Manual Reference Pages  - swap_any (3m_sort)


swap_any(3f) - [M_sort] subroutine swaps two variables of like type (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine swap_any(X,Y)


Generic subroutine swap_any(GEN1,GEN2) swaps any two variables of like type.

On output, the values of X and Y have been interchanged. Swapping is commonly required in procedures that sort data.



Example program:

   program demo_swap_any
   use M_sort, only : swap_any
   integer             :: iarray(2)=[10,20]
   real                :: rarray(2)=[11.11,22.22]
   doubleprecision     :: darray(2)=[1234.56789d0,9876.54321d0]
   complex             :: carray(2)=[(1234,56789),(9876,54321)]
   logical             :: larray(2)=[.true.,.false.]
   character(len=16)   :: string(2)=["First string    ","The other string"]

integer :: one(13)=1 integer :: two(13)=2

integer :: one2(3,3)=1 integer :: two2(3,3)=2

print *, "integers before swap_any ", iarray call swap_any (iarray(1), iarray(2)) print *, "integers after swap_any ", iarray

print *, "reals before swap_any ", rarray call swap_any (rarray(1), rarray(2)) print *, "reals after swap_any ", rarray

print *, "doubles before swap_any ", darray call swap_any (darray(1), darray(2)) print *, "doubles after swap_any ", darray

print *, "complexes before swap_any ", carray call swap_any (carray(1), carray(2)) print *, "complexes after swap_any ", carray

print *, "logicals before swap_any ", larray call swap_any (larray(1), larray(2)) print *, "logicals after swap_any ", larray

print *, "strings before swap_any ", string call swap_any (string(1), string(2)) print *, "strings after swap_any ", string

write(*,*)’swap_any two vectors’ write(*,’("one before: ",*(i0,:","))’) one write(*,’("two before: ",*(i0,:","))’) two call swap_any(one,two) write(*,’("one after: ",*(i0,:","))’) one write(*,’("two after: ",*(i0,:","))’) two

write(*,*)’given these arrays initially each time ’ one2=1 two2=2 call printarrays()

write(*,*)’GETS THIS WRONG’ write(*,*)’swap_any two rows’ one2=1 two2=2 call swap_any(one2(2,:),two2(3,:)) call printarrays()

write(*,*)’GETS THIS WRONG’ write(*,*)’swap_any two columns’ one2=1 two2=2 call swap_any(one2(:,2),two2(:,2)) call printarrays()

write(*,*)’CANNOT DO MULTI-DIMENSIONAL ARRAYS YET’ write(*,*)’swap_any two arrays with same number of elements’ one2=1 two2=2 !call swap_any(one2,two2) !call printarrays()

contains subroutine printarrays() integer :: i do i=1,size(one2(1,:)) write(*,’(*(i0,:","))’) one2(i,:) enddo write(*,*) do i=1,size(two2(1,:)) write(*,’(*(i0,:","))’) two2(i,:) enddo end subroutine printarrays

end program demo_swap_any

Expected Results:

   > integers before swap_any           10          20
   > integers after swap_any            20          10
   > reals before swap_any    11.1099997       22.2199993
   > reals after swap_any     22.2199993       11.1099997
   > doubles before swap_any   1234.5678900000000        9876.5432099999998
   > doubles after swap_any    9876.5432099999998        1234.5678900000000
   > complexes before swap_any (1234.00000,56789.0000) (9876.00000,54321.0000)
   > complexes after swap_any  (9876.00000,54321.0000) (1234.00000,56789.0000)
   > logicals before swap_any  T F
   > logicals after swap_any   F T
   > strings before swap_any First string    The other string
   > strings after swap_any The other stringFirst string
   > swap_any two vectors
   >one before: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
   >two before: 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
   >one after: 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
   >two after: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
   > given these arrays initially each time
   > swap_any two rows
   > swap_any two columns
   > swap_any two arrays with same number of elements

Nemo Release 3.1 swap_any (3m_sort) July 09, 2023
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