4 :value with exponent >1--2 > ERROR: 5010 Bad real number in item 1 of list input > ERROR for 1--2 -5 :bad number >e > ERROR: 5010 Bad real number in item 1 of list input > ERROR for e -6 :missing leading value before exponent >e1 > ERROR: 5010 Bad real number in item 1 of list input > ERROR for e1 -6 :missing leading value before exponent >1e > ERROR: 5010 Bad real number in item 1 of list input > ERROR for 1e -3 :missing exponent >1e+ > ERROR: 5010 Bad real number in item 1 of list input > ERROR for 1e+ -4 :missing exponent after sign >1e+2.0 > ERROR: 5010 Bad real number in item 1 of list input > ERROR for 1e+2.0 -5 :bad number
John S. Urban
Public Domain
Nemo Release 3.1 | isnumber (3m_strings) | January 10, 2025 |