Manual Reference Pages  - sort_heap (3m_sort)


sort_heap(3f) - [M_sort:sort:heapsort] indexed sort of an array (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine sort_heap(dat,indx)

      TYPE,intent(in) :: dat
      integer,intent(out) :: indx(size(dat))


An indexed sort of an array. The data is not moved. An integer array is generated instead with values that are indices to the sorted order of the data. This requires a second array the size of the input array, which for large arrays could require a significant amount of memory. One major advantage of this method is that any element of a user-defined type that is a scalar intrinsic can be used to provide the sort data and subsequently the indices can be used to access the entire user-defined type in sorted order. This makes this seemingly simple sort procedure usuable with the vast majority of user-defined types.


DAT an array of type REAL, INTEGER, or CHARACTER(KIND=kind(’A’) to be sorted


INDX an INTEGER array of default kind that contains the sorted indices.


Sample usage:

   program demo_sort_heap
   use M_sort, only : sort_heap
   implicit none
   integer,parameter            :: isz=10000
   real                         :: rr(isz)
   integer                      :: ii(isz)
   character(len=63)            :: cc(isz)
   integer                      :: indx(isz)
   integer                      :: i
   write(*,*)’initializing array with ’,isz,’ random numbers’
   do i=1,size(cc)
      & ’abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ’, &
      & len(cc))

write(*,*)’checking if real values are sorted(3f)’ call sort_heap(rr,indx) ! use the index array to actually move the input array into a sorted order rr=rr(indx) do i=1,isz-1 if(rr(i).gt.rr(i+1))then write(*,*)’Error in sorting reals small to large ’,i,rr(i),rr(i+1) endif enddo write(*,*)’test of real sort_heap(3f) complete’

write(*,*)’checking if integer values are sorted(3f)’ call sort_heap(ii,indx) ! use the index array to actually move the input array into a sorted order ii=ii(indx) do i=1,isz-1 if(ii(i).gt.ii(i+1))then write(*,*)’Error sorting integers small to large ’,i,ii(i),ii(i+1) endif enddo write(*,*)’test of integer sort_heap(3f) complete’

write(*,*)’checking if character values are sorted(3f)’ call sort_heap(cc,indx) ! use the index array to actually move the input array into a sorted order cc=cc(indx) do i=1,isz-1 if(cc(i) write(*,*)’Error sorting characters small to large ’,i,cc(i),cc(i+1) endif enddo write(*,*)’test of character sort_heap(3f) complete’


function random_string(chars,length) result(out)

! create random string from provided chars

character(len=*),intent(in) :: chars integer,intent(in) :: length character(len=:),allocatable :: out real :: x integer :: ilen ! length of list of characters integer :: which integer :: i ilen=len(chars) out=’’ if( do i=1,length call random_number(x) which=nint(real(ilen-1)*x)+1 out=out//chars(which:which) enddo endif end function random_string

end program demo_sort_heap


    initializing array with        10000  random numbers
    checking if real values are sorted(3f)
    test of real sort_heap(3f) complete
    checking if integer values are sorted(3f)
    test of integer sort_heap(3f) complete
    checking if character values are sorted(3f)
    test of character sort_heap(3f) complete

Nemo Release 3.1 sort_heap (3m_sort) July 09, 2023
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